Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors From: (A Figment of your Imagination) Subject: a.a.v. Frequently Asked Questions Message-ID: <> Organization: University of Alaska Computer Network Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1993 17:43:31 GMT Lines: 953 alt.alien.visitors Frequently Asked Questions Other related groups: alt.paranet.ufo This FAQ was last updated: 3/18/93 (New Additions: No new revisions) It currently takes up 151k (around 78 printed pages) in all Line width is about 75 char. (Part 1 of 4) Due to lack of free time, I am no longer up keeping the faq, it has grown vary large and requires more time than I have to up keep it. If you are intrested in maintaining this faq, write me. To those who want to have information added or updated in the FAQ, please don't send it to me. I won't be adding it. Please accept my appologies about this. I still may post the faq every so often when I have the time to do so; however it won't have any new information it it. I don't have much time to read a.a.v. these days, I do manage to get on every one in a while, so if you post a request for the faq there, I may miss reading it. Hello and welcome to the alt.alien.visitors Frequently Asked Questions posting. You may notice that this FAQ does not follow the standard question asked, question answered format. The reason for this is that this FAQ is designed to answer questions of people who are new to this Usenet discussion group, and designed to be a useful reference source to those interested in UFOlogy. I tried to keep a neutral stance when I researched the many of the subjects covered in this FAQ; however you may also notice that some of the material seem to be one-sided. When doing some of the research I may have only used one book or source, thus (as you may have noticed) some authors present information from only one point of view and this has a tendency to be carried over to this FAQ, do to the lack of information on the subject from another point of view. (deep huh?) Also please when reading information from this FAQ (as one poster put it) take everything you read here with a very large grain of salt. (rock salt) Even I don't believe all the information that I have included in this FAQ. As I said its mainly a reference to help you out. If you find yourself interested in a UFO related subject, **DO RESEARCH** read books on the subject, dig into both sides, write letters to the authors and researchers. I would once again like to thank everyone who contributed to the FAQ, I would like to especially thank Steve Gamble and Jeff Papineau for the work they put into the UFO Organizations section. Contents ======== Main Sections ------------- 0.0: Whats new?? 0.1: About alt.alien.visitors 0.2: Posting to alt.alien.visitors 0.3: People who post to alt.alien.visitors 0.4: Common Sense Guidelines 0.5: Example Posting Terminology and Definitions Used in UFOlogy ------------------------------------------- 2.00: a.a.v. 2:01: Astronomical Units (A.U.) 2:02: Close Encounters (CE) & Visual Sightings 2:03: Marfa Lights 2:04: Men In Black (MIB) 2:05: Tectonic Strain Theory (TST) 2:06: UFO 2:07: UFOnauts 2:08: Unusual Ground Markings (UGM) 2:09: USAF 2:10: Zine Alien Races ----------- 3.00: Andromedans 3.01: Arcturus 3.02: Aryans (Blondes) 3.03: Blues (Star Warriors) 3.04: Centaurian 3.05: Confederation of Humans 3.06: DALs 3.07: Greys 3.08: Lyrians 3.09: Orion Empire (Orion forces) 3.10: Pleiadians 3.11: Sirius 3.12: Reptoids 3.13: Vega Abductions and Current Theories ------------------------------ 4.00: About Abductions UFOlogists ---------- 5:00: Hopkins, Bud 5:01: Jacobs, Dr David 5.02: Howe, Linda Moulton 5:03: Klass, Philip J. 5:04: Marciniak, Barbara J. 5:05: Randles, Jenny 5:06: Stringfield, Leonard H. 5:07: Vallee, Jacques UFO Projects & Theories & Controversies ---------------------------------------- 6.00: Aurora Project or "deep black" projects 6.02: NASA Footage September 10th 6.03: Planetoid (Wormwood) 6.04: Project Blue Book 6.05: Roswell Crash Incident UFO Movies, Documentaries and TV Programs ---------------------------------------- = 7.00: TV Programs 7.01: Arthur C. Clark's Mysterious World (Discovery channel) 7.02: E. T. Monitor (the Keystone Inspirational Network) 7.03: Hard Copy (??) 7.04: In Search Of (A&E) 7.05: National Geographic (PBS) 7.06: sightings (FOX) 7.07: Unsolved Mysteries (NBC) = 7.08: UFO Videos, Movies, Documentaries 7.08: Bermuda Triangle, The 7.09: Chariots of the Gods 7.10: Close Up 7.11: Communion 7.12: Disappearance of Flight 412 7.13: Endangered Species 7.14: Hangar 18 7.15: Intruders 7.16: Mysteries from Beyond Earth 7.17; UFO 7.18: UFOs are Real 7.19: UFO Coverup Live 7.20: UFO Documentary 7.21: UFO Incident, The 7.22: UFO, The Films Prove It 7.23: Visitors from the Unknown UFO Magazines and Publications (UFOzines) ----------------------------------------- 8.00: Circular, The 8.01: Cerealogist, The 8.02: Connecting Link Magazine 8.03: CONTINUUM 8.04: Crop Watcher, The 8.05: Earth, 8.06: Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic, The 8.07: Faithist Journal, The 8.08: Focus 8.09: Fortean Times, 8.10: Inner Light 8.11: International UFO Library Magazine 8.12: Magonia, 8.13: Orvotron Newsletter 8.14: Ovni Presence 8.15: Revelations of Awareness 8.16: Swamp Gas Journal 8.17: UFO Universe UFO Book Publishers ------------------- 9.00: Advent Publishing Company 9.01: Arnerica West Publishers 9.02: Arcturus Book Service 9.03: Condor Books, Inc. 9.04: Document Research Services 9.05: Earth Star Publications 9.06: Eden Press 9.07: JACO Book Publishers 9.08: The Library of the New Essenes of Inyo 9.09: Luna Ventures 9.10: The Pleiades Project 9.11: UFO Audio-Video Clearing House 9.12: UFO Books 9.13: UFO NEWS CLIPPING SERVICE 9.14: UFO Photo Archives 9:15: Worldwide UFO Newsclipping Bureau and Public Information Center Miscellaneous Information ----------------------- 10.00: A UFO Book List 10.01: alt.alien.visitors archives (back issues) 10.02: Big Foot (Sasquatch) 10.03: Freedom of Information 10.04: Hidden Ancient Ruins 10.05: Inter Library Loans (ILL) 10.06: NASA Shuttle Footage 10.07: UFO Related anonymous FTP Sites UFO Organizations * Assumed Acronym ------------------ 11.00: Aerial Phenomenon Research: The Indiana Group . . . . .*(APR) 11.02: Aetherius Society, The 11.03: Ancient Astronaut Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(AAS) 11.04: Ancient Truth Research Foundation . . . . . . . . . .*(ATRF) 11.05: Awareness Reserch Foundation, Inc , The . . . . . . .*(ARF) 11.06: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation . . . . . . . . (BSRF) 11.07: British UFO Research Association . . . . . . . . . . . . (BUFORA) 11.08: California UFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(CUFO) 11.09: Canadian UFO Research Network, The . . . . . . . . . . . (CUFORN) 11.10: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CAUS) 11.11: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal Contactee . . . . . . . . . . (CSICOP) 11.12: Computer UFO Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CUFON) 11.13: Contactee 11.14: Cosmic Awareness Communications . . . . . . . . . . . .*(CAC) 11.15: CSETI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CSETI) 11.16: Delval UFO, Inc. 11.17: Fair Witness Project, Inc., The . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FRP) 11.18: Federation, The 11.19: Flying Saucer Information Center . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FSIS) 11.20: Fortean Research Center, The 11.21: Fund for UFO Research, Inc.,The . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FUFOR) 11.22: Gulf Breeze Skywatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(GBS) 11.23: Inner-Peace Prosperity Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . (IPPN) 11.24: Intercontinental UF Galactic Spacecraft - Research and Analytic Network . . . . . . . . . . . . (ICUFON) 11.25: International Committeee for UFO Research . . . . . . . (ICUFOR) 11.26: International Fortean Organization . . . . . . . . . . (INFO) 11.27: Intruders Foundation 11.28: Island Skywatch 11.29: J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies . . . . . . . . . (CUFOS) 11.30: Massachusetts Center for the study of Aerial Phenomena, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(MCSAP) 11.31: Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on Aerial Phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (MICAP) 11.32: MutuaL UFO Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (MUFON) 11.33: Mutual UFO Network of North Carolina, Inc. . . . . . . (MUFON-NC) 11.34: National Investigations Committeee on UFOs . . . . . . .(NICUFO) 11.35: National Sighting Research Center, The . . . . . . . . (NSRC) 11.36: Nevada Aerial Research Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NARG) 11.37: New Zealand UFO Studies Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(NZUFOSC) 11.38: North American Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(NAC) 11.39: North American Institute of Crop Circle Research . . . (NAICCR) 11.40: Northamptonshire UFO Research Centre . . . . . . . . . (NUFORC) 11.41: Northern UFO Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NUFON) 11.42: Omega Communications 11.43: ParaNet (Paranormal Network) Information Service . . . . (PARANET) 11.44: Pennsylvania Association for the Study of the Unexplained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (PASU) 11.45: Pnet 11.46: Portland UFO Group, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (PUFOG) 11.47: Roundtown UFO Society 11.48: Royal Priest Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(RPR) 11.49: Search for EXtraterrestrial Intelligence, The. . . . . . (SETI) 11.50: Sirian Rainbow Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(SRL) 11.51: SKYNET 11.52: Socie'Te' Belge d'Etude des Phenomenes Spatiaux . . . . (SOBEPS) 11.53: Society for Scientific Exploration . . . . . . . . . . (SSE) 11.54: Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, The . (SITU) 11.55: System Ready 11.56: Transcendental Communications A Division of LAMAT Research 11.57: UFO Contact Center International . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOCCI) 11.58: UFO Fllter Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOFC) 11.59: UFO Information Retrieval Center . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOIRC) 11.60: UFO Investigators League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOIL) 11.61: UFO, Paranormal and Conspiracy BBS, THE . . . . . . . .*(UFOPCBBS) 11.60: UFO Reporting and Information Service. . . . . . . . . . (UFORIS) 11.62: UFO Research Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFORA) 11.63: UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis 11.64: Ufology Research of Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOROM) 11.65: United Aerial Phenomena Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UAPA) 11.66: Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science (UNARIUS Academy of Sciences) . (UNARIUS) 11.67: Victorian U.F.O. Research Society Inc. . . . . . . . . . (VUFORS) Disclaimer ---------- FAQ Requests ------------ FAQ Suggestions --------------- === 0.0: Whats New to the FAQ? ------------------------------ New informarion since last psoting: None - some information may be out of date. Due to lack of free time, I am no longer up keeping the faq, it has grown vary large and requires more time than I have to up keep it. If you are intrested in maintaining this faq, write me. To those who want to have information added or updated in the FAQ, please don't send it to me. I won't be adding it. Please accept my appologies about this. I still may post the faq every so often when I have the time to do so; however it won't have any new information it it. I don't have much time to read a.a.v. these days, I do manage to get on every one in a while, so if you post a request for the faq there, I may miss reading it. === 0.1: About alt.alien.visitors --------------------------------- alt.alien.visitor is a Usenet discussion group available through internet. Currently a.a.v. is the only UFO related discussion group available on Usenet. It caters to a wide rage of UFO related discussion from New Age UFOlogy to Scientific UFOlogy. It currently receives around 36 posting daily. All comments by me are indicated by the square brackets[] === 0.2: Posting to alt.alien.visitors -------------------------------------- The following idea was suggested by and is taken from mwauford@UTKUX1.UTK.EDU (Melissa Wauford)'s "*** REC.ARTS.TV POSTING GUIDELINES ***". I have adapted it to fit alt.alien.visitors, and I feel that this is an excellent idea. I would recommend that you use this system when posting to alt.alien.visitors. alt.alien.visitors can be a controversial newsgroup with a wide variety of discussed topics. A few topics may generate more traffic than others and may contain subject matter related to UFOlogy that others wish to filter out or concentrate upon. In order to allow those who use rn or some other method of pre-selecting articles to filter out (or save away) postings about these heavy traffic subjects, an abbreviation scheme has been created. Please help out by starting your subject line with one of the following abbreviations when posting about these topics. For example: ~Subject: HOT - Dancing Aliens or ~Subject: OP: Grey finger snacks,(the trick is in how you fold them) New abbreviations will be added as needed. Send suggestions directly to me, and I'll add them to the list. Objections to any abbreviations should probably be posted so that a consensus may be reached. Old abbreviations will be deleted when no longer necessary. Suggested Abbreviations by [revised by] ABD = Abduction information CE = Pertaining to UFO sightings and phenomena, Close Encounters, alien contact HA = Jokes & silliness HOT = Someone flaming someone else INV = Postings about alien invasions and conspiracies MISC = Other categories like Atlantis/Mu/Spacemen, etc... NA = New Age stuff NEWS = UFO related news, upcoming conventions. OP = Opinions REP = Repostings of older post like Lear, Cooper, etc.. SCI = Scientific (preferably not pseudo) findings on UFO related issues === 0.3: People who post to alt.alien.visitors ---------------------------------------------- Readers and writers of a.a.v. are made up of: A) People that have had contact.(Rarely post... obvious reasons) B) Government paid disinformation people. (Poor to fair fiction) C) Questioning/Inquiring minds (post questions, do research, answer questions) D) Wanderers (Just passing through, make snide remarks if any) E) A few who think aliens are out there but haven't/won't come here. F) A few who think aliens are with us know but have had no contact. G) Aliens (Grey, life sucking, invader of utopia) H) Guys like me that just can't unsubscribe from this group. (It's just to much fun. Life looks darker and things aren't very clear. (guess this belongs in alt.consp....) But when all else falls through pull up a.a.v. and smile. Someone is always a little worse off than you are and here is one sure fired place to find one. I) People who are not contactees, or new-agers, or sceptics, but are simply interested in high-strangeness phenomenon of all sorts (and generally try not to post snide comments or be simple minded!) J) Humans from parallel dimensions who are trapped in ours. (Luckily, they come from one w/higher tech and brought their own spacefleet. Either that, or they have used our tech to build some things to fight the Grays with, say..Orion-class pulse engines (nuclear explosions for propulsion.)) :) [If anyone wishes to add their humor to this list please mail me, but keep it clean:] Main Source: rocko@ireland.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Rick O'leary) Other Contributors: MATTHEWS_K@CUBLDR.Colorado.EDU (Kellie Matthews) (Patrick Chester) == 0.4: Common Sense Guidelines ------------------------------- When posting to any Usenet group please follow these general guidelines. (1) Do not post on subjects that clearly unrelated to the newsgroup. Take them to the appropriate news group for discussion. Example: Discussion of abortion, gun control, politics and other strictly non related UFO should not be posted on this news group. (2) Do not completely repost others peoples postings and then write your opinion about it. Selectively edit the the post to get the information you need from it to make your point. The standard symbol used to show information from another post is the ">". Example of what not to do: Repost a long section of material quoted from a previous article, followed by "I agree" or words to that effect. == 0.5: Example Posting ----------------------- ~Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors ~From: (John Doe) ~Subject: OP: Roswell Incident ~Date: Fri, 31 Apr 1992 16:54:39 GMT In article <1597O38cc.040316.26314> (Ima Lier) writes: >.. it was in 1936 when the UFO crashed at Roswell ... >Plus there were no witnesses!! Not a single person could be found >to bring forth testimony. According to my sources it happened in 1947 and lots of people saw it. How can you say... [Etc.] -JD ===Terminology and Definitions Used in UFOlogy ---------------------------------------------- 2.00: Astronomical Units (A.U.) ------------------------------ An A.U. is a measurement of space. One A.U. is the average distance of the earth from the sun, about 150 million km. 2.01: a.a.v. ------------ alt.alien.visitors One of the many Usenet discussion groups. 2:02: Close Encounters (CE) & Visual Sightings ---------------------------------------------- NL (nocturnal light) A simple visual sighting of a unidentified flying light seen at night. ND (nocturnal disc) A simple visual sighting of a unidentified flying extended or structured light source seen at night. DD (daylight disc) A simple visual sighting of a UFO seen during the day. Close Encounters of the first kind (CE1, CEI) As first defined by Hynek, a CE1 is an observation of a UFO within 150 yards. Close Encounters of the second kind (CE2, CEII) The finding of physical evidence that a alien craft or race exists. Example: A burn where the craft has landed or the finding of material of unknown makeup. Close Encounters of the third kind (CE3, CEIII) A visual sighting of an alien being or race. Close Encounters of the forth kind (CE4, CEIV) An abduction of an individual by an alien being or race. Close Encounters of the fifth kind (CE5, CEV) A direct contact or communication with alien being or race. Example: Billie Meier with the Pleiadians, U.S.Govt. with the Greys, or channeling. Main Source: (Janet Smith) (Chris Rutkowski) 2:03: Marfa Lights ------------------ Marfa lights are balls of lights that appear, change different colors and dance around in the air. These lights where named after the town that they have been appearing in, Marfa Texas. They have also been sited in other areas. Some theories as to what they are include Ball lighting, Car headlights, and Alien space ships. The last current sighting I'm aware of was Marfa Texas on September 1 1992. Main Source: Sightings, FOX Network airdate September 25, 1992 2:04: Men In Black (MIB) ------------------------ These are a group of individuals who are said to wear black suits and drive and fly around in unmarked black cars and helicopters. They go about threatening people who have claimed to have seen UFOs into not talking about what they witnessed. The very first occurrence of MIB was traced to a man named Albert K. Bender. He was the editor of a flying saucer publication called the "Space Review" In the October 1953 issue he placed an announcement stating that he had come across information that would solve the flying saucer mystery but they could not print it because they were ordered not to. They then ended the announcement warning others in saucer work to be "very cautious" they then stopped their publications. Later in an interview Bender stated that "three men wearing dark suits" had ordered him to stop publishing flying saucer material, and that he had complied with the order because he had been "scared to death" of them. He later published a book called "Flying Saucers and the Three Men in Black" Mains Source: "A Review of MIBS (Men In Black) : A History" ParaNet File Number: 00171 Published 1991 by ParaNet Information Service Also see: Flying Saucers and the Three Men in Black by Albert K. Bender 2:05: Tectonic Strain Theory (TST) ---------------------------------- A theory of electromagnetic effects upon the human brain and/or the physical environment, such that all Forteana including UFOs, ghosts, ESP, sasquatch, and religious fervour can be explained as being caused by seismic activity generating electromagnetic radiation which in turn makes people think they are witnesses to an anomalous event. Alternatively, the EMM radiation can luminesce so that it appears as a UFO. Chief proponent: Michael Persinger. A variant is the "Earth Lights" hypothesis described by Paul Devereux. Main Source: rutkows@ccu.UManitoba.CA (Chris Rutkowski) 2:06 UFO ------ Unidentified Flying Object. Official term used by the Air Force. 2:07: UFOnauts -------------- A term used by the UFO community in reference to the alien abductors or extraterrestrials. 2:08: Unusual Ground Markings (UGM) ----------------------------------- A broad term which includes crop circles, "tripod marks", saucer nests, burn marks, etc. Main Source: rutkows@ccu.UManitoba.CA (Chris Rutkowski) 2:09: USAF ---------- United States Air Force 2:10: Zine ---------- magazine or newsletter pertaining to a specific subject. circlezine - Crop Circle publication ufozine - UFO publication === Alien Races --------------------- These are often talked about in books, Publcations and on this discussion group. 3.00: Andromedans --------------- These are a non-physical race of purely awesome ancient angelic beings from the Andromeda galaxy. They ultimately are the spiritual force behind the Ashtar command and are the leaders behind the Pleiadians and our whole human branch of evolution! Not only that, but they are the guiding power behind at least one other completely different branch of evolution: The Cygnusian races - quiet, slimy, amphibian like creatures who come from planets in the constellation Cygnus. Again, the way the Andromeda galaxy beings are helping the beings in our own Milky Way galaxy grow, is a macrocosmic example of how the Pleiadians civilization is helping our Earth civilization grow. Source: Information given by (Arbaline) UFO Contact from the Pleiades, By Wendelle Stevens 3.01: Arcturus -------------- Members of Confederations of Humans The Arcturians are a very spiritual race that lives in a universe or reality of pure love. There seems to be a gateway of some sorts at this planet which transmits higher energies to our dimensional universe. Main Sources: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371 Information given by (Arbaline) The Prism of Lyra [see section 11.46: Royal Priest Research] 3.02: Aryans (Blondes) ---------------------- Blond Nordic Humanoids who work with the greys. Said to be captured by the Reptoids and also have implants. They are said to have a tendency to switch their loyalties between the Reptoids and the Confederations of Humans. Main Sources: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371 3.03: Bllues (Star Warriors) ---------------------------- The Blues are said to have translucent skin, large almond shaped eyes and small of stature. The main issue of their teaching was PURSUE YOUR PASSION, follow your own way, do your own thing, don't be pressured into being anything but what and who you are. The information about the Blues comes from Robert Morningsky a Hopi/Apache dancer. According to Morningsky the first alien contact started about 1947 - 1948 with the Greys contacting the U.S. Government to form a treaty with them. Another body of Aliens arrived, called the Blues. The Blues advised the government not to deal with the greys saying it would only lead to disaster. They told the U.S. to follow your own path. They said they would would teach with peace and harmony if men would disarm and listen. The military said no deal. So they left, but a few decided to remain and stayed in Northern Mexico and Arizona and made a treaty with the Hopi Indians. These Aliens are known by the Hopi as Star Warriors. The greys started monitoring the Blues. So the Blues had to flee the reservation and go into hiding, a few of the Elders went with them. The Hopi legend is that there were two races, the children of the feather who came from the skies, and the children of the reptile who came from under the earth. The children of the reptile chased the Hopi Indians out of the earth, these evil under-grounders were also called two hearts. Main Source: Post from: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen) "FILE: Star Warriors",Forwarded from "contact" by Sande Van der Straten, to Cathy Emerson, Dated 23 Aug 1992, 19:29 Also See: American Indian Magic by Brad Steiger 3.04: Centaurian -------------- These are blond nordic types who come from Alpha Centauri. They like the Pleiadians seek to help us grow spiritually, but they don't take as active a role as the other races, although they do and have made contacts with select people on Earth. Main Source: Information given by (Arbaline) UFO Contact from the Pleiades, By Wendelle Stevens 3.05: Confederation of Humans (Intergalactic Confederation) ----------------------------------------------------------- This is more often referred to as the "Intergalactic Confederation", headed by the Ashtar Command. It consists of an organization of alien groups born out of positive energy, that are helping the human race along and desire to protect them. Includes: Vega, Arcturus, Sirius, Pleiades, Lyrians, DALs and Centaurians. Main Sources: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371 (Arbaline) The Prism of Lyra [see section 11.46: Royal Priest Research] UFO Contact from the Pleiades, By Wendelle Stevens 3.06: DALs -------- This is a race of nordic types who come from what is called the DAL Universe. They are a branch of the Lyrians and are very advanced technically and spiritually; about 300-1000 years ahead of the Pleiadians. They are helping the Pleiadians in a very similar manner to which the Pleiadians are helping us. Main Source: Information given by (Arbaline) UFO Contact from the Pleiades, By Wendelle Stevens 3.07: Greys ----------- This is the most commonly identified alien race in UFOlogy. Their are many different views, stories and theories regarding them ranging from the different New Age views to the different Scientific, and conspiracy views. Greys as presented by the Scientific Community: The Greys are the most commonly described race by abduction victims. In this view they are considered a race with an unknown motives, and agendas. They seem to be abducting, studying, testing and using various individuals for their one unclear reasons. [See: Abductions and Current Theories] Greys as presented by the New Age Movement: In the new age movement the Greys are often associated as an evil race, or a race with bad energy. They are often associated with many other races, such as the Reptoids and their motives are known. Greys as presented by Different Conspiracy Theories The different conspiracy theories are often a mix of the scientific and new age views. The standard conspiracy base states that the Greys crashed one or more of their space ships and they were found by the U.S. Government. The Government them makes a secret treaty with the Greys allowing them to abduct humans in exchange for their technology. The conspiracy theories often end with the Greys not keeping their part of the deal. [I will try and include some of the different conspiracy theories when I have more time to research them in detail] Their are descriptions of several types of Greys: they are all humanoid in appearance, a head, main body, two arms, hands, legs, and feet. 1: The most commonly seen grey is around two to four feet tall, very slender and delicate looking, small beings and light weight, extremely penetrating black slanted eyes with no pupils, almost vestigial mouth and nose, a very large head with a pointed chin. The skin color varies from dark grey to light grey, tan to tanish grey, white to pale white. They have no hair on their bodies. 2: Another commonly seen Grey is described similarly as above, except their usually six inches taller, and seem to give the orders. A variation of this same described individual is: same as above except eyes like big black buttons and are rounded. 3: Another type of Grey are the small robot like beings, stocky and little, with smooth rounded hat on top, with dark deep set holes for eyes and a round O shaped mouth, square breastplate with concentric circles on it, smell like burnt match heads, mushroom grey skin. These Greys are often said to act like security guards. Other variations are described as Reptilian like with claws an preying mantis like. There have also been many report of cross breeds that are not exactly human and not exactly Greys. Main Sources: Secret Life, by David M. Jacobs Communion, by Whitley Strieber A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371 Also See: Missing Time, by Budd Hopkins Intruders, by Budd Hopkins Bashar: Blueprint for Change. A Message from Our Future, by Darryl Anka and Luana Ewing 3.08: Lyrians ----------- This is the very ancient parent race from which our entire branch of human or humanoid races emerged, including all the nordic types, the Orions, and even the Greys. Quite warlike in the infancy of their civilization, they gradually improved their ways and are now technically and spiritually at about the level of the Pleiadians. Main Source: Information given by (Arbaline) The Prism of Lyra [see section 11.46: Royal Priest Research] UFO Contact from the Pleiades, By Wendelle Stevens 3.09: Orion Empire (Orion forces) --------------------------------- The "Orions" are made up of two opposed races. The "Council of Light" was one based at the star system Betelgeuse, and the equally powerful evil Orions were based at the star system Rigel. The Orions took over lots of planets back in our galaxy's less spiritual days but were always balanced by the Intergalactic Confederation. The conquering part of Orion empire was defeated 200,000 years ago by the Intergalactic Confederation, and they haven't been a threat to Earth since. They are presently getting ready to "transform into the 4th dimension" just as we of Earth are. In fact, some people on Earth are reincarnated Orions who are here to integrate their negativity and hence allow both our worlds to ascend. Main Sources: Information given by (Arbaline) EL*AN*RA: the Healing of Orion, By Solara Antara Amaa-Ra Bashar: Blueprint for Change. A Message from Our Future, by Darryl Anka and Luana Ewing The Prism of Lyra [see section 11.46: Royal Priest Research] 3.10: Pleiadians ---------------- The Pleiadians are a collective of extraterrestrials from the star system Pleiades. They are also from various times in our future, starting from 500 years from now to millions of years from now. The Pleiadian culture is ancient and was "seeded" from another universe of love long before Earth was created. They have formed a tremendous society which operates with love, with ideas and ideals that we are yet unfamiliar with. The Pleiadians started a project to contact and inspire earth humans to take back their power and create a better reality for themselves. They are here as ambassadors from another universe to help Earth through her transition from the third dimension to the fourth dimension and to assist each of us in our personal endeavors of awakening, remembering and knowing. As this project has become more successful, more ETs have joined the group, some from other systems. The group later changed its name from Pleiadians to the Pleiadians Plus. The Pleiadians say that their reasons for contacting us is that there is a chance of tyranny in the future and they are coming back to inspire us as much as possible so we will take charge of creating our own reality and change the future. They teach a very empowering form of personal and social metaphysics, with love and clarity. The Pleiadians speak as a collective and there are no individuals identified. They do not appear in physical form although they say they can. They say it is safer to come through the channel, and it does not attract as much attention. Billie Meier's Contact from the Pleiades Billie Meier was contacted over 130 times between 1976 and 1982 by a female named Samjese who said she was from the star system Pleiades. She was the first to telepathically contact Meier and tell him where to go for the first physical contact. Meier had indepth conversations with Samjese. The contact notes are published in following four books and are out of print: UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades Vol I & II Photo Journals (Vol I is in its second printing.) UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades Prilimary Investigation Report UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades Supplementary Investigation Report Message From the Pleiades Vol 1 & 2 Light Years There are 4 videos available on the Pleiades case. Contact $59. The Beamship Trilogy $99. The videos are available from: Genesis III Publishing, P.O. Drawer JJ, Munds Park, AZ 86017 [Also see: The Pleiades Project] There is also a book available called Bringers of the Dawn - Teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak. They also have 2 to 3 hundred tapes available. Main source: Information given by Connecting Link Magazine Pleiadian article, Channeled by Barbara Marciniak Also See: Out on a Limb, by Shirley MacLaine 3.11: Sirius ------------- Members of Confederations of Humans They are a watery, dreamy race who are basically an evolved version of dolphins and whales, somewhat. They are said to live in the Christ consciousness, and are in a solar system very linked with our own in a psychic manner. They too play a role in helping Earth, but they are doing it from a more subtle standpoint, like through the cetaceans in our seas. Source: Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371 Information given by (Arbaline) The Rays and the Initiations, by Alice Bailey Also See: The Prism of Lyra [see section 11.46: Royal Priest Research] 3.12: Reptoids --------------- A reptilian race from Draco bent on conquest, They are said to be controling the greys by means of an implant, the same one that the gray are implanting into humans. They are also said to be the master minds behind the abduction plans. Their master plan involves using the newly created 'Half-breeds' with implants to defeat the Confederations of Humans. The Reptoids also use humans as food. [Does this remind you of the movie V?] Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371 3.13: Vega ---------- Members of Confederations of Humans Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371 === Abductions and Current Theories ----------------------------------- 4.00: About Abductions ---------------------- There are many people who believe they have been abducted by UFOnauts. These abduction victims often experience memory loss and "missing time". some of them have been able to recall their abductions from memory and others have recalled their abductions by the aid of hypnosis. Often these encounters involve being taken aboard an alien craft and examined by the UFOnauts and put through a variety of physical and mental procedures. Then the individuals are returned. Many of the abduction victims has shown signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Some of the major researchers who have studied the abduction field include Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, John Mach, Philip Klass, and Jenny Randles. There are several groups with distinct opinions. The dyed-in-the-wool Skeptics, who who don't believe it. Others who are passing no verdict, but are still examining the evidence. Those who believe due to the similarities of the abduction testimonies. Those who claim to have information through means such as channeling. Those who claim to have had first-person experiences, with automatic conscious recall. Those who claim to have had first-person experiences, with recall under hypnotic regression. The opinions of some skeptics such as Klass believe that the hypnotists themselves are leading the abduction victims unknowingly into believing that they have had an abduction experience. The skeptics believe that the the media has been saturated so much with the abduction material that when people having nightmares or people who believe that they have experienced the "missing time" are put under hypnosis, they draw upon what they have seen in the media to fulfill the expectations of the hypnotist and causes themselves to be put trough the trauma for that reason. They say the nightmares are often caused by the sleeping disorder narcolepsy, and the "missing time" is not an uncommon experience and is caused when the mind is preoccupied by other matters. They often give the advice to go to clinical doctors, and not to contact an abductionist. Other researchers such as Jacobs and Hopkins believe that there is something physical causing the abduction experiences. Hobkins has stated that he believes that the abduction are real and that the recounts of the abductions are to similar to each other to be anything but the truth. Jacobs takes a slightly different approach, he has been categorizing all the accounts and trying to find patterns in the testimonies. Through this method he come up with new more indepth theories regarding the abductions. The Channelers believe that the abductions are part of a battle between good energy forces and evil energy forces. [See Reptoids, Greys and Pleiadians] There people on the net who believe they have had personal experiences with Alien contacts or abductions. Some have posted accounts of their experiences. Many others decline to post due to attacks by skeptics. There has been possible material evidence of UFOs or Alien contacts. There are abundant material traces, even excepting those confiscated by the military. Material traces include burned grass and earth where UFOs have landed, UFOs shown on radar tapes, UFOs on film and in photos. Bodily traces on abductees include scoop-marks in the flesh, incisions, burns, apparent radiation exposure, bruises, inflammation, etc. Whether any of these is considered *evidential*, however, is a subjective value call. For anyone who is interested in abduction help call: Bill Knell Director of Island Skywatch (718)591-1854 (New York) He can get you in touch with the right people in your area and has a lot of videos, tapes and books on UFOs and abductions. He is also a very experienced researcher/investigator. Main Sources: UFO-Abductions: A Dangerous Game, by Philip Klass Secret Life, by David M. Jacobs Communion, by Whitley Strieber (Denise Solis) A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371 Also See: Missing Time, by Budd Hopkins Intruders, by Budd Hopkins Alien Abductions: Mystery Solved by Jenny Randiles alt.alien.visitors Frequently Asked Questions Other related groups: alt.paranet.ufo This FAQ was last updated: 3/18/93 (New Additions: No new revisions) It currently takes up 151k (around 78 printed pages) in all Line width is about 75 char. (Part 2 of 4) === UFOlogists -------------- 5:00: Hopkins, Bud ------------------ Bud Hopkins graduated from Oberlin college. He is also a painter and sculptor. He has been investigating UFO report for the lat 12 years. Bud Hopkins c/o Random House 201 E. 50th Street New York, NY 10022 5:01: Jacobs, Dr David ---------------------- David Jacobs is an Associate Professor of History at temple University. He has worked with over 300 UFO abduction witnesses. He works closely with a number of other abduction researchers including Budd Hopkins. Dr. Jacobs moderates an abduction conference on ParaNet, and is accessible via their dial-up BBS node (303-431-8797) or on Internet through a list server. [See ParaNet] Dr. David Jacobs Department of History Temple University Philadelphia, Pa 19122 5.02: Howe, Linda Moulton ----------------------- Producer, director, writer, etc. of films, videos, and scripts, including "A Strange Harvest", a documentary on the 'cattle mutilation' phenomenon (and a book, "An Alien Harvest"). She is the "concept" person for the Fox TV show "Sightings" (credited at the end of each show.) Linda Moulton Howe Productions 3208 East Fremont Dr. Littleton, CO 80122 Main Source: (Charles Mcgrew) 5:03: Klass, Philip J. ---------------------- For thirty-five years a senior editor with Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine, is recognized as the world's leading skeptical authority in Unidentified Flying Objects and has written three books on the subject. Klass, a graduate electrical engineer, is a founding Fellow of the Committeee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. He was honored in 1973 for his accuracy as a techjournalist by being named a Fellow at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Main Source: The about the author paragraph inUFO-Abductions: A Dangerous Game, by Philip Klass, C1988 5:04: Marciniak, Barbara J. --------------------------- Barbara J. Marciniak is an internationally known trance channel from North Carolina. She began channeling in 1988. The strength and purity of the message she is bringing very quickly captured the hearts of many seekers looking to be all that they can be. Barbara has channeled at various Expos and for groups across the United States, in Peru and in Germany. You may contact Barbara at: Bold Connections Connecting Link Magazine P. O. Box 6521, 9392 Whitneyville Rd. Raleigh, NC 27628. Alto, MI. 49302-9694 5:05: Randles, Jenny -------------------- Jenny Randles 37 Hasthbank Road Stockport, Cheshire SK3 0UP 5.06: Stringfield, Leonard H. ----------------------------- Long-time researcher and author of a number of UFO crash/retrieval books, which provide excellent source material. Formerly Director of International UFO research organization CRIFO (Civilian Research, Interplanetary Objects - a large UFO organization of the mid-1950's) 1953-57, published "Orbit", the CRIFO monthly newsletter. Served in USAAC 5th AF in intellence and counter-intelligence unit in WWII (Pacific theater); worked cooperatively with USAF (as civilian) in 1954-57 to screen UFO reports in Ohio/Kentucky/Indiana area; Public Relations Advisor for NICAP, 1957-1970; served on MUFON board of directors, currently Research Specialist (crash/retrieval) for MUFON. Leonard H. Stringfield 4412 Grove Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45227, USA Main Source: (Charles Mcgrew) 5.07: Vallee, Jacques --------------------- Longtime UFO researcher, prolific writer, and computer scientist. He was a leader of (and later retreated from) the "fairie" explainations of UFO's (that is, that whatever they were, they were from the same source as legends about supernatural, "magical" creatures) in the 1970's, and has more recently written that extraterrestrial-only explainations for UFO's may be biasing inquiry. Vallee, Jacques 1550 California St. #6L San Franciscom CA 94109 Main Source: (Charles Mcgrew) === UFO Projects & Theories & Controversies -------------------------------------------- 6.00: Aurora Project or "deep black" projects ---------------------------------------------- The "Black Projects" are governmental projects that are considered technological secrets. These can range from laser and particle beams to top secret aircraft. The "Aurora Project" is the name given to one of these types of projects by the industry experts involving two new types of reported aircraft. These aircraft where observed in the south west US and are said to have been developed at highly classified government facilities in the Nevada desert. There are two types of advanced aircraft reported. One is nick named the "Pulser" aircraft. There have been many sights of this aircraft by several different witnesses. When sighted it has repetitively been described as "A high-speed aircraft characterized by a very loud, deep, rumbling engine noise (1-2 Hz pulse rate) reminiscent of heavy-lift rockets." The smoke trail of the aircraft is described as being segmented and in a linked sausage shape. (Or another good example would be to look at one side of your coat zipper, un-zipped, with the teeth facing you) It is also described as a high-altitude aircraft that crossed the sky at extremely high speeds. Both ground based and airborne observers have reported it to be seen flying at altitudes above 50,000 ft. observers have reported see the aircraft as a single bright light that seldom changed direction, however speed changes where observed. One observer estimated that it covered 350 miles in 6 minutes. (3500 miles/hr) This this aircraft may indeed exist. There has been research in to what are called Pulsed Detonation Engines (PED's) also refereed to as Pulsed Detonation Wave Engines. These are different type of engine than the pulse jet engines, which is already publicly know, and has been tested in aircraft. The PED's are said to be in laboratory and computer analysis level of development (reported oct of 91) The PED's exhaust emission produces smoke trails that closely match the pulser aircraft. Simulations of theses engines are said to be able to propel large aircraft in the "Mach 0.2-3.0 flight regime" How PED's work: PED's use shock waves created in a detonation to compress the fuel-oxidizer mixture prior to combustion. A cylinder chamber designed to support the detonation is constructed with a flat forward end which makes up the thrust wall. Air along with fuel is fed into the engine from behind the thrust-wall. The detonation wave created travels forward to the thrust wall at about Mach 4 and compresses the fuel-air mixture, promotes supersonic combustion and causes a pressure rise in the engine. The wave then strikes the thrust wall and rebounds accelerating the combustion products towards the nozzle. Some of the products are ejected by the wave to the outside air-stream through the air inlet openings creating a toroidal vortex out side the engine. Then the cycle repeats. The said advantages of this type of engine are: * Theoretically a higher fuel efficiency than a "constant pressure engine" * Engines can be produced in many sizes and thrust outputs from a few inches in diameter at a thrust of several pounds to larger one that can output in the thousands of pounds range. * They have high thrust to weight ratio (ie.lighter engine, more thrust) * They are mechanically simple, and have few moving parts. * They could operate in or out of the atmosphere using fuel oxidizers. There is very little information on the other reported aircraft. It is reported as "A triangular-shaped, quiet aircraft". This craft has been seen by many observers and flying with several F-117 stealth aircraft. Main Sources: Aviation Week & Space Technologies, (Oct 1, 90 pp20-23) & (oct 28, 91 pp68-69) Also See: Aviation Week & Space Technologies [please note: one of these dates is a December 24, 1990 pg. 41-44 couple days off, on the actual June 20, 1991 pg. 20-21 magazine date.] March 9, 1992 pg. 66-67 May 11, 1992 pg. 62-63 6.02: NASA Footage September 12th 1992 -------------------------------------- Space Ice or an alien craft dodging a missile. That's the big debate on the footage taken by an unmanned camera on the 13th flight of OV-103 space shuttle Discovery. One sidec says that it is space Ice accelerated by the space shuttles thrusters. The other side says the excelleration of some the objects don't follow the correct paths don't match physics. They speculate its a alien craft dodging a Starwar