diff --git a/phosta.pl b/phosta.pl
index 769ca38153e9d3fce13097413b1f64f413af9a1d..e49d3d31b2174cce766f5a1fd1cf12d46d84cfd0 100755
--- a/phosta.pl
+++ b/phosta.pl
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ my ($dbfile) = @_;
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, '', '', { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
my $stmt = 'CREATE TABLE photos (file TEXT PRIMARY KEY, maker TEXT, model TEXT, lensmake TEXT, lens TEXT, focallength INTEGER, focallength35mm INTEGER, aperture DECIMAL, exposuretime TEXT, iso INTEGER, flash TEXT, datetimeoriginal DATETIME);';
- if ($opt_v) { say "### DB Statement: $stmt"; }
+ !$opt_v or say "### DB Statement: $stmt";
my $rv = $dbh->do($stmt);
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
my $extensions = ' -ext ' . join(' -ext ', split(/\,/, $opt_E)) .' ';
my $cmd = "exiftool -fast2 -r -m -f -p '\$filepath##\$make##\$model##\$lensmake##\$lens##\$lensmodel##\$focallength##\$focallengthin35mmformat##\$aperture##\$exposuretime##\$shutterspeed##\$iso##\$flash##\$datetimeoriginal' -d \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\" " . $extensions . $opt_p;
- if ( $opt_v ) { say "### Exiftool command: $cmd"; }
+ !$opt_v or say "### Exiftool command: $cmd";
my @lines = `$cmd`;
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, '', '', { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
@@ -154,15 +154,23 @@ say sprintf('%5d', $errorcount). ' image files skipped due to errors';
say "Updated database $opt_D.";
-sub get_sql
+sub get_timerange
- my ($selected, $grouping, $order, $timerange, $filter) = @_;
+ my ($from, $to) = split(/\-/, $opt_t);
+ $from = $from ne '' ? substr($from, 0, 4) .'-'. substr($from, 4, 2) .'-'. substr($from, 6, 2) : undef;
+ $to = $to ne '' ? substr($to, 0, 4) .'-'. substr($to, 4, 2) .'-'. substr($to, 6, 2) : undef;
+ return ($from, $to);
+sub get_sql
my $fieldlist = '';
my @grouparray;
my $orderlist = '';
my @wherearray;
- given ($grouping)
+ given ($opt_g)
when ('month')
@@ -186,35 +194,29 @@ push @grouparray, "strftime('%H', datetimeoriginal)";
- if (defined($selected))
+ if (defined($opt_s))
- $fieldlist = $fieldlist . $selected . ', ';
- push @grouparray, $selected;
+ $fieldlist = $fieldlist . $opt_s. ', ';
+ push @grouparray, $opt_s;
- if (defined($order))
+ if (defined($opt_o))
my $sorter = $opt_r ? ' ASC' : ' DESC';
- my @order = split(/\,/, $order);
+ my @order = split(/\,/, $opt_o);
$orderlist = ' ORDER BY '. join("$sorter, ", @order) .$sorter;
- if (defined($timerange))
+ if (defined($opt_t))
- my ($from, $to) = split(/\-/, $timerange);
- if ($from ne '')
- {
- push @wherearray, 'datetimeoriginal >= \''. substr($from, 0, 4) .'-'. substr($from, 4, 2) .'-'. substr($from, 6, 2) .'\'';
- }
- if ($to ne '')
- {
- push @wherearray, 'datetimeoriginal <= \''. substr($to, 0, 4) .'-'. substr($to, 4, 2) .'-'. substr($to, 6, 2) .'\'';
- }
+ my ($from, $to) = get_timerange();
+ !defined($from) or push @wherearray, "datetimeoriginal >= '$from'";
+ !defined($to) or push @wherearray, "datetimeoriginal <= '$to'";
- if (defined($filter))
+ if (defined($opt_f))
- my (@filters) = split /\,/, $filter;
+ my (@filters) = split /\,/, $opt_f;
foreach (@filters)
my ( $sub1, $sub2, $sub3 ) = split /(!){0,1}=/, $_;
@@ -239,8 +241,8 @@
say "Querying database $opt_D with $total_count entries...";
say '';
$total_count > 0 or return;
- my $sql = get_sql($opt_s, $opt_g, $opt_o, $opt_t, $opt_f);
- if ($opt_v) { say '### SQL Statement: '. $sql; }
+ my $sql = get_sql();
+ !$opt_v or say '### SQL Statement: '. $sql;
my $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
@@ -291,6 +293,18 @@ say 'Showing '. color('bold'). "top $currentlines". color('reset'). ' results, skipping '. color('italic') . "$skippedlines lines".color('reset') .'.';
say 'A total of '. color('bold'). "$sum images". color('reset') .' matched your criteria.';
say '';
+ if (defined($opt_f) || defined($opt_t))
+ {
+ say 'results consider the following filters';
+ if ($opt_t)
+ {
+ my ($from, $to) = get_timerange();
+ !defined($from) or say ' - images taken since '. color('bold'). $from . color('reset');
+ !defined($to) or say ' - images taken till '. color('bold'). $to . color('reset');
+ }
+ say '';
+ }
say $tb->draw;
@@ -321,16 +335,16 @@ say ' -p <folder> : populate database from the files in the specified folder';
say ' Media files in the given folder and every subfolder are scanned, EXIF data extracted and pulled into the database';
say ' -E <ext> : list of comma separated extensions used for scanning image files, defaults to jpg,jpeg';
say ' only media files which match (case-insensitive!) the given extensions are added to the database';
- say ' This option is saved to the user conf';
+ say ' This option is automatically saved to the user conf';
say '';
say 'stats querying:';
say ' -g <period> : group by a time period, defaults to total (which means no grouping by period)';
say ' allowed values: year, month, week, hour';
say ' -s <fields> : specify the information you want to select, defaults to none (just show number of images)';
say ' allowed values: maker, model, lensmake, lens, aperture, exposuretime, iso, focallength, focallength35mm';
- say ' multiple fields should be listed comma-separated';
+ say ' multiple fields should be listed comma-separated without whitespaces';
say ' -t <range> : only take images into account which have been taken in the given timerange';
- say ' <range> must be specified as \'YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD\', you can omit one value';
+ say ' <range> must be specified as \'YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD\', you can omit the first or the later value';
say ' -f <expr> : filter images based on the given expression, multiple expression can be given comma-separated';
say ' this works as a case-insensitive CONTAINS search, multiple expressions need to match all (AND logic)';
say ' use "field=value" for CONTAINS and "field!=value" for NOT CONTAINS, value must not include whitespaces';
@@ -345,7 +359,7 @@ say ' phosta -E jpg,jpeg,tiff -D ~/Documents/stats.db -p ~/Pictures';
say ' load EXIF data of files with the extensions jpg, jpeg and tiff in folder ~/Pictures to the database located in ~/Documents/stats.db';
say '';
say ' phosta -s model -g month -t 20190101-20121231 -o month,count';
- say ' show number of pictures taken in with a specific camera body in 2019 grouped by month, sorted by newest month first';
+ say ' show number of pictures taken with a specific camera body in 2019 grouped by month, sorted by newest month first';
say '';
say ' phosta -n 10 -s lens -o count';
say ' show top 10 lenses used the most';