👽 ity (ity@estradiol.city)


Be gay, do crime 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ :3
creature that is an expert at flustering cuties :neocat_blush_hide: - @BlankEclair

Joined: 2024-07-13

Gayness: 100

Pronouns: she/her


2024-12-04 ity ┃ RE: BrodieOnLinux

@BrodieOnLinux Well, we can never know what was the target audience, considering...
That's such a dark joke (which is in-theme with Berserk) I'm sorry x3

2024-12-04 ity ┃ 1💬 ┃ RE: BrodieOnLinux

@BrodieOnLinux they said *THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS*. There's certainly some young Japanese girls that enjoy Berserk, yk :3


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