Newsgroups: alt.etext,rec.arts.books From: (Thomas Dell) Subject: Online Books FAQ (draft) Message-ID: Organization: The Internet Wiretap Date: Tue, 18 May 1993 08:01:50 GMT Online Books FAQ :: 5/18/93 This FAQ addresses mainly the availability of PUBLIC DOMAIN sources of Etext available on the Internet. By "public domain" we mean text that is unencumbered and free from copyrights. 0. Contents of this FAQ 1. Archive sites for books and Etext 2. List of known books freely available 3. Which texts are copyright? 4. How to submit texts 5. Related Usenet newsgroups 6. Pointers to non public domain texts 1. Archive Sites for Books and Etext Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg releases approximately four high quality etexts per month into the public domain, and have been releasing texts since 1991. Texts released by Project Gutenberg are available by anonymous FTP on in /etext; please restrict transfers to times other than prime time. Host: Directory: /etext Size: ? Format: ASCII Contents: Gutenberg Released Books Access: FTP A mailing list is available, GUTNBERG-L, though it is not currently accepting new subscriptions. Please use the bit.listserv.gutnberg-l newsgroup instead. Online Book Initiative The Online Book Initiative, or OBI, collects and distributes text to the Internet. Many books and other materials are available for FTP and Gopher at, in /obi. Generally these texts are arranged by author. Size, approximately 200MB. Host: Directory: /obi Size: 200MB Format: many Contents: Public Domain Text Access: FTP, Gopher Internet Wiretap Internet Wiretap also collects and distributes text to the Internet. Additionally, texts are prepared for the public domain on a somewhat regular schedule. Wiretap's archives are limited to ASCII text, and are available for FTP and Gopher on, in /Library and /Gov. Texts are arranged by subject; size, approximately 150MB. Host: Directory: /Library, /Gov Size: 150MB Format: ASCII Contents: Public Domain Text Access: FTP, Gopher Project Runeberg Project Runeberg's intention is the free distribution of literary and artistic works in Scandinavian languages, much like Gutenberg exists for English. One of the major works in progress is a Swedish edition of the 1917 Bible. Project Runeberg is a distributed, grassroots effort. Host: Directory: /pub/runeberg Size: About 1MB Format: ISO 8859-1 Contents: Scandinavian Etext Access: FTP, Gopher Latin Classics Project This project does not really have a name, but several works (both Latin and Commentaries) have been produced. Like Runeberg, this is a distributed effort, and all texts are placed in the public domain. Host: Directory: /public/libellus Size: About 1MB Format: TeX Contents: Latin Etext and Commentaries Access: FTP Other hosts containing smaller amounts of Etext The following sites have smaller quantities. Certain of these place restrictions on some of the text (notably, CCAT.) FTP Religious Texts FTP Oxford Text Archives Gopher University of PA: CCAT FTP Mirrors in /doc/literary Both Maryland INFO Server FTP Funet NIC, (in Finland) In general, please try to restrict large transfers to non prime time hours for that specific region. This is particulary true if the transfer spans an ocean. Dialup BBS's with Etext Those without access to FTP can obtain a subset of the materials available from dialup BBS's: BBB BBS Washington +1 503 620 0307 Darkside California +1 408 245 7726 If you know of a free, stable BBS with significant amounts of text online, please let us know. 2. List of known books freely available This is a partial list of full length books that are available via FTP or Gopher somewhere on the network. Books with restrictions are not listed, since they can't be obtained anyway. * 1. Aesop: Fables, Paperless Edition. * 2. Aesop: Fables, Townsend Translation. 3. Albert Hoffman: Problem Child. + 4. Ambrose Bierce: The Devil's Dictionary. 5. Artephius: The Secret Book (Alchemy). * 6. Baroness Orczy: The Scarlet Pimpernel. 7. Bible: Elberfelder Ubersetzung Bibel/ * 8. Bible: Holy Bible/ 9. Bram Stoker: Dracula. 10. Brendan P Kehoe: Zen and the Art of the Internet. 11. CIA: Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare. 12. CIA: World Fact Book 1990. 13. CIA: World Fact Book 1991. 14. CIA: World Fact Book 1992. 15. Chaos Industries: The Big Book of Mischief v1.3. * 16. Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol. * 17. Charles Dickens: The Chimes. 18. Charles Dickens: The Cricket on the Hearth. * 19. Charlotte Gilman: Herland. 20. Dale A Grote: Study Guide to Wheelock Latin. 21. Daniel Young: Scientific Secrets, 1861. * 22. Decartes: Discourse on Reason. 23. Doyle: Hound of the Baskervilles. 24. Doyle: Sign of Four. 25. Doyle: Study in Scarlet. 26. Doyle: Through the Magic Door. 27. Doyle: Valley of Fear. * 28. Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Princess of Mars. + 29. Edwin Abbott: Flatland. 30. Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights. * 31. Frederick Douglass: Narrative. 32. HG Wells: The Invisible Man. * 33. HG Wells: The Time Machine. * 34. HG Wells: The War of the Worlds. 35. Hakim Bey: T.A.Z. Temporary Autonomous Zone. * 36. Henry Longfellow: The Song of Hiawatha. 37. Herman Melville: Moby Dick. 38. JM Barrie: Peter Pan. 39. Jack London: The Call of the Wild. 40. John F McManus: The Insiders. * 41. John Milton: Paradise Lost. * 42. John Milton: Paradise Regained. 43. Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness. 44. Joseph Conrad: Lord Jim. 45. Joseph Conrad: Secret Sharer. * 46. L Frank Baum: The Marvelous Land of Oz. * 47. L Frank Baum: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. * 48. Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. * 49. Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking Glass. 50. Louis Leclerc: Does America Say "Yes" to Japan * 51. Lucy Montgomery: Anne of Avonlea. * 52. Lucy Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables. * 53. Lucy Montgomery: Anne of the Island. 54. Lysander Spooner: No Treason. 55. MIT: Jargon File v2.9.10, July 1992. 56. Malaclypse the Younger: Principia Discordia. + 57. Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer Abroad. + 58. Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer, Detective. * 59. Marx & Engels: Communist Manifesto. 60. Mormon: Book of Mormon. 61. Mormon: Doctrine & Covenants/ 62. Mormon: Pearl of Great Price/ * 63. Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter. 64. Paul Tsongas: A Call To Economic Arms. 65. Quran: Quran/ * 66. Roget: Thesaurus of 1911. * 67. Shakespeare: Complete Works/ * 68. Sophocles: Oedipus Trilogy. * 69. Stevenson: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. * 70. Thomas Hardy: Far from the Madding Crowd. 71. Walter Scott: Chronicles of the Canongate. 72. Walter Scott: The Keepsake Stories. * 73. Willa Cather: O Pioneers!. * 74. Willa Cather: The Song of the Lark. 75. William James: Essays in Radical Empiricism. [ Since this is the first draft, there are probably a few books missing. Happily, this is many more available than there were a year ago. ] * Indicates release by Project Gutenberg + Indicates release by Internet Wiretap Most texts here are available either on OBI or Wiretap. Gutenberg texts are also available on MRCNEXT and other places. One of the primary goals of Project Gutenberg, OBI, and Wiretap are to give the general public free and unencumbered access to electronic books whose copyrights have expired. 3. Which texts are copyright? Laws may vary depending upon location, but generally any work published 75 years ago (before about 1917) has an expired copyright and has entered the public domain. Note the reprints or republications of a public domain work are generally NOT public domain, since editors make alterations to retain the copyright. Thus it is usually NOT SAFE to scan or type in works PRINTED LESS THAN 75 YEARS AGO. 4. How to submit texts If you have scanned or typed in works that you know to be in the public domain, you can make them available to others. Both OBI and Wiretap will accept submissions. We recommend you place copies on both if you consider the work "finished" (ie, proofread and acceptable.) Wiretap will accept rough works for comparison to others. To submit, use anonymous FTP to the appropriate directories: OBI: /obi/incoming Wiretap: /incoming There is no guarantee a work will be made available once you submit it (eg, if the copyright is in question, or it is too raw to be made available to the public.) If you do this, please place a label at the top of the text, something like "This Work is in the Public Domain". If possible, place also the date of the publication, and whatever other details you think will be helpful in ascertaining copyright status. 5. Related Usenet Newsgroups alt.etext Announcements and discussion regarding Electronic Text. Archives are kept on in /alt.etext bit.listserv.gutnberg-l Announcements and discussion for Project Gutenberg. Note that release announcements also get posted to alt.etext, if you are unable to receive bit.* newsgroups. Archives, to an extent, are on bit.listserv.pacs-l Public Access Computer Systems mailing list. This is mostly library oriented. rec.arts.books Books of all genres, and the publishing industry. High volume, popular newsgroup. comp.text Text processing issues and methods. This is mostly centered on such topics at troff, nroff, etc. comp.text.sgml ISO 8879 SGML, structured documents, markup languages. Markup languages are used to retain additional information about a document that would otherwise be lost if ASCII were used to represent it. 6. Pointers to non Public Domain texts The CPET, or the Catalog of Projects in Electronic Text, maintains a list of groups that are creating and managing etext. Most of these groups are scholar-oriented and do not make their texts available to the general public, however. CPET resides at Georgetown University. The CPET list itself is freely distributable, and can be obtained by FTP from ----- THIS IS THE 1st DRAFT OF THE ONLINE BOOKS FAQ. Please send additions, corrections, etc to [This FAQ is being crossposted to rec.arts.books as well. It will be crossposted to news.answers when it is past draft stage.] / Thomas E Dell