Why I Suddenly Switched To ProtonMail Yesterday

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1: My Finger

As anyone who has looked at my Finger profile before may remember, I used to use Tutanota. At the time, I chose Tutanota because of some news articles I had been reading about [2]that time ProtonMail logged a climate activist's IP address (due to a court order), leading to their arrest; and I had also heard about [3]Tutanota's post-quantum encryption, which altogether made Tutanota seem the superior email provider.

2: https://www.euronews.com/next/2021/09/07/protonmail-criticised-for-passing-arrested-french-climate-activist-s-ip-address-to-police

3: https://tutanota.com/blog/posts/pqmail-update/

Of course, I had been using Disroot before that, which stores data unencrypted on the server, so even something as simple as a Caesar cypher would technically still be a step up.

I already had a Proton account, but I only used the VPN. Besides, I had chosen "OrangeOsborne" as my username, not realising that my email address would be OrangeOsborne@protonmail.com, which doesn't look right thanks to the capitalisation. That's half the reason why today I deleted my Proton account and made a new one with a more professional email address.

The other reason why I deleted my old account was because of SPAM. About two years ago, I got interested in what was once known as Web3. Brave Browser, cryptocurrency, LBRY, IPFS, and blockchain; but never NFTs. I never earned anything worth more than 3p (around 4¢ in America, or $13.67 in Zimbabwe), but I did use my original ProtonMail address to sign up to all of my dodgy crypto stuff. When I cracked the inbox back open again a week ago, I almost felt sorry for it. Thank fuck I didn't end up as a crypto bro.

I recently started finding more reasons why I should use ProtonMail instead.

For one, when I tried to migrate my fruux calendars across to Tutanota, I discovered that the free tier only lets you have one calendar. Meanwhile, Proton lets you have three.

Then there's the matter of PGP encryption, which Tutanota does not support. Sure, it has its own post-quantum stuff; but with Proton I can set sourcehut to send me fully encrypted emails thanks to its PGP support.

There's also a cost element. I can upgrade my Proton account to improve my experience with ProtonMail, ProtonVPN, ProtonCalendar, ProtonDrive, and (though I use Bitwarden) ProtonPass in one fell swoop. I can also unlock Proton Bridge, which would let me use my ProtonMail address in every good email client from NeoMutt to Thunderbird to Trojitá. Tutanota, meanwhile, offers less in the way of upgrades. Sure, I'd get more storage and functionality out of the mail and calendar, but that's less of an improvement. Also, in that scenario, I'd still be on the free tier of ProtonVPN.

And that brings me onto possibly the only truly annoying part of Tutanota: the search function. Let me put it like this. If the search bar doesn't let me search through my mailbox properly, then what is the point. I'm an A-Level student who has recently discovered they have no fucking clue where their biology data is, because their email provider seemingly swallowed it. I needn't say that Proton just works.

Finally, there are the tiny features. Proton has far more settings that do not require an upgrade; Proton has more theming options, which also look nicer (in my opinion); and ProtonMail is supported as the default email client on iOS by many apps. Not to mention that, despite the controversy involving that climate activist, Proton is based in Switzerland; and Switzerland has some of the tightest data privacy laws in the world.

And that, friends, is why I suddenly switched to ProtonMail yesterday. Sorry for the long post, here's a potato:

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EDIT: As of 24/05/2024, I have switched to Posteo. This is because it has built-in IMAP support, it's easier to use PGP, and it's cheaper than Mail Plus.