pagan song or something like that... This list includes: Aphrodite, Zeus, Druids, Buddha, Sun Myung Moon, temple, Jesus, Zarathustra, Egyptians, Dagon, Astarte, Yuggoth, Mithras, Enlil, Loki, Nirvana, Jehova, Northwoods, Valkyries, voodoo, Thor and Odin, Aries, Coven, Conan, Parsi, Azathoth, Carlos Casteneda, Bubastes, Hari Krishna, Cabala, Mogan David, Boris Gudenov, Hades, Gods of cargo, Popacatapetl, Valhalla, Hephaestus, Iluvatur, Foul the Render, Jug of Issek, Lord Shardik, Jehovah, Montezuma, Zeus, Loki, Discordia, Venus, Venus again, Isis, Mithras, Kali, Allah, Cthuhlu,, Jesus, Eris, The Nameless one, Jehovah, Brooharia 1) Let us worship Aphrodite, Though we hear she's rather flighty Still she looks great in a nightie And that's good enough for me. 2) We will pray to Father Zeus In his temple we'll hang loose Eating roast beef au jus, And that's good enough for me. 3) Let us worship like the Druids Drinking strange fermented fluids Running naked through the wo-ods, And that's good enough for me. [Alternative third line: Running naked but for wo-ads] 4) My roommate worships Buddha. There is no idol cuter. Comes in copper, bronze, and pewter, And that's good enough for me. 5) We will worship Sun Myung Moon Though we know he is a goon. All our money he'll have soon. And that's good enough for me. 6) We will go down to the temple, Sit on mats woven of hemp(le), Try to set a good exemple [sic], And that's good enough for me. 7) We will finally pray to Jesus, From our sins we hope he frees us, Eternal life he guarantees us, And that's good enough for me. 8) Let us pray to Zarathustra Let us pray just like we useta I'm a Zarathustra boosta It's good enough for me. 9) Let us pray like the Egyptians Build pyramids to put our crypts in Fill our subways with inscriptions It's good enough for me. 10) If it's good enough for Dagon That conservative old pagan Who still votes for Ronald Reagan It's good enough for me 11) We will have a mighty orgy, In the honor of Astarte It will be one helluva party And it's good enough for me. 12) We will sacrifice to Yuggoth Carve the signs of Azag-Thoth Burn a candle for Yog-Sothoth And the Goat with a thousand young. 13) We will all be saved by Mithras We will all be saved by Mithras Slay the bull and play the zithras On that resurrection day. 14) We will all bow down to Enlil We will all bow down to Enlil Pass your cup and get a refill With bold Gilgamesh the brave. 15) It was good enough for Loki It was good enough for Loki He thinks Thor's a little hokey And he's good enough for me. 16) We will all go to Nirvana So be sure to mind your manners Make a left turn at Savannah And we'll see the Promised Land. 17) It was good for old Jehova He had a son who was a nova Hey there, Mithras move on ova' A new resurrection day. 18) Where's the gong gang? I can't find it I think Northwoods is behind it For they've always been cymbal minded Yet they're good enough for me. 19) I hear Valkyries a-comin In the air their song is coming They forgot the words they're humming Yet they're good enough for me. 20) There are people into voodoo Africa has raised a whoodo Just one little doll will do you And it's good enough for me. 21) It was good for Thor and Odin Grab an axe and get your woad on Till the Giants went and rode in And it's good enough for me. 21a)It was good enough for Odin Though the croakin' was forbodin' Until the giants road in And it's good enough for me 22) If your rising sign is Aries You'll be taken by the faeries Meet the Buddha in Benares Where he'll hit you with a pie. 23) There will be a lot of lovin' When we're gathered in our coven. Quit your pushin' and your shovin' So there'll be room enough for me. 24) There are followers of Conan. And you'll never hear 'em groaning Followed Crom up to his throne(in) And it's good enough for me 25) It could be that you're a Parsi. It could be that you're a Parsi. Walk on by her; you'll get in free And you're good enough for me. 26) Azathoth is in his Chaos. Azathoth is in his Chaos. Now if only he don't sway us, Then that's good enough for me. 27) Just like Carlos Casteneda, Just like Carlos Casteneda, It'll get you sooner or later And it's good enough for me. 28) We will venerate Bubastes. We will venerate Bubastes. If you like us then just ask us, And that's good enough for me. 29) We will all sing Hari Krishna. We will all sing Hari Krishna. It's not mentioned in the mishna But that's good enough for me. 30) We will read from the Cabala. Quote the Tree of Life mandala It won't get you in Valhalla, Yet it's good enough for me. 31) If you think that you'll be sa-ved, If you think that you'll be sa-ved, If you follow Mogan David, You're not good enough for me. 32) It's the opera written for us. We will all join in the chorus. It's the opera about Boris Which is Godunov for me. 33) There is room enough in Hades For lots of criminals and shadies And disreputable ladies, And they're good enough for me. 34) To the tune of Handel's "Largo" We will hymn the gods of cargo 'Til they slap on an embargo And that's good enough for me. 35) Praise to Popacatapetl Just a tiny cigarette'll put him in terrific fettle so he's good enough for me. 36) We will drive up to Valhalla riding Beetles, not Impalas singing "Deutschland Uber Alles" and that's good enough for me. 37) We will all bow to Hephaestus As a blacksmith he will test us 'cause his balls are pure asbestos so he's good enough for me. 38) We will sing of Iluvatur, Who sent the Valar 'cross the water To lead Morgoth to the slaughter And that's just fine with me. 39) We will sing of Foul the Render, Who's got Drool Rockworm on a bender In his cave in Kiril Threndor-- They're both too much for me. 40) We will sing the Jug of Issek, And of Fafhrd his chief mystic, Though to thieving Mouser will stick, And that's good enough for me. 41) Of Lord Shardik you must beware; To please him you must swear; 'Cause enraged he's a real Bear, And that's good enough for me. 42) You can dance and wave the thyrsos And sing lots of rowdy verses Till the neighbors holler curses, And that's good enough for me. 43) Let us celebrate Jehovah Who created us \ab/ \ova/ He'll be on tonight on Nova 'cause he's good enough for me. 44) Montezuma used to start out He would rip a certain part out You would really eat your heart out And he's good enough for me. 45) We will go to worship Zeus Though his morals are quite loose He gave Leda quite a goose And he's good enough for me. 46) It was good enough for Loki For he is the god of Chaos And this verse doesn't even rhyme, or scan. Fuck you! It's good enough for me. 47) Let us sing to old Discordia 'Cause it's sure she's never bored ya And if she's good enough for ya Then she's good enough for me. 48) We will go to worship Venus Though we hear she's kind of mean(us) She might bite you on the--elbow But she's good enough for me. 49) Well, we went to worship Venus And, by god, you should have seen us 'Cause the clinic had to screen us But she's good enough for me. 50) We will go and worship Isis She will help us in a crisis And she'll never raise her prices So she's good enough for me. 51) We will sing a song of Mithras Let us sing a song of Mithras But there is no rhyme for Mithras! Still he's good enough for me. 52) We will go to worship Kali She will help us in our folly She'd be quite an armful, golly! And she's good enough for me. 53) We will all bow down to Allah, For he gave his loyal follow- Ers the mighy petro-dollah, And that's good enough for me. 54) Let us sing to Lord Cthuhlu Don't let Lovecraft try to fool you Or the Elder Gods WILL rule you And that's good enough for me. 55) Let us watch Frolic in her swimming pool Subjecting chaos to her rule And that's all right with me 56) Let's all listen up to Jesus He says rich folks like old Croesus Will be damned until Hell freezes And that don't sound good to me. 57) Let us do our thing for Eris Goddess of the discord there is Apple's golden, it's not ferrous and that's good enough for me 58) Of the Old Ones, none is vaster Even Cthulhu's not his master I refer to the unspeakable ------* and that's good enough for me * well, do YOU want to say it? 59) Let us worship old Jehovah All you other gods move ovah Cause the one God's takin' over And it's good enough for me 60) Let us sing for Brooharia Though the blood's a lot less cleaner It's not Christian Santaria So it's good enough for me 61) Timmy Leary we will sing to And the things that he was into (Well, at least it wasn't Shinto) And that's good enough for me. 62) We shall sacrifice to OTIS and Lotus, Spode, and Rotus Though the normals may not notice It will be good enough for me. 63) Then we'll worship with the Fruitcakes (better than those Buddhist flakes) bowing for the weekly keepsake and it will be good enough for me Verses 1-7 (omitting 1a) were submitted ( and possibly written by)Dan Ruvin. Verses 8 and 9 submitted by John Redford Verse 10 submitted by John "Out of tune again" Wenn Music and verses 11-33 were submitted by Judith Schrier taken from Filthy Pierre's Song Book. Verses 34-38 and 45 submitted by Chip Hitchcock Verses 39-42 submitted by Will Duquette Verses 43-44 submitted by Ruth Sylvester Verses 46-54 submitted by Erich Rickheit KSC Verses 55-60 submitted by Dani Zweig Verse 61 submitted by Erich Rickheit KSC Verse 62-63 by EJ Barnes, submitted by Tim Howland, member in moderately good standing of the Intergalactic House of Fruitcakes. One variant of the Loki verse (last digest) which I've heard is: Let us sing a praise to Loki The Norse God of Fire and Chaos Which is why this verse doesn't rhyme or scan But it's good enough for me