Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc From: Matthew J Smedley Subject: Re: ST:TNG Episode List Message-ID: <> Organization: Penn State University Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1993 17:49:46 EST Lines: 2248 Hello everyone-- This is the episode list for seasons 1-5 that I got from LISTSERV@PCCVM. It's a big file, but I think it's pretty good. Enjoy! Matt Smedley (Internet) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is from the Sf-Lovers Archives at Rutgers University. It is provided as part of a free service in connection with distribution of Sf-Lovers Digest. This file is currently maintained by the moderator of the Digest. It may be freely copied or redistributed in whole or in part as long as this notice and all copyright information remains intact. If you would like to know more about Sf-Lovers Digest, send mail to SF-LOVERS-REQUEST@RUTGERS.EDU. Star Trek: The Next Generation 1987 - Created by Gene Roddenberry Executive Producers: Gene Roddenberry (1987 - 1991), Michael Piller, Rick Berman Distributed by Paramount Pictures Corporation Episode Guide Compiled by Saul Jaffe (Moderator, Sf-Lovers) Copyright by Saul Jaffe Last Revised: February 25, 1992 Introduction Since the cancellation of Star Trek in 1969, the number of fans, known throughout the world as "Trekkies" or "Trekkers", has grown to tremendous proportions. Star Trek has spawned more original novels, and stories by both professionals and fans (many whom later became professionals), fan clubs, toys, games, comics, etc. than any other single show in the history of television. Since the early 70s, those fans have been clamoring for more of their favorite spaceship and crew to be filmed - the novels and stories were just not enough to satisfy our yearnings to travel in space, albeit vicariously, and to travel where no man had gone before. In 1973, it appeared as if Trek fandom had gotten its wish. Sort of. Paramount Pictures and NBC aired an animated version of the show. Many of the original cast lent their voices and many good writers and artists lent their talents to the new show but, sadly, the show only lasted two seasons. But, as Riker says in the episode, "Contagion": fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise. And so in 1980, Star Trek came to the big screen. While the movie itself was not been received very well, it did well enough for Paramount to do several more pictures. And the popularity of Star Trek grew again. Now, there were not only the original fans of the series, but all of the fans that grew up on reruns of the show as well as all of the new fans brought in by the novels and the movies. By 1984, Paramount and Gene Roddenberry were talking about a new television project. For nearly two years, negotiations continued on what the show would be like, how it would be sold (network or syndication), which members of the cast would return, etc. Although the fans were kept primarily in the dark on all this, from time to time, rumors surfaced. Finally, 21 years after the original Star Trek first made its mark on the history of SF and television, Gene Roddenberry and Paramount Pictures released for our enjoyment, Star Trek: The Next Generation. This episode guide contains the list of all of the episodes to date in the order in which they were aired. Included in the description of each episode is the name of the producer, the director and the writer as well as the guest cast list and the parts they played. In most cases, the names of characters were taken from the TV Guide or guessed at from their usages in the episode. Also included for each episode is a brief synopsis of the show WITHOUT spoilers. Regular Cast Patrick Stewart.................Captain Jean-Luc Picard Jonathan Frakes.................Commander William Riker LeVar Burton....................Lt. Geordi La Forge Denise Crosby...................Lt. Tasha Yar (first season only) Michael Dorn....................Lt. Worf Gates McFadden..................Dr. Beverly Crusher (did not appear in second season) Marina Sirtis...................Counselor Deanna Troi Brent Spiner....................Lt. Commander Data Wil Wheaton.....................Wesley Crusher (regular first - fourth seasons, occasional appearances thereafter) Diana Muldaur...................Dr. Katherine Pulaski (second season only) Whoopi Goldberg.................Guinan (occasional appearances second season on) Colm Meaney.....................Miles O'Brien Majel Barrett...................Computer Voice FIRST SEASON ENCOUNTER AT FARPOINT Producer: Robert Lewin Director: Corey Allen Writers: D.C. Fontana and Gene Roddenberry Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Michael Bell (Zorn), DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), Cart-Hiroyuki (Bailiff), Timothy Dang (Security), David Erskine (Shopkeeper), Evelyn Guerrero (Ensign), Chuck Hicks (Military Officer), Jimmy Ortega (Torres) Pilot episode for the series. While en route to investigate problems on Farpoint station, the Enterprise meets the mysterious super-powered Q. Q condemns humanity and challenges them to solve the mystery at Farpoint. THE NAKED NOW Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Paul Lynch Writer: J. Michael Bingham (from a story by John D.F. Black and J. Michael Bingham) Cast: Brooke Bundy (Chief Engineer McDougal), Benjamin W.S. Lum (Jim Shimoda), Michael Rider (Transporter Chief), David Renan (Conn), Skip Stellrecht (Engineering Crewman), Kenny Koch, (Kissing Crewman) A sequel episode to "The Naked Time" episode of the old series. The Enterprise rendezvouses with the science vessel U.S.S. Tsiolkovsky and find the entire crew dead. Unknowingly, they bring back to the Enterprise the strange infection that caused the crew of the science vessel to go crazy. The crew of the Enterprise discover that the cure found by the first Enterprise for this disease does not work due to a mutation in the virus. CODE OF HONOR Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Russ Mayberry Writers: Katharyn Powers and Michael Baron Cast: Jessie Lawrence Ferguson (Lutan), Karole Selmon (Yareena), James Louis Watkins (Hagon), Michael Rider (Transporter Chief) The Enterprise travels to Ligon II to obtain a rare vaccine needed to avert a plague on another planet. The Logonian leader kidnaps Tasha as part of the traditions of his planet. Eventually she is forced to fight a battle to the death with the wife of the leader in order to gain her freedom and the vaccine. THE LAST OUTPOST Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Richard Colla Writer: Herbert Wright (from a story by Richard Krzemien) Cast: Armin Shimerman (Letek), Jake Dengel (Mordoc), Tracey Walter (Kayron), Darryl Henriques (Portal), Mike Gomez (Daimon Tarr) A Ferengi vessel steals an energy unit from a Federation base and the Enterprise pursues. Both ships are rendered immobile as they pass an unknown solar system. Believing each other responsible for the immobility, they discuss surrender. Meanwhile, an Enterprise probe discovers that a force-field on the nearby planet is actually responsible and a joint expedition of Ferengi and Federation personnel, beam down to explore. They encounter a mysterious being known as Portal who presents them a test. WHERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Rob Bowman Writers: Diane Duane and Michael Reaves Cast: Stanley Kamel (Lt. Kosinski), Eric Menyuk (Assistant), Herta Ware (Maman Picard), Biff Yeager (Lt. Commander Argyle), Charles Dayton (Crewman), Victoria Dillard (Ballerina) An engineer and his alien assistant board the Enterprise to perform an experiment that would increase warp engine output. During the experiment, something goes wrong and the Enterprise ends up in a place where thoughts become real. The assistant from a race of "travelers" with the scientific capabilities far beyond ours who tour the universe seeking those with potential. The traveler confides to Picard that Wesley is one of those beings with potential and should be guided and helped to grow. It is as a result of these comments, plus the knowledge and help that Wesley provides in Engineering that prompts Picard to make Crusher an acting ensign. LONELY AMONG US Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Cliff Bole Writer: D.C. Fontana (from a story by Michael Halperin) Cast: John Durbin (Chief Antican Delegate), Kavi Raz (Lt. Singh) While on a mission to transport emissaries of two warring races to Parliament for negotiations, the Enterprise encounters a strange cloud consisting entirely of energy. As they pass, a bolt of energy strikes Worf and passes from crewman to crewman, killing one crewman and eventually taking over Picard's mind. JUSTICE Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: James L. Conway Writer: Worley Thorne (from a story by Ralph Wills and Worley Thorne) Cast: Brenda Bakke (Rivan), Jay Louden (Liator), Josh Clark (Conn), David Q. Combs (1st Mediator), Richard Lavin (2nd Mediator), Judith Jones (Edo Girl), Eric Matthew (1st Edo Boy), Brad Zerbst (Medical Technician), David Micahael Graves (2nd Edo Boy) The Enterprise travels to the idyllic world of Rubicam 3, home to a race of people known as the Edo, for shore leave. Wesley falls afoul of their justice system which demands that anyone who commits a crime be executed immediately. Picard must then choose between Wesley and obeying the Prime Directive. To complicate matters, a strange alien presence surrounds the world and is worshipped by the Edo as a God. It has unlimited power and does not want Picard interfering with the Edo's laws. THE BATTLE Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Herbert Wright (from a story by Larry Forrester) Cast: Frank Corsentino (Daimon Bok), Doug Warhit (Kazago), Robert Towers (Rata) The Enterprise meets a Ferengi Vessel whose captain, Bok, blames Picard for the death of his son while Picard commanded the Stargazer. Bok returns the derelict Stargazer to the Federation as a gift but has secretly placed a mind altering device on board. Using this device, Bok attempts to get revenge on Picard by causing him to believe that he still commands the Stargazer and the Enterprise is the alien ship. HIDE AND Q Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Cliff Bole Writers: C.J. Holland and Gene Roddenberry (from a story by C.J. Holland) Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Elaine Nalee (Klingon), William A. Wallace (adult Wesley) Again, the control of the Enterprise is seized by the mysterious alien known as Q. This time, Q transports the entire bridge crew except Picard to a desolate planet and forces them to play a deadly game. The game's true purpose is to test Riker to see if he is worthy of receiving the power of the "Q." HAVEN Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Richard Compton Writer: Tracy Torme (from a story by Tracy Torme and Lan O'Kun) Cast: Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Rob Knepper (Wyatt Miller), Nan Martin (Victoria Miller), Robert Ellenstein (Steven Miller), Carel Struycken (Mr. Homn), Anna Katarina (Valeda), Raye Birk (Wrenn), Danitza Kingsley (Ariana), Michael Rider (Transporter Chief) The Enterprise arrives at Haven, a paradise planet. There, Troi meets her fiancee of a pre-arranged marriage for the first time and is torn between her life in Starfleet and her devotion to her family and customs. THE BIG GOODBYE Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Joseph L. Scanlan Writer: Tracy Torme Cast: Lawrence Tierney (Cyrus Redblock), Harvey Jason (Felix Leach), William Boyett (Lt. Dan Bell), David Selburg (Lt. Whalen), Gary Armagnac (Lt. McNary), Mike Genovese (Desk Sergeant), Dick Miller (Vendor), Carolyn Allport (Jessica Bradley), Rhonda Aldrich (Secretary), Erik Cord (Thug) In a pastiche of Philip Marlowe's "The Long Goodbye" and other detective films of the 40's, Picard enters the holodeck and the fictional world of the detective, Dixon Hill. Picard becomes the investigator involved in his latest case. Meanwhile, an alien probe shakes the ship and damages the holodeck controls accidentally turning the fantasy world into a deadly trap. This episode won a Peabody award. DATALORE Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Robert Lewin and Gene Roddenberry (from a story by Robert Lewin and Maurice Hurley) Cast: Biff Yeager (Lt. Commander Argyle) The Enterprise travels to the Omicron Theta star system, where Data was discovered years, ago in order to investigate the disappearance of a colony. In a hidden cave, they find another robot, Data's twin brother Lore, and revive him. They discover, almost too late, that Lore is a megalomaniac and out to destroy the Enterprise. ANGEL ONE Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Michael Rhodes Writer: Patrick Barry Cast: Karen Montgomery (Beate), Sam Hennings (Ramsey), Patricia McPherson (Ariel), Leonard John Crofoot (Trent) The Enterprise travels to a planet controlled entirely by women in order to search for survivors from a Federation ship which disappeared in that sector seven years earlier. The away team is thwarted in their efforts by the female-run government. Meanwhile, a highly contagious virus plagues the Enterprise. 11001001 Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Paul Lynch Writers: Maurice Hurley and Robert Lewin Cast: Carolyn McCormick (Minuet), Gene Dynarski (Commander Quinteros), Katy Boyer (Zero One), Alexandra Johnson (One Zero), Iva Lane (Zero Zero), Kelli Ann McNally (One One), Jack Sheldon (Piano Player), Abdul Salaam El Razzac (Bass Player), Ron Brown (Drummer) The Enterprise docks at Starbase 74 for a refit. The maintenance crew, four Binars, program the antimatter containment to fail causing the crew to evacuate the ship in a panic. Meanwhile, Picard and Riker, in a Binar-enhanced program on the holodeck, are totally unaware of the situation. After the crew, except for Riker and Picard, leave the ship, the Binars hijack it to return to their home planet to save their computers from the effects of a supernova. TOO SHORT A SEASON Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Michael Michaelian and D.C. Fontana (from a story by Michael Michaelian) Cast: Clayton Rohner (Admiral Jameson), Marsha Hunt (Anne Jameson), Michael Pataki (Karnas) Admiral Jameson is transported by the Enterprise to Mordan IV to negotiate with terrorists who have captured the Federation ambassadors. For some reason, they will talk only with the admiral. Meanwhile, the Admiral has taken a strange drug which is causing him to age backwards. WHEN THE BOUGH BREAKS Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Kim Manners Writer: Hannah Louise Shearer Cast: Jerry Hardin (Radue), Brenda Strong (Rashella), Jandi Swanson (Katie), Paul Lambert (Melian), Ivy Bethune (Duana), Dierk Torsek (Dr. Bernard), Michele Marsh (Leda), Dan Mason (Accolan), Philip N. Waller (Harry), Connie Danese (Toya), Jessica and Vanessa Bova (Alexandra) The Enterprise discovers the legendary planet of Aldea and the advanced civilization that lives there. The inhabitants have extraordinary technology including the ability to cloak their entire planet, but lack the capacity to have children. When the crew of the Enterprise refuse to trade some of the children from the ship for technology, the Aldeans kidnap Wesley and six other children from the ship. HOME SOIL Producer: Maurice Hurley Director: Corey Allen Writer: Robert Sabaroff (from a story by Karl Guers, Ralph Sanchez and Robert Sabaroff) Cast: Walter Gotell (Kurt Mandl), Elizabeth Lindsey (Louisa Kim), Gerard Prendergast (Bjorn Benson), Mario Roccuzzo (Arthur Malencon), Carolyne Barry (Female Engineer) The Enterprise visits a terraforming station on Velara III where they encounter a new life form which, after being beamed up to the Enterprise for examination, attempts to take over the Enterprise. COMING OF AGE Producers: Robert Lewin and Herbert Wright Director: Michael Vejar Writer: Sandy Fries Cast: Ward Costello (Admiral Quinn), Robert Schenkkan (Lt. Commander Dexter Remmick), John Putch (Mordock), Robert Ito (Chang), Stephen Gregory (Jake Kurland), Tasia Valenza (T'Shanik), Estee Chandler (Oliana Mirren), Brendan McKane (1st Technician), Wyatt Knight (2nd Technician), Daniel Riordan (Rondon) The Enterprise travels to Relva 7 where Wesley takes his entrance exams to enter Starfleet Academy. Meanwhile, an old friend of Picard's, now an admiral, arrives with an aide from the Inspector General's office to investigate the ship and its crew on the pretext that something is wrong on the Enterprise. HEART OF GLORY Producer: Robert Lewin, Herbert Wright Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Maurice Hurley (from a story by Maurice Hurley, Herbert Wright and D.C. Fontana) Cast: Vaughn Armstrong (Korris), Charles H. Hyman (Konmel), David Froman (K'nera), Robert Bauer (Kunivas), Brad Zerbst (Nurse), Dennis Madalone (Ramos) In the Neutral Zone, the Enterprise finds a Talarian ship with three Klingons aboard. The Klingons claim to be have been passengers on the ship but turn out to be dissidents, opposed to the Federation-Klingon peace. They attempt to get Worf to help them when a Klingon cruiser enters the area and demands the return of the criminals. THE ARSENAL OF FREEDOM Producers: Robert Lewin and Herbert Wright Director: Les Landau Writers: Richard Manning and Hans Beimler (from a story by Maurice Hurley and Robert Lewin) Cast: Vincent Schiavelli (Peddler), Marco Rodriguez (Captain Paul Rice), Vyto Ruginis (Logan), Julia Nickson (Lian T'Su), George De La Pena (Orfil Folis) The Enterprise arrives at Minos, a planet once inhabited by weapons manufacturers who have been destroyed by their own creations. Automated salesmen and weapons display systems still function and the away team is forced to fight for their lives against weapons that keep getting more sophisticated and intelligent as time passes. Meanwhile, in orbit around the planet, Geordi in command of the Enterprise is forced to fight another weapons system with the capability to cloak itself. SYMBIOSIS Producer: Robert Lewing Director: Win Phelps Writer: Robert Lewin, Richard Manning and Hans Beimler (from a story by Robert Lewin) Cast: Judson Scott (Sobi), Merritt Butrick (T'Jon), Richard Lineback (Romas), Kimberly Farr (Langor) While investigating a sun with very strong magnetic-field fluctuations, the Enterpise intercepts a distress call and rescues a nearby freighter. Safely on board the Enterprise with their cargo, four of the inhabitants fight over ownership of the cargo - a very addictive narcotic. SKIN OF EVIL Producers: Robert Lewin and Herbert Wright Director: Joseph L. Scanlan Writers: Joseph Stefan and Hannah Louise Shearer (from a story by Joseph Stefano) Cast: Mart McChesney (Armus), Ron Gans (Voice of Armus), Walker Boone (Leland T. Lynch), Brad Zerbst (Nurse), Raymond Forchion (Ben Prieto) A shuttle containing Troi and a pilot is returning from a conference when it crash-lands on Vagra II. When the Enterprise locates the shuttle interference prevents them from using their sensors or transporters to beam up the two occupants. The away team find an alien named Armus which appears like an oil slick but is able to assume humanoid shape at will. Armus blocks their path and prevents them from rescuing their comrades. During the encounter, Armus taunts the crew as they attempt to reach the shuttle. WE'LL ALWAYS HAVE PARIS Producer: Robert Lewin Director: Robert Becker Writers: Deborah Dean Davis and Hannah Louise Shearer Cast: Michelle Phillips (Jenice Manheim), Rod Loomis (Dr. Paul Manheim), Isabel Lorca (Gabrielle), Dan Kern (Lt. Dean), Jean-Paul Vignon (Edourd), Kelly Ashmore (Francine), Lance Spellerberg (Transporter Chief) The Enterprise encounters a time loop which leads them to a scientist performing lethal time warp experiments. To close a rift to another dimension accidentally opened by the experiments, the away team must shutdown the experiment by dropping a specific amount of antimatter into the rift at a specific time. The scientist's wife turns out to be one of Picard's old lovers whom Picard failed to meet at a rendezvous in Paris 22 years ago. CONSPIRACY Producer: Robert Lewin Director: Cliff Bole Writer: Tracy Torme (from a story by Robert Sabaroff) Cast: Henry Darrow (Admiral Savar), Ward Costello (Admiral Quinn), Robert Schenkkan (Dexter Remmick), Ray Reinhardt (Admiral Aaron), Jonathan Farwell (Captain Walker Keel), Michael Berryman (Captain Rixx), Ursaline Bryant (Captain Tryla Scott) The Enterprise is diverted from a mission by a special transmission for Picard's eyes only. The message is from Keel, an old friend of Picard's who asks to meet him on a nearby mining planet. Picard beams down to find the captains of several ships waiting there. Keel and the other captains, after ascertaining Picard is who they think he is, tells him about a suspected conspiracy within Starfleet citing a strange pattern of orders from Command as evidence. They urge him to be careful. After leaving the planet, the Enterprise comes upon the debris of Keel's ship. Picard asks Data to review the last few months of orders issued by Starfleet. Data reports that there has been an unusual amount of changing of people within the command areas of Starfleet. Picard orders the ship back to Earth where they discover several admirals, including Picard's friend Quinn have been infected by parasitic creatures. THE NEUTRAL ZONE Producer: Robert Lewin Director: James L. Conway Writer: Maurice Hurley (from a story by Deborah McIntyre and Mona Clee) Cast: Marc Alaimo (Commander T-Bok), Anthony James (Thei), Leon Rippy (Clemens), Gracie Harrison (Clare Raymond), Peter Mark Richman (Ralph Offenhaus) While Picard attends an emergency conference, the Enterprise discovers a 20th Century Earth-craft with three humans aboard frozen in suspended animation. The humans are revived and have trouble acclimating to the changes in the 370 years they have been asleep. Meanwhile, Picard returns from his meeting to inform the crew that several outposts at the edge of the Neutral Zone have been destroyed and Romulans are suspected. The Enterprise has been sent to investigate. SECOND SEASON THE CHILD Producers: Burton Armus, John Mason and Mike Gray Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Jaron Summers, Jon Povill and Maurice Hurley Cast: Seymour Cassel (Hester Dealt), R.J. Williams (Ian), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman) This episode introduced Dr. Kate Pulaski as the new Chief Medical Officer. En route to pick up samples of various viruses for study, The Enterprise is invaded by a strange, glowing light which searches around the ship until it finds Counsellor Troi and enters her body. Troi wakes up distressed and, after a medical examination discovers she is pregnant and the pregnancy is proceeding at an unusually rapid rate. WHERE SILENCE HAS LEASE Producers: Burton Armus, John Mason and Mike Gray Director: Winrich Kolbe Writer: Jack B. Sowards Cast: Earl Boen (Nagilum), Charles Douglass (Haskell) The Enterprise discovers a new phenomenon in the Morgana quadrant - a void that they can see but their sensors can't. It is inhabited by a strange being, Nagilum, who wishes to study the humans and is particularly curious about how humans die. ELEMENTARY, DEAR DATA Producers: Burton Armus, John Mason and Mike Gray Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Brian Alan Lane Cast: Daniel Davis (Moriarty), Alan Shearman (Lestrade), Biff Manard (Ruffian), Diz White (Prostitute), Anne Elizabeth Ramsay (Assistant Engineer Clancy), Richard Merson (Pie Man) Geordi plays John Watson to Data's Holmes in a holodeck created mystery. However, since Data has memorized all of Doyle's stories, he quickly solves the puzzle. When Pulaski claims that human understanding of mysteries and solving them is beyond Data's ability, Geordi programs the computer to create an original story and invites Pulaski along to watch Data solve it. Unfortunately, the computer merely combines elements from different stories providing no more difficult challenge than the first attempt. Geordi instructs the computer to create an adversary capable of defeating Data and the computer obliges by creating a Professor Moriarty that is able to access the computer and even cause damage to the ship. THE OUTRAGEOUS OKONA Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Robert Becker Writer: Burton Armus (from a story by Les Menchen, Lance Dickson and David Landsberg) Cast: William O. Campbell (Okona), Douglas Rowe (Debin), Albert Stratton (Kushell), Rosalind Ingledew (Yanar), Kieran Mulroney (Benzan), Joe Piscopo (The Comic) The Enterprise picks up a charming rogue, Okona, when his cargo ship's guidance system fails. Okona starts romancing and charming most people on the ship. He befriends Data and discusses humor with him and sex appeal. Data, convinced he doesn't understand humor, attempts to acquire a sense of humor. Meanwhile, an interplanetary vessel arrives and demands that Okona be turned over to them as a known criminal. While Picard considers his options, a second ship arrives, also demanding Okona. LOUD AS A WHISPER Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Larry Shaw Writer: Jacqueline Zambrano Cast: Marnie Mosiman (Woman), Thomas Oglesby (Scholar), Leo Damian (Warrior/Adonis), Howie Seago (Riva), Richard Lavin (Warrior #1), Chip Heller (Warrior #2), John Garret (Lieutenant) A deaf mediator travels on the Enterprise to Solaris 5. He is deaf and dumb and communicates through his "Chorus" who receive his thoughts and speak for him. Each member of the three person Chorus speaks for a different part of his personality. The mediator becomes attracted to Troi who reciprocates. After beaming down to the planet to begin negotiations, one of the delegates who is apparently not interested in peace, attempts to kill he mediator but instead kills his Chorus. The mediator now must decide to return home or try and continue his mission. THE SCHIZOID MAN Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Les Landau Writer: Tracy Torme (from a story by Richard Manning and Hans Beimler) Cast: W. Moran Sheappard (Ira Graves), Suzie Plakson (Lt. Selar), Barbara Alyn Woods (Kareen Brianon) The Enterprise travels to the home of a brilliant but terminally ill scientist. The scientist becomes fascinated by Data and begins to talk only to him and retreats into seclusion with him. He reveals that he has discovered a way to cheat death by transferring his mind into a computer. When the Enterprise beams the away team back, Data starts behaving in an extremely odd fashion. UNNATURAL SELECTION Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Paul Lynch Writers: John Mason and Mike Gray Cast: Patricia Smith (Dr. Sara Kingsley), J. Patrick McNamara (Captain Taggert), Scott Trost (Ensign) A mysterious disease infects a research station, causing the inhabitants to age rapidly. When Dr. Pulaski is also infected, the crew of the Enterprise must find a cure within days. A MATTER OF HONOR Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Burton Armus (from a story by Wanda M. Haight, Gregory Amos and Burton Armus) Cast: John Putch (Ensign Mendon), Christopher Collins (Captain Kargan), Brian Thompson (Klag), Peter Parros (Tactics Officer), Laura Drake (Vekma) As part of an exchange program, Riker becomes the new First Officer aboard the Pagh, a Klingon war vessel. Meanwhile, the Enterprise finds a strange substance on its hull which turns out to be a strange bacteria that feeds on metal. Earlier, the same substance was noticed on the hull of the Klingon ship so the Enterprise has to locate that ship and warn them. The Klingon commander has also found the damage and believes it to be Federation treachery and searches for the Enterprise. THE MEASURE OF A MAN Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Robert Scheerer Writer: Melinda M. Snodgrass Cast: Amanda McBroom (Captain Louvois), Clyde Kusatsu (Admiral Nakamura), Brian Brophy (Commander Maddox) A cybernetics expert wishes to dismantle Data for study so he can build more androids. When Picard declines, Maddox produces orders transferring Data to his command. Picard attempts to find a way to block the transfer but the only option is for Data to resign. However, it is discovered that, according to current laws, Data is considered property and cannot resign. In order to challenge this law, Picard is forced to defend Data in a hearing and Riker is forced to act as the prosecutor. THE DAUPHIN Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Rob Bowman Writers: Scott Rubenstein and Leonard Mlodinow Cast: Paddi Edwards (Anya), Jaime Hubbard (Salia), Peter Neptune (Aron), Madchen Amick (Teenage Girl), Cindy Sorenson (Furry Animal), Jennifer Barlow (Gibson) The Enterprise is assigned to transport the future ruler of Daled Four, with her guardian Anya. Wesley and Salia are immediately attracted to each other while Troi expresses concern that they may not be what they seem to be. Anya is a shape-shifter and overly paranoid about Salia's safety. CONTAGION Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Joseph L. Scanlan Writers: Steve Gerber and Beth Woods Cast: Thalmus Rasulala (Captain Varley), Carolyn Seymour (Sub-Commander Tauris), Dana Sparks (Security Crewman), Folkert Schmidt (Doctor) The Enterprise rushes to the Neutral Zone to aid the U.S.S. Yamato which has been plagued by systems failures. Shortly after the arrival of the Enterprise, the Yamato explodes and a Romulan ship uncloaks. After examining the logs of the Yamato, it becomes clear that the Romulans were not responsible for the destruction of the ship. The captain of the Yamato had apparently found the legendary planet of Iconia and his ship was infected by a computer virus transmitted by a probe from that planet. That virus was apparently the cause of the system failures and the final destruction. Unfortunately, since the Enterprise downloaded the logs from the Yamato's computers, it too has the same virus. Picard must travel to Iconia in the hopes of finding a cure to the virus. THE ROYALE Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Cliff Bole Writer: Keith Mills Cast: Sam Anderson (Assistant Manager), Jill Jacobson (Vanessa), Leo Garcia (Bell Boy), Gregory Beecroft (Mickey D) One of the strangest episodes. THe Enterprise finds debris from an old NASA ship orbiting a planet in an unmapped system. On the planet is apparently one single building which the away team discovers is modeled after the Hotel Royale from an old Earth novel. TIME SQUARED Producers: Burton Armus, Mike Gray and John Mason Director: Joseph L. Scanlon Writer: Maurice Hurley (from a story by Kurt Michael Bensmiller) The Enterprise picks up a shuttlecraft containing a version of Picard from the future. In the future timeline, the Enterprise apparently was destroyed with Picard the only survivor. The Enterprise now must discover what caused the destruction and how to prevent it. THE ICARUS FACTOR Producer: Robert L. McCullough Director: Robert Iscove Writer: David Assael and Robert L. McCullough (from a story by David Assael) Cast: Mitchell Ryan (Kyle Riker), Lance Spellerberg (Herbert) Riker is offered command of the U.S.S. Aries, a small exploration ship. Sent to brief him on the new command is his estranged father. PEN PALS Producer: Robert L. McCullough Director: Winrich Kolbe Writer: Melinda M. Snodgrass (from a story by Hannah Louise Shearer) Cast: Nicholas Cascone (Davies), Nikki Cox (Sarjenka), Ann H. Gillespie (Hildebrandt), Whitney Rydbeck (Alan) The Enterprise is exploring geologic activity in several planetary systems when Data, working on a project to boost sensor output, picks up a faint signal which turns out to be from an alien girl without knowledge of extraterrestrial cultures. Talking with her, much less saving her from the seismic activity on her planet, would be a violation of the Prime Directive. Meanwhile, Wesley is given his first command, in charge of the team doing the planetary mineral surveys and discovers the difficulties of being in command. Q WHO Producer: Robert L. McCullough Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Maurice Hurley Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Lycia Naff (Sonya Gomez) The mysterious Q returns claiming that he has been asked to leave the Q-continuum and that he wishes to join the Enterprise crew. He tells Picard that they need him as a guide because humanity is unprepared for what awaits them. When Picard insists they are, Q hurls the Enterprise several thousand light-years away where they encounter the Borg, a race of cyborgs. SAMARITAN SNARE Producer: Robert L. McCullough Director: Les Landau Writer: Robert L. McCullough Cast: Christopher Collins (Grevedlog), Leslie Morris (Reginod), Daniel Benzali (Surgeon), Lycia Naff (Gomez), Tzi Ma (Biomolecular Specialist) Picard joins Wesley on a trip to Starbase 515. Wesley is going there to take his Starfleet exams, while Picard is going for delicate heart surgury. Meanwhile, the Enterprise receives a distress call from the Pakleds, a race of beings who steal technology. UP THE LONG LADDER Producer: Robert L. McCullough Director: Winrich Kolbe Writer: Melinda M. Snodgrass Cast: Barrie Ingham (Danilo O'Dell), Jon De Vries (Granger), Rosalyn Landor (Brenna O'Dell) The Enterprise attempts to rescue two Earth colonies that left Earth in the mid-22nd century. The first colony, has rejected technology and returned back-to-nature. The ship carrying the second colony had apparently crash-landed and only five colonists survived. To keep their colony alive, they turned to cloning but are now in desperate need of new DNA. MANHUNT Producer: Robert L. McCullough Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Terry Devereaux Cast: Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Robert Costanzo (Slade Bender), Carel Struycken (Mr. Homn), Rod Arrants (Rex), Rhonda Aldrich (Madeline), Wren T. Brown (Transport Pilot), Robert O'Reilly (Duras) The Enterprise is assigned to transport several delegates to a conference on Pacifica. One of the delegates is Troi's mother who is going through a phase that causes her sex drive to increase. Lwaxana stuns everyone by deciding she is going to marry Picard. Picard meanwhile, flees to the holodeck and the escapades of Dixon Hill. THE EMISSARY Producer: Robert L. McCullough Director: Cliff Bole Writers: Richard Manning and Hans Beimler (from a story by Thomas H. Calder) Cast: Suzie Plakson (K'Ehleyr), Lance Le Gault (K'Temoc), Georgann Johnson (Admiral Gromek), Anne Elizabeth Ramsey (Clancy), Dietrich Bader (Tactical Crewman) An old love of Worf's comes aboard the Enterprise to brief the crew on their new mission. A Klingon ship, with a crew in suspended animation, was sent out while the Federation and Klingons were still at war. The mission of the Enterprise is to prevent the crew of that ship from awakening and rekindling an old war. PEAK PERFORMANCE Producer: Robert L. McCullough Director: David Kemper Writer: Robert Scheerer Cast: Roy Brocksmith (Sirna), Armin Shimerman (Bractor), David L. Lander (Tactician), Leslie Neale (Nagel), Glenn Morshower (Burke) In order to prepare for the Borg, the Federation has been holding war games. Riker is placed in command of the U.S.S. Hathaway in simulated combat with the Enterprise. Riker is given his choice of crew and 48 hours to ready the ship before the battle begins. The battle is interrupted however, when a Ferengi ship appears demanding the Hathaway be turned over to them. SHADES OF GRAY Producer: Robert L. McCullough Director: Rob Bowman Writers: Maurice Hurley, Richard Manning and Hans Beimler (from a story by Maurice Hurley) While exploring a new planet, Riker is infected by a mysterious disease which prevents neural activity. Pualski finds that the infection is spreading throught his body and when the infection reaches his brain, he will die. THIRD SEASON EVOLUTION Producers: Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Winrich Kolbe Writer: Michael Piller (from a story by Michael Piller and Michael Wagner) Cast: Ken Jenkins (Dr. Stubbs), Mary McCusker (Nurse), Randal Patrick (Crewman), Scott Grimes (Eric), Amy O'Neill (Annette) The Enterprise is assisting an astrophysicist, Stubbs, in performing experiments in a binary star system when suddenly, the ship shakes, the shields drop and the Enterprise is sent hurling through space. After regaining control of the ship, the crew is perplexed by the sudden computer malfunctions encountered. Meanwhile, Wesley realizes that two tiny robots he accidentally let loose may be responsible for the mysterious problems the crew is facing. THE ENSIGNS OF COMMAND Producers: Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Cliff Bole Writer: Melinda M. Snodgrass Cast: Eileen Seeley (Ardrian), Mark L. Taylor (Haritath), Richard Allen (Noe), Mart McChesney (Sheliak), Grainger Hines (Goshven) The Enterprise receives a message from the Sheliak, a race the Federation had not heard from in over 100 years. The Sheliak insist that a world in the Tau Cygna Five system is theirs and demand the immediate removal of humans from that system. The Enterprise does not believe that humans are on that planet due to the fact that the planet has extremely high radiation levels but travels there anyway only to discover a thriving civilization that refuses to evacuate the planet. Data has to convince the people of the planet to leave or be destroyed by the Sheliak. THE SURVIVORS Producers: Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Les Landau Writer: Michael Wagner Cast: John Anderson (Kevin), Anne Haney (Rishon) The Enterprise is sent to investigate an emergency distress call from the Delta Rana system. Upon arrival, the crew discover that all of the inhabitants have been killed except for one couple. An away team beams down to retrieve the survivors in case the aliens that destroyed the planet returned. The survivors refuse to leave the planet stating they can care for themselves. The away team returns to the Enterprise to discuss the situation and are attacked by an alien ship. Meanwhile, Troi is suffering due to some strange music she keeps hearing in her mind. WHO WATCHES THE WATCHERS Producers: Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Robert Wiemer Writers: Richard Manning and Hans Beimler Cast: Kathryn Leigh Scott (Nuria), Ray Wise (Liko), James Greene (Dr. Barron), Pamela Segall (Oji), John McLiam (Fento), James McIntire (Hali), Lois Hall (Warren) A new race, currently at the Bronze Age level are being watched by Federation scientists hidden away in a cavern. The Enterprise is sent to fix their reactor but, unfortunately, does not arrive in time to prevent the reactor from exploding and killing most of the scientists. As the Enterprise team begins to tend to the injured and replace the reactor, two of the natives discover the existence of the Federation. Startled, one of them falls and is injured. Dr. Crusher takes him to the Enterprise where he accidentally sees Picard and hears him order the search for a missing scientist continued. Picard also orders Dr. Crusher to erase the short-term memory of the native to preserve the Prime Directive. After he is recovered, Liko is returned to his people where he tells them of his journey and of "the Picard", a god from their old legends. The natives find the missing scientist and hold him captive in order to force "The Picard" to make an appearance. Riker and Troi are beamed down to recover the scientist, but Troi is captured while Riker makes his escape with him. Picard now must decide between Troi's life and maintaining the Prime Directive. THE BONDING Producers: Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Winrich Kolbe Writer: Ronald D. Moore Cast: Susan Powell (Marla Aster), Gabriel Damon (Jeremy Astor), Raymond D. Turner (Teacher) A sudden explosion kills Marla Aster on a mission to explore the home of a long-dead race. Worf, who commanded the away team, rages about the senseless nature of the women's death and plans to offer the Klingon bonding rite to her remaining son, Jeremy. Meanwhile, an energy field is discovered on the planet and Troi senses an alien presence rising upward from it toward the ship. Almost immediately, Jeremy sees his mother who has come, seemingly from the dead, to take him down to the planet. BOOBY TRAP Producers: Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Gabrielle Beaumont Writers: Ron Roman, Michael Piller and Michael Wagner (from a story by Michael Wagner and Ron Roman) Cast: Susan Gibney (Leah Brahms), Albert Hall (Galek Dar), Julie Warner (Christy) After discovering a derelict ship in an asteroid belt, the Enterprise is trapped in an energy field that prevents them from leaving. Furthermore, they begin to lose energy reserves and discover that their shields will not keep out the radiation for long. Geordi races against time, with the assistance of an holographic version of one of the ship's designers, to discover a way to escape the deadly trap. THE ENEMY Producers: Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: David Carson Writers: David Kemper and Michael Piller Cast: John Snyder (Bokra), Andreas Katsulas (Tomalak), Steve Rankin (Patak) The Enterprise investiages a distress call on a Federation planet with a particularly harsh surface and winds. The away team finds the remains of a Romulan ship and one Romulan, barely alive. The away team beams aboard the Enterprise with the Romulan, accidentally stranding Geordi on the planet where he, moments before beam-out time, stumbled into a pit. The crew of the Enterprise struggles to keep the Romulan alive and to locate Geordi on the surface. Meanwhile, on the surface, as Geordi moves closer to the beacon the Enterprise left to guide him, he is taken prisoner by a second Romulan, Bokra. Geordi attempts to convince Bokra that they must work together to stay alive and be rescued while a Romulan Warbird closes in on the Enterprise determined to retrieve their lost comrades from the grip of the Federation. THE PRICE Producers: Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Robert Scheerer Writer: Hannah Louise Shearer Cast: Matt McCoy (Devinoni Ral), Elizabeth Hoffman (Bavani), Castulo Guerra (Dr. Mendoza), Scott Thomson (Gass), Dan Shor (Dr. Arrido), Kevin Peter Hall (Leyor) A race of beings known as the Barzan have discovered the only known stable wormhole and are willing to sell it to the highest bidder. The Enterprise carries several delegates to the site of the wormhole including a hired representative of the Chrysalian people who takes an interest in Troi. Geordi and Data enter the wormhole and discover that it is not truly stable. Meanwhile, Troi discovers that the representative of the Chrysalians, Ral, is part Betazoid and empathic and has been using his ability to gain unfair advantage in the negotiations. THE VENGEANCE FACTOR Producer: Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Timothy Bond Writer: Sam Rolfe Cast: Lisa Wilcox (Yuta), Joey Aresco (Brull), Nancy Parsons (Marook), Stephen Lee (Chorgan), Marc Lawrence (Volnath), Elkanah J. Burns (Temarek) A science outpost is attacked by the Gatherers, a band of Acamarian renegades. Picard talks with Marook, the Sovereign of Acamar Three, who wants to hunt the Gatherers down and destroy them. Picard convinces her to attempt to negotiate first and she and her cook board the Enterprise to travel to a Gatherer outpost to open talks. While there, the leader of the group is killed by a mysterious assassin. THE DEFECTOR Producers: Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Robert Scheerer Writer: Ronald D. Moore Cast: James Sloyan (Setal), Andreas Katsulas (Tomalak), John Hancock (Admiral Haden), S.A. Templeman (Bates) A Romulan scoutship, with a Romulan Warbird in pursuit, hails the Enterprise and requests asylum. After the Enterprise easily chases off the Warbird, they beam aboard the occupant of the scoutship, Setal, who has information about a new Romulan offensive. The Enterprise crew, skeptical about the defector's claims and motives and attempting to get at the truth, travels to Nelvana 3 where there is supposed to be a Romulan base at which a large Romulan fleet will gather to launch an offensive against the Federation. THE HUNTED Producers: Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Cliff Bole Writer: Robin Bernheim Cast: Jeff McCarthy (Roga), James Cromwell (Narok), J. Michael Flynn (Zayner), Andrew Bickell (Wagnor) The Enterprise visist Angosia 3, a planet which has applied for membership in the Federation. While there, a prisoner escapes jail and Prime Minister Narok asks for assistance in recapturing him. The Enterprise succeeds in capturing him, only to find that he is extremely dangerous and not all that Narok has claimed him to be. THE HIGH GROUND Producers: Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Gabrielle Beaumont Writer: Melinda M. Snodgrass Cast: Kerrie Keane (Alexana Devos), Richard Cox (Finn), Marc Buckland (Waiter), Fred G. Smith (Policeman), Christopher Pettiet (Boy) The Enterprise is delivering medical supplies to Rutia Four, a non-Fedration planet in the midst of a civil war, when Dr. Crusher is captured by the leader of a terrorist group who appears out of thin air. DEJA Q Producers: Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Les Landau Writer: Richard Danus Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Corbin Bernsen (Q2), Richard Cansino (Dr. Garin), Betty Muramoto (Scientist) While on a mission to rescue a planet from its own moon which has fallen out of orbit, the Enterprise is visited once more by the mysterious Q. This time, Q, totally naked, claims he has been kicked out of the Q-Continuum and asks for sanctuary. Q is now mortal and wants guidance from the crew on how to be human, in exchange for his experience and knowledge. While on the Enterprise, Q is attacked by the Calamarians, a race that wants revenge on Q for acts done to them. A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE Producers: Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: Cliff Bole Writer: Ed Zuckeran Cast: Craig Richard Nelson (Krag), Gina Hecht (Manua), Mark Margolis (Dr. Apgar), Juli Donald (Tayna) Dr. Apgar, a scientist working on Krueger waves, is killed when the station he was working on suddenly explodes moments after Riker talks with him privately. Chief Investigator Krag, arrives on board the Enterprise and demands Riker be turned over to him to face trial for murder. Picard, unwilling to release Riker without a hearing convinces the Chief Investigator to allow the circumstances of the incident be recreated on the holodeck with the help of statements from all parties concerned. Meanwhile, bursts of unknown radiation, able to cause damage to metal, plague the Enterprise. YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE Producers: Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler and Richard Manning Director: David Carson Writers: Ira Steven Behr, Richard Manning, Hans Beimler, and Ronald D. Moore (from a story by Trent Christopher Ganino and Eric A. Stillwell) Cast: Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar), Christopher McDonald (Richard Castillo), Tricia O'Neil (Captain Rachel Garrett) The Enterprise happens upon a time-rift in space and the world changes around them as the Enterprise-C comes out of the rift. In this new reality, the Enterprise is at war with the Klingons, a war that they cannot win. Also, Tasha Yar is still alive and serving as Tactical Officer aboard the Enterprise-D. The Enterprise-C is critically damaged and was apparently involved in a fight with Romulans while in defense of a Klingon base. The crews eventually realize that, had the Enterprise-C been successful, the current war with the Klingons might never have happened. Clearly, the Enterprise-C must return even though it is likely to never survive the battle. When the Captain of the Enterprise-C is killed during a Klingon attack, Lt. Castillo asks to take the ship back through the warp himself. Meanwhile, Guinan, whose peculiar senses have told her that things are not as they should be, tells Tasha that in the true timeline, Tasha died an empty death. This convinces Tasha that she should return with the Enterprise-C as their tactical officer so that her death can have some meaning, and so she can be with Castillo with whom she has fallen in love. THE OFFSPRING Producers: Ira Steven Behr, Hans Beimler and Richard Mann