activity pub

update on June 21 2023

Mar 14th 2023

I was looking into how Questions are supposed to be done.

The example I grabbed from having a mastodon account send one to my inbox

showed that a question as being used as an object inside of a create


the spec said a question was an activity that didn't contain an object.

eventually I ran across:

which says that Question /is/ a type of Object, and not

an activity.

I think I'll go with that.

Now I just need to come up with a nifty interface for making polls.

So I can send one, then see what the response from another server looks like.

Oh yeah, I also did a bunch of other things I didn't blog about.

Added really basic auth so randoms can't look at inboxes.

The shared inbox is still public, but it only shows the public posts.

user inboxes will use an IP-based allow-list, then ident against it.

This allows people to ssh-proxy into the shell-server as their authentication.