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fdd7555a0f71e86e65f6a238c31cd5c07ef4286f - Matthew Ernisse - 1612579870

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diff --git a/cgi-bin/converter b/cgi-bin/converter
index a56513d..ef680bf 100755
--- a/cgi-bin/converter
+++ b/cgi-bin/converter
@@ -107,6 +107,18 @@ Display a number in binary, decimal and hexadecimal.  If your input cannot be re
+def ender(i):
+	s = {
+		42: 'Life, The Universe, and Everything',
+		69: 'Nice',
+		420: 'Nice',
+		1701: 'The Final Frontier',
+		2257: 'The dawn of the third age',
+	}
+	return f' ({s[i]})\n\n' if i in s.keys() else '\n\n'
 def pretty_binary(i):
 	j = bin(i)[2:]
 	out = []
@@ -128,7 +140,7 @@ def result_table(cgi, input, b, d, h):
 	output = f'# Input\n{input}\n\n'
 	output += f'## Binary Representation\n{b}\n\n'
-	output += f'## Decimal Representation\n{d}\n\n'
+	output += f'## Decimal Representation\n{d}{ender(d)}'
 	output += f'## Hexadecimal Representation\n0x{h}\n\n'
 	output += f'=> {BACK_LINK}	Back\n'
 	output += f'=> /	Home'