👽 Softwarewolf (faoluin@chitter.xyz)



Furry on main. I mostly make dumb jokes, bark at squirrels, and gripe about tech. 18+ only please.

Joined: 2018-08-16

Webbed Site

Pronouns: He/Him


2024-12-11 faoluin ┃ RE: nytpu

@nytpu netlog?


2024-12-09 faoluin ┃ RE: BrodieOnLinux

@BrodieOnLinux Time to change registrars and sue the fuck out of some bastards.


2024-12-07 faoluin ┃ RE: nytpu

@nytpu And a birdie 🐦‍⬛


2024-12-06 faoluin ┃ RE: acdw

@acdw I'm watching you wazowski
Always watching you


2024-12-03 faoluin ┃ RE: nytpu

@nytpu I had The Great Mighty Poo stuck in my head recently.

2024-12-03 faoluin ┃ RE: nytpu

@nytpu Oh what a world, what a world! Who would have thought a good little squirrel like you could destroy my beautiful clagginess!


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