Что: f8acecaedb8a335e141500ebefed8aa8d4b2d25f
Когда: 2022-07-13 11:29:24+03:00
Темы: crypto
Обзор защищённых транспортных протоколов https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8922 Есть вот целый RFC, где упоминаются и DJB-шный CurveCP с MinimaLT (6e30e1c9e0cf17d773f9238d0d164175c28924fc) и WireGuard. Summary of Interfaces Exposed by Protocols: +===========+===+====+=====+==+==+======+==+=====+==+==+======+==+==+ | Protocol |IPK|ALG | EXT |CM|AD| PSKI |IV| SAV |CT|KU| SSKE |KE|ME| +===========+===+====+=====+==+==+======+==+=====+==+==+======+==+==+ | TLS | x | x | x |x | | x |x | |x |x | x | | | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ | DTLS | x | x | x |x | | x |x | x |x |x | x | |x | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ | ZRTP | x | x | |x | | x |x | |x | | | | | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ | QUIC | x | x | x |x | | x |x | x |x |x | | |x | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ | tcpcrypt | | x | |x |x | x | | |x |x | x | | | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ | MinimaLT | x | x | |x | | x |x | |x |x | x | |x | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ | CurveCP | x | | | | | |x | | | | | |x | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ | IPsec | x | x | | |x | x |x | x |x |x | x |x |x | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ | WireGuard | x | | | | | x |x | x | | | | |x | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ | OpenVPN | x | x | | | | x |x | |x | | x | | | +-----------+---+----+-----+--+--+------+--+-----+--+--+------+--+--+ IPK : Identities and Private Keys ALG : Supported Algorithms (Key Exchange, Signatures, and Ciphersuites) EXT : Extensions CM : Session Cache Management AD : Authentication Delegation PSKI : Pre-Shared Key Import IV : Identity Validation SAV : Source Address Validation CT : Connection Termination KU : Key Update SSKE : Shared Secret Key Export KE : Key Expiration ME : Mobility Events
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