Sunday, August 8th, 2021
I had a good, relaxing weekend. I took a drive on Saturday after getting a haircut. My city has had much-needed rain after a longish dry spell, so the air was humid and the sky was overcast. I got my hair cut at a nice barbershop by my alma mater, and I wound up telling the barber about Gemini. He’s not super technical, but he did put together the website for the barber shop. Hopefully he downloads a client and checks it out!
I’m going on a trip soon, and you can expect some entries from where I’m going. I won’t say where; I’ll leave it up to you to guess where in the world is eph. I think that I’ll do what Russian novels and Victorian-era books do, give the first letter and then a long dash, like this:
J. ———— Boulevard
Of course, before I go on a trip I have to be packed. Getting started packing is hard.
As I use
I don’t have access via a shell account or FTP to my primary (for now) gemlog. This poses a slight issue for me as I don’t want to compose using the Web interface. Naturally, I looked for a proper text editor for iOS (it just werks 😎) and found something called Simpletext.
It’s five bucks, but it works without a subscription and uses the Settings app like Steve Jobs intended. It has a “copy all” function which makes using really easy. I like it so far.