🐘 Rastal (Rastal@mastodon.social)



Computer nerd. Mostly doing Linux systems administration. Software tinkerer. Open source advocate and infosec enthusiast. 🚴
#linux #sysadmin #infosec #opensource #foss

Joined: 2019-03-24


Location:: 🇬🇧


2024-12-11 Rastal ┃ edited ┃ 1#️ ┃ RE: briankrebs

@briankrebs Getting into classic cars might be the solution... they don't have any of the modern spyware and they don't tend to lose value either, unlike new cars which lose thousands the […]


2024-12-04 Rastal ┃ 2#️ 1💬 ┃ RE: bagder

@bagder If only Arch Linux had an "Arch Linux Foundation" we could include the AUR and their tens of thousands of packages...
#archlinux #linux


2024-12-02 Rastal ┃ RE: gamingonlinux

@gamingonlinux 2% is a 100% increase on what it was a few years ago 🎉


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