From: IO10033@MAINE.MAINE.EDU (Jim Troutman) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc, Subject: Star Trek Timeline, another one (long). Message-ID: <92090.175232IO10033@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> Date: 30 Mar 92 22:52:32 GMT Organization: University of Maine System Lines: 239 I am posting this for a friend who does not have net.access. You can e-mail him care of this account. ------ The following is a Star Trek timeline I've been working on for a few months. I am posting it here to see what the reaction is and to get a few hundred people to proofread it. I haven't run it through a spell checker, so I'm sure there are plenty of stupid little spelling mistakes (not to mention all the alien planets, people and places.) I started this little project during the beginning of the fifth season. So far the timeline includes very little info from The Original Series (all taken from the Star Trek Compendium, as I don't have access to TOS on video. I hope the dates Allan Asherman gives are correct - if not, let me know.) I've skipped the animated series because it is generally held to be "non-canon". I've yet to watch all the movies straight through, but from what I can remember there aren't many specific time references anyways. The bulk of the timeline at this point comes from The Next Generation's entire first season, most of the fifth season and bits of the fourth season as rerun by our local station. Also key to the timeline is information presented in Sternbach & Okuda's ST:TNG Tech manual. On the issue of the tech manual's "canonicity" - if the two men directly responsible for creating a lot of the space vessels, computer graphics and the overall visual look of the series aren't "canon", then just what the hell is? If you don't like the idea of the manual as "canon" - fine, just keep it to yourself and leave the flamethrower in the closet. I am attempting to make this timeline as accurate and "offical" as possible. Therefore, I am not interested in info taken from Tech Fandom, the ST novels (not sure if this should include the movie novelizations), the animated series, something somebody found in a box of Cocoa Puffs or anything of a similar nature. This is an ongoing piece of work that currently is incomplete and in need of help. That's where YOU come in. I'm interested in intelligent comments, corrections (I'm sure I've messed up somewhere) and/or additions to this timeline. If you have something constructive to say, your comments are welcomed. If your overwhelming ambition is to reduce me to a smoking corpse through liberal applications of intense heat, then, once again, leave the flamethrower at home. I don't want to hear it. Nobody really wants to read it. You've (hopefully) got better things to do with your time. I hope this post results in positive, constructive work and not an endless series of petty bickering about who is right and who is wrong. P.S. If you do have additions/corrections, please state EXACTLY where they come from. Robert Oliver March 29, 1992 S O U R C E S : ST:TOS* - Star Trek: The Original Series (* = season) ST:TMP - Star Trek: The Motion Picture ST:TWOK - Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan ST:TSFS - Star Trek III: The Search For Spock ST:TVH - Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ST:TFF - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier ST:TUC - Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ST:TNG* - Star Trek The Next Generation (* = season) NGTM - Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual ST:DS9 - Star Trek: Deep Space 9 SPEC - Speculation 3830 BC - Approximate birth date of the "immortal" Flint: Earth. ST:TOS3 "Requiem For Methuselah." 1800 19th Century 1868 Circa. An unidentified alien race from the Uxmal Star System imprison the consciousness of several hundred prisoners on the Mabu 6 moon. ST:TNG5 "Power Play". 1900 20th Century 1930 Circa. Using the Guardian Of Forever, Kirk, Spock and McCoy time travel to 1930's Earth (from 2270.) ST:TOS1 "The City On The Edge Of Forever". 1939 Approximate birth date of Frank Oppenhouse. ST:TNG1 "The Neutral Zone." 1959 Approximate birth date of Claire Raymond. ST:TNG1 "The Neutral Zone." 1967 An encounter with a Black Star sends the Enterprise back in time to Earth (from 2270.) ST:TOS1 "Tomorrow Is Yesterday". 1968 The Enterprise travels back in time to study Earth history (from 2271.) ST:TOS2 "Assignment: Earth". 1986 The renegade Kirk and crew time travel to 1986 Earth to capture a pair of Humpback whales (from 2286.)ST:TVH. 1994 Approximate date of death for Claire Raymond, Ralph Oppenhouse and L.Q. Sonny Bonds. ST:TNG1 "The Neutral Zone." 1995 Circa. The SS Botany Bay leaves Earth. ST:TOS1 "Space Seed". 2000 21st Century 2020 Nomad space probe launched from Earth. ST:TOS2 "The Changeling". 2036 The New United Nations declares: "No Earth citizen can be made to answer for the crimes of their race or forbears". ST:TNG1 "Encounter At Farpoint, Part One". 2040 Circa. Television declining as a popular entertainment medium. ST:TNG1 "The Neutral Zone." 2050 Circa. The process of cryogenics falls out of favor. ST:TNG1 "The Neutral Zone." 2061 Zefram Cochrane's engineering team develops a prototype CDP (continuum distortion principle) engine capable of light speed travel. NGTM. 2065 Approximate date Zefram Cochrane relocates to Alpha Centauri colony. NGTM. 2070 Circa. The galactic survey vessel Valiant is destroyed while attempting to leave the galaxy. ST:TOSP "Where No Man Has Gone Before". 2079 The New United Earth has been abolished by this time. ST:TNG1 "Encounter At Farpoint, Part One". 2100 22nd Century 2161 Circa +. A Federation scout visits the Delos System (Brekke and Ornara). ST:TNG1 "Symbiosis". 2161 The United Federation of Planets is founded. ST:TNG5 "The Outcast". 2164 Approximate date the Ornaran Plague breaks out. ST:TNG1 "Symbiosis". 2165 Circa. Daedalus Class USS Essex, NCC-173, is destroyed: Mabu 6 moon. ST:TNG5 "Power Play". 2168 The colony on Moab 4 is established. ST:TNG5 "The Masterpiece Society." 2170 Circa. The Romulan War. The Starfleet Charter is established soon after the war ends. NGTM. The USS Archon visits Beta III, Star System 6-11, and does not return. ST:TOS1 "The Return Of The Archons". The USS Horizon visits Iotia. ST:TOS2 "A Piece Of The Action". 2196 The last Daedalus Class starship taken out of service. ST:TNG5 "Power Play". 2200 23rd Century 2215 Starfleet begins development of its first photon torpedo design. NGTM. 2227 Birthdate of Leonard McCoy. ST:TNG1 "Encounter At Farpoint". 2245 Constitution Class USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, commissioned: San Francisco Yards, Earth. NGTM. 2246 Dr. Richard Daystrom invents duotronic computer technology. ST:TOS2 "The Ultimate Computer". 2256 An unidentified ship crashes on Thasus, the only survivor is Charlie Evans. ST:TOS1 "Charlie X". 2258 James Kirk visits the planet Neural. ST:TOS2 "A Private Little War". 2260 Lt. James Kirk is stationed on the Constitution Class USS Farragut, NCC-1702. ST:TOS2 "Obsession". 2270 Star Trek: The Original Series - Season One. ST:TWOK. The Federation cargo ship Antares is destroyed. ST:TOS1 "Charlie X". 2271 Star Trek: The Original Series - Season Two. SPEC. Starfleet makes operational a second photon torpedo design. NGTM. Constitution Class USS Constellation, NCC-1017, destroyed. ST:TOS2 "The Doomsday Machine". Constitution Class USS Intrepid ,NCC-1708, destroyed. ST:TOS2 "The Immunity Syndrome". 2272 Star Trek: The Original Series - Season Three. SPEC. Constitution Class USS Defiant, NCC-1717, lost. ST:TOS3 "The Tholian Web". 2275 The Enterprise returns from its five-year mission. SPEC. 2277 The Enterprise insignia is adopted as the symbol for all of Starfleet. NGTM. 2278 Soyuz Class USS Bozeman, NCC-1941, enters time-rift (exits rift in the Typhon Expanse, 2368). ST:TNG5 "Cause And Effect". 2284 The Enterprise is assigned to Starfleet Academy as a training vessel. NGTM. 2285 Circa. Approximate date Soyuz class starships taken out of service. ST:TNG5 "Cause And Effect". 2285 Events of Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan & Star Trek III: The Search For Spock. Spock dies: USS Enterprise, Mutara Nebula. Khan Noonian Singh dies: USS Reliant, Mutara Nebula. Miranda Class USS Reliant, NCC-1864, destroyed: Mutara Nebula. Oberth Class USS Grissom, NCC-838, destroyed: Mutara Sector, Genesis Planet. David Marcus dies Genesis Planet, Mutara Sector. Constitution Class USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, destroyed: Mutara Sector, Genesis Planet. ST:TWOK, ST:TSFS & NGTM. 2286 Events of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home & Star Trek V:The Final Frontier. Constitution Class USS Yorktown commissioned and later redesignated USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-A. ST:TVH, ST:TFF & NGTM. 2294 Excelsior Class USS Excelsior, NCC-2000, begins its mission charting the Reydovan Sector. ST:TUC. 2297 Events of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. ST:TUC. 2300 24th Century 2302 The last Federation contact with Angel One (prior to 2364.) ST:TNG1 "Angel One." 2307 Birth date of (Dr.) Timicin: Kaelon 2. ST:TNG4 "Half A Life." 2311 The last Federation contact with the Romulan Star Empire (prior to 2364.) ST:TNG1 "The Neutral Zone." 2319 The hostage situation on Mordan IV is resolved by Mark Jameson. Civil war breaks out soon after. ST:TNG1 "Too Short A Season". 2328 The Cardassians annex the Bajoran homeworld. ST:TNG5 "Ensign Ro". 2337 The government of the Turkana 4 colony begins to lose control of the populace. ST:TNG4 "Legacy." 2338 Data discovered on Omicron Theta by the USS Tripoli. ST:TNG1 "Datalore". 2342 April 9. Jean-Luc Picard fails to meet Janice (Manheim) at the Cafe des Artistes, Paris, France. ST:TNG "We'll Always Have Paris". Data graduates from Starfleet Academy. ST:TNG5 "Redemption, Part 2". 2343 July. Galaxy Class Starship Development Project begins. NGTM. 2344 Ambassador Class USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-C, destroyed: Narendra System. NGTM. 2347 Last visit by Jean-Luc Picard to his home village in France (prior to 2367.) ST:TNG4 "Family." 2348 Birth date of Wesley Crusher. SPEC. 2349 Dr. Paul Manheim disappears to the Pegos Minor System to continue his studies of non-linear time. ST:TNG1 "We'll Always Have Paris". 2350 Initial Construction begins on Galaxy Class USS Enterprise. NGTM. 2352 Beverly Crusher meets Dr. Daylon Quaice. ST:TNG4 "Remember Me." The colony at Turkana 4 severs its relations with the Federation. ST:TNG4 "Legacy." 2353 Birth date of Jeramiah "Jono" Rosa: Galon 4 Colony. ST:TNG4 "Suddenly Human." 2355 The Constellation Class USS Stargazer is attacked and disabled by a Ferengi vessel: Maxia Zeta Star System. ST:TNG1 "The Battle". 2356 The last Tarellian ship believed destroyed (prior to 2364.) ST:TNG1 "Haven." The Tallerians attack the colony at Galon 4. ST:TNG4 "Suddenly Human." 2357 Galaxy Class USS Galaxy, NCC-70637, commissioned. NGTM. The Federation freighter Odin is disabled by an asteroid. ST:TNG1 "Angel One." 2359 Peace is achieved in the civil war on Mordan IV. ST:TNG1 "Too Short A Season". 2361 Dr. Daylon Quaice is stationed at Starbase 133. ST:TNG4 "Remember Me." The last contact by a Federation vessel (Potempkin) with the Turkana 4 colony (prior to 2367.) ST:TNG4 "Legacy." 2363 October 4 - Galaxy Class USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D, commissioned: Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards, Mars. NGTM. 2364 Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season One. ST:TNG1 "The Neutral Zone." Oberth Class SS Tsiolkovsky destroyed. ST:TNG1 "The Naked Now." Lt. Natasha Yar dies: Vagra 2. ST:TNG1 "Skin Of Evil." Ambassador Class USS Horatio destroyed. ST:TNG1 "Conspiracy." 2365 Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Two. SPEC. Miranda Class USS Lantree, NCC-1837, destroyed. ST:TNG2 "Unnatural Selection". Galaxy Class USS Yamato, NCC-1305-E, destroyed: Romulan Neutral Zone, Iconia. ST:TNG2 "Contagion." 2366 Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Three. SPEC. 2367 Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Four. SPEC. The 40-ship Starfleet armada is destroyed by the Borg: System Wolf 359. ST:TNG4 "The Best Of Both Worlds, Part Two." The Federation freighter Argos is destroyed: Turkana System, Turkana 4. ST:TNG4 "Legacy." 2368 Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Five. SPEC. Sarek dies: Vulcan. ST:TNG5 "Unification, Part One." ----END