December 4th -- Gift giving

I've always found gift giving to be stressful. I just don't find it to be a fun activity. I think its mostly because I'm really not a consumer of stuff myself and so I really don't like idea of burdening other people with things they don't want. But there's also an aspect of the fact that I'm just bad at reading people; bad at understanding the different wants and desires of other people.

It's quite a lonely thing too. Its not like exams or interviews where everyone is sympathetic is the stress and difficulty of the endeavour; no gifting of stuff is thing that you're *meant* to enjoy. That the very thought that this _thing_ is meant to bring someone some level of happiness should feel you with a sense of excitment. Nope, sorry.

Also the very act is not at all pleasant. I find shopping centres to be foreigh, alien lands, completely unwelcoming to my species. Bright lights and loud music. I avoid them at all costs and when I have no choice I am quick about it before I become tired and restless. Browsing online isn't much better but I've already complained about that this week[1].


For most of November and a good chunk of December I just have this wallowing empty feeling that rears its head every time I remember how much I have left to do. Oh well.


Last Updated: 2020-12-04
