From: Jym Dyer Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.strips,rec.arts.books Subject: PEANUTS: List of Books Reprinting the Strips (Revised) Message-ID: Date: 17 Dec 1992 00:53:39 GMT Organization: The Naughty Peahen Party Line Lines: 416 =o= I am pleased to announce that this latest revision of the list -- completed, as it is, on Beethoven's birthday -- now accounts for all the books that reprint _Peanuts_ strips. There are still a few unknowns (they're flagged with question marks), but I'm pretty sure I've got all the books. =o= At some point I'll probably avail myself of an online Library of Congress Catalog facility to fill in the gaps, but the list provided here was lovingly compiled by hand, and is derived mostly from the records I've kept of my own collection of _Peanuts_ books, which I started keeping at age six. <_Jym_> -------------8<-------------Cut-Here-------------8<------------- * Introduction and Notes {Revised 16-Dec-1992} This is an attempt to compile a complete biography of books which reprint the Peanuts comic strips. Any additional information, corrections, etc., would be appreciated, and can be sent to Jym Dyer at . This list is of course human-readable, but it can also be put into a file and accessed using Emacs Outline mode. If you print hardcopies of this list, you should remove the last page (a page of instructions for Emacs) and this paragraph. There are five main book formats, which will be referred to by the initials in parentheses: ** Holt Rinehart & Winston (HRW) 5x8"-sized collections starting in the 1950s and going into the 1970s. ** Fawcett Crest (FC) Pocketsized paperback collections, almost all of which come in pairs: Volumes 1 and 2 of an HRW book. Others come in 3 volumes of a PP book (see below), and others reprint incomplete "selections from" books. ** Peanuts Parade Editions (PP) 7x10"-sized releases, typically containing 1 HRW book and about half of another. Starting with 1974-1975 strips, new material was also released in this format. ** Owl Books (OB) Recent 5x8"-sized re-releases of the PPs, with the same titles as the PPs. However, they seem to be abbreviated versions of the PPs, containing only one HRW book's worth of strips. ** Topper Books (TB) Variously-sized horizontal books collecting strips from 1985 on. There are also some Scholastic Book Club releases, coloring-book releases, etc. These tend to overlap the five mentioned above, and won't be listed in this bibliography. There are also various other books -- books of reflections, animated feature tie-ins, etc. -- which are outside the scope of this list. * The HRW Books The strips were at first printed by Rinehart & Company (which later became Holt, Rinehart & Winston) in a series of 5x8"-sized books. At first the Sunday strips were printed in separate books in horizontal (8x5") format, but eventually they started including the dailies and Sundays in the same 5x8" books, and later reprintings of the horizontal books were resized to 5x8". Most of these HRWs were accompanied by paperback Fawcett Crest pocketsized paperbacks (FCs), usually two per HRW book. Those FCs are included in the list of HRWs. The list of HRWs also provides cross-references to the OB and PP reprints. The "**" level refers to an HRW book. The "***" level refers to the FC volumes of the HRW book. A "Sundays" in the date means the book collects Sunday strips only (they eventually started putting dailies and Sunday strips into the same books). A "Themed" in the date means it's apparently some kind of themed book (e.g., they're all strips about Snoopy), and will contain some strips also found in the other books. This list is basically in chronological order. ** Peanuts (1950-1951) No FCs were made for this book. ** More Peanuts (1952-1954) = There Goes The Shutout (OB) *** The Wonderful World of Peanuts *** Hey, Peanuts! ** Good Grief, More Peanuts! (1952-1956 Sundays) *** Good Grief, Charlie Brown! *** For the Love of Peanuts! ** Good Ol' Charlie Brown (1955-1957) = Always Stick Up for the Underbird (OB) *** Fun With Peanuts *** Here Comes Charlie Brown! ** Snoopy (1955-1958 Themed) = What Makes You Think You're Happy? (OB) *** Here Comes Snoopy *** Good Ol' Snoopy ** You're Out of Your Mind, Charlie Brown! (1956-1959 Sundays) *** Very Funny, Charlie Brown *** What Next, Charlie Brown? ** But We Love You, Charlie Brown (1957-1959) = Fly, You Stupid Kite, Fly! (OB) *** We're On Your Side, Charlie Brown *** You Are Too Much, Charlie Brown ** Peanuts Revisited (????) ((From what several folks have told me, this sounds like a hardcover deluxe release, such as Peanuts Treasury or Peanuts Classics (see below).)) ** Go Fly a Kite, Charlie Brown (1959-1960) = Thank Goodness For People (OB) *** You're a Winner, Charlie Brown! *** Let's Face It, Charlie Brown! ** Peanuts Every Sunday (1958-1961 Sundays) *** Who Do You Think You Are, Charlie Brown? *** You're My Hero, Charlie Brown! ** It's A Dog's Life, Charlie Brown (1960-1962) = What Make Musicians So Sarcastic? (OB) *** This Is Your Life, Charlie Brown! *** Slide, Charlie Brown! Slide! ** You Can't Win, Charlie Brown (1960-1962) *** All This and Snoopy, Too *** Here's to You, Charlie Brown ** Snoopy, Come Home (1955-1962 Themed) = The Mad Punter Strikes Again (OB) *** We Love You, Snoopy Only one FC was made for this book, collecting only "selections from" the HRW. ** You Can Do It, Charlie Brown (1962-1963) = A Kiss on the Nose Turns Anger Aside (OB) *** Nobody's Perfect, Charlie Brown *** You're a Brave Man, Charlie Brown ** We're Right Behind You, Charlie Brown (1958-1964 Sundays) = There's A Vulture Outside (OB) *** Peanuts for Everybody *** You've Done It Again, Charlie Brown ** As You Like It, Charlie Brown (1963-1964) = What's Wrong with Being Crabby? (OB) *** Charlie Brown and Snoopy *** You're The Greatest, Charlie Brown ** Sunday's Fun Day, Charlie Brown (1962-1965 Sundays) *** It's For You, Snoopy *** Have It Your Way, Charlie Brown ** You Need Help, Charlie Brown (1964-1965) = Who's the Funny-Looking Kid with the Big Nose? (PP) *** You're Not For Real, Snoopy *** You're A Pal, Snoopy! ** The Unsinkable Charlie Brown (1965-1966) *** What Now, Charlie Brown? *** You're Something Special, Snoopy! ** You'll Flip, Charlie Brown (1965-1967) *** You've Got A Friend, Charlie Brown *** Take It Easy, Charlie Brown ** You're Something Else, Charlie Brown (1967) = A Smile Makes A Lousy Umbrella (OB) *** Your Choice, Snoopy *** Try It Again, Charlie Brown ** Peanuts Treasury (1959-1967) Deluxe size (8.5x11") collection of strips. ** You're You, Charlie Brown (1967-1968) *** Who Was That Dog I Saw You With, Charlie Brown? *** There's No One Like You, Snoopy ** You've Had It, Charlie Brown (1969) = My Anxieties Have Anxieties (OB) *** You've Got It Made, Snoopy *** Don't Give Up, Charlie Brown ** You're Out Of Sight, Charlie Brown (1969-1970) = It's Great to Be a Super Star (OB) *** You're So Smart, Snoopy *** Watch Out, Charlie Brown ** Peanuts Classics (1963-1970) Deluxe size (8.5x11") collection of strips, with Sunday strips in color. ** You've Come A Long Way, Charlie Brown (1970-1971) *** It's All Yours, Snoopy *** You've Got To Be You, Snoopy ** "Ha Ha, Herman," Charlie Brown (1971-1972) = Stop Snowing on My Secretary (OB) *** You're On Your Own, Snoopy *** You Can't Win Them All, Charlie Brown ** Thompson Is In Trouble, Charlie Brown (1972-1973) = It's Hard Work Being Bitter (OB) *** You've Come A Long Way, Snoopy *** That's Life, Snoopy ** You're The Guest of Honor, Charlie Brown (1972-1973) = How Long, Great Pumpkin, How Long? (OB) *** It's Your Turn, Snoopy *** You Asked For It, Charlie Brown ** Win A Few, Lose A Few, Charlie Brown (1973-1974) *** Play Ball, Snoopy *** * Peanuts Parade Paperbacks / Owl Books In the mid 1970s the reprints were being done as large-format 7x10" "Peanuts Parade" (PP) editions, typically collecting one HRW book and about half of another. Starting with 1974-1975 strips, new material was also released in this format. At some point the publisher's name changed again: from Holt, Rinehart and Winston to Henry Holt and Company. Henry Holt and Company has recently begun printing new versions of the PPs, in a smaller size (5x8"). I (and they) call these Owl Books. (They also call the PPs "Owl Books", but for the purposes of this list I'll use PP for the large-sized versions and OB for the smaller ones.) OBs seem to be abbreviated versions of the PPs, containing only one HRW book's worth of strips. The PPs/OBs that reprint HRWs will provide cross-references to those HRWs. The PPs that were printing new material (starting with 1974-1975 strips) were accompanied by FCs, three volumes per PP book. Those FCs are included in the list of OBs/PPs. The "**" level refers to an OB or PP book. The "***" level refers to the FC volumes of the PP book (starting with the 1974-1975 strips). In the cross-referencing, the "=" means that both the OB and PP book includes all of the named HRW book. The "+ (some of)" means that the PP book (only) contains some of that HRW book. The PPs are numbered, and I've included those numbers in brackets; but the numbers are not chronological. I am listing the books chronologically, following the HRW releases where appropriate. ((This section is still incomplete; I don't know all the particulars of two PP books.)) ** [#13] There Goes the Shutout (1952-1954) = More Peanuts (HRW) +? (some of) Good Grief, More Peanuts! (HRW) ** [#14] Always Stick Up for the Underbird (1955-1957) = Good Ol' Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) Good Grief, More Peanuts! (HRW) ** [#5] What Makes You Think You're Happy? (1955-1958) = Snoopy (HRW) + (some of) You're Out of Your Mind, Charlie Brown! (HRW) ** [#6] Fly, You Stupid Kite, Fly! (1957-1959) = But We Love You, Charlie Brown (HRW) +? (some of) You're Out of Your Mind, Charlie Brown! (HRW) ** [#9] Thank Goodness for People (1959-1960) = Go Fly a Kite, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) Peanuts Every Sunday (HRW) ** [#10] What Makes Musicians So Sarcastic? (1960-1962) = It's A Dog's Life Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) Peanuts Every Sunday (HRW) ** [#7] The Mad Punter Strikes Again (1955-1962) = Snoopy, Come Home (HRW) + (some of) You Can't Win, Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#8] A Kiss on the Nose Turns Anger Aside (1962-1963) = You Can Do It, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) You Can't Win, Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#3] There's a Vulture Outside (1958-1964) = We're Right Behind You, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) Sunday's Fun Day, Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#4] What's Wrong with Being Crabby? (1963-1964) = As You Like It, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) Sunday's Fun Day, Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#1] Who's the Funny-Looking Kid with the Big Nose? (1964-1966) (Not yet released as an OB.) = You Need Help, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) The Unsinkable Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#2] It's a Long Way to Tipperary (????) (Not yet released as an OB.) =? You'll Flip, Charlie Brown (HRW) +? (some of) The Unsinkable Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#17] A Smile Makes a Lousy Umbrella (1967) = You're Something Else, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) You're You, Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#18] My Anxieties Have Anxieties (1969) = You've Had It, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) You're You, Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#19] It's Great to Be a Super Star (1969-1970) = You're Out Of Sight, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) You've Come A Long Way, Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#20] Stop Snowing on My Secretary (1971-1972) = "Ha Ha, Herman," Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) You've Come A Long Way, Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#15] It's Hard Work Being Bitter (1972-1973) = Thompson Is In Trouble, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) You're The Guest of Honor, Charlie Brown (HRW) ** [#16] How Long, Great Pumpkin, How Long? (1972-1973) = You're The Guest of Honor, Charlie Brown (HRW) + (some of) Win a Few, Lose A Few, Charlie Brown ** [#11] Speak Softly, and Carry a Beagle (1974-1975) *** You've Got To Be Kidding, Snoopy! *** It's Show Time, Snoopy *** Keep Up The Good Work, Charlie Brown ** [#12] Don't Hassle Me with Your Sighs, Chuck (1975) *** It's Raining On Your Parade, Charlie Brown *** Think Thinner, Snoopy *** Let's Hear it for Dinner, Snoopy ** [#21] Summers Fly, Winters Walk (1976) ** [#22] The Beagle Has Landed (1977) ** [#23] And A Woodstock In A Birch Tree (1977-1978) ** [#24] Here Comes The April Fool! (1979-1980) ** [#25] Dr. Beagle and Mr. Hyde (1980-1981) ** [#26] You're Weird, Sir! (????) (Not yet released as an OB.) ((I'm guessing that this book goes here.)) ** [#27] Kiss Her, You Blockhead! (1982) *** Take Charge, Snoopy! *** Let's Party, Charlie Brown *** Good Morning, Snoopy! ** [#28] I'm Not Your Sweet Babboo! (1983) *** Go Fish, Snoopy! *** She Likes You, Charlie Brown! *** Get Physical, Snoopy! ** [#29] The Way of the Fussbudget is Not Easy (1983-1984) (Not yet released as an OB.) * Topper Books The most recent strips are being printed by Topper Books, which is unrelated to Holt, Rinehart, or even Winston. They are in various sizes (8.5x5", 10x7", and 11x8.5"), all horizontal. These books are numbered, and the numbering is chronological. There are FCs being printed for these books, but they don't seem to be printing the entire contents of them. They tend to be "selections from" the Topper Books rather than comprehensive volumes of them. I've not been buying these FCs, and they're not listed here. ** [#1] Dogs Don't Eat Dessert (1985) ** [#2] You're On the Wrong Foot Again, Charlie Brown (????) ** [#3] By Supper Possessed (1986) ** [#4] Talk is Cheep, Charlie Brown (????) ** [#5] It Doesn't Take Much to Attract a Crowd (1987) ** [#6] If Beagles Could Fly (1987-1988) ** [#7] Don't Be Sad, Flying Ace (1987-1988) ** [#8] Could You Be More Pacific? (1988) This stuff is for the benefit of Emacs. You can just ignore it. If you make hardcopies of this list, remove this whole page. Local Variables: mode:outline fill-column:64 End: