👽 Kevin (kevin@dice.camp)



Posts deleted after one month

Joined: 2022-04-28



2024-12-13 kevin ┃ 1👤 ┃ RE: kensanata

@kensanata @nickdrawthing My only suggestion is not doing it too close to game night. Friday might be too close to a Monday game for the DM to find a replacement, come up with in-game reasons, […]

2024-12-13 kevin ┃ RE: kensanata

@kensanata The torrent wouldn't work for me but rsync'd. Thanks!


2024-12-11 kevin ┃ RE: verge

@verge No one is going to ditch Steam for that


2024-12-09 kevin ┃ RE: stefan

@stefan There's a fedi bot that helped me remember to do it by nagging people that post without them.


2024-12-06 kevin ┃ edited ┃ RE: dansup

@dansup Love this album. Edit: And all these years I had no idea of the sound source he used, for example Archangel!!


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