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diff --git a/users/mernisse/articles/17.gmi b/users/mernisse/articles/17.gmi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6336b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/mernisse/articles/17.gmi
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+Title: Technomancy with retrocomputing begets retro programming
+Date: 2/4/2021 21:05
+Every so often a wave of boredom and nostalgia crash over me in a manner that
+causes a reaction that pushes me towards one abandoned project or another.
+For years I have been trying to build an infrastructure that would allow me
+to re-create the BBS I used to run without having to drag out a bunch of old
+computers, install DOS and some archaic network stack, and hang a pile of 
+TCP/IP to serial converters about the place.  Not that I wouldn't enjoy that,
+I just don't want to maintain it after I have it built.
+A while back I started the process by trying to put the whole BBS into
+DOSBox in a Docker container.  I had built a DOSBox Docker container� years
+ago so I figured I'd be able to build on that.  It turns out that the BBS
+software wants the old DOS file locking semantics and that doesn't seem to
+be emulated by DOSBox.  
+=>	[1] Necrocomputing in Docker Containers
+So that went on the shelf for a few years and after a few more projects
+popped on and off the stack I came back to this idea.  Part of me wondered
+if it was important to have the whole BBS or if I really just wanted to play
+the old games I remembered.  With this thought in mind I set out to see if I
+could get the venerable L.O.R.D. running in a container.  Now for anyone who
+missed the BBS era L.O.R.D. is a text-based RPG (more of a menu based RPG,
+honestly) called Legend of the Red Dragon, written by a guy named Seth
+Robinson.  It was probably the best known BBS game in the mid 1990's and was
+certainly the big one in my area.  It turns out I still have a copy of the
+game in a backup archive from the early 2000's so I set about seeing if it
+would behave.
+After a day of fighting I was looking at the familiar loading screen via a
+telnet session but I couldn't help but be annoyed at one small bug.  You see
+the way games worked on the old DOS BBS systems was pretty simple.  DOS could
+only run one program at a time so your BBS (which answered the phone and did
+all the hard work getting a user connected to your computer's serial port)
+would mostly exit, usually leaving a stub in memory that would cause the BBS
+to load back in when the game exited, and then execute the game.  The game
+could therefore assume that the user was already there and most of them would
+just start talking to the serial port without any prompting.  In my case that
+meant that if I started the container and didn't connect to the telnet port
+(which DOSBox was connecting to an emulated serial port in DOS) within a second
+or two, I'd miss all the intro text of the game and it would appear that
+nothing was happening.  This was obviously not acceptable.  The thought occurred
+to me to see if there was a way to get DOSBox to tell DOS that someone was
+connected.  It turns out that the answer is... sort of?  DOSBox does emulate
+some of the control lines present in a serial port, though not the released
+version, so I had to update my Dockerfile to build DOSBox from source instead
+of using a packaged version.  Armed with the proper version of DOSBox I can
+interrogate the CD signal (Carrier Detect, used to tell the host that the
+connected modem has someone connected to it) and wait for it before letting
+the game start.  But... how?  I looked around a bit but couldn't find any good
+way to report on the status of the CD signal, or any way to check for it in
+a batch file (the rudimentary DOS scripting language), so I decided to see
+if I could dust off my very first programming language and commit a bit of
+computational necromancy.
+I dusted off a copy of Turbo Pascal 7.0 from a backup that probably originated
+on floppy disks and started trying to re-learn just enough Pascal to get a
+bit out of a piece of hardware.  I write a fair bit of C these days for various
+microcontrollers, usually to drive LEDs in ways that amuse me so I'm
+comfortable with talking to hardware at a low level.  DOSBox emulates a
+16550 UART chip for the serial port well enough that I was able to find the
+registers I needed easily enough, it was just... remembering Pascal.  After
+about 20 minutes I came up with the program below.
+{* COMTEST.PAS (C) 2020 Matthew J. Ernisse <>
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Simplified BSD 2-Clause license.
+ *}
+program COMStatus;
+    Crt;
+     { UART Registers }
+     DLL = 0;
+     DLM = 1;
+     RBR = 0;
+     THR = 0;
+     IER = 1;
+     IIR = 2;
+     FCR = 2;
+     LCR = 3;
+     MCR = 4;
+     LSR = 5;
+     MSR = 6;
+     SCR = 7;
+     { MSR Bits }
+     CD = 7;
+     RI = 6;
+     DSR = 5;
+     CTS = 4;
+     { MCR Bits }
+     RTS = 1;
+     DTR = 0;
+     { LSR Bits }
+     DA = 0;
+   {* The DOS holds the address of the COM ports at $0040:$0000 ->
+      :$0006, so lean on an abolutely located array as a way to
+      access the IO port location without hard coding things like
+      $03F8 in here.
+   *}
+   ComPort: array[1..4] of Word absolute $0040:$0000;
+     Writeln('COMTEST (c) 2020 Matthew J. Ernisse <>');
+     Writeln('All Rights Reserved.');
+     { Enable DTR / RTS so the modem knows we are here }
+     Port[ComPort[1] + MCR] := $0B;
+     Writeln('Waiting for CD on COM1');
+     { Watch the Modem Status Register on the UART }
+     while (Port[ComPort[1] + MSR] and (1 shl CD)) = 0 do begin
+           if KeyPressed then
+              if ReadKey = ^C then
+                 Break;
+     end;
+     if (Port[ComPort[1] + MSR] and (1 shl CD)) > 0 then
+        Halt(1);
+The program is simple, it pokes some bits on the Modem Control Register (MCR)
+to tell DOSBox that it is ready and then waits for the Carrier Detect (CD)
+bit in the Modem Status Register (MSR) which DOSBox will use to tell it that
+someone has connected to the telnet port.  Once CD turns on the program
+exits and the game starts.
+I have to admit that this scratched a huge nostalgia itch.  Not only did I get
+to play one of my favorite BBS games again, but I got to write some DOS batch
+files and even some Turbo Pascal.  It made me remember late nights in front of
+an amber monitor, typing odd screed into a text editor to make the computer
+do new things.  It's funny that one of the last things that I got my DOS 
+computer to do was to blink LEDs and now I use microcontrollers that are
+slightly less sophisticated to do the same thing.
+If you are interested in the rest of the bits that make this work, you
+can find it in my git repository�.
+=>;a=tree;f=lord;hb=HEAD [2] LORD Container Git Repository