Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime Path: spies!sgiblab!!!!!!cam From: (Daniel Cameron Daly) Subject: ZZ synopsis Message-ID: <> Sender: Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1993 17:08:32 GMT Lines: 2585 Sorry for wasting bandwidth, but here is a synopsis of ZZGundam I got from somewhere a while ago. ZZ GUNDAM SUMMARIES #1-25 -------------------------- Revision 1 by William Chow Revision 2 by David Ng and Sheldon Yip Revision 3 by William Chow Vancouver Animation The opening credits proceeds as follows: the show starts with a pan up the ZZ Gundam with upbeat music playing in the background sung by some guy. Then you see the evolution of man (in this sequence: skull, ape, caveman, Amuro Ray (the first Gundam main character), Camille, annd finally Judau. Then there is scene of the Z Gundam transforming into waverider mode, flying to the right. Then you get a closeup of Judau's face in space helmet with reflections, each following the other of a galaxy and two rotating stars. Then you see Char (from Gundam and Z Gundam) shouting followed by Judau shouting. Then you see a missile fired from Z Gundam moving around to the other side of the earth. Then you get a picture of the moon with Z Gundam flying across it. Following this is a giant circuit board. Finally, you see from right to left: Montow, Beja, Eno, Judau, Lena, Edo, and Mashima. Then Z Gundam cuts in and lands behind the cast. ZZ Gundam #1 Ok, this is the first episode of the series ZZ Gundam. Now, it is obvious that they should do a recap for the people who missed a few important episodes of Zeta Gundam. So this chapter is for those who don't have a clue what they are watching. You may note that it is set up sort of like a cut and paste music video. A small light among the stars, with a pan to the Earth. Space is the last frontier for man as they colonize it with space stations which they call "sides". We see a picture of a side with the glassy over look. We also see a bird flying over a city to indicate life is pretty much like Earth on the space station. Then the title appears "Prelude ZZ". A few pictures now, a space colony, a Side, a shuttle, and an early hydrosuit. This machine that fits over a space suit is the first "mobile suit" built. The military took the idea and made them into war machines like the first one MS-00F. We see the evolution today with the Zeta with millions of wires pouring out of it. It all started on Side 3 with the death of Garma Zabi the Zion war started. We see the disaster of a side landing on an Earth city and blowing up killing millions. Amuro Ray finds the prototype Gundam RX-78 and with a instruction manual pilots it into battle. He is the first master of the Gundam. He shoots at a Zaku near a ship and they both get blown to bits. Then a new picture of Papu and his control of the new types. The second war has more destruction as Bosque Om fires the colony laser at side 2 puncturing it killing thousands. Ahgama, the AEUG's main flag ship, and Char Aznable fight the Zions in Zeta Gundam. This series also introduces the Gundam Mark II and the Zeta Gundam. We see the pilot of the Zeta, Camille Bidan. Fa, pilot of Methus, talks with the Aghama captain, Blyto. She is the babysitter for the two kids Shinta and Qum which are running down the hall chasing a bouncing robotic ball named the Haro. Fa talks with Camille. All of Zeta she chases after him for his affections. Their story will continue in ZZ Gundam. She remembers a time (Z Gundam #1) where they were running to school. We also see a time where Shinta and Qum are running around Camille wearing little clothes and Fa steps out of the shower wearing no clothes. We also get a glimpse of Camille and Rosemary who is a new type made as an opponent for the Zeta. However, she takes him as her brother in this scene. Camille saves Fa who at the time was in a Rick Dais. Camille and Char are fighting verses Four Murasame. She is also a new type from the institute. By far, she has been the woman that has closely entered Camille's emotions. Four is running down a hall to Camille. She falls in love with him but she has conflicts when she is torn between duty and love. She is the pilot for the Psycho-Gundam, which we see Camille knock over. In a climatic battle, we see Jerid charge the Zeta Gundam but Four uses her Pycho-Gundam to take the beam blade through the head. Four screams as Amuro and Char look on. They remember a time in the last episode of Mobile Suit Gundam, where they were fighting in the same situation and Lalah uses her droid to stop Amuro's blade from killing Char. Camille holds and kisses Four as she dies. He screams as he loses his first girl. This is just the start of his heart breaks as the war continues. We see the bubbles of Emma Sheen (Gundam Mark II) and Katz Kobayashi (G-Defensor) going out of the picture. Zeta Gundam, Shinta, Qum and the Gundam RX-78 pass us by as well. We now have a quiz done by Qum, Shinta and Char. First we have the Hyakashiki launching off the Ahgama. It also has the Mega Bazooka attachment that wreaks havoc on enemy targets. Next is the Rick Dias flying by a side. Gundam Mark II launches with the G-defensor attachment. The two mecha connect together, showing the two pilots Emma and Katz respectively. ORX-005, which is Rosemary's first droid before getting the Pyscho-Gundam. RX-139, which is the blue droid used by Arzan Gable. Baundoc, the transformable mecha also used by Rosemary. Pyscho-Gundam used by Four. In this combat Camille is in the Mark II as they fight in a city. Quebley, a white droid used by Haman Karn. Zeta Gundam, which is piloted by Camille. It launches off the Ahgama and transforms into the faster Wave Rider mode. Zaku, --- , Gaza, ---, Dobben Wolf, ---, Methus, and Theo just to name a few more. We hear an extended version of the first theme for Z Gundam "Sign of Zeta". I will quickly pan the images you see: Sara Mas, Char, Char & Sara in picture, Garma dies, AEUG messenger, some blonde woman, Blyto Noah, Char & Lyla, Char meets Minaba, Char & Camille, Char, Four hugs Camille, Sirrocco & Sara, Amuro toasts to Char, Fa & Camille, a beat up Blyto, group picture, Minba, Char, the ZZ logo. Side 3, where Haman rules with Minaba as the young acting queen. On side 1, we see a town. The computer shows us a map of the Earth and some orbits. Then we have a demonstration of the air sealing bubbles that prevent all the air from running out of punctures in the hull. The extended theme music for the ZZ Gundam "Anime Jyanai". Again I will go over the images. Fa & Blyto flying by saying "Anime Jyanai" followed by Shinta and Qum. The big ZZ logo, Judau Ashta (the main character), Side 1, city, in a red work suit moving garbage, Judau leaves house & sees his sister Lena. In town, he meets Montow and Eno & Beja. The Ahgama docks on to Side 1. The kids find Arzan's escape pod from his droid that Camille destroyed in Zeta. Judau goes home to get food for Arzan. Judau finds Camille and gets a zap of new type powers. The kids get into the Ahgama and Judau tries to steal the Zeta Gundam. Arzan fights the Zeta with a small utility suit. Zeta blows it up with two missiles. Judau gets away from Torazu and Blyto. Edo introduces herself. Mashima is on the Endora ready to enter Side 1 to get the Ahgama. The video ends with the ZZ Gundam full logo. Episode 2 This is the true first episode of Double Zeta Gundam. The setting is Side 1, Shangrila just shortly after Zeta Gundam. It starts off with Judau in a work suit retreiving a Hizack escape pod. As he does this, he sees the legendary Ahgama docking with Side 1. Aboard the vessel is Fa who is tending to the catatonic Camille and Blyto who is instructing his bridge crew for the landing. Eno hooks up to Judau's suit and reels him in with the winch. They head inside Side 1. In the landing bay, they both try to get into the pod. Judau punches up three buttons and opens the pod. They are both shocked to see an unconcious man inside. Beja arrives with the truck and crane. He goes up to the pod to inspect it. Suddenly, the unconcious pilot wakes up and grabs him. "Where am I?" grunts Arzan. "Side 1, Shangrila" coughs Beja. Judau is at home grabbing miscellanous food. His sister, Lena yells at her brother. He takes off on his green bike to catch up to his friends. When he reaches the pickup, he chucks the food at Arzan. While the Titan chomps on a bagel, the kids mention the Ahgama which interests Arzan immensely. Arzan takes his jacket and prepares to take over a passing van. He throws his jacket on the moving van and jumps across using the work suit to gain access to the cab. He gets inside and throws the driver out the passenger side. Notice tht Judau doesn't feel right with this wrong doing. The truck goes to a depot where Fa's ambulance is being loaded. Arzan sees this and makes a move to heist it. The hold the driver, who is Fa, up at gun point. Arzan is about to slap her but Judau stops him. This is important because it shows Judau is not a bad kid. Gable grabs her access card and tells the kids to open up the back and see what is inside. Meanwhile, Shinta and Qum are hiding underneath the van listening in to what is happening. Judua opens the back to see a person under a blanket. It is Camille. Judau waves his hand in front of his face but no response. Silently and slowly, Camille lifts up his hand inviting this stranger to an inverted handshake. As Judau touches him, he gets zapped but a feeling of newtype powers. He doesn't know what to make of it. Beja drives on past security. Notice that he gives the guard his bag of food as he gets past. Shinta and Qum reach Blyto and they warn him of the hijacked truck. Soon after their message, the van arrives in the weightless section of Shangrila. The goofs try to threaten the Ahgama but Beja just doesn't sound scary, especially when he does "ahhhs" and "uhumms". Torazu is ordered to seize the truck but Arzan pops out to attack him. The target begins as the Zeta Gundam. Blyto defends it but using a gun and fires on Arzan. Judau and friends start throwing the fruit that was in the crates at the hanger crew. Shinta and Qum grabs a gun and starts firing on Arzan. They go flying but Torazu (who is now in a work suit) wraps them up with cord so they don't drift away in the weightlessness. Arazan now switches objectives and goes after the work suit. Judau makes a break for the Zeta Gundam. He gets into the cockpit but Blyto points a gun at him. By thinking fast, he kicks it away. While he is enjoying the decore of the Zeta, he has to push Blyto out and way as the captain tries to oust the kid. Judau gets a newtype buzz as he prepares to use the Zeta, bit of a reminescent insight from Camille. He friends are told to stop throwing fruit by Anostage who has the gun. Arzan uses a light sword to knock Torazu out of the air. He then continues to attack Anostage and kill him with a stike. Fa, Beja and Judau are shocked at the death. Now, Judau has had enough. He feels he must redeem himself for being partially associated with Arzan's murders. He powers up the Zeta for combat. Arzan looks over and decides to attack the mobile suit again. Judau launches the arm missiles but no good. As an interesting note, since they are inside the hanger of Side 1, where did those shots land? And what damage did they do? Arzan tries to attack Judau through the open cockpit door but the Zeta thrusts forward ramming through the roof and then through a wall. The chase contines into Side 1 where the two fly over a girl's house causing her to faint. They square off in the junkyard (as par typical). Blyto is in a car trying to catch them, as well as Beja and crew but we don't see this. Judau accidently activates the beam blade but he fails to catch it. It rolls to Arzan who uses it in a charge on the Zeta. Judau manges to stop him from running the mobile suit through however the upper chest plate is heating up due to the blade. The Zeta's defense systems close the cockpit door as the blade gets dangerous. Judau fires to arm missile into Arzan work suit and blows it up. Blyto arrives to trip the Zeta by wiring a cable around the Zeta with a spare working suit. Beja an Montow are also on the scene rigging somehing up. As Torazu holds a gun to Judau, Beja detonates the explosives. This allows Judau to get away from the Zeta and also allows Arzan to split. Mashima is outside in his vessel. He sends a suitcase inwards to Shangrila before the Endora enters to hunt for the Ahgama. Episode #3 The white suitcase that Mashima sends to Shangrila is opened by some officials. The Axis wants to enter Side 1 to get rid of the Ahgama and other AEUG forces. The Ahgama moves from the docking port into the space station just as Mashima's Endora arrives into the port. Beja and group are fooling around in the junkyard. Judau is partially bragging about his little stint with the Zeta in the last episode. Lena and Edo arrive but Judau wants his sister to leave since she will just get in the way. Montow and Eno mock the two as they imatate them. All this joking around is stopped when the Ahgama flies overhead. Judau jumps into a work suit and pursues. He fires a rope at the ship and hooks on. Mashima enters Side 1 very charismatically and notice the emphasis on Haman's flower. He remembers when he was given the flower. He meets his subordinate Goton in the hangar. Here, he grabs his green Gallus-J and launches off even though mechanics were still working on it. The Ahgama is alerted to a small "abanodoned" work suit is being dragged under the Ahgama. Blyto has the cameras scan around for the intruder and they find Judau sneaking about. He remembers how Amuro got into the RX Gundam and piloted it from the instructions. Same thing happened with Camille and the Zeta. Could history repeat itself with Judau? Shinta and Qum are making food. Shinta is feeding bread into a cutter which is leaving slices floating every where. The Haro II irrates the kid and it gets knocked against the wall. Judau is outside their door when it opens up letting the Haro II out and some bread. The Keyslong comes by but the kids hid Judau above the door. When he is about to enter they give him a piece a bread to eat. After he leaves, Judau introduces himself. Shinta gives him a piece of chicken and a drink. The mechanic spots Judau and runs away just as the alarm goes off. On the bridge, Mashima is detected in his Gallus-J. He jumps on top of the bridge and threatens it with his beam blade. Judau jumps out of his door tied by a rope. He plants a package of dynamite on his foot and pushes off. He gets back inside the ship just as Mashima's foot blows up. The Gallus-J falls out of control and crashes into the junkyard. Fa launches off in the Methus. Qum and Shinta show Judau to the hanger bay where the Zeta is. He tries to walk out to the launch pad as he just about steps on the mechanic. Once on the catapult, he over guns one foot and he falls off the Ahgama while spinning. The Methus transform but it is not much challenge to Mashima. As he charges Fa, Judau gives the Gallus-J a swift kick in the face saving her. While Mashima admires his flower, Fa goes down and picks up the rest of Judau's friends. Mashima draws out his beam blade and so does the Zeta but Judau's sword doesn't energize. Mashima withdraws his sword and charges the Zeta. Judau switches to waverider mode and takes off before Mashima hits him. Flying out of control, the Zeta smashes and transforms out of waverider. Finally, Mashima gets feed up and he punches the Zeta down. He draws the beam blade and goes for the stab. Judau pulls out his blade and energizes it through the head of the Gallus-J. Mashima retreats. Judau returns the Zeta to the Ahgama. He says goodbye to Fa, Blyto and Torazu as he jumps into his work suit. He grabs Lena with the arm and drops her in the cockpit. They ride off towards the city. Chapter #4 On an orbiting space station, the Ahgama lands in junk pile. The garbage acts a means of camouflage to conceal the ship until proper repairs are done. Mashima and the Zion captain are leaving a very rich and posh hotel. Mashima remembers his relationship with Haman and carries a symbolic flower that she gave him. These two men just about run into a truck with Beja, Edo, Eno and Montow on the way to Judau's house. Beja starts to yell back but Edo stops him and tells him continue to Judau's house. Lena, who is Judau's sister, goes out to get some milk. She runs across the truck being driven by Beja and Co. and starts to pursue it. Edo uses the lift on the truck to wake up Judau. She is embarrassed when he runs to the window with his underwear on. The group manages to leave his house before Lena returns with the milk. Mashima drives to the hospital and almost runs over Camille and Fa. He steps out of the car and tries his charm on Fa. Goton is in the car going "Oh brother, trying to hit on every woman they meet." Beja and Company are out by the junkyard looking for the Ahgama. They find a droid hidden in on the flat bed truck. Unfortunately, this one happens to be Mashima's. It stands up and begins to move so Judau runs after it. He tries to capture it by using a grappling hook and rope to scale it. This has mixed success. Fa and the kids drive close to the sight but they get the jeep stuck. Mashima finally notices Judau swinging on this rear view monitors. He steps out of the cockpit (almost falls out) to tell Judau to get off his droid. After an exchange of words, Mashima tries to shake the kid off his back. Beja and company arrive on the scene to slingshot two bottles of pepper/sand into the cockpit. This distracts Mashima long enough for Judau to climb in. However, Judau gets beat up inside the droid. Mashima plans to throw the kid of his mecha when he accidentally kicks the stop lever. The droid starts leaning forward which causes both guys to fall out of the cockpit. They are both hanging on the edge continuing to kick each other off. Finally, Mashima kicks Judau off but luckily Eno is there to catch him. The kids regroup and head back to the junk pile to search for the Ahgama. This time the team finds it. On the flight deck, Judau makes a break for the Zeta Gundam while the others are fighting security. He finally manages to get into the mecha and walk away with it. Just after the Gundam makes it off the runway, he encounters Mashima's droid. Judau tries to fly the Zeta but he immediately crashes it. The two droids smash around the junk pile until the Zeta accidentally breaks a hole in the space colony's hull. The two droids are sucked into outer space. Note: the two mobile suits instantly closed their cockpits for space combat. Captain Blyto is now on the bridge along with the misfits. He tries to tell Judau how to pilot the Zeta Gundam. Judau ends up pulling out of a collision course with the space colony and giving Mashima's droid a good kick in the head. The captain is impressed with his flying ability so he asks Judau to enlist in the AEUG. Fa and Mashima pass each other in their cars as one leaves and one enters the city. Episode #5 Gemon is on Mashima's Endora trying to make a deal with him. He want to have an opportunity to disable the Zeta Gundam. Mashima remembers a time when Haman gave him the flower. Gemon is accepted and he jumps up and hits himself on his droid. What a goof! In the city, the kids are sitting around doing nothing in particular. Fa ist talking about the Ahgama's need for new recruits while Judau, Beja, Eno and Montow are just relaxing on the steps. Lena, Shinta and Qum are beside Fa. The guys want something in return like payment. She warns them that the ship is not a playground. They ignore her lecture. Judau gets up and steals Beja's apple and the rest of the guys follow him. Fa stops Lena, Shinta and Qum from following. Edo is in the docking bady spying. She sees preparation for the attack on the Zeta Gundam that Gemon plans. Mashima is in his quarters floating in the low gravity. He is laying praise and worshiping his symbol of Haman, the rose. Goton arrives outside his door and he listens in. The auto door accidentally opens revealing Mashima's ritual. He grabs Goton and almost chokes him to death. "You didn't see or hear anything? Right?!?" he yells. Goton launches off in a Gaza-D and Gemon takes off in his Geze with another Gaza escorting them. Edo stops in the car by Fa and the kids. She tells them of the potential threat and Fa immediately takes off in the car. Edo and Lena are left to run to the school to tell Judau, Montow, Eno and Beja. Notice that Arzan Gable is in the alley spying on them. At school Judau and Eno arrive late in their class. peter falls asleep in this class which causes the teacher to throw a vase at him. The bored Qum and Shinta are outside the school. They find two chalk field markers and they immediately grab those and start laying lines down on the soccer field. They decide to draw the Zeta Gundam symbol a Z and a G. Judau is called to the board to do a problem when Edo arrives to call them down. She tells him that the Ahgama is in trouble. Gemon flies by and sees the Z and G on the field and immediately assumes it is a signal for the Zeta Gundam. So he lands and threatens for the Gundam. Judau, Montow, Lena, Shinta and Qum run up on the roof and make noise to distract him. Beja and Eno use rope to tie the Geze's leg around a tree and to Edo's truck. Gemon's droid falls over. Notice that manhole is knocked off during the crash. As the Geze gets up, Arzan attacks but he falls into the open man hole. Fa takes the Z Gundam and flies it away from the hiding Ahgama. Blyto tells her that she has to find Judau. Fa arrives in the Zeta and she drives Gemon away to the outskirts of town. The Zeta is knocked over and the auto door is jammed open. The kids arrive to buy some time for Judau to get into the Gundam. They decide to try to pull a gas tank on Gemon by using the truck to pull off one of the supports. Gemon uses an energy mace to incapacitate Fa. Just then Judau comes up to him and gets him to chase him by telling him to kiss his ass. Beja pulls the tank and it rolls towards Gemon. He runs away and manages to flip it over himself. But this was all the time Judau needed to get to the Zeta Gundam. Judau arrives at the entrance of the cockpit when Fa awakes. She starts her attack just as Gemon comes back. Judau is left to hanging on outside the door. Again, the Gundam is knocked down but this allows Judau to fall on Fa. He quickly gets the mecha to kick Gemon. Judau uses a parry to drop Fa out of the Zeta. Finally, he drops the shield and boxs with Gemon. This confuses him and makes him real dizzy since the cockpit of th Geze rotates about the waist to protect the cockpit. So Judau takes the opportunity to pull out the beam blade and cut off all the extension arms of the thing. Judau also stops the idiot when his cockpit is spinning around and around. Obviously the device is broken. Gemon pleads for his life in a pathetic way and spills the beans about his arrangement with Mashima. Mashima is angered by the goof's failure but he expected it. He remembers the time he got his orders from Haman. He apologizes to her like he would to a deity. [Episodes 06 to 10 missing. Sorry - Ed.] ZZ GUNDAM SUMMARIES ------------------- Revision 1 by William Chow Revision 2 by David Ng and Sheldon Yip Revision 3 by William Chow Episode #11 The Hamma Haman is fitted with a new shield that contains three cannons on it. Kara awaits on the side blackmailing Mashima for a droid. She holds out a tape she made with him bad mouthing Haman. Mashima runs into the head of the R-Jaja. So he consides and gives her the red R-Jaja. Eno is cleaning up the supplies as a chicken gets away from him. Judau manages to catch it but he is soon pecked in the head. Eno finally arrives to grab it. The two help fix up the supplies as they talk. Soon, Lena interupts accidently letting go a chicken escape. The Haro II takes care of the two kids Shinta and Qum. They miss the babysitting done by Fa as she is off visiting Camille. Edo tries to comfort them by taking Fa's place. She finds a mirror and starts admiring it. It is now where Lu walks in and makes a crack at Edo. She is irked so she leaves the room. Qum hushes Shinta as they near the detention block. Goton tries to get the kids to open the door to his cell. He tells them that if he lets him go, he will go and get Fa back. Note Mashima sneezes when Goton mentions his name. Well, stupid as the kids are, they let Goton out of his cell. Lu sees him lose so he picks up Shinta and throws it at her. The chase is on. As Goton rounds a corner, he smashes into Eno with a crate of supplies. He grabs a knife and holds the kid as a hostage. The two guys finally make it to the hangar where they get inside a core fighter. Beja is soon told that there is a hostage taking in the hangar bay. Montow and Beja initiate their plan. Lu and Lena bring the core fighter some supplies that Goton requested. Lu gives him two space suits. Lena gives him a box with a chicken in it which serves as a diversion. They almost were able to get Eno out but he manages to close the cockpit. Meanwhile, Beja and Montow open the hangar doors against Blyto's orders. Goton launchs off with Lu in core base and Judau in the Zeta Gundam following him. During flight, he puts his suit on and gives one to Eno wear. Being the goof he is, the core fighter runs into an asteroid and both men are thrown out of the fighter. The Hamma Haman rises from behind an asteroid to attack the Ahgama. Mashima can't beleive the his eyes when he sees Goton begging on a near by asteroid. He picks him up and puts him inside one of the Gaza-D's. Judau and Lu find the core fighter but none is in it. Mashima, two Gaza-D's and Kara's new R-Jaja fly up to attack the Ahgama. Notice that she is getting a headache controlling the stupid droid. On the Arabian Rose, Eno wakes up tied down on a hospital bed. He wakes up with Emily staring over him. She unties him and shows him to the new experimental core top. She explains that it is the third part of the Double Zeta. The Ahgama is suppose to come by and pick it up. Eno is quite impressed. Suddenly, a bridge personnal tells the that the Ahgama is under attack by four mobile suits. The Zeta Gundam and core base return to the Ahgama to fight the mobile suits. Judau comes up to cut a shield off of a Gaza-D. Mashima rears up to attack the Zeta by using his shield to deliever a glancing blow to the Zeta. Lu flies by Judau to save him. Meanwhile, Beja and Montow find it to be an excellent oppurtunity to escape with the secrets of the Ahgama. The go into the hanger and steal a core fighter. However, the two run into Kara's droid. She picks them up an throws them against an asteroid. The Zeta comes by to lay some fire on her. She pulls out her sword and snaps the top of his shield off. Mashima attacks again with Kara grabbing the Zeta from behind. He uses his shield to distinigrate the Zeta Gundam's head. Mashima is estatic that he has destroyed the Zeta. Judau is forced to eject out of his mobile suit. She floats over to an asteroid where he finds Beja and Montow in their grounded core fighter. He pops in and takes off. Mashima gives chase. Lu tells Judau to hang on. She has Eno coming in the new core top fighter from the Arabian Rose. Judau continues to dodge Mashima's fire while Montow & Beja are cramping the cockpit. Kara stops Mashima from the chase. At this time, Lu and Eno appear on the scene. Eno says that they have to link up. Lu says that the core fighter has to get rid of the extra passengers, namely Montow and Beja. Judau pops the canopy and the two guys get out. He pulls the transformation lever to seal up the core fighter. Lu splits off her core fighter from the core base. Judau links up with the core base in the place of Lu and Eno docks on top of him. The fortress spins itself out into the Double Zeta Gundam. Judau is surprised at the transformation considering th Zeta was nothing like this. Mashima is unmoved as he lunges forward to attack. But he is unable to hit it as he is amazed at the speed of the new Gundam. He tries to hide behind an asteroid but Judau uses his beam blade to cut it half. The Hamma Haman runs firing back at the Double Zeta. His shield cannons are having no effect on the Gundam. Judau pulls out the double barrelled cannon and blows away Mashima's shield. He decides to run. Judau is happy for winning a specatular battle. He comments that the Double Zeta Gundam is easier to use than the Zeta. Maybe even to the point that it was made for him? He goes by the Zeta to pick the body and haul it back to the Ahgama. This is where we get to see the rare picture of the Double Zeta pulling the headless Zeta Gundam. So enters the Double Zeta Gundam. Episode 12 You may have noticed that the opening thing theme song has changed slightly. In this one the music is the same but you start with a pan away form the earth,then a pan upwards of ZZ Gundam. Then you get the same evolution of man sequence followed by Z Gundam transforming into a fighter flying left. Three fighters follow the Z Gundam and combine. Then you get the same sequence of Char and Judau shouting. Following is the combined fighters transforming into ZZ Gundam. Then you see Judau in his space helmet with a galaxy reflection in it. Then you see the ZZ Gundam head followed by the Z Gundam skimming over the surface of the moon, followed by the same giant circuit board. Now you see from left to right (in front of ZZ Gundam): Montow, Peter, Eno, Gina, Edo and Lu. Finally, Judau flys in next to his sister. Gremmy is begging to Mashima to not leave the Endora. However, he has to since Kara and Goton will command it now. As they laugh at him, Gremmy is pushed away from the shuttle. Judau is in the core fighter and he is fooling around the asteroid belt with it. He zips past Beja and Edo who are in the core top fighter. A speck of light catches his eye as he sees a disabled Hizack. He decides to haul it back to the Ahgama. On the bridge of the Ahgama, Lena brings drinks for Blyto and Torazu. They recieve transmission that Judau and Beja are using the AEUG's fighters to tow a Hizack. They tell him to stop it and get to the Arabian Rose. Lena and Lu get suited up and they leave in the core top. Eno sees this and objects to taking Lena along. Blyto thinks about how his own kids are doing. The Endora does a frontal assault on the Arabian Rose. Kara just fires at the Rose while it fires back. Both ships are taking damage as they near each other. Gremmy enters the bridge just as the Endora is about to crash into the rose. He yells "Retro thrusters!" The ship slows down and smashes into the rose. The core base arrives on the scene to see the Endora hitting the Arabian Rose. Lu wonders what the hell is it doing there. Suddenly, Gaza-D's show up and she has to run. By coincedience, Gremmy is in one the Gazas and he spots the AEUG fighter craft. He quickly wonders if it could be Lu Luka. Word of the attack on the rose gets back to the Ahgama just as Beja and Judau are arriving with the Hizack. Blyto tells the two of them to stop fooling around and get to the Arabian Rose because it is under attack. Eno interupts and adds that Lena is with Lu who is flying to the rose in the core base. Judau pulls his fighter away yelling Lena's name. His fighter is jerked back since he is still tied to the Hizack. Beja and Edo yell at Judau to stop and unhook himself. Judau guns the engines of his core fighter as the cable breaks between him and the Hizack. The mobile suit is flung towards the Ahgama along with core top. Edo acts quickly an releases the core top so she can pursue Judau. The neglected Hizack is flung towards the bridge of the Ahgama but a tow cable hooks around a gun of the Ahgama to stop it. Eno goes out to retrieve the suit for parts. Gremmy goes out after core base. Lena gets a buz of new type powers as she signals to Judau her distress. Gremmy grabs on to the fighter to stop it. Lu teases Gremmy which allows her to get up to his cockpit. Once there, she pushes him away and goes in the droid to get it to release the grip. Gremmy acts quickly and fires a rope around the Gaza's gun. Lu takes off on Gremmy but it doesn't take him too long to catch up again. However this time, Judau arrives to give her some cover fire. Five Gaza-Ds are launched off the Endora to fight attacking suits. The combat gets pressing as Judau really needs the help of Beja and Edo. They arrive in the nick of time to save the core fighter. Edo, Lu and Judau try for a link up for ZZ Gundam but there is too much laser fire. Eno contacts the bridge and tells him that the Zeta is flyable. He has stuck the Hizack head on the headless Zeta for the time being. It looks stupid but it works he comments. As he launches off to help his friends, Blyto and Torazu warn Judau in unison. Eno arrives in time to give cover fire for Judau and Edo. This allows the three fighters to join together into the Double Zeta. Judau begins with Gremmy by punching the Gaza-D which sends it flying back. Beja and Edo, who are in the core top/double barrelled gun, complain about the jostling around. The ZZ uses the beam blade to chop up two more Gaza-D's. As the Endora leaves the Arabian Rose, Kara launches off in the R-Jaja. In combat, Judau finds that she has troubles hitting this mobile suit. She grapples the Double Zeta as she hits Judau with some newtype powers. Beja and Edo try to wake him up. Lu fires her guns on the back of the R-Jaja which causes Kara to knock the core base aside. This causes the canopy to open and throw Lena out. The scream of his sister wakes Judau up from his hypontic state. He escapes from her grasp and he fires his double barrelled cannon at her. The shot melts a bit of her droid. He presses the button the ZZ knob which fires the head cannon. This shot destroys the surrounding asteriods and incapaciates Kara's droid. Some Gaza-D's take her away back to the Endora. Judau is frantically looking for his sister. He spots the light from the core base. It is Lu waving a beacon from the cockpit but where is Lena? She tells Judau that Gremmy has grabbed Lena and she is on the Endora. The ZZ takes off in an attempt to find Kara's ship but he can't see it. He points his gun up and fires into space in fustration. Episode #13 The Ahgama is docked on to the Arabian Rose. Emile has a tlak with the mechanic about Blyto and the Ahgama. Meanwhile on the Ahgama, Blyto is eating dinner with the kids. Bega is eating a sandwich and when he bites into it, he sprays Blyto with the ketcup. Ann helps him clean off while we see how the rest of the gang is eating. Monto has he face in his bowl, Edo is standing up heaving at her meat, and Eno is eating with some eiquitette. Blyto accidentally flicks his egg aside and he tries to stab it with his fork but he missies. He quiccly retracts as Ann sees him. Judau evades Lu and her constant nagging. He decides to go to the washrooms to ditch her. Edo arrives on the scene and she goes inot the washroom to talk to Judau. She finds him dressed in a space flight suit ready to go for a rescue mission for Lena. He has ripped a pipe from the tiolet and is ready to fight. Blyto enters the washroom but The managed to hide the evidence. They prop it up as if someone was going to the washroom. Beja and Monto are transforming the ZZ Gundma in the hangar bay. Edo enters the hanger with the space suit on a trolley. Judau is tailing with Lu at he time but as soon as he sees the suit he grabs it. While on his way to the ZZ, the mechanic stops him from taking off with it. On the Endora, Gremmy is trying to charm Lena. She refuses to eat and she wants to leave the table. She sits on the floor on her end of th table. Gremmy looks under the table cloth to see under her dress at her panties. Kara takes off in the R-Jaja and Goton follows in a Gaza-D. Judau is locked in a room until further orders. He looks for an escape and she decides to use the ventilation shaft. Edo and Eno are outside trying to scheme of a way to get rid of the guard, Ann. They start a small smoke fire in the next room. They turn on the alarm and they get the keys from Ann. When they enter his room, Judau was up in the vent but he yells at the since it was all smoke filled in the vents. In the hangar bay, Judau makes a run for the ZZ Gundam. Lu fights with him and the kids SHinta and QUm tie up the mechanic. Edo goes inside the Mark II and tries to read the manual at the same time operate it. She manages to break up the fight between Lu and Judau when she smashes the Mark II into the ZZ. At the same time, she almost knees the tied up mechanic. Notice that Beja nd Montow are already aboard te Double Zeta. Judau opens up the hanger doors to let both suits out. Out in space, Edo spots the incomming suits. Gremmy wonders if it is Lu Luka in the Mark II. They set up a net of mines to make it difficult to operate. Judau uses the beam blade to parry an attack from Goton. Kara hits the droid from the back. Goton tries to Edo. The Endora projects a picture of Lena into the combat area as a threat to Judau. Beja gets excited and he pulls the separation switch on the Gundam. The Mark II fires on Goton which causes him to land in the mines and detonate them. He is forced to eject and Kara has to retreive him. Montow and Beja are also caught by the Endora. Episode #14 The Ahgama and the Arabian Rose fly towards the Moon Moon colony. Emily tackles Blyto in the middle of the hallway. SHe has developed a crush on the legendary captain. The decide to dock with it. As Judau and Edo go for the suits, the ship is attacked by hooded footmen weilding polearm like spears. The ship is taken over by the army. Judau separates the ZZ Gundam into its component pieces. Edo and the the mechanic start mock crying. When Blyto, Lu and Emily arrive, they are start mock crying as well. Judau is punched into unconciousness. The group enters the Moon Moon colony. Goton, Kara, Montow, and Beja are already here. They scatter through the town to do some investigating. Judau is with Lasada and they are seen by Beja. Judau sees Kara and they kidnap her. Beja runs to tell Goton while Montow follows them to keep an eye on them. Blyto is being introgated by the old man of Moon Moon. There is also a woman's voice coming from behind a curtain asking a few questions. Lasada, Judau and Kara talk about the politics of Moon Moon. Montow is outside the window spying on the conversation. Judau thought he heard something but it doesn't notice it. Gremmy ties Lena to a Gaza-D's gun and launches off the Endora and into Moon Moon. Beja takes off in the R-Jaja and he is having lots of trouble controlling it so he crashes it. The shock of the dive almost causes Montow to fall from his window perch. The Moon Moon guys start worshipping the R-Jaja as if it was a diety. Lasada spots Montow hiding in the vines. Goton goes into the temple with his guards and demands them to release Kara. They don't know what he is talking about. Kara, Judau and Lasada sees the Gaza-D's and they wave one down. Kara comoderes the mobile suit and flies up. The Ahgama launches of her fighters: Edo in core base, Eno in core top and Lu in core fighter. They start shooting at Kara when they spot her in the Gaza-D. Beja flies by in the R-Jaja and crashes it near Kara. She tells Beja to get out of her droid which he does immediately. While this trade is going on, Lu trades with Judau. The Gundam team links up into the ZZ Gundam. Kara swings her blade at the ZZ but she misses. Judau is distracted when he sees the Gaza-D's with Lena on it escape. He tries to pursue but Kara grabs him. He gets really angry and she stabs the R-Jaja with the beam blade. She explodes but still manages to escape. The crew of the Ahgama are back in the throne chamber talking to the old man and the mysterious female voice. Judau is curious so he pulls down curtain blocking their view. To his surprise he sees Lasada. "Lasada!?" "Lasada? My name is Salasa!" No you are not going nuts. Salasa an Lasada are almost identical in appearance but Salasa has her moon crescent facing right as in the letter 's'. Lasada has her cresent going left as in 'left'. Episode #15 Salasa holds Edo, Lu, Blyto, Emily, Judau, and Kara for questioning. Judau tries to rally for support until he gets so upset he slaps her. He thougt that Salasa was Lasada. "Wake up!" he exclaims. He is slapped back and forced away by the guards. Blyto initates the crew's breaking run from the temple. Emily falls on her way down the stairs so Blyto has to stop to cover her. Lu stays behind to guard her captain. Everyone else escapes. Edo and Judau take the time to talk of what to do next. They are attacked by spear throwers but Montow and Lasada rescues them with a horse driven chariot. The group goes to the subways to search for an alternate route into the temple. They find a subway car that goes close to where they want. Montow plays around with the controls and gets it working. He gets a swelled head but he is ribbed by everyone else. Lu, Blyto, Kara, and Emily are tied up. The small group attacks their guards to free them. Lu says that she doesn't need any help so Edo plays with Lu and doesn't untie her. Everyone is freed except for Kara of obvious security reasons. They make a break for the speed car in the subway. Goton is outside trying to gain support from the colony rulers. He gets very theatratric with his position. The kids try to make a rush on the ZZ Gundam while Montow follows Lasada to an ancient droid. Beja is seen trying to climb into the Gundam and move it to th Endora. Judau follows him up the wooden truss as Edo and Eno divert the guards. This act doesn't get the duo too far as they are captured and tied up. Judau manages to get inside the ZZ Gundam and fly off to find Lena. Gremmy is alerted and he comes in his red Baw. Note the call letters appear on the screen. Judau flies up and kills a Gaza-D in a tunnel to the landing bay. He is afraid to kill anyone else since he may kill Lena by accident. After all, she is stil tied to a Gaza-D.. He quickly retreats when two more Gaza's chase him. Judau spins around and pins one to the ground. Montow gets the old droid working. He lets Lasada out and the all the soldiers worship her. Gremmy arrives to get Lena. He lands in the wrecked bay to get her. Judau arrives in time to see Gremmy holding Lena go inside the Baro. He tries to give chase but an explosion allows Gremmy to get away. Montow dispatches the last Gaza-D. Beja attacks Montow when he steps out yelling "Who's side are you on anyway?". Notice that Beja is trying to get on the good side of Goton again. The story ends with Judau looking back at Moon-Moon hoping for his sister. Lu and Edo give him words of support. "If I do find her, I wanna go back to the colony and live there." Judau says. "We all wish..." ZZ GUNDAM SUMMARY Typed in by William Chow ZZ Gundam 16 On the Arabian Rose, the Ahgama is still attached to it. Blyto looks at a picture of his wife, Mirai. He begins to change by taking off his uniform. Then Emily comes into the room with her report at hand. She sees Blyto in his under shirt and they both are embrassed. As she hands hime the report she grabs him and asks him to take her. He pushes her back as Miria's photgraph floats behind her. She say goodbye to him as if she wasn't going to see him anymore. Judau comes on the loud speaker talking about Moon Moon. Kara, Shina and Qum are doing laundry when the announcement comes on. He continues to talk about Beja and Montow until Edo comes and kicks him. They start arguing and Eno joins in. Edo finally gets fed up and she throws the handset at Judau which connects on his face. Lena is on the Endora playing her piano. Goton and Gremmy sees that there is a shuttle heading towards the Ahgama. They send out a Gaza-D to intercept and bring it to the Endora. In the hallways, Beja and Montow are carrying Zion uniforms but they are knocked over by Goton. Once the shuttle is captured, the Zions waste no time in interogating the crew. Miri Chirida is the red head girl with the pony tail and glasses and Mechina Mucha is the bigger man who is an AEUG representative. The Endora thinks of a scheme to use the shuttle to get close to the Ahgama and take it over. They get ready their new droid the Baw fighter. There is a nice transformation sequence her where it goes into its backpack fighter mode. Goton leads the attack on the Ahgama without Gremmy's approval. The Ahgama sees two signal flares as the shuttle approaches. Goton has got the two pilots talking and flying at gunpoint. He has stashed a few troops with him so they can storm the Ahgama. Once they have landed, the men come out. The first thing they do is plant a small dinky Zion flag on the roof of the bridge. Goton wants to get into the Gundam Mark II but Edo coems drifting by and she kicks him away. Emily gets word of the invasion on the Ahgama and she calls an alert. Judau is in the hanger by protecting the Zeta Gundam from a Zion trooper. Blyto runs into the hanger only to be held up at gun point by Goton. Emily drifts in the room in an attempt to help but she is caught up by Goton and used as a sheild. Kara hears of the attack and she makes her way to the hanger. She starts harrasing the kids to get them to run. Notice she scrubs Shinta's head with the broom. Edo stops a guy from getting into the Zeta. Judau and the guy continue to fight over the controls. Kara finds Goton holding Emily from behind. She acts as another blocking shield for Goton which surprises him. An explosion opens the hallway to space. Goton and Emily are both sucked out to space but they are both wearing space suits. Goton gets inside the Baw fighter and they start to get ready for combat. Judau uses the crane controls to link and transform the ZZ Gundam in the hangar. He exits the Ahgama by avoiding a strike from the Baw and dodging two missiles. The ZZ gets its change to strike back and it chops off the arm of the red mobile suit. They run away and the bridge wants Judau to get them. He notices that a stream of troops are floating towards the suit. Goton dumps Emily out so he can take his men with all crowd the cockpit. Blyto jumps out and grabs Emily in space. She thanks him and cries. Judau breaks the mushy stuff up and returns them to the Ahgama. Episode #17 Blyto on the Ahgama stares at Emily on the Arabian Rose after a brief period of repairs. Judau and Edo are outside the captain's quarters trying to listen to him. The duo is meet by Qum and Kara with Shinta tied on to her. She has been assigned to clean the deck as a POW (prisoner of war). Suddenly the door opens when an angered captain staring at the nosy kids. Judau goes to the bay to see the Gundam. Miri tells Judau that his sister Lena has disappeared and probably has been captured or killed. He bursts out at her by grabbing her and shaking her about. The scuffle is broken up the people around them. Judau gets enraged and he pushes everyone off the loading ramp of the Mark II. Finally, Miri uses her welding gun as a gun (if that makes any sense to you) and starts to threaten Judau with it. He lurches backward causing him to fall off the ramp. Mechia has to reach into the Gundam to extend its han