Last updated: 23-Apr-92 PD6: Programs to handle manipulating files, modes of files, compressing files, and so on. See also PD6:, PD6:. AGEF.TAR-Z Show disk usage of file sizes and counts, sorted by file age. Contributor: David S. Hayes ATHENA-RM.TAR-Z The MIT Project Athena solution to the "safe rm" problem. Provides the programs "delete", "undelete", "expunge", "purge", and "lsdel", much like TOPS-20. Patchlevel 10. Contributor: Jonathan I. Kamens BED.TAR-Z A program to edit binary files by converting to hex, running "vi", and converting back to binary. Contributor: Stephen J. Muir BODY.TAR-Z A program to print the body of a file, the part that "head" and "tail" miss. Contributor: Marty Fouts BPATCH.TAR-Z A program to patch binary files. Dumps or edits files by showing 256-byte records side by side in hex and ASCII. Runs under 4.3BSD and System V. Contributor: John Rupley BPE.TAR-Z A different program to patch binary files. Uses curses library. No documentation. Contributor: Andreas Pleschutznig BRIK.TAR-Z A general-purpose text and binary cyclic redundancy check (CRC) program. Works under MS-DOS Turbo-C, System V Release 2, 4.3BSD, and VMS. Version 2.0 Contributor: Rahul Dhesi BROWSE.TAR-Z A screen-oriented directory browser based on the metaphor of using "vi" to edit an "ls -l" listing. Contributor: Peter Da Silva BRWSR.TAR-Z A program to build inverted indices of files and another one to allow browsing through the file by context. For example, you could ask for "UNIX", see all the contexts in which "UNIX" is used in the file, and then could go to a specific place and view the whole text. Contributor: Mark Zimmerman BSPLIT.TAR-Z A program to split binary files into manageable chunks. Similar to the UNIX "split" utility. Contributor: Peter Knoppers CACM-DIFF.TAR-Z The "diff" program from the July 1989 CACM. Contributor: Donald Lindsay CAPP.TAR-Z A cut and paste processor inspired by the M4 divert and undivert macros. Contributor: Ozan Yigit CHECKLINK.TAR-Z A program which walks through a directory tree and prints out the names of unresolved symbolic links. Berkeley UNIX only. Contributor: Jason Venner CHOP.TAR-Z Extract selected fields or columns of text lines and write to standard output. Contributor: George Sicherman CHTIM.TAR-Z A program to change file modify and access times. Has facilities for recursing through directories and producing a shell script to restore file times using "chtim". Contributor: Don Gworek CODA.TAR-Z The Code Distribution Aide. Keeps source distributions current across a set of machines. Replaces ad-hoc collections of rdist and tar and stuff. Runs under BSD, VMS, AT&T 3b2 & 6386, Xenix, and (soon) MS-DOS. Contributor: Rich Salz COMBINE.TAR-Z A program to compare two or three ASCII files and either report the differences or produce a merged file. Contributor: Cliff Van Dyke COMPRESS.TAR A program to compress files using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding. This is the standard 4.3BSD file compression utility; versions exist for several microcomputers as well. Runs under all versions of UNIX. This is version 4.3. Contributor: Don Gloistein <> COMPRESS-CMS.TAR-Z A version of the COMPRESS utility for IBM VM/CMS. Contributor: Bill Randle CONTEXT.TAR-Z A program which reads messages containing file names and line numbers (e.g. error messages from "cc") and prints lines of context for each line number. Contributor: Brandon Allbery CSHAR.TAR-Z A set of tools for shipping source code around in "shar" files. These are the ones used by the moderator of comp.sources.unix. Should also work under MS-DOS. Includes a shar which splits up files into nice "chunks", a program to strip mail headers, a program to simulate the syntax of /bin/sh for non-UNIX systems. Contributor: Rich Salz CVS.TAR-Z CVS, a front end for RCS which supports concurrent and independent use of an RCS directory by several people. Version 3.0. Contributor: Dick Grune CVS-BERLINER.TAR-Z A modified version of CVS (see above) from Brian Berliner, described in his paper at USENIX Winter '90. This version is written entirely in C and has many added functions including features to support software release control. Contributor: Brian Berliner D.TAR-Z A program to display a sorted listing of files. Sort of an ersatz "ls". Contributor: Rick Conn DEL.CSH A "csh" script that prompts the user with the type of each file he is trying to remove and asks if he's sure he wants to remove it. Contributor: Rahul Dhesi DIFF.TAR-Z A public domain "diff" program. Contributor: Mark H. Colburn DIFFC.TAR-Z A "diff -c" program for people who don't have the "-c" option (Bell versions). Contributor: John Nelson EDIFF.TAR-Z Convert the output of a normal "diff" (not -c or -e) to plain English. Contributor: David MacKenzie FASTSORT.TAR-Z A sort which sorts files in place using available memory. Twice as fast as sort(1) and doesn't use files in /usr/tmp. Contributor: Edwin R. Carp FILE.TAR-Z A rewrite of the UNIX "file" command to tell about the contents of a file. Contributor: Ian F. Darwin FILESCAN.TAR-Z A program to examine a list of files and check them against stored information, in order to detect possible security breaks. Contributor: Marcus J. Ranum FILTERFILE.TAR-Z A program to apply a filter to a file, saving the output in another file. Various options to delete the input file, set modes on input or output, etc. Contributor: Dan Bernstein FINDNAME.TAR-Z Scripts to speed up the "find" program on Xenix systems. Contributor: Cliff Manis FLOCK.TAR-Z Apply or remove an advisory lock on a file and then execute a command. Contributor: Kevin Braunsdorf FM.TAR-Z A curses-based hex/ASCII file editor that allows binary file or device editing. Runs on System V, BSD, MS-DOS. Version 2.0. Contributor: Tony Field FPACK.TAR-Z A file packer and unpacker. Runs on UNIX and MS-DOS; handy for transporting files. Contributor: Gary Perlman FTIMES1.TAR-Z Display the last access, modify, and inode change times for a file. Contributor: John Korsmeyer FTIMES2.TAR-Z Programs to change the times on a file, and to compare files by access or modify time ("newer" and "older"). Contributor: Ken Yap FTIMES3.TAR-Z Yet another version of ftimes. Contributor: Robert O. Domitz GIVE.TAR-Z A program to give copies of files to only persons on a list. A reimplementation of the old V6/PWB utility. Contributor: David Collier-Brown HAT-N-COAT.TAR-Z Header Analysis Tool analyzes header file dependencies and references. C Object Analysis Tool produces a topologically sorted dependcy list and cross reference for a group of objects or libraries. Contributor: Bob McQueer HD.TAR-Z A hex dump program. Version 1.6. Contributor: P. J. Ruczynski HILL.TAR-Z File encryption using the Hill cipher. Contributor: John Cowan HPACK.TAR-Z Multisystem archiver. More universal for a number of operating systems. Version 0.75a. IBMWRAP.TAR-Z Some scripts to allow files with lines longer than 80 characters to be sent through BITNET/EARN systems, which just love those Hollerith cards. Contributor: Rob Gerth INCELIM.TAR-Z A program to eliminate "include" commands from files. It can handle ".so" commands for n/troff, "#include" commands from C, etc. Contributor: Sten Folkerman LESS.TAR-Z A program similar to "more", only with more options. Some folks think it's better than "more". It's also public domain. Contributor: Mark Nudelman LUMBERJACK.TAR-Z A program which monitors log files and indicates when they have changed by changing its icon. Runs under Suntools. Contributor: Steven Grimm LHARC.TAR-Z LHARC UNIX V. 1.00. Very efficient compression algorithm. It is compatible with the MS-DOS version. MMV.TAR-Z A program to move/copy/append/link multiple files according to a set of wildcard patterns. Checks for collisions first. Runs on BSD, System V, and MS-DOS. Patchlevel 1. Contributor: Vladimir Lanin NAME.TAR-Z A program which converts a pathname containing symbolic links into an absolute pathname which contains the "real" path to the file. Contributor: Alexander Dupuy PLIST.TAR-Z Routines and programs to manipulate files with "property list" headers, e.g. mail, news, make files, etc. Contributor: Peter da Silva RCS42.TAR-Z Version 4.2 of the Revision Control System from Purdue University. Contributor: Walter Tichy RCSIFY.TAR-Z Put groups of files under RCS control. Contributor: Terry Jones RCSIT.TAR-Z A program to prepare files for RCS by putting the appropriate headers at the top, etc. Contributor: Michael Cooper RENAME.TAR-Z Whereas "mv" can rename (as opposed to move) only one file at a time, this program can rename many files according to search and replacement patterns, sort of like VMS. Contributor: Vladimir Lanin RH.TAR-Z A program similar to "find", but which allows the user to enter real C expressions instead of using find's less than wonderful syntax. Allows selecting more diverse subsets of files. Version 2.0. Contributor: Kenneth Stauffer RMI.TAR-Z A program to remove files by inode numbers. This is one of many solutions to the "how do I remove a file with an untypable name" question. Contributor: Dave Curry RMUNRM.TAR-Z A package which allows you to use "rm" as usual to delete files but then allows you to change your mind and "unrm" a file. Contributor: Dave Taylor SCCS-B.TAR-Z Shell scripts to interface with System V.3 SCCS. Contributor: SCCS-INTERFACE.TAR-Z Shell scripts to interface with SCCS. Contributor: Larry McVoy SCCS2RCS.TAR-Z A program to convert SCCS files to RCS. Contributor: Kenneth H. Cox SHAPE.TAR-Z A collection of programs to support software configuration management on UNIX systems. Includes version control commands, and "shape", a significantly enhanced Make-oid. Contributor: Axel Mahler SHAR.TAR-Z A C program to generate "shar" files. Sort of overkill, but what the hell. Contributor: Gary Perlman SHAR-BSD42.TAR-Z Another C program to generate "shar" files, but this one takes care to make them the proper size for mailing, etc. Contributor: Roger March SHRINK.TAR-Z Shrinks very long (Berkeley) file names into 14-character or less file names for portability. Contributor: Simon Brown SLICE.TAR-Z A program to split files into several little files by pattern matching or line numbers. Contributor: Gary Puckering SNEFRU.TAR-Z A one-way hash algorithm which given some input text comes up with a single number such that no two texts will hash to the same number. Contributor: Rich Salz SPIFF.TAR-Z SPIFF, the program described at the Summer 1988 Usenix in San Francisco. Compares files like diff, but handles "minute" differences like floating point numbers, white space, etc. correctly. Contributor: Daniel W. Nachbar STAT.C A program to print out information about a file ala stat(2). Contributor: Rich Kulawiec STAT-SHELL.TAR-Z A program to print various characteristics of files in a variety of formats. Runs on BSD, AIX, HP/UX, SunOS, Ultrix. Contributor: Diomidis Spinellis TRIMLOG.TAR-Z A program for trimming log files. Allows trimming files by lines or bytes, and also handles trimming binary files. Contributor: Dave Curry UNIDIFF.TAR-Z A modified version of context diff which combines the old and new hunks into one hunk. Cuts the size of context diffs by usually about 25%. No information is lost in this process. Includes patches for GNU diff and patch, and a program that goes from "normal" diffs to unidiffs and back. Contributor: Wayne Davison UNSHAR.TAR-Z A program to undo "shar" files. There are security and speed reasons for using this over the standard shell. Contributor: Guido van Rossum VF.TAR-Z A version of VFILER for UNIX. A screen-oriented tool for moving files around, etc. Contributor: Rick Conn VMS-UNIX.TAR-Z Rename VMS filenames with version numbers, etc. to GNU EMACS style filenames and backup files. Contributor: Dan Jacobsen XC.TAR-Z A program which reads "special" lines from files and executes the commands. Lets you put compilation commands in C programs and then compile them saying "xc file", etc. Contributor: David MacKenzie XTAIL.TAR-Z An enhanced version of "tail" which allows watching all files in a directory, including new ones added while the program is running. Version 2. Contributor: Chip Rosenthal ZAP.TAR-Z A binary file editor that runs under VMS, UNIX, and MS-DOS. Mimics SIPP from RT-11. Contributor: Johan Vromans