diff --git a/.build.yml b/.build.yml
index 2ffc9ebbae4039503fb2f6bbee14fad983a47125..e31635d1f0a25e6b6989b3a2a710ef800a68b249 100644
--- a/.build.yml
+++ b/.build.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ packages:
- perl
- perl-par-packer
- perl-file-homedir
+ - perl-dbi
+ - perl-dbd-sqlite
- https://git.sr.ht/~rwa/photo-stats
diff --git a/phosta.pl b/phosta.pl
index c2194985f5b91f323eae97d75dea0864a0eddd36..41d681905670593bf1a613ee3d71fe37a7db03a6 100755
--- a/phosta.pl
+++ b/phosta.pl
@@ -27,24 +27,18 @@
my $configfile = catfile(File::HomeDir->my_home, '.photo-stats.conf');
# read commandline switches
-my $opt_s=0;
+our $opt_p='';
-#getopts('slr:f:c:') or die "Invalid parameters provided! See 'art_file_mover.pl --help' for more details.";
+getopts('p:') or die "Invalid parameters provided! See 'phosta.pl --help' for more details.";
+say $opt_p;
+#if ( $opt_s ) { writeconfig($configfile); }
-# read remaining commandline args for source dir
-# last dir will win
-my $destination_dir = getcwd;
-foreach my $arg ( @ARGV )
- $destination_dir = $arg;
+if ( $opt_p ne '' ) {
+ get_stats($opt_p);
-if ( $opt_s ) { writeconfig($configfile); }
exit 0;
sub get_stats
@@ -60,19 +54,22 @@ my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $userid, $password, { RaiseError => 1 })
or die $DBI::errstr;
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM photos');
my $errorcount = 0;
+ my $emptycount = 0;
foreach (@lines)
chomp $_;
my ( $file, $maker, $model, $lens, $lensmodel, $fl, $fl35, $apert, $ss, $iso, $flash, $date ) = split(/#/, $_);
$lens = ($lens ne '-') ? $lens : $lensmodel;
- ($date ne '-' && $model ne '-') or next;
+ if ($date eq '-' || $model eq '-') { $emptycount++; next; }
my $stmt = "INSERT INTO photos (file, maker, model, lens, focallength, focallength35mm, aperture, shutterspeed, iso, flash, datetimeoriginal)
VALUES ('$file', '$maker', '$model', '$lens', '$fl', '$fl35', '$apert', '$ss', '$iso', '$flash', '$date')";
- my $rv = $dbh->do($stmt) or die $DBI::errstr;
+ my $rv = $dbh->do($stmt) or $errorcount++;
+ say sprintf('%5d', $emptycount). ' image files skipped due to missing EXIF data';
+ say sprintf('%5d', $errorcount). ' image files skipped due to errors';
sub getconfig
@@ -100,11 +97,12 @@
sub main::HELP_MESSAGE
say '';
- say 'Find all by ART converted files in the current folder and their corresponding RAWs and move them to specified directory.';
+ say 'Extract the EXIF data of images (currently jpg only) and feed them to a database.';
say '';
- say 'usage: phosta(.pl) [options] <source folder>';
+ say 'usage: phosta(.pl) [options]';
say '';
say 'options:';
+ say ' -p <source folder> : populate database from the files in the specified folder';
say ' -s : safe current options (-r, -f, -c only) to user profile. If present the saved values are applied automatically.';
say ' --help : show this help';