import Link from 'next/link' import Layout from '../components/layout' import Project from '../components/project' import ProjectDetails from '../components/project-details' import projectStyles from '../styles/project.module.css' export default function DeployScripts() { return ( deploy-scripts Repository deploy-scripts CI deploy-scripts License

Deploy-Scripts is a collection of shell scripts to automate the building, packaging, and deployment of projects. It works similarly to Capistrano but only needs a *nix shell environment and relevant utilities, and can be run in any *nix shell like a workstation or laptop shell or a docker container or any CI runner that has a *nix shell available.

Multiple build and deployment strategies can be supported within the same project, for example, allowing you to deploy a staging environment to a VPS, but production to an AWS ECS cluster

Click here for an example of a dockerized deployment to a VPS

It supports deploying projects built with the following stacks, and more are being added

  • Actix Web (Rust)
  • Spring Boot (Java)
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Django (Python)
  • Static HTML sites
  • React JS
  • Next JS
  • PHP

Builds can be deployed to the following targets

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker Registry
  • Server or VPS
) }