В Python 3.8 предлагают использовать pax формат архива по умолчанию

Что: a3f2621a4986184923161e2e1c65778f61a98086

Когда: 2020-11-27 13:26:14+03:00

Темы: python

В Python 3.8 предлагают использовать pax формат архива по умолчанию

Кроме того, что сам GNU Tar не рекомендует GNU Tar, а pax, кроме того
что NetBSD/OpenBSD не поддерживают GNU Tar:

  and they both have supported it for a very long long. Modern version
  of old-style bsdtar should, but if not then they don't support GNU tar
  either. These are commonly used when needed with C/C++, or programmers
  implement their own bespoke solutions.

  been in minimal maintenance mode for over 15) so I'm not sure its
  really relevant anymore. Virtually any platform will also have one of
  the previous.

  support for both pax and GNU in its 1.2 version, back in 2011 (8 years

  have the same support as that (i.e. any remotely modern system should
  be compatible). Their documentation explicitly recommends against GNU
  tar in favor of pax or ustar instead for portability:

  the more compatible of the two extended formats

  supports it

  libraries have a mix of support

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