From: (Paul Southworth) Subject: ftp/gopher server update Date: 26 Sep 1993 00:41:40 GMT Organization: ETEXT Archives Message-ID: <282og4$> Lines: 76 Here's another update on the internet text-file archive, For those of you not familiar with the archive, you should connect and look around. Both anonymous ftp and gopher protocols are supported. In previous updates I've tried to detail specific journals added to the archives. This time there are just too many. We've undergone massive expansion, and right now the server looks rather like a snake that has swallowed several rabbits and is now sunning itself on a rock. The last few weeks have seen nearly 150Mb of new text files added. In other news, Rita Rouvalis has started assisting me with the 'zines area, and will be maintaining her archives of CORE, InterText, DargonZine and others in the /pub/Zines area of as she previously did on What follows is a brief sketch of the major parts of the archives, including changes. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write -- the archives are available 24hrs a day, and submissions are accepted from any source. Paul Southworth Archivist Please address correspondence to __________________________________________________________________________ Major areas of the archives: Book.Reviews A regularly updated archive mirror of the newsgroup. CPSR A complete mirror of the archives related to Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility from CuD Computer underground Digest archives -- a complete mirror of /pub/cud from We also offer gopher access to these files which the EFF does not currently do. Factsheet.Five We're the primary archive site for ftp access to Jerod Pore's electronic version of the Factsheet Five 'zine review journal. Fiction Original works of fiction from all sorts of people, including an archive of all stories appearing on the rec.arts.prose newsgroup. Gutenberg A complete mirror of the ASCII text renditions of popular books. Libellus A new mirror of Latin electronic texts. Mailing.Lists A fast-growing new archive area, with automated archiving of a variety of mailing lists, including all public lists operated by the New York Transfer new service, P-News, Anarchy List, Europen Counter Network, Progressive Sociologists Network, Non Serviam, Nous Refuse, and more. Messages appear in the archives as soon as they are received via email. For best results, access this area via an internet gopher client. Poetry A new section of the archive, hopefully growing soon. Currently has a handful of high quality poetry magazines. Politics Radical and interesting political files of all kinds from many sides of the world political scene. Quartz A new mirror of the entire archive on Religious A handful of religious texts, including the Holy Qur'an. Zines Dozens of electronic 'zines on diverse subjects -- music, cyberculture, religion, literature and science fiction. There is also now a "Zines-by-subject" directory offering general subject classification of the 'zines.