Newsgroups: From: (Bob Rusbasan) Subject: Genesis Secrets Message-ID: Organization: Purdue University Computing Center Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1992 16:59:44 GMT Lines: 543 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGA Genesis Game Secrets Version 5 September 2, 1992 This list contains various secrets for Sega Genesis games. Bryan Newell started this list and maintained it until he sold his Genesis. I took over the list October 20, 1991, and have maintained it since then. New versions of this list include every valid secret I have received, so please do not mail me requesting "back issues." Enjoy this list, and please help me out by mailing new secrets to me. I am mostly looking for undocumented features that can not be discovered through normal play, such as level selects, invincibility, and so on. Because I am not familiar with every Genesis game, when submitting a trick please use the current format and describe it fully. Also, since I can not test all of the secrets, if you notice a mistake in one, please mail me the correction (preferably rewriting the trick completely). Thanks. Bob Rusbasan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGA Genesis Game Secrets AIR DIVER ( General Secrets ) On the mission select Screen, move the crosshair to a place on the map that's not an area. Hold down START and press A B C B A A B C B A B. Release START and you'll hear a soft ping. Now move the crosshair to an area you wish to attack and hold down START to be invincible, A to square off against the Fighter Ace, B to fight the Super Carrier, and C to go right to the Last Fighter. You have to hold down the until the area begins. Note that you can hold down START with any of the others; for example, hold down START and C to take on the Last Fighter and be indestructible. AFTERBURNER II ( Extra Missles ) Before you reach the refueling plane, do the following: For levels 3, 13, and 16, push Left and B. For levels 5, 11, and 21, push Right and B. For levels 9 and 19, just push B. If you pushed these and nothing appears instantly, you did something wrong. ( Stage Select ) At the Title Screen, press A, B, and C at the same time and hit START. You will be able to go up all the way to level 20. ( Continue ) To continue a game after losing your last plane, press Left 3 times, B 3 times, and C 3 times. Then press start. ALTERED BEAST ( Monster Select ) To select any monster on any round, hold the directional pad to the LOWER Left diagonal and press A, B, C and START at the Title Screen. ARNOLD PALMER GOLF ( Game In A Game ) Putt 100 times on a hole to see a screen from Fantasy Zone when the game is over. ARROW FLASH ( Unlimited Arrow Flashes ) Here's a way to arrow flash your way through an entire stage. Go to the option screen and change the Arrow Flash from Stock to Charge. Exit the option screen and let the demo play all the way through once. Now start the game, and press C to activate the arrow flash. Hold C down, and your arrow flash will last a very long time. Sometimes it will go out at the midpoint of a stage, but just press and hold C to reactivate it. This way, you can zip though the entire game! BATMAN ( Extra Lives ) Play up to the 5th stage until you get to the second platform at the top. Now walk off the left side and fall in a straight line. You'll pick up three 1-ups and lose one life. Max lives is 9. BURNING FORCE ( Ten Lives ) Press B, A, B, A, A, C, A, A, then start your game. You can also use this sequence to continue with ten men. BUSTER DOUGLAS BOXING ( Demand a Rematch ) You can demand a rematch from any boxer by pressing Up, B, and Start at the same time. You can only use this once with each boxer. DYNAMITE DUKE ( Super Options Menu ) Put the cursor over the OPTIONS text and press "C" 10 times. Then press START and you'll get the SUPER OPTIONS menu (which includes a stage select). FANTASIA ( Unlimited Lives ) Put Thunderforce II in and go to the option screen. Choose Level 5 of the training mission with five men. Pull the Thunderforce cart out of your system without turning off the power. Put in Fantasia and hit reset. Remember, switching carts with the power on can damage your system. Perform at your own risk. FATAL LABYRINTH ( Extra Weapon ) The Punch is a powerful undocumented weapon. Go to the options screen and choose the Weapon icon. Then discard the weapon you are equipped with. If you want to you can pick it up again. GAIARES ( T-Braster Ultimate Homing Weapon ) Fire the TOZ 6 times before capturing an enemy. When you capture the next enemy, you will be given the T-Braster weapon. ( Secret Level ) Fire the TOZ 128 times. ( Stage Select ) Go to the config Screen by holding A, B, C, and START. While in the Config Mode, put the B.G.M. Test on 18, hold A on controller 2, and Exit. Now when you press START at the title screen you will go to the stage select screen. ( Weapon Select ) Enter the Stage Select mode (above). After starting, PAUSE the game and hold Up and press A to select your weapon. ( Weapon Power Up ) Enter the Stage Select mode (above). After starting, PAUSE the game and hold Up and press A twice. UnPAUSE the game, and fire the TOZ for full power. (ed NOTE: I received some e- mail from someone saying the proper button is C. I haven't had a chance to test it either way) ( Invincibility ) While playing, pause the game, then hold A and C while pressing Left. The screen will freeze. Unpause the game, and you'll be invincible until you finish that level. You can repeat this trick on each level. GAIN GROUND ( Stage Select ) Go to the Option Screen and press A, C, B, C. GHOULS 'N GHOSTS ( Stage Select ) To go to any level in the game, press Up, Down, Left, Right at the Title Screen. Keep doing it until you hear the tone. Then experiment with the directional pad and START to choose a level. Press A to go to the second half of a level. ( Invincibility ) Start to play the game for a little while then press RESET 4 times. Wait for the "start" message, then press A, A, A, A, Up, Down, Left, Right. You should hear a chime. Then press and hold B, then START (chime!), press and hold C, then START. GOLDEN AXE ( Stage Select ) To start on any of the levels in Golden Axe, go into the Options Screen and select arcade mode. Now push the DIRECTIONAL Down to the LOWER Left (the characters will spin on the skeleton's hand) and press A and START at the same time. A number will appear in the top left hand corner. Press Up and Down to adjust what level to start on, then select your character and start the game. GRANADA ( Flying Tank Trick ) Play until stage 2, then drive the tank off the edge EXACTLY as the timer runs out. Your tank will explode, and the timer will reset. Your new tank will be able to fly around and attack from outside the ship. This only lasts until the timer expires. HARDBALL (Special Pitch) If you switch pitchers during the game, substitute the pitcher with a player that is not a pitcher. The new player will have a special pitch called "FAT." It is a rather worthless pitch, but it is something to see. INSPECTOR X ( Unlimited Continues ) When your game is over and the 10 seconds left to continue are being counted down, hold upper right and repeatedly press C fast. If you press fast enough; you will add a continue; the maximum number of continues is 8. MARVEL LAND ( Level Select ) When in normal mode, use the code ARDE on the password screen for a stage select. To play in Digest Mode, use the code GIL AND KI. MIDNIGHT RESISTANCE ( Level Advance ) At the Title Screen, hilight the "Start Game" Option, press and hold C, and press START. Now, anytime during a stage, PAUSE the game, and press A to advance to the next level. Advancing past the last stage gives you the High Scores Screen. MIGHT AND MAGIC ( Secret Treasure Technique ) In order to do this trick you have to place two hirelings in your party. Once you have two hirelings, go and get attacked by the enemy. After you beat the enemy, dismiss one of your hirelings and search for the treasure chest. When you open the treasure chest, you will find a nice surprise inside (lots of gold, gems, and powerful weapons). MOONWALKER ( Stage Select ) Hold Up and Left and A on controller 2 when you turn the game on. While holding these, press Start on controller 1, and select a one-player game. After hitting Start, you'll see the words "Round 1", use Right/Left to select a level, then press Start (you can't get to stage 6 this way). M.U.S.H.A ( Full Power Cannons ) Pause, then press B, B, C, B, B, C, Up, Down, A, then UnPause. This only works once per game. ( 20 Options ) Pause, then press Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, C, C, B, A. This only works once per game. ( 5 Extra Ships ) Pause, then press Right, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, B, C, A. This only works once per game. ONSLAUGHT ( Extra Territories ) Choose PASSWORD, and enter zeros for all the number positions. When you start the game, the map will be covered with territories you own. PHELIOS (9 continues) At the chapter 1 screen when all that is on the screen is the title and Apollo, press this sequence really fast: C, A, B, A, C, A, B, A. This will give you nine continues instead of three. POPULOUS ( Stage Select ) Select New Game and start to enter the password. But hold down B while you scroll through the letters---and numbers will appear. Now put in a number five times the number of the level you want to play. For instance, put in 150 to play level 30. [Ed. note: My copy of this game does not require that the level desired be multiplied by 5. However, maybe I have a later/earlier version or something.] POWERBALL ( Hidden Teams ) Press BBCBBC during the original team display. Now press down to see the four hidden teams. REVENGE OF SHINOBI ( Unlimited Shurikens ) For unlimited shurikens, set the number of shurikens on the Options Screen to 00 until the zeros turn into an infinity symbol. SAGAIA ( Play Mode ) Use this chart to enter whichever of the following Modes you wish to play with: Mode Press at the Title Screen Free Play B, B, B, C, A, A, A, B, B, C, C, C (infinite continues) Zone Select C, A, C, B, C, A, B, A, B, C, A, C Play Data Screen A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B, C Harder Level C 12 times ( Sound Test ) When entering a high score, if you enter the initials "ZTT" it will take you to the sound test screen. to exit, you'll have to reset the machine. SHADOW BLASTERS ( Invincibility ) Select a two-player game and choose your characters. When the game starts let player one's energy drop down to one block, then hit Start rapidly on controller 2 while player one loses the last energy block. Player one will reappear at the center of the screen flashing, and he'll be invincible until he grabs energy. This can be repeated for each character. SHADOW DANCER ( Practice ) At the Sega sign, (turning on the system or resetting) hold down all A, B, and C an then hit START. Repeat at the Title Screen. This will enable you to practice any Screen and stage (except the bosses) with the third Option. Almost every Screen has a union lizard coin (worth 1 or 2 free lives). ( Extra Lives ) In the Bonus Stage, you can get 1-ups depending on the number of hits you get, as reflected in this table: Number of Hits Special Bonus 00 out of 50 1-Up 48 out of 50 1-Up 49 out of 50 2-Up SONIC THE HEDGEHOG ( Stage Select ) When the Title Screen comes up hold A, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, then you will hear a chime. Then hit START. You can then start from any stage or test the sounds. If this doesn't work, try the following method: At the Title Screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, hold A, and press Start. For some odd reason, some versions of Sonic require the first method, some the second. After doing this once, you only need to hold down START and A to enter the stage select. ( Get All Emeralds ) This cheat allows you to start at the First Level with all the Emeralds, and with lots of Continues. Use the Stage Select cheat (see above) to get to the Special Zone. When you get the Emerald, and have entered into the First Zone, press RESET. Use the Stage Select cheat to get to the Special Zone again. When you get the next Emerald, and have entered the First Zone, press RESET again. When you finally have all the Emeralds DO NOT press RESET, just continue on with First Level. You get to keep the Emeralds and the Continues accumulated so far. ( Control Mode ) At the Title Screen, press U, C, D, C, L, C, R. Or, if that doesn't work, try this: Quickly type 4 C press U, D, L, R repeatedly until you hear a chime. This will give you special techniques during games: While paused, pressing A will reset the game, pressing B will allow you to play in slow-motion (while B is held down), and pressing C will advance the game one frame at a time. ( Debug Mode ) Enter Control Mode as described above. Anytime after that, after pressing START to begin a game, hold down A (pressing start before A allows you to enter Debug Mode even if you've activated Level Select previously) until you see Sonic on the screen. If you see a bunch of hex numbers on the top of the screen, you're in the mode. To start "debugging," press B, then you can select any sprite in that stage and put them on the screen. To select different sprites, press A, and to place it on the screen, press C. Note that sprite selection is different from Zone to Zone. Also, instead of displaying the time elapsed, it displays the number of sprites currently on the screen. Normal Control Mode functions work. This only works on the first production releases of Sonic. ( Confused Demo ) You can confuse Sonic during the by pressing all three action buttons repeatedly. Sonic will lose his place in the pattern and possibly even die. SPACE INVADERS '91 ( Stage Select) On the title screen, hold down A and C and press Start. The screen will fade, and there will be a short pause before the first level. Quickly press BAC. A level selector will appear. STORMLORD ( Extra Lives ) Pause and press AAAACCBBBCA. ( Level Select ) Pause and press CBBBAAAACCAAAA to move to the next level. ( Extra Time ) Pause and press BAAACUUUAAA (U is Up). STRIDER ( Unlimited Lives ) Place your Altered Beast cartridge in the Genesis console and turn on the game. When the Title Screen appears, pull the cartridge out. It should continue to display the Title Screen. Now, without turning off the Genesis console, stick in the Strider cartridge. Hit the reset now, and then hit start twice to begin the game. It should display 9 lives and will continue to display 9 lives, unless you gain a life, then it will display "0", but you will always have an unlimited number even with "0" displayed. [Editor's note: As with any trick involving yanking a cartridge and inserting another with the power on, perform at your own risk.] ( Permanent Robots ) Grab two robots. Find a container with a robo- panther. Open it but do not touch it. Get hit on purpose so you lose a robot. Activate the robo-panther by touching it. After a white, it will go away and leave you with two robots that will never leave, even if you die from hits. SUPER VOLLEYBALL ( Super Powerful Moves ) To spike the ball hard enough to knock any member on the other team down who tries to save it, press Down, A, and B simultaneously after setting up the spike. For a super powerful serve press A, B, and Up at the same time. SWORD OF SODAN ( Level Advance ) Get a score that ranks number one on the high scores table. Then type in your name as HINANP. You can now press START on the _second_ controller to skip levels. ( Potion Warp ) Drink four Etherium potions at once to warp to the next level. TARGET EARTH ( Invincible Mode ) Press START on control pad 2 as soon as the game begins and hold it until you get to the Weapons Select screen. ( Nine Continues ) Begin the game and destroy your warship. Let Rex die on his way to the shuttle. Choose the Option mode, change pad reset from Cancel to Enable. Now (while still in the Option Mode) push C and START simultaneously. A girl with nine continues will slide onto the Screen. Exit the Option Mode and save the universe. ( Nine Continues ) After dying on any level after Level 1 go to the Option Mode screen and press Start. When you exit the Option Mode you'll see you have nine continues on the title screen. Any time you have less than three continues you can repeat this trick. ( To Change Firing Set-Up ) Simply press A, B and C simultaneously. ( Two-Player Game ) As soon as the first green robot walks from the right side of the screen, press Start on control pad 2. Player 2 should now have control of the next robot to come along! ( Rotate the Title Screen) Press A and C while holding Up and Right. ( Major Weapons ) Fly to the warship without shooting any enemies on Stage 1, then destroy the warship at 52 miles or more from the base. You will have 2800 points and no bonus weapons, until you begin the next stage... TECHNOCOP ( Life Regeneration ) While in a building searching for the criminal pause the game and press C ten times, A five times, B twice, and A ten times. Press Start to resume the game. You should hear "Techno Cop" spoken after pressing C ten times. THUNDER FORCE III (Ending Sequence Waving and Blinking ) During the final two screens of the ending sequence you can press the C button to make the pilot in the ship and one of the characters blink his eye. TOEJAM & EARL ( Level 0 ) You start the game on level one, which appears to consist solely of two islands in the water. However, if you jet ski, fly, or ride an inner tube to the lower left part of level one, you will find another island with a hole in it. Fall down the hole to level zero, where you can be healed (in the hot tub) and receive an extra life (by drinking lemonade). ( Secret Island on Level 1 ) In addition to the island with the hole described above, there is another island on the upper right of the level that has presents on it. TOMMY LASORDA BASEBALL ( Passwords ) Invisible team: Zb6jpqrnmGnYWQXaHuFFAB Weird setup: VU9lrstpomXcZTiebrHWyW After you enter this code and press start, the game will seem to reset only the color/graphics are REALLY WEIRD (i.e. screwed over). Anyway, this isn't the neat part of the code. After you get tired of tripping out on the groovy colors, just hit the reset on your Genesis. This will return your picture to normal, but the code is still in effect (and will remain this way until you turn the genesis off). Anyway, start a game against the computer and play away! You will soon discover many oddities in the game play. TRUXTON ( Pause Bombs ) When you use a Destroyer Bomb, pause the game. Leave it paused for about 20 seconds, or else pause and unpause quickly. This will make the bomb do much more damage. ( Extra Lives ) During the game, you'll see an oval object that has three little circles above it. Look at the color of the circles above the object. If the color of you weapon matches the color of the circles, you can shoot the object and get a one- or two-up! TWIN COBRA ( Stage Select ) At the Title Screen, press START to get the green Options Screen. Now press Up, Down, Right, Left, and then hit START. You will now be able to select from any of the game's 10 levels. ( Powered Up Shots ) Start the game, pause, and press U, D, R, L, in order; then unpause while holding A. This will immediately power up your weapon to near maximum. (At least one magazine has said that it _is_ maximum; the magazine is wrong.) ( Extra Bombs ) Start the game, then PAUSE. Now press Up, Down, Right, Left. Hold down B, and then unPAUSE the game and you will have 8 bombs. You can repeat this trick as often as you like. ( Extra Continues ) You can gain up to 14 extra continues by hitting start to access the green title screen, then pressing A until 14 credits appear at the bottom right of the screen. ( Watch the Ending Sequence ) Hit Start to access the green title screen, then press Up, Down, Right, Left, A, B, C, Start. The screen flashes white then the ending begins. VALIS III ( Stage Select ) During the Title Screen where it says "Valis III", hold A, B, C and press Up on the directional pad. While holding them, press and hold START for a few seconds then release START. You are now able to select any of the 24 stages by pressing up or down on the directional pad. ( Momentary Invincibility ) If you have a magic item, but not quite enough MPs to do magic (for Yuko, this means 1 or 2 MPs), invoking Magic will cause your character to "go through the motions" with no payoff. HOWEVER, she is invulnerable while doing this; the flaming knives of Glames will go right through her to no effect. This effect lasts no longer than a second; therefore, it is useless against any slow-moving adversaries or lingering firepower. ( Visual Select ) Up-Left + A + C + Start ( Music select ) A + B + C ( Sound FX ) Down-Right + B + Start VERYTEX ( Extra Lives and shields ) Hold A,B,C, and START all at once to pause the game. While paused, hold DOWN and then START for every extra life you want. Get a free shield by pausing the same way and holding RIGHT and START. WINGS OF WOR ( Easy Mode ) Go to the Option Screen, and move the cursor onto "game level". Now hold down A, B, C, and press Start. ( Stage Select ) To access a special Stage Select menu, first go to the main options menu. Move the cursor to Control. Now press and hold the A button for about ten seconds. A Stage Select screen should appear. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / Bob Rusbasan | Dance to the tension \ / | of a world on edge \ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-