1981 NACCC games




BELLE and endgame problems

Belle statistics

Chess in Pascal

Chess position

Elite vs. MCT match summary

Elite/MCT match, game 3

Elite/MCT match, game 4

Elite/MCT match, game 5

Elite/MCT match, games 1 & 2

Elo provisional formula

Error in n=29 calculation

Fischer comeback

John McCarthy and computer chess

Karpov comments on Fischer

Karpov returns to Mother Russia

Karpov's style

Knight's Tour

Krejcik the Great

Limitations of brute-force programs

Mrs. Korchnoi

NACCC matrix

Number of possible chess positions, plus a question

Pan-Am Intercollegiate

Queen vs. Rook

Re: compact representation of a position

Re: Elo rating system

Re: Karpov comments on Fischer

Re: Limitations of brute-force programs

Re: compact representation of chess positions

Re: compact representation of chess positions

Re: sri-unix.426: compact representation of a position

Re: sri-unix.444: compact representation of chess positions

Richard Reti's chess problem

Super Greenblatt program vs. Reshevsky

The Eyeball Gambit

board encoding schemes

chess in the arts

chess strength

code to play opening book

compact representation of a position

compact representation of chess positions

compact representation of chess positions

compact reps

computer chess and the law

computer chess article

computer chess news group


couple of Belle games

improved encoding

interest list



on-line library & storing positions

storing positions

survey of leading micros


