Thu May 28 11:54:21 1981
new site on the block

     This is to announce the presence of cincy on  the  net.
We  are the University of Cincinnati Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department.  Current research interests are sig-
nal  processing  (specifically  residue arithmetic filters),
pattern recognition and picture  processing,  communications
networks,  solid  state fabrication technologies, CAD, VLSI,
computer  architecture,  logic  design,....   (we're   quite
diversified).  Current  facilities  are a PDP-11/60 which is
shared between running RSX, UNIX, and SOLO. We  run  a  very
hacked  V6,  soon  to be converted to V7.  We are getting an
11/34 as soon as DEC delivers it, which  should  run  mainly
UNIX.  Cincy  will be moved to that machine then.  It should
have better phone equipment.  We also foray into the biomed-
ical  engineering  world, having recently done work in aneu-
rysm detection.  Our configuration is not  too  stable,  and
should expand a whole bunch if we get some money.

     We are interested in communicating with people of simi-
lar interests, or folks who just want to chat about UNIX. We
have lots of old (IBM 1130?) and  small  (AIM-65)  equipment
that  is  begging  to  have support software written for it.
Our SS fab lab is excellent, but their support tools consist
of a card-based system on the 1130 that drives an aging Cal-
Comp plotter. I am personally working  to  change  that.   I
envision  a  CIF based system with graphical front end (home
written).  It should be operational by the  end  of  summer,
based on U of Toronto's GPAC. I would be interested in hear-
ing from people doing this kind of work.

     We are also interested in RJE to Amdahl  systems.  Any-
body  out  there  doing  this (preferably cheaply?) There is
talk going around about a  homebrew  Ethernet-like  network,
too, but no action yet.

     We currently connect to purdue and duke.  We have  only
dial  out  equipment,  so  we would have to call you, if you
sound interesting (the decision of the judges is final).

                              Chris Kent (cincy!chris)

                        May 28, 1981

 gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <>

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