👽 Khleedril (khleedril@cyberplace.social)


Recreational maths and computing, sci-fi reading and writing, appreciation of fine art and planet Earth.
Avatar AltText: disc-shaped spacecraft hurtling flat-ways through space, accommodation blocks crowd the front face, a particle accelerator ring runs around the circumference, with back-firing rocket motors appearing at intervals around the ring.

Joined: 2023-08-27

Currently reading: The Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut



Currently writing


2024-11-29 khleedril ┃ RE: evan

@evan In an ideal world, everybody would have their own server. As it is, it would seem that a few big open ones are the best bet for longevity and posterity of digital intercourse.


2024-11-20 khleedril ┃ RE: briankrebs

@briankrebs Now that they are going to supply land mines, they'd better recall all personnel they have on the ground...


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