Article 750 of alt.etext: Xref: misc.writing:20399 alt.hypertext:5133 alt.zines:4552 alt.prose:4869 rec.arts.prose:2115 alt.culture.internet:3219 alt.etext:750 rec.mag:2503 Newsgroups: misc.writing,alt.hypertext,alt.zines,alt.prose,rec.arts.prose,alt.culture.internet,alt.etext,rec.mag Path:!nwnexus!!!!pipex!!bnrgate!nott!cunews!!FreeNet.Carleton.CA!an221 From: an221@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Michael D. Heacock) Subject: ANGST - Internet-famous e-zine/fanzine Message-ID: Sender: (Usenet News Admin) Reply-To: an221@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Michael D. Heacock) Organization: The National Capital FreeNet Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 01:26:47 GMT Lines: 68 Our readership is growing and with this bi-monthly announcement, it should continue to grow. So subscribe to a high-quality literary e-zine. See the information below: Here is subscription info for Angst - a literary Zine. Electronic: Cost: FREE Frequency: 6 times per year (basically bi-monthly) Available: E-Mail: FTP: Gopher: E-Mail Formats: ASCII (sent in ASCII format) Word 2.0 for Windows (sent PKZipped and UUencoded) Postscript (sent PKZipped and UUencoded) [these formats available through FTP and Gopher] When requesting subscription via e-mail, enusure that you specify the FORMAT you desire. [Note: UUdecoders and PKunzip utilities exist for UNIX in many places on the InterNet.] Hard-Copy: A snail-mail version of the Zine exists for subscription to those people that prefer hard-copies of their Zines. It is 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" and staple-bound. Quality is excellent and print is laser-quality. Cost: Single: $3.50 (Canadian) [one issue] Per Year: $16.00 (Canadian) [six issues] I will only accept cheques from Canadian customers. All others must pay either in Cash (not recommended) or postal/bank money order. The address to write to is: Michael Heacock 1791 Feltham Victoria BC CANADA V8N 2A4 Submitting works: E-Mail or snail-mail the above addresses for more information. Rates are usually meagre and depend upon contributions from readers. This Zine is a non-profit operation. A free hard-copy of the Zine is guaranteed, though. Hope to hear from you. -- Michael Heacock \ "What else could I write / Shareware Author \ I don't have the right / "All in all \ What else should I be /___________ "Look, on the bright is all we all are" \ All apologies" -- Kurt Cobain | side is suicide"