👽 Jessamyn (jessamyn@glammr.us)



Rural tech geek. Researcher. Librarian resistance. Moss collector. Postcard enjoyer. I own MetaFilter. ✉️ box 345 05060 ✉️ (she/her)

Joined: 2022-11-15

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2024-12-17 jessamyn ┃ 1🔗 ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird I have other problems. :lolsob:

2024-12-17 jessamyn ┃ 1💬 ┃ RE: futurebird

@futurebird I am very very mercenary about books in the house so my TBR pile is currently seven on the Kindle, two non-fic print books, and four fiction print books. As a percentage of my books […]


2024-12-11 jessamyn ┃ RE: evan

@evan Doesn't solve a problem for me personally but I can see how that would work for people.
In short: if I suggested this for my workplace, it would become my thing. I don't want another […]


2024-12-10 jessamyn ┃ 1💬 ┃ RE: evan

@evan I'm on a trusted instance for work and personal (two accounts) and I prefer that. I like my job a good deal but running an instance (as opposed to just being on Mastodon) would be a thing […]


2024-12-07 jessamyn ┃ RE: evan

@evan Since I live in a rural area, unless I am going to the few places this Amtrak line goes (mainly NYC) I am usually going to be in a car. I can do some combination of bus/car but it doubles […]

2024-12-07 jessamyn ┃ RE: evan

@evan I see OK as two similar things. OK as in "OK, but not great" or OK as in "OK fine!" I see the answer here, for me, as the former but not the latter so I said somewhat agree. I don't […]


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