Cheers Quiz, 18-Apr-1991 edition. Many thanks to Eric Jorgensen ( and Kevin Treu (, co-authors of the Cheers episode guide, for their help in researching and proofreading this quiz. The questions are sorted by topic, not by difficulty. Estimated difficulty ratings (enclosed in [square brackets]) are: 0 = solvable by casual viewers 1 = solvable by moderately devoted viewers 2 = solvable by addicted viewers 3 = research problem + and - can be used to adjust the value. E.g., 0+ or 2-. In particular, a rating of 3+ means that even watching every single second of every episode won't help. A `*' means that the information is contained in only one episode. For these questions, the ratings are *0 = solvable if you watched the episode casually *1 = solvable if you watched the episode carefully *2 = a single line of dialog answers the question *3 = you need freeze-frame to answer this one If the rating is given as [?], that means the question was submitted by somebody else, and I didn't know the answer, so I couldn't give it a rating. Some of the questions are trick questions. You will score bonus points if you give both the obvious (wrong) answer and the correct (trick) answer. CHAPTER 1: The show itself 1: Every show begins with a close-up of the `Cheers' sign. What is the voice-over while the sign is displayed? [0] =1 How many variations on this voice over can you list? [3] =B 2: What is the title of the Cheers theme song? [2-] =1 Who wrote it, and who performs it? [2+] =2 3: `Cheers' exists in the same universe as other television programs. (For example, characters from other shows appeared on `Cheers', or vice versa.) Name the other programs. [3+] =B 4: On the other hand, `Cheers' has been established as not belonging to other universes. Name the television shows that have appeared prominently on `Cheers' as television shows. [3] =B 5: `Cheers' is also known for having cameo appearances of famous celebrities and politicians. Name all the people who have appeared as themselves on `Cheers'. [3] =B 6: All of the female regulars (Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Bebe Neuwirth and Kirstie Alley) have either been pregnant in real life or pregnant in character, or both. Which is which? [3] =B 7: In describing the dedication to innovative comedy, James Burrows said, ``In `Cheers', nobody slips on the banana peel.'' In what episode did somebody slip on a banana peel? [*1] =1 8: Two shows have ended with hugs that turn to asphyxiation. Describe. [2+] =2 CHAPTER 2: The Bar 9: What real-life bar was Cheers patterned after? [3] =1 10: What year was Cheers established? [1] =1 11: What was Cheers before it was a bar? [?] =1 12: When is closing time? [2] =1 13: What is the bar's maximum capacity, according to the fire code? [3] =1 14: Where does the door behind the staircase lead? [3] =1 15: Which night is Ladies' Night? [?] =1 16: Which Cheers employees car pool to work? [2] =1 17: Which night is pool tournament night? [*1+] =1 18: What is the name of the wooden Indian statue that stands by the door? [*1] =1 19: We've seen three bachelor parties thrown at Cheers, but each grinds to an abrupt halt after something happens. Describe. [1] =3 20: What can you do with a `Billiard Buddy Pool Table Adapter'? [*2] =1 21: Recite the entire text of the `Square House' sign. [3-] =1 Where can you find the sign? [2-] =1 Let R = the restaurant above Cheers. 22: What is the name of R? [0] =1 What kind of restaurant is it? [0+] =1 23: Who is the maitre d'? [2] =1 Who became the owner of R for the ninth season? [1] =1 What let the second owner gloat over Sam? [1+] =1 Let B = Cheers' main rival bar. 24: What is the name of B? [0+] =1 Name the actors who have played its proprietor. [3] =3 25: What part of town is B in? [*2+] =1 How do you get to Cheers from there? [*2+] =1 26: Another local bar is Vito's Pub. What is so special about it? [*1-] =1 27: What is the name of the local tabloid? [*2] =1 CHAPTER 3: The Bar Regulars Most of the bar regulars sit in the background, but there are a few that stand out. 28: What is the name of the old guy? [2] =1 The fat guy (not Norm)? [2] =1 29: Who is the lawyer's aide who became a lawyer? [1+] =1 And what was his first case? [*0+] =1 30: What is the street name of the swindler who occasionally frequents Cheers? [1+] =1 What is the character's real last name? [*3] =1 Who plays him? [1] =1 31: Which of the regulars can perform weddings? [*1+] =1 32: What is the name of the local Catholic priest? [1+] =1 Who plays him? [3-] =1 CHAPTER 4: Sam 33: How many times has Sam been married? [2+] =1 34: For many years, Sam was driven by his desire to buy back the bar. List the times he has blown the opportunity to get back the bar, or parts of it. [3-] =B 35: Money is also a recurring problem for Sam. Name as many instances as you can where Sam lost large quantities of money. [3-] =B 36: Continuing on the money theme, more than once somebody has whipped out his checkbook and offered to pay Sam lots of money. (Or in some other manner offered to give Sam lots of money.) Name as many as you can. [3-] =B 37: Still on the topic of money, name the transactions where the total amount of money that changed hands was less than a dollar. [2] =B 38: What is Sam's brother's name? [*0] =1 What is his job? [*1] =1 His hair color, eye color? [*2] =2 39: What is Sam's favorite color? [*2] =1 His favorite hobby? [*2] =1 40: What is the combination to the wall safe in his office? [*1+] =1 41: What was Sam's uniform number when he pitched for the Red Sox? [?] =1 Describe his first Major League save. [*2+] =1 42: Who was Sam's first sexual experience with? [*2] =1 43: What is Sam's good luck charm? [*0] =1 44: What happens when he drinks tequila? (Besides getting drunk.) [*2-]=1 45: Who is Sam's sportscaster friend? [2] =1 Who portrays him? [2] =1 46: List the times Sam and Diane have pretended to be in love when they really weren't dating. [3-] =B 47: For each of Sam's proposals of marriage to Diane, state where it was made and what Diane's immediate respose was. [3-] =B+B 48: Where were Sam and Diane to go on their honeymoon? [2-] =1 49: What was court case number 15786? [*1+] =1 50: What drink did Carla invent to get Sam's job back? [*0+] =1 If someone asks for it, what should the bartender ask? [*1] =1 CHAPTER 5: Diane 51: What was the name of Diane's fiance who dumped her at Cheers? [1+] =1 52: What are Diane's parents' names? [*2+ and *0+] =2 When did Diane's father die? [*2+] =1 53: What was the name of the sanitarium that Diane stayed at? [2] =1 For how long? [2+] =1 54: Ever since she was a child, Diane dreamed of being a what? [0+] =1 55: What was the play that Diane and Andy-Andy acted out before a Cheers audience? [*0+] =1 56: What happens when Diane's allergy to Frasier's dog acts up? [*0+] =1 And what is the dog's name? [*1-] =1 What did Sam call it? [*1] =1 57: What annoying tic does Diane have? [1+] =1 What does she do about it? [*1] =1 58: Diane keeps a rather large collection of stuffed animals. What is the name of the stuffed giraffe? [*1] =1 Which is her `dearest childhood pal'? [*1+] =1 59: Who is Jessica Simpson Bourges? [*2] =1 60: When Diane integrated her sorority in her senior year, what kind of people she push for admittance? [*2] =1 What was her sorority anyway? [*2-] =1 61: Who are the Sisters of the Divine Severity? [*1] =1 62: How did Diane satisfy her PhysEd requirement in college? [*0] =1 63: What does Diane keep between her French Club pin and her retainer? [*2+] =1 64: How much psychology did Diane study in college? [*2+] =1 To what school of psychology does she subscribe? [*2+] =1 65: In high school, Diane was voted the girl most likely to ... ? [*2] =1 66: What did Diane want to name her and Sam's first child? [*1-] =1 67: List the things Diane wanted Sam to help her choose for their life together? (The sort of things you'll find in a bridal registry.) =B 68: Why did Diane finally leave Sam? [*0+] =1 69: At last report, what is Diane doing? [*2] =1 CHAPTER 6: Coach 70: What is Coach's real name? [0+] =1 What is his other nickname, and how did he get it? [*2-] =2 71: What does everybody jokingly say is the reason why Coach =1 is so flighty? [1+] 72: What did Coach coach? [2+] =1 73: What is his daughter's name, and who played her? [*0] =2 His late wife's name? [2] =1 74: What is Coach's secret weapon for getting women interested in him? [*0+] =1 75: Which is Coach's night off, and how does he spend it? [*2] =2 76: Complete the following song: Albania! Albania! You border on the Adriatic. Your land is mostly mountainous, And your chief export is ---. [*1+] =1 What song is it sung to? [*1-] =1 77: What is the bunt sign? [*2] =1 78: Who is Coach's and Sam's favorite actor? [*1+] =1 79: Who was Coach's pen pal? [*1] =1 80: Why does Coach attend the reunion of a black family every year? [*1+] =1 CHAPTER 7: Carla 81: What is Carla's full name? [3] =1 82: Name Carla's children and their fathers. [3] =B+B 83: What religion is Carla? [1] =1 84: Which is Carla's night off? [*1+] =1 85: What was the name of the reform school she attended as a child? [*2+] =1 86: Why didn't Carla attend sex education class in high school? [*1] =1 Let H1 = Carla's sleazeball ex-husband. 87: What is the name of H1? [0] =1 What is his occupation? [1-] =1 Where does he live? [1-] =1 How did he propose to Carla? [*2-] =1 88: Who is H1's current wife? [1] =1 What did he enclose with the wedding invitation? [*1-] =1 What do Tortelli men do at weddings as a sign of fertility? [*1] =1 Let H2 = Carla's next husband. 89: What is the full name of H2? [0+] =1 90: What team did H2 play for, and what was his position? [0] =1 What was his uniform number? [*2+] =1 What did he drink before every game? [*1+] =1 What job did he get after he was cut from the team? [0] =1 91: Who caught the bouquet at their wedding? [*2] =1 92: How did H2 die? [*1] =1 Who was his other wife? [*0] =1 How much was his life insurance policy worth? [*0] =1 93: What was Carla and H2's song? [1+] =1 94: What is Carla's favorite meal and favorite hobby? [*2] =2 What is her favorite movie, and her favorite scene in it? [*2] =2 95: Why does she watch `America's Most Wanted'? [*2] =1 96: Where did she work before coming to Cheers? [?] =1 97: Carla's cousin is a private detective. What's his name, and whom has he spied on? [*2] =1+B 98: In Carla's family, dying family members get `The Dream'. =1 How do you pronounce `The Dream'? [*0+] CHAPTER 8: Norm 99: What is Norm's real first name? [*1-] =1 100: When Norm comes into the bar, everybody yells `Norm!'. Everybody except one. Who, and why? [0+] =1+1 101: Actually, the traditional `Norm' greeting has been spoofed more than once. List (1) the other places Norm frequents where everybody yells `Norm!', (2) other people who have had their names called in a similar manner, (3) times Norm comes in, says hello, but everybody doesn't yell his name. [3] =B 102: What is Norm's favorite eating establishment? [1] =1 103: How does Norm conclude every letter? [*1] =1 104: What was Norm's nickname in high school? [*2-] =1 What sport did he play in high school? [*0] =1 Let W1 = Norm's wife. 105: What is the name of W1? [0] =1 How long have they been married? [*2+] =1 What was her maiden name? [?] =1 106: How did Norm and W1 meet? [*2] =1 What was W1's claim to fame in school? [*2] =1 107: How close have we gotten to seeing/hearing W1? [3-] =B Who supplies her voice? [3+] =1 108: Name the times Norm contemplated cheating on her? [3-] =B 109: Describe Norm's car. [*2]