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607a9f442b523cf7522dfdf8a3f29e8d95bb9965 - Matthew Ernisse - 1649385449

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diff --git a/users/mernisse/articles/26.gmi b/users/mernisse/articles/26.gmi
index c267b71..6001da6 100644
--- a/users/mernisse/articles/26.gmi
+++ b/users/mernisse/articles/26.gmi
@@ -7,28 +7,29 @@ the illusion that there was any way to hold back the insanity of people.
 My frustrations were mounting and I found solace in reading things from
 similarly beset individuals.  Simon Travaglia's BOFH[1] was an early
 companion.  There were also forums, mailing lists and USENET news groups
-where one could express themselves.
+where one could express themselves.  Over the years I stopped using most
+of these things, largely because I entered a form of recovery from the
+systems administration trade and went into a somewhat more well thanked
+field... sales.  Late last year though I went and started poking around
+USENET again.  It is much less active than before however it is still
+there (it predates the Internet, after all) and there are still interesting
+topics being discussed regularly.  It got me thinking a bit about my
+website[2] and I was about to start working on a NNTP frontend when I
+discovered that the kind soul who wrote gmane[3] also wrote a RSS to
+news gateway, gwene[4].  I promptly submitted my RSS feed and registered
+the newsgroup[5].  It does a pretty good job,
+though since my RSS feed contains HTML you will want a news reader that
+understands HTML.  That being said I render a pretty minimal markup for
+RSS articles and I include the full article text so it should be a
+pretty good experience to read for gemini enthusiasts.  If you fancy
+looking at a more-often updated collection of mostly technical things
+I encourage you to take a peek.  For the generally interested there is
+also a USENET group for gemini as well, it's lightly active but seems
+mostly friendly.  You can find at comp.infosystems.gemini[6].
-=> [1]
-Over the years I stopped using most of these things, largely because I
-entered a form of recovery from the systems administration trade and went
-into a somewhat more well thanked field... sales.  Late last year though
-I went and started poking around USENET again.  It is much less active
-than before however it is still there (it predates the Internet, after all)
-and there are still interesting topics being discussed regularly.  It
-got me thinking a bit about my website[2] and I was about start working
-on a NNTP frontend when I discovered that the kind soul who wrote
-gmane[3] also wrote a RSS to news gateway, gwene[4].  I promptly put my
-RSS feed and registered the newsgroup[5].
-=> nntp://
-It does a pretty good job, though since my RSS feed contains HTML you
-will want a news reader that understands HTML.  That being said I render
-a pretty minimal markup for RSS articles and I include the full article
-text so it should be a pretty good experience to read for gemini
+=> [1]
+=> [2]
+=> [3]
+=> [4]
+=> nntp:// [5] nntp://
+=> nntp:// [6] nntp://