🐘 John Maxwell (jmax@mastodon.social)


Reluctantly aging geek.
I miss you, Hobbes.

Joined: 2022-12-12


2024-12-15 jmax ┃ RE: petergleick

@petergleick When, in fact, they're Starlink satellites.


2024-12-14 jmax ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird Sadly, I don't think it will continue to be possible to work where I do without compromising my values. Job hunting to avoid the issue.


2024-12-13 jmax ┃ 1👤 ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird @FinalOverdrive Tell us about ducks and squids please, Ms. Futurebird.


2024-12-10 jmax ┃ RE: petergleick

@petergleick The appropriate technical description here is "getting high on your inventory", which I believe is generally considered a bad practice.


2024-12-04 jmax ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird - Whatever their flaws, the kids are humans. AI isn't.

2024-12-04 jmax ┃ 1💬 ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird Is stupid in ways that aren't typical for humans.

2024-12-04 jmax ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird - Go old school. Seals on clay tablets and envelopes.


2024-12-03 jmax ┃ edited ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird What eggs?


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