Dictclient -- Python Client API for Dict protocol
This is a new library for interacting with Dict servers.
It defines three classes -- Connection, Database, and Definition.
It supports all common Dict server requests, including definitions,
matching, and getting information about available databases,
capabilities, etc. You can use it to communicate to a local
or remote dictd database.
Dictdlib -- Python API for generating dictd files
Gopher (UMN/FurryTerror and others)
MissingH -- Utility library for Haskell
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OfflineIMAP -- IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
The OfflineIMAP Home Page has moved to:
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Pygopherd Multi-Protocol Gopher Server
Pyme -- Python API for GPGME cryptographic GnuPG interface
Pyme is, for the most part, a direct interface to the C GPGME
library. However, it is re-packaged in a more Pythonic way --
object-oriented with classes and modules. Take a look at the classes
defined here -- they correspond directly to certain object types in GPGME
for C.
PyME is no longer maintained. I do not answer questions about it
any longer. Feel free to use this code under the terms of its license,
but there is *NO* support.
This is a system designed for Wichita State University students
to use to electronically submit assignments for classes.
It features enforcable deadlines, separate per-class accounts,
etc. There are few docs. It is intended to be compiled and
installed in a separate class account for each class,
and setuid to that accont.
Welcome to HDBC, Haskell Database Connectivity.
HDBC is modeled loosely on Perl's DBI interface, though it has also
been influenced by Python's DB-API v2, JDBC in Java, and HSQL in
The hpodder Home Page has moved to:
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magic-haskell is a binding to the C libmagic library.
It lets you determine a file's type by examining
its contents.
A collection of various utilities for OCaml
MissingPy is a Haskell binding to Python and library of Python
interfaces for Haskell.