//! `EppObject` to EPP XML serialization tests mod request { use super::super::get_xml; use super::super::CLTRID; use crate::epp::object::data::{ Address, AuthInfo, ContactStatus, DomainContact, DomainStatus, HostAddr, HostAttr, HostStatus, Phone, PostalInfo, }; use crate::epp::object::StringValueTrait; use crate::epp::request::{EppHello, EppLogin, EppLogout}; use crate::epp::xml::EppXml; use crate::epp::*; use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDate}; use std::str::FromStr; #[test] fn hello() { let xml = get_xml("request/hello.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppHello::new(); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn login() { let ext_uris = Some(vec![ "http://schema.ispapi.net/epp/xml/keyvalue-1.0".to_string() ]); let xml = get_xml("request/login.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppLogin::new("username", "password", &ext_uris, CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn logout() { let xml = get_xml("request/logout.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppLogout::new(CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn contact_check() { let xml = get_xml("request/contact/check.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppContactCheck::new(vec!["eppdev-contact-1", "eppdev-contact-2"], CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn contact_create() { let xml = get_xml("request/contact/create.xml").unwrap(); let street = vec!["58", "Orchid Road"]; let address = Address::new(street, "Paris", "Paris", "392374", "FR"); let postal_info = PostalInfo::new("int", "John Doe", "Acme Widgets", address); let mut voice = Phone::new("+33.47237942"); voice.set_extension("123"); let mut fax = Phone::new("+33.86698799"); fax.set_extension("677"); let mut object = EppContactCreate::new( "eppdev-contact-3", "contact@eppdev.net", postal_info, voice, "eppdev-387323", CLTRID, ); object.set_fax(fax); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn contact_info() { let xml = get_xml("request/contact/info.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppContactInfo::new("eppdev-contact-3", "eppdev-387323", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn contact_update() { let xml = get_xml("request/contact/update.xml").unwrap(); let mut object = EppContactUpdate::new("eppdev-contact-3", CLTRID); let street = vec!["58", "Orchid Road"]; let address = Address::new(street, "Paris", "Paris", "392374", "FR"); let postal_info = PostalInfo::new("loc", "John Doe", "Acme Widgets", address); let voice = Phone::new("+33.47237942"); object.set_info("newemail@eppdev.net", postal_info, voice, "eppdev-387323"); let add_statuses = vec![ContactStatus { status: "clientTransferProhibited".to_string(), }]; object.add(add_statuses); let remove_statuses = vec![ContactStatus { status: "clientDeleteProhibited".to_string(), }]; object.remove(remove_statuses); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn contact_delete() { let xml = get_xml("request/contact/delete.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppContactDelete::new("eppdev-contact-3", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_check() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/check.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppDomainCheck::new(vec!["eppdev.com", "eppdev.net"], CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_create() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/create.xml").unwrap(); let contacts = vec![ DomainContact { contact_type: "admin".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-3".to_string(), }, DomainContact { contact_type: "tech".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-3".to_string(), }, DomainContact { contact_type: "billing".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-3".to_string(), }, ]; let object = EppDomainCreate::new( "eppdev-1.com", 1, "eppdev-contact-3", "epP4uthd#v", contacts, CLTRID, ); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_create_with_host_obj() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/create_with_host_obj.xml").unwrap(); let contacts = vec![ DomainContact { contact_type: "admin".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-3".to_string(), }, DomainContact { contact_type: "tech".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-3".to_string(), }, DomainContact { contact_type: "billing".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-3".to_string(), }, ]; let object = EppDomainCreate::new_with_ns( "eppdev-1.com", 1, vec!["ns1.test.com", "ns2.test.com"], "eppdev-contact-3", "epP4uthd#v", contacts, CLTRID, ); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_create_with_host_attr() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/create_with_host_attr.xml").unwrap(); let contacts = vec![ DomainContact { contact_type: "admin".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-3".to_string(), }, DomainContact { contact_type: "tech".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-3".to_string(), }, DomainContact { contact_type: "billing".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-3".to_string(), }, ]; let host_attr = vec![ HostAttr { name: "ns1.eppdev-1.com".to_string_value(), addresses: None, }, HostAttr { name: "ns2.eppdev-1.com".to_string_value(), addresses: Some(vec![ HostAddr::new_v4(""), HostAddr::new_v6("2404:6800:4001:801::200e"), ]), }, ]; let object = EppDomainCreate::new_with_host_attr( "eppdev-2.com", 1, host_attr, "eppdev-contact-3", "epP4uthd#v", contacts, CLTRID, ); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_info() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/info.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppDomainInfo::new("eppdev.com", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_update() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/update.xml").unwrap(); let mut object = EppDomainUpdate::new("eppdev.com", CLTRID); let add = DomainAddRemove { ns: None, contacts: None, statuses: Some(vec![DomainStatus { status: "clientDeleteProhibited".to_string(), }]), }; let remove = DomainAddRemove { ns: None, contacts: Some(vec![DomainContact { contact_type: "billing".to_string(), id: "eppdev-contact-2".to_string(), }]), statuses: None, }; let change_info = DomainChangeInfo { registrant: None, auth_info: Some(AuthInfo::new("epP5uthd#v")), }; object.add(add); object.remove(remove); object.info(change_info); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_delete() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/delete.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppDomainDelete::new("eppdev.com", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_renew() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/renew.xml").unwrap(); let exp_date = NaiveDate::from_ymd(2022, 7, 23); let object = EppDomainRenew::new("eppdev.com", exp_date, 1, CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_transfer_request() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/transfer_request.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppDomainTransferRequest::request("testing.com", 1, "epP4uthd#v", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_transfer_approve() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/transfer_approve.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppDomainTransferApprove::approve("testing.com", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_transfer_reject() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/transfer_reject.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppDomainTransferReject::reject("testing.com", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_transfer_cancel() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/transfer_cancel.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppDomainTransferCancel::cancel("testing.com", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn domain_transfer_query() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/transfer_query.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppDomainTransferQuery::query("testing.com", "epP4uthd#v", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn host_check() { let xml = get_xml("request/host/check.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppHostCheck::new(vec!["ns1.eppdev-1.com", "host1.eppdev-1.com"], CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn host_create() { let xml = get_xml("request/host/create.xml").unwrap(); let addresses = vec![ HostAddr::new("v4", ""), HostAddr::new("v6", "2404:6800:4001:801::200e"), ]; let object = EppHostCreate::new("host1.eppdev-1.com", addresses, CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn host_info() { let xml = get_xml("request/host/info.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppHostInfo::new("ns1.eppdev-1.com", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn host_update() { let xml = get_xml("request/host/update.xml").unwrap(); let addr = vec![HostAddr::new("v6", "2404:6800:4001:801::200e")]; let add = HostAddRemove { addresses: Some(addr), statuses: None, }; let remove = HostAddRemove { addresses: None, statuses: Some(vec![HostStatus { status: "clientDeleteProhibited".to_string(), }]), }; let mut object = EppHostUpdate::new("host1.eppdev-1.com", CLTRID); object.add(add); object.remove(remove); object.info(HostChangeInfo { name: "host2.eppdev-1.com".to_string_value(), }); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn host_delete() { let xml = get_xml("request/host/delete.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppHostDelete::new("ns1.eppdev-1.com", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn message_poll() { let xml = get_xml("request/message/poll.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppMessagePoll::new(CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn message_ack() { let xml = get_xml("request/message/ack.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppMessageAck::new(12345, CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn rgp_restore_request() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/rgp_restore_request.xml").unwrap(); let object = EppDomainRgpRestoreRequest::new("eppdev.com", CLTRID); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } #[test] fn rgp_restore_report() { let xml = get_xml("request/domain/rgp_restore_report.xml").unwrap(); let pre_data = "Pre-delete registration data goes here. Both XML and free text are allowed."; let post_data = "Post-restore registration data goes here. Both XML and free text are allowed."; let deleted_at = DateTime::from_str("2021-07-10T22:00:00.0Z").unwrap(); let restored_at = DateTime::from_str("2021-07-20T22:00:00.0Z").unwrap(); let restore_reason = "Registrant error."; let statements = vec![ "This registrar has not restored the Registered Name in order to assume the rights to use or sell the Registered Name for itself or for any third party.", "The information in this report is true to best of this registrar's knowledge, and this registrar acknowledges that intentionally supplying false information in this report shall constitute an incurable material breach of the Registry-Registrar Agreement.", ]; let other = "Supporting information goes here."; let object = EppDomainRgpRestoreReport::new( "eppdev.com", pre_data, post_data, deleted_at, restored_at, restore_reason, statements, other, CLTRID, ); let serialized = object.serialize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(xml, serialized); } }