👽 Manawyrm | Sarah (manawyrm@chaos.social)



your friendly neighborhood infrastructure cat, late-20s, 🏳️‍🌈 :trans_flag: :blahaj:
posts may contain old computers, networking, arm64 or ham radio, will bite :3

Joined: 2018-09-02

location: Kiel, Europe

accept-language: de-DE,en-US

x-pronouns: she/her



2024-12-11 manawyrm ┃ 1💬 ┃ RE: leah

@leah is that the right way around? <= vs. >=?
anyway, BMCs are all running 3.18 for sure, so that's not very nice.

2024-12-11 manawyrm ┃ RE: leah

@leah i killed the last perl 4 code back in 2015... so probably none of that left.
no idea about any other perl versions :P
but given that even debian oldstable already shipped 5.32, i voted […]


2024-12-02 manawyrm ┃ 1👤 ┃ RE: marcan

@marcan @dangoodin "Korea's Best of the Best" 😹 😹 😹


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