African Religion Syncretism
Ancient Mysteries and Spiritual Change
Astrological Houses & the Gauquelin's Work
Astrology References in Studies
Chthonic Initiation Ritual
Chthonic-Auranian OTO Origins Etc.
Colin Low: Cabalah
Colin Low: Ritual Theory & Technique
Crowley's Masonic Status
Eight Sabbats of Witchcraft
Freud's Studies of the Occult
History of Wicca Lecture
Introduction to Cybercraft
Liber Conjunctus - Essay on Sex & Magick
Liber Practicus OTO
Memetics: Ideas and their Transmission
Metals in Astrology
Nroogd Samhain, A Norse Ritual
Original of the Voynich Manuscript
Pagan Yule Customs
Personal Enochian Rituals
Planetary Talismans
Reading the Torah with Equal Intervals
Summary of the Gauquelin's Work
The Chalice of Ecstasy
The Christian Cabalah
The Runes
Transcription of the Voynich Manuscript
Voynich Bibliography
Voynich Manuscript with Annotations
Wicca: History and Theoretics