2024-11-21 screwtape β 3π 10#οΈ 2π¬
#gamedev #itch_io #devlog
Okay I am hearing your RESOUNDING SILENCE
so I wrote a README and I encourage you to follow Egbert's lead as a hashtag game on the mastodon, tagged with #lispmoo2jam [β¦]
2024-11-19 screwtape β 6π 10#οΈ 1π€
#lispyGopherClimate Pre-rec today. I got pulled away again.
000UTC every Wednesday on anonradio.net:8443/anonradio
#peertube Fallback: toobnix.org/w/cPtNtBAUwrjsjHVrβ¦
2024-11-18 screwtape β 1π 9#οΈ
#GOFAI #itch_io #devlog #gamedev #lispgames #commonlisp #moo
2024-11-17 screwtape β 2π 5#οΈ 1π€ 1π¬
This works really nicely. #maxima #-interface #lisp #commonLisp #CAS #mathematics
I ended up using quicklisp.org to drag in maxima (but cloning your [β¦]
2024-11-17 screwtape β 1π 6#οΈ
#itch_io #gameJam #textAdventure #commonLisp #moo [dsl]
I made the lowest-bar-imagineable common-lisp mcclim game jam. #lispmoo2Jam
One thing I'm seeking is object [β¦]
2024-11-17 screwtape β 2π 11#οΈ
Viz the discussion of #memory and #programming and memories of Richard C. Waters' memory and programming,
I adopted Waters' #MIT #AI Memo on #Series for lispmoo2 (#MOO DSL in [β¦]
2024-11-05 screwtape β 1π 8#οΈ
#lisp #sorta
My very own #computingRevolution. It feels like that anyway. I guess I'm just cyber-spatially organising #commonLisp code in a #moo #VR ? Is this [β¦]
2024-11-03 screwtape β 1π 5#οΈ
#commonLisp #lispGameJam itch.io/post/11290536 #submission #gameJam #itch_io
so, as you can read there, all you can do is awkwardly walk in cardinal directions, pick up a ring and give it to a [β¦]
2024-11-02 screwtape β 1π 8#οΈ 1π¬ β RE: screwtape
I fixed the hideous
(verb-plist :verb 'com-@create :dobj '$room :prep :named :iobj 'start-locn)
2024-11-02 screwtape β 1π 7#οΈ 1π¬
#LispGameJam #itch_io #gamedev #commonlisp #Muddish
In a rare act of explicit planning, in this #devlog I decide before hand what I intend to happen in my #gameJam this [β¦]