Two eyes to see. Two nostrils to smell. Two ears to hear. A mouth to taste and speak. The genitils to procreate. The rectum to evacuate. Long ago you entered a city of nine gates. Sooner or later, this residential city will be destroyed and you will be evicted and arrested by the agents of Chandavega.Chandavega has 720 soldiers who constantly attack your city. The 360 days and 360 nights of the year combined to become the 720 soldiers of Chandavega (Time). You fight them alone, although there are 720 of them. Because you have to fight with so many soldiers without assistance, your friend, who is a serpent with five hoods, becomes very weak. Then one day, the daughter of formidable Time was seeking her husband throughout the three worlds. Although no one agreed to accept her, she came anyway. Anyone who met her would become very old without exception. Thus the daughter of Time was very unfortunate. Consequently she was known as "the ill-fated one." Finally, however, a great GURU advised her to approach the King of the Yavanas, whose name was Bhaya, or Fear, and accept him as her husband. Approaching the King of the Yavanas, she addressed him as a great hero, saying, "My dear sir, you are the best of the untouchables. I am in love with you, and I want you as my husband. I know that no one is baffled if he makes friends with you." After hearing the statement of the daughter of Time, Bhaya began to smile and devise a means for executing his confidential duty on behalf of providence. He therefore addressed her as follows: "After some consideration, I have arrived at a conclusion over who can become your husband. Actually, as far as everyone is concerned, you are inauspicious and mischievous. Since no one likes you, how can anyone accept you as his wife? The world is a product of fruitive activities. Therefore you may imperceptibly attack people in general. Helped by my soldiers, you can kill them without opposition. Here is my brother Prajvara (high fevor). I now accept you as my sister. I shall employ both of you, as well as my dangerous soldiers, to act imperceptibly within this world." Afterwards, the King of the Yavanas, whose name is fear itself, as well as Prajvara and their adopted sister, the daughter of Time (King Chandavega), began to travel all over the surface of the world. In due course they will come across the city of nine gates. Although this city is full of paraphernalia for sense enjoyment, it is being protected by the old serpent with five heads, who is the Life Air. Gradually the inhabitants of the city will be overwhelmed by the attacking forces and will be rendered useless for all purposes. In this way the dangerous soldiers of the King of the Yavanas will enter the city through different gates and begin to give severe trouble to all the citizens. The city will be set ablaze, and all your citizens and servants, as well as family members, sons, grandsons, wives and other relatives will be trapped in the fire! The city's superintendent of police, the serpent, will see that the citizens are being attacked by the daughter of Time, and he will thus become aggrieved and see how his own residence is set on fire after being attacked by the Yavanas. As a serpent living within the cavity of a tree wishes to leave when there is a forest fire, so the city's police superintendent, the snake, will wish to leave the city due to the fire's severe heat. So this city has not much future. Investment in a doomed project is not usually recommended as the most intelligent way to progress. The notice is already there, eviction is only a matter of time. So we should think about our next residence and where we shall go when our city is thus attacked. Better to find some place which is immune to such attack by Chandavega and his daughter, as well as Bhaya (the King of the Yavanas), and Prajvara and their soldiers. Still, although this city of nine gates is destined for such a fate, the citizens are all engaged in making various arrangements for their pleasant stay. You must warn them of the plight that lies ahead...