Day 8

~7 days left

Wednesday, August 25th, 2021AD

Monastery tours


The first monastery we went to today was high-walled and beautifully decorated, but it felt like Holy Thursday in the church. We bought some items from their bookstore, where I clearly heard the monk say ‘plandemic’.

Kristo Dio en ĉielo ŝparu nin pekantojn.


The second monastery was a women’s monastery, very clean and very beautiful with flowers adorning the buildings and a beautifully arranged garden. The church had so many saints’ relics I couldn’t read all their names quickly enough.

I got a wool hat there. We saw their workshops where they make the hats, as well as their looms and their iconographer’s atelier. Nia gvidanto misreprezentis la aferŝtato koronavirusa en Usono al la monaĥinoj. Ja, mi ne plu volas vojaĝi en tie ĉi lando kun nia gvidanto.

Tria kaj Kvara

The third and fourth monasteries kinda blurred together. We postponed a visit to one monastery because it had too many people at it.

The third monastery was very pretty and very ancient, and it’s bookstore has an amazing fresco in its domed roof. It used to be the baptistery of the monastery in the 1500s. We left quickly because of the large school group that appeared.

Monastery four was farther away than any of the others. It was raining hard when we arrived. We ate dinner there and then looked at an absolutely stunningly decorated church, covered in icons written in 2001.

Nia gvidanto

Dum la kurso de la semajno, mi sentis ke nia gvidanto senagrableciĝas. Mi ne scias se li havas problemojn familiajn aŭ kion, sed mi neniam volos esti ree vojaĝanto kun li. Mia fratino kaj mi havas tujmesaĝojn kriptajn pri tio.