MAJI (UFO Conspiracy). This file includes all 5 parts. From: (Jabberwokky) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: MAJI (add to kill file if not interested) Message-ID: <> Date: 6 Sep 90 09:14:14 GMT Organization: Underachieving Alaskan Association Lines: 302 I've decided this is important enough to send all information I have on the topic. This is going to be a sequence of 5 fairly longish posts, if the subject does not interest you (Surely it does, else you would not be in a.c, now would you?) then add this subject line to your kill file. It will be the same on every post. This is article one of five: A petition to the United States Congress to indict all members of the Majestic conspiracy. PETITION TO INDICT The Government of these United States of America, having been formed under the Constitution and having been duly elected and appointed by the people of these United States of America under the terms of the Constitution, has violated the public trust, terms, conditions and laws of the land as outlined and enshrined within the Constitution of these United States of America. To Wit: (1) The government has approved and entered into a secret treaty with an Alien Nation against the terms of the Constitution and without the advise and consent of the Congress or the people. (2) The government in this treaty has given this Alien Nation land and bases within the borders of these United States of America. (3) The government in this treaty has traded human lives and property for the alien technology and has denied the citizens of these United States of America the lawful protection due them under the Constitution. The property is in the form of livestock and land. (4) In the taking of human lives, property and livestock of the citizens of these United States and in the commission of numerous other abominable and barbarous acts, this Alien Nation has proven to be the mortal enemy of the people, the nation, and all of humanity. Abductions, surgical operations, implantations, biological sampling, impregnations, psychological damage, and other horrors have been and are being performed upon humans by this Alien Nation. For these reasons a state of war now exists and has existed between the people of the United States and this Alien Nation. (5) In approving of, and participating in the crimes outlined in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, the government is in violation of Article II Section 2, Article III Section 3 and several other Articles of the Constitution, and is guilty of and is hereby charged with conspiracy, murder and treason against the people and the Constitution of these United States of America. (6) In the process of aiding and abetting the Alien Nation in the performance of these crimes against the people, the Nation, and humanity, the government, with full knowledge and consent, has murdered, incarcerated, forcibly relocated, brainwashed, drugged, harassed and otherwise interfered unlawfully in the lives of patriots, including a President of the United States, who have attempted to expose this murder and treason. (7) To keep this secret from the Congress and from the people of these United States of America, the Government has financed its Alien involvement through the importation and sale of illegal narcotics to the nations people and specifically to the nations youth. The Central Intelligence Agency has been and continues to be the main instrument in the control of the worlds drug market. "The use of illegal narcotics to finance the Alien connected projects and other black projects will identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society", is the rationalization used by the Government to justify these heinous and treasonous acts. (8) In the pursuit of bringing all those in or out of the government who are responsible for these acts of conspiracy, murder and treason to justice, the Trilateral Commission, the President, Vice President, the Director of Central Intelligence, certain other members of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Director of the National Security Agency, certain members of the President's Cabinet, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, those people designated MAJORITY, MAJORITY TWELVE, MJ-12, MAJORITY AGENCY FOR JOINT INTELLIGENCE (MAJI), the JASON SOCIETY or JASON SCHOLARS, the DIRECTOR of the SENIOR INTERAGENCY GROUP (SIG), the National Security Advisor to the President, the Navy Department which has field operational control of all Alien connected projects, and others having taken part in the joint government and alien conspiracy are hereby charged with conspiracy murder and treason. This is to include all those who served in these positions from 1953 up to and including the present administration. (9) We call for the impeachment of the President of these United States, George Bush. He has been a member of MJ-12 and the Trilateral Commission since he was the President and CEO of Zapata Oil. George Bush organized and has headed the narcotics smuggling conspiracy since its beginning. The offshore oil platforms of Zapata Oil were used as staging areas from which the drugs were moved into these United States from Central and South America without passing through customs or undergoing inspection of any kind. We firmly believe that George Bush now heads this shadow government that controls the Alien technology, the military industrial complex, and thus the Nation. The fact that he is now the President of these United States of America makes George Bush the most powerful and dangerous criminal in the history of the world. (10) In the interest of preserving the Consti- tution and the government of these United States of America, and to save and protect the human race, and for no other reason, we bring these charges by the authority of the Constitution of these United States of America, against those named who had full knowledge of and who willfully participated in the violations of Article II Section 2, Article III Section 3 and several other Articles of the Constitution of these United States of America. The government and those individuals named in paragraph 8 and 9 are hereby charged with conspiracy, murder and treason. (11) In the interest of preserving the Consti- tution and the government of these United States of America, we ask full pardon in exchange for full disclosure. We ask the Judicial branch of the government to honor this request for all guilty conspirators who voice full disclosure by May 30, 1989. We ask the Judicial branch to give no mercy to those who persist in this conspiracy, murder and treason. (12) We hereby, and in the name of the people and by the authority of the constitution, charge the government to cease aiding and abetting and concealing this Alien Nation which exists within our borders. We charge the government to cease all conspiracies, operations, projects, treaties, and any other involvement with this Alien Nation. We charge the government to order this Alien Nation and all of its members to leave the United States and this earth immediately, now and for all time, by November 1, 1989, and we charge the government to enforce this order. We further charge the government to make a complete disclosure of its alien conspiracy to the American people prior to May 30, 1989 and to make a full accounting for its actions. We charge the Congress to order this to be done and we charge the Congress to enforce this order. (13) Should the Executive, Judicial, and Legis- lative branches choose to ignore these charges, we hereby swear upon the Constitution that we will not rest until this conspiracy and these crimes are exposed to the American people. We swear on the Constitution that all guilty parties shall be brought to justice. We swear that we will persist until our death to accomplish these ends in the name of humanity, the Constitution of these United States of America, and in the name of all true patriots who have gone before us, we do so swear. (14) We firmly believe and know and have evidence that this conspiracy and these crimes and charges are true and have occurred and is now true and is now occurring and were and are perpetrated, aided and abetted by those so charged. This we do swear. (15) We hereby, and upon delivery of this document to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Congress of these United States of America, serve notice to the world that these charges and this document are now and forever recorded in history. This document and these charges will not and cannot ever be revoked by any act, present or future. History alone will be the judge should the Congress fail to act and we have no fear of that judgement. We hereby warn each member of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Congress of these United States of America that failure to act upon these charges will forever brand each and every one of you as accessories to the conspiracy and the crimes outlined in this document. Your children, grand-children, great grand-children, and the present and future generations of the people of these United States of America will not forget and will never forgive. We warn you now and forever that these United States of America, the Constitution, and Freedom, has never been in greater danger. We hope and pray that it is not already to late to save the Nation. Being of sound mind and body and with full knowledge of the implications and consequences of these charges and having only the interest of saving humanity, preserving the Con- stitution of these United States, preserving the government of these United States, and, being patriots, having sworn to preserve and protect the Constitution of these United States of America do affix our signature to this document in full affirmation of our dedication and commitment to our sworn duty. Milton William Cooper 1311 S. Highland #205 Fullerton, California 92632 Many other signatures exist on the original copy of this document. Due to the historical significance of this document, the document and attached signatures are being preserved in a safe place for future generations. If Congress acts upon these charges, the original copy with the attached signatures will be presented to the Congress in Washington DC at such time that it becomes necessary. The other signatories will not be revealed unless congress acts upon these charges. It is in this manner that we can guarantee that others may continue to work to expose this madness should the Congress fail to act. If anything should happen to me a large network of people exist to carry on our work and eventually bring the criminals to justice. As a witness to these crimes, I respectfully petition the Congress for protection. My life and the lives of my family are now in danger. I also respectfully petition the Congress for protection for all other witnesses who can be produced and for protection of those others who have signed the original document. I also petition the Congress to take steps to protect the evidence which we have collected and which is stored in various locations and with various people throughout the United States. I beg the Congress not to trust any other government agency with these matters because this conspiracy runs deep within the government. I beg you to trust only the Congress in these matters. I also beg the members of Congress who intend to act upon this petition to take positive steps to protect your own lives. Respectfully, Milton William Cooper (714) 680-9537 Note: I take no responsibility for the contents of the previous file. The opinions stated within are those of the author of the file, and any government agent trying to do bad things to me on account of them will have a rather nasty time in it, because I really enjoy screwing with people who needlessly screw with me. Nyeah. The preceding drivel and this annoying sig courtesy of: Frederick J. Polsky (Jabberwokky or George W. Hayduke) internet: (Replies to be posted in alt.flame) Disclaimer: The opinions stated above are the product of poorly refined drugs. From: (Jabberwokky) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: MAJI (add to kill file if not interested) Message-ID: <> Date: 6 Sep 90 09:25:33 GMT Organization: Underachieving Alaskan Association Lines: 244 File two of five: Evidence of human mutilation by alien beings. The tabloid stuff that a previous submitter did not wish to see, but backed up by a disturbing reaction from the FBI's National Crime Information Computer. Maybe the tabloids aren't all that off base after all. The Human Mutilation Factor by Don Ecker In the last forty years of UFO research, one of the most baffling questions that have plagued researchers has been "Is the UFO Phenomenon dangerous to humanity?" Over the years, there have been numerous cases where the phenomenon has figured into human deaths, but as a rule, most cases have been officially ruled accidental. When speaking of cases where death has resulted, usually most assume cases where military pilots have died as a result of "chasing" the phenomenon. One of the most famous of these military chases that is discussed when ever the subject of death and UFOs is raised, is the famous "Mantell Case". This case is so well known that I will not discuss it here, but there are many others. In one of the less well known cases, during the mid 1950's, a military jet interceptor was observed on radar being "absorbed" into a UFO over the Great Lakes. No trace of pilot or aircraft was ever found. In another case reported in the excellent work "Clear Intent" was the case of the "Cuban MIG Incident". In this case a Cuban MIG was locking on his weapons radar when the aircraft exploded in mid*air. The wing man was certain that the UFO had fired some type of weapon, but other than the jet exploding, no other smoke, flame or other obvious weapon firing was observed. The matter of either overt or covert hostility on the part of UFOs has always been treated warily by serious researchers. On the one hand, if the enigma is hostile, then several questions must be faced. What if anything should the powers in authority tell the public? Is the government capable of handling a threat of this type? Is the public ready to face an issue as potentially terrifying as a "possible threat from somewhere else?" Other than incidents involving military involvement, have there been cases where civilians have been injured or killed during some type of UFO encounter? Is it possible that the reported cases of UFOs and their occupants abducting unwilling humans for some type of medical or genetic experimentation could be true? Now, if any of this is factual, then what ramifications do the Human Race face in light of the above? According to Mr. Phil Imbrogno, during the research that led to the writing of "NIGHT SIEGE The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings" by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Imbrogno has stated that on several occasions, Hynek specified that he wanted no mention of the dozens of human abductions that they had already uncovered at that time, to be mentioned in the book. Hynek was afraid of the adverse publicity if word of this aspect leaked out to the public. After Hyneks death, Imbrogno stated publicly on Compuserve and other public forums, facts of abductions, animal mutilations, and EVEN several cases of mysterious deaths of humans, that he indicated COULD possibly be linked to the UFO Phenomenon. While researching several stories for UFO Magazine, I interviewed a number of prominent UFOlogists, over the last several months, and in each case, the question of human deaths, in connection with animal mutilations, invariably was raised. Most readers of this text will be familiar with Mr. John Keel, who many regard as the last of the Great UFOlogists. From the earliest days of modern UFOlogy, Keel has been a force to reckon with. The author of numerous books that address various aspects of UFOlogy, and magazine articles too numerous to mention, Keel has a unique slant on the subject that most will never experience. According to Keel, the phenomenon has always had an unexplained hostility towards humans, that have led to untold numbers of deaths. While Keel will be the first to explain that he rejects the ET hypothesis, he does not doubt the phenomenon a bit. In what many UFOlogists consider as one of Keels best works "The Mothman Prophecies", E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1975, Keel related report after report of animal mutilations involving cattle, dogs, horses and sheep, and also related what were called "vampire killings" of four humans in Yugoslavia, were the victims were "mutilated and drained of blood". After having spoken to John Ford, the Chairman of the Long Island UFO Network, for a news story for UFO Magazine, I became even more convinced that the aspect of potential UFO hostility should be investigated. Ford relayed a numbing number of animal mutilations, human disappearances, human abductions, covert Federal involvement in areas that suffered high numbers of animal mutilations, and even armed military helicopters that chased UFOs over civilian communities. Ford, who is a officer of the Federal Court system, did investigations into the disappearances of mostly young adults over a year period, in areas of high UFO overflights, and after having several personal friends who were police officers of the local municipalities look into the situation, came to the conclusion that the facts were being suppressed. The reason given was that there was "no need to panic the public." Although no iron clad proof can be made for direct UFO intervention, the circumstances are extremely suspect. After growing up in an age where the entire human race can be decimated by nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, the human race somehow manages to keep slogging on. I have seen more people "panicked" over a shortage of gasoline than imminent nuclear holocaust, yet somehow when the subject of UFOs crop up, the government doesn't want to panic anyone. It really makes me wonder what they know, that I should. I really don't think that they are going to talk to anyone soon, as you shall soon see. In January, 1989, it came to the attention of the MUFON State Director of Idaho, Mr. Don Mason, that cattle mutilations had occurred once again in the southeastern section of Idaho. After an investigation by a MUFON investigator, the facts were as follows. The animals ( two cattle, same night, but each owned by different ranchers ) were "somehow" killed, sexual organs removed, body fluids drained, patches of hide "surgically" removed. All the appearances of what is today considered to be a classic case of animal mutilation. As of this date ( February 15, 1989 ) the final lab reports are not back yet, but already the Sheriffs Department has labeled it a "cult killing." No tracks, tire or human, around the animals even though it had just rained, no unusual activity reported by the ranchers that evening, and one animal was found next to an occupied house. One of the ranchers admitted that this was the second time he had been "hit" by the mysterious mutilators. The last incident had only been a bit over a year previously, and they were worried enough that all had their "deer rifle" within easy reach. After having been personally involved in an investigation of cattle mutilations as a police officer back in 1982, I was very familiar with the "cult" theory of perpetrators. The Idaho Department of Law Enforcement drags it out every time there is a new rash of mutilations. The problem is, and every one is aware of it, that no one has yet been brought to trial, or arrested yet for these crimes. Out here in the west, people know that you are flirting with a ranchers bullet if you are caught fooling around with the ranchers cattle. They are his livelihood, and he will defend it. Yet, the mutilations keep occurring, and no one is any the wiser, or are they? With the subject of animal mutilations fresh in everyones mind, I was once again speaking to Don Mason, when he informed me that the investigator that had been assigned to the above mentioned case had come across a very mysterious death of a man back in 1979. According to the report, two hunters in the Bliss and Jerome area of Idaho had literally stumbled across the nude body of a man that had been hideously mutilated. The body was in the literal middle of nowhere, nude except for a pair of underpants, his sexual organs had been removed, his lips sliced off, and several other classic mutilation cuts. Although he was in very rugged country, his bare feet were not marked as if he had walked in that terrain, but yet no other tracks, animal or human were evident anywhere. After the police were notified, an intensive search was mounted, and miles away, the mans possessions were recovered, yet no one yet knows how the body ended up where it was found, or even more importantly, what happened to him. It should be noted that this area also had over the years, many unexplained UFO reports and cattle mutilations. Now I must explain that I had very mixed feelings about whether I wished to attempt to explore this subject any further, or allow sleeping dogs to lie. On the one hand, I wanted more than anything to discover just what was occurring, and on the other, I realized that this had the potential to backfire on someone that disturbed the status quo. I was familiar with reports of human abductions and mutilations that had surfaced in the last several years in reports such as the Lear documents, Grudge 13 reports and others, but yet I was not sure what I believed, or even if there was anything to believe. I ran across a friend that was still employed with a police department in this area who was a detective. I had mentioned to him the recent cattle mutilations, and what I suspected in the above mentioned case of a human that had been mutilated. Scot had also been involved in the last several years with several cases of mutilations that he had been called upon to investigate, always with negative results. He was as curious about this phenomenon as I was, and since he was still an active duty police officer, he had access to the department computer, to access the NCIC system that is maintained in Washington D. C. by the FBI. After giving Scot the criteria for a search of unexplained human deaths, that involved factors of mutilation, I asked that the search go back to at least 1973, involving this area of the Northwest. Scot ( not his real name ) ran the request through the department computer. As he mentioned at the time, he had expected to get realms of reports back that we would have to wade through, to get to the reports that would be are further study. Scot ended up requesting that the inquiry be run back to 1970, and involve not only Idaho, but also Utah, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington states. Because of the magnitude of this search, Scot stated that it would take about one week to get the results back into his department. As a side note, for anyone that is not familiar with the NCIC system, it is a national data bank for Law enforcement agencies all across the United States. It is maintained and controlled by the Federal Burea of Investigation, at FBI headquarters, in Washington D. C. On the 14th of February, Scot contacted me in person, and appeared very troubled. His exact words were that "something is really screwy, Don." "I got the request back from NCIC on Monday, and there has gotta be something wrong. They told me that they had NO unsolved murders at all, zero, that met that criteria. THAT ANY FURTHER REQUESTS WILL HAVE TO BE MADE BY VOICE, TELEPHONE CALL, WITH PROPER AUTHORIZATION. Somebody is sitting on something, big as Hell." I also knew that something was as screwy as hell. After all, anybody that has had any dealing with law enforcement knows about the "Green River Killer" in Washington state. This serial killer is credited with at least 30 to 40 murders of young women, and to this date, the case is as big a mystery as ever. Many of the killings showed some types of mutilation, and if nothing else, at least some of these homicides should have shown up. Once more, as a side note, I had been warned by a prominent UFOlogist, that there was a lid "screwed down tighter than you would believe in regards to human mutes." I also was warned that in order to break through the secrecy, was going to be a long and sometimes weary job, but that if enough persistence was applied, then it was possible to get to the bottom of this facet of the UFO enigma. Do I think that this can be solved, along with the rest of the puzzle? Yes, I do, because I think that the secrecy can only be maintained for so long, and then no longer. I also believe very strongly that only if the entire UFO community works in concert will this be accomplished, and the infighting and arguments MUST CEASE for the good of us all. On the ParaNet system and on Compuserve, I wrote and uploaded a file entitled LIGHT.TXT, and in UFO Magazine Vol. 3, No. 5 I called for a UFO summit to be held in order to get the UFO community organized and to present a unified front. Only by a unified front, and calling for Congressional hearings, will this lid ever get torn off, and the truth that is suppressed be brought to the light of day. Any help from the members will be greatly appreciated, and I can be reached at ParaNet RHO at the following number: 1)208)338)9187. Also I can be reached on Compuserve by EMail, and my user number is: 74270,3360. Anyone with ANY INFORMATION is requested to contact me at the above addresses as soon as possible. The secrecy game has gone on long enough. It is past time to get to the bottom of this. Forty years IS LONG ENOUGH. Don Ecker Disclaimer: I didn't write that. Don't sue me. Don't bust me. The preceding drivel and this annoying sig courtesy of: Frederick J. Polsky (Jabberwokky or George W. Hayduke) internet: (Replies to be posted in alt.flame) Disclaimer: The opinions stated above from listening to too much Pink Floyd. From: (Jabberwokky) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: MAJI (add to kill file if not interested) Message-ID: <> Date: 6 Sep 90 09:39:51 GMT Organization: Underachieving Alaskan Association Lines: 620 File three of five. Information on the Majestic Twelve. I have decided to come out of the closet and let the UFO community know everything that I know and have seen and that my sources have communicated to me over the last 17 years regarding the UFO question. I have uploaded the truth to several who have gained my trust over the last few months. Those people are Tom Mickus, Don Ecker, Stan Friedman, Bryon Smith, John Lear, and one other who`has chosen not to be identified at this time. I am releasing this information at this time to the public and I am releasing those named people from their bond of silence regarding the subject. Once you read the information you will be clear on my past actions and on what I know. I hope that you all can come to some kind of pact on sharing information as what I am releasing is for the most part documented and in your hands but not shared. Some of the information you have never had before and will provide serious UFOlogists with much fertile ground for research. I hope you all can benefit and most of all I hope this helps to expose the whole issue as quickly as possible. Merry Christmas, Bill ======================================== When I released PUBLIC02.DOC my purpose was to expose the documents and information released by William Moore et al as being fraudulent and misleading. Indeed it was. MAJESTIC TWELVE is an advisory team of scientists who's only purpose is to evaluate information and make recomendations. This team does exist as a scattered bunch of men who do not meet regularly as a group. The information gathered by the control group MAJI is released to MAJESTIC TWELVE when study is needed. MAJESTIC TWELVE has never been given the whole truth. MAJI is the MAJESTIC AGENCY FOR JOINT INTELLIGENCE and has total control of information and interface with the aliens in dealings with the United States Government. Some of the documents released by Moore were changed from the original with the deliberate intent to mislead UFO researchers. I do not know who is responsible but I believe that the Government is behind the whole thing. The rest of the documents are deliberate frauds. I am releasing the truth which I have obtained from excellent sources within the intelligence community in order to set the record straight. MAJI is the sole agency in control and responsible for every past and present consequence of contact with the alien presence. MAJIC is the security classification of all projects and information connected with the aliens, their craft, their bases, and dealings with the United States Government. MAJIC means MAJI CONTROLED. MAJIC is the highest security classification in the nation. The name of the overall project is GRUDGE and always has been. GRUDGE is the proword for AQUARIUS and a few other projects as you will see when you read the rest of this file. The AQUARIUS document released by Moore which he claims was given to him by Mr. Graham was changed and I am including a reconstructed document as it was presented to me by one of my sources. I am also including all the information (in short form) that I presently have regarding the U.S. Government and the Aliens. This information has been reviewed by 3 different people who know the information but do not know each other and they have made some corrections to the document. If the information deviates somewhat from information that I have previously released it is due to those corrections. My previous information was from memory of documents seen over 16 years ago and I am pleased that my memory has withstood the rigors of time quite well. In case you doubt that I had the information previous to this release you may check with Stan Friedman, Tom Mickus, Don Ecker, John Lear, and Bryon Smith as I had given the information to them some time ago. Any document you see where I stated that MAJESTIC TWELVE was the control group was a test of Moore et al and was never to be posted or released publicly. The public posting of those documents was done by Jim Spieser against my wishes. He was told that the information was mixed as a test but he posted them anyway. They contain true and false information and should be ignored. The information contained in this file is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and to the knowledge of my sources. THIS IS THE ONLY FILE REGARDING THE GOVERNMENT AND THE ALIENS THAT I CAN HONESTLY SAY IS THE TRUE INFORMATION IN WHOLE AS I KNOW IT. It is backed by the John Lear Hypothesis, Paul Bennewicz' information, William Stienman's information, the Fenwick interview, and other bits of information which is in the hands of UFOLOGISTS. The test of time will prove this information to be true and correct. Nothing in this file contradicts my PUBLIC02.DOC. This file should clear the air regarding my statements and actions thus far. In this file you will find information which you have never had before and it should open up numerous paths for SERIOUS UFO researchers to explore. I have many documents and letters to back up this information much of which I have already released and much of which is the product of your own research. John Lear has in his possession many letters and documents which will also back up this file. William Stienman is another. I would also direct you to Don Ecker's SPOOK.DOC, and to bits of Moore's information (fraudulent though it may be it does contain some truth). The Fenwick interview is another source of information, along with the FEDEX files on Paranet Alpha. The Bill English file is another excellent source as he really did read the GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13. The letter from the man who participated in Project PLUTO is right on the money although he mistook the term PLUTO/POUNCE as being project PLUTO that he worked on. He was a part of POUNCE which comes under Project PLUTO thus PLUTO/POUNCE. The first word is always the Proword and parent project while the second word is the project itself. Another FEDEX file contains the account of a man who worked at AREA 51 in Nevada and stumbled upon Project REDLIGHT. The correct name is GRUDGE/REDLIGHT. Put ALL your information together from ALL your different files you will see that this information is all there for you to see and verify from different sources who neither know each other or even know about each other in most instances. It is all there and all you need to do is put it together. I must admit that I had a much easier time of it having seen the information and having excellent sources. I knew what to look for, but at least I looked. William Moore must know much more than he lets on. He has to know something other than the phony information that he has released or he would not go to such pains to alter the information (by his own admission). I cannot believe that he has been so completely duped after having read "The Roswell Incident". TOP SECRET/MAJIC EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE EXECUTIVE BRIEFING SUBJECT: MAJI PROJECT GRUDGE/AQUARIUS (TS/MAJIC) (Graphic of finned rocket enclosed in circle bisected vertically by dashes.) ATTENTION THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY MAJI. MAJI IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS SUBJECT MATTER. DOCUMENT CONTROL: ECN 0001 (Graphic of world in circle.) CLASSIFIED BY: MJ1/MAJI DECLASSIFY ON: EXEMPT TOP SECRET/MAJIC PROJECT AQUARIUS (TS/ORCON) (PROWORD): GRUDGE Contains 16 volumes of documented information collected from the beginning of the United States' investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). The Project was originally established in 1953, by order of President Eisenhower, under control of CIA and MAJI. In 1960, the Project's name was changed from Project SIGN to Project Aquarius. The Project was funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated). The Project assumed full responsibility for investigation and intelligence of UFOs/IACs Dec 1969 after Project Grudge/Blue Book was closed. The purpose of Project Aquarius was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file of collected information has been used to advance the United States' Space Program. (TS/ORCON) The preceeding briefing is an historical account of the United States Government's investigation of Aerial Phenomenas, Recovered Alien Aircraft, and contacts with extra- terrestrial Life Forms. TOP SECRET/MAJIC THE PROJECTS UNDER PROJECT AQUARIUS 1. (TS/ORCON) PROJECT PLATO: (PROWORD: AQUARIUS) Originally established as part of Project SIGN in 1954. Its mission was to establish diplomatic relations with Aliens. This Project was successful when mutually acceptable terms were agreed upon. These terms involved the exchange of technology for secrecy of Alien presence and non interference in Alien affairs. Aliens agreed to provide MAJI with a list of human contacts on a periodic basis. This Project is continuing at a site in New Mexico. 2. (TS/ORCON) PROJECT SIGMA: (PROWORD: AQUARIUS) Originally established as part of Project SIGN in 1954. Became a separate project in 1976. Its mission was to establish communication with Aliens. This Project met with positive success (sic) when in 1959, the United States established primative communications with the Aliens. On April 25, 1964, a USAF intelligence officer met with Aliens at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. The contact lasted for approximately three hours. After several attempted methods of communicating the intelligence officer managed to exchange basic information with the Aliens (Atch 7). This Project is continuing at a site in New Mexico. 3. (TS/ORCON) PROJECT REDLIGHT: (PROWORD GRUDGE) Originally established in 1954. Its mission was to test fly a recovered Alien aircraft. First attempts resulted in destruction of the craft and death of the pilot. This Project was resumed in 1972. This Project is continuing in Nevada. 4. (TS/ORCON) PROJECT SNOWBIRD: (PROWORD REDLIGHT) Originally established in 1954. Its mission was to develop, using conventional technology, and fly a flying saucer type craft for the public. This Project was successful when a craft was built and flown in front of the press. This Project was used to explain UFO sightings and to divert public attention from Project REDLIGHT. TOP SECRET/MAJIC MAJESTY--------The Proword for MAJI. The Proword for MAJESTIC TWELVE. The Proword for GRUDGE. MAJESTY is the only word on the cover sheet of the AQUARIUS document. It is plain that the executive decision makers are MAJESTY. MAJESTY is the name of all the efforts combined. On the executive level MAJESTY IS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE ALIENS AND EVERYTHING CONNECTED WITH THEM. The way intelligence and TOP SECRET information is protected accounts for the previous confusion regarding the control of this subject. Everything under MAJESTY is broken down into compartments and difficult to trace to a higher authority. ALL information of important nature of any kind is handled in this manner and is designed to confuse those who would attempt to uncover the secret. MAJESTY IS THE WORD YOU ALL HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THAT TIES IT ALL TOGETHER. MAJI-----------MAJESTIC AGENCY for JOINT INTELLIGENCE The TOP SECRET/MAJIC project control group responsible for EVERY ASPECT OF INTERFACE WITH THE ALIEN LIFE FORMS INCLUDING SECURITY & INTELLIGENCE, AND DISINFORMATION TO PREVENT PUBLIC OR FOREIGN DISCLOSURE OF THE ALIEN PRESENCE. MAJI IS RESPONSIBLE ONLY TO THE PRESIDENT. (THIS IS WHY ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRING TO "MAJESTIC" OR ANY OTHER FORM OF THAT NAME ARE WRONG.) MAJI IS ONGOING IN WASHINGTON DC. MAJESTIC TWELVE-----A selected team of experts in many different fields who evaluate information, technology, biology and other facets of the alien presence in order to better understand the phenomenon. MAJESTIC TWELVE makes recommendations and presents scientific dirrection when needed. MAJESTIC TWELVE does not know all the information and does not meet as a group. Members are given information on a need to know basis only. Biologists, for example, are not given information regarding any other subject. MAJIC----------SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ALL MAJI AND AQUARIUS INFORMATION. MAJIC MEANS "MAJI CONTROLLED". MAJIC IS THE HIGHEST SECURITY CLASSIFICATION IN THE NATION. MJ-1-----------DIRECTOR OF MAJI. THE DIRECTOR OF THE CIA IS USUALLY MJ-1 AND REPORTS ONLY TO THE PRESIDENT. (OTHER MEMBERS OF MAJI ARE DESIGNATED MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-4, etc. This is why MJ-12 CANNOT BE USED AS A NAME FOR THE CONTROL GROUP AS IT WOULD CAUSE CONFUSION IN MEANING, i.e. (IS IT REFERRING TO MJ-12 THE PERSON OR MJ-12 THE GROUP.) ANY REFFERENCE TO MJ-12 IS TO A PERSON AND NOTHING ELSE. (THIS IS WHY ANY DOCUMENT REFFERING TO "MJ-12" AS A "GROUP" IS WRONG.) BLUE TEAM------THE FIRST PROJECT RESPONSIBLE FOR REACTION/RECOVERY OF DOWNED/CRASHED ALIEN CRAFT AND/OR ALIENS. THIS WAS AN AIR FORCE MATERIAL COMMAND PROJECT. SIGN-----------THE SECOND PROJECT RESPONSIBLE FOR COLLECTION OF INTELLIGENCE AND DETERMINING WHETHER ALIEN PRESENCE CONSTITUTED A THREAT TO THE NATIONAL SECURITY. SIGN ABSORBED BLUE TEAM. THIS WAS AN AIR FORCE/CIA PROJECT. GRUDGE---------THE OVERALL PROJECT WITH THE SAME MISSION AS SIGN. GRUDGE ABSORBED SIGN. GRUDGE IS THE PROWORD FOR AQUARIUS. AQUARIUS-------THE THIRD AND FINAL PROJECT. AQUARIUS ABSORBED ALL PREVIOUS PROJECTS. FUNDED BY CIA CONFIDENTIAL NON APPROPRIATED FUNDS. THE PURPOSE OF PROJECT AQUARIUS IS TO COLLECT ALL SCIENTIFIC, TECHNOLOGICAL, MEDICAL AND INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION FROM UFO/IAC SIGHTINGS AND CONTACTS WITH ALIEN LIFE FORMS. THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING. This project began as an Air Force project under SIGN but was taken over by NSA. ALL PROJECTS CONNECTED WITH THE ALIENS ARE NOW INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY CONTROLLED. SIGMA----------SIGMA WAS TASKED WITH COMMUNICATING WITH THE ALIENS. THIS OPERATION WAS SUCCESSFUL. PLATO----------PLATO WAS ESTABLISHED TO FORM DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH THE ALIEN LIFE FORMS. THIS PROJECT WAS SUCCESSFUL. THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING. POUNCE---------THIS PROJECT WAS FORMED TO RECOVER ALL DOWNED/CRASHED CRAFT AND ALIENS. THIS PROJECT PROVIDED COVER STORIES/OPERATIONS TO MASK TRUE ENDEAVOR WHEN NECCESSARY. COVERS WHICH HAVE BEEN USED: CRASHED EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT, CONSTRUCTION, MINING, ETC. THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL. THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING. PLUTO----------ESTABLISHED TO EVALUATE ALL UFO/IAC INFORMATION PERTAINING TO SPACE TECHNOLOGY. THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING. PLUTO IS THE PROWORD FOR POUNCE. REDLIGHT-------MISSION WAS TO TEST FLY RECOVERED ALIEN CRAFT THIS PROJECT WAS POSTPONED AFTER EVERY ATTEMPT RESULTED IN DESTRUCTION OF THE CRAFT AND DEATH OF THE PILOTS. THIS PROJECT WAS CARRIED OUT AT AREA 51 IN NEVADA (GROOM LAKE), and some flights were performed at DREAMLAND. PROJECT REDLIGHT WAS RESUMED IN 1972. THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL. UFO SIGHTINGS OF CRAFT ACCOMPANIED BY BLACK HELICOPTORS ARE PROJECT REDLIGHT ASSETS. THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING AT AREA 51 IN NEVADA. SNOWBIRD-------Established as a COVER for Project REDLIGHT. A flying saucer "TYPE" craft was built using conventional technology. It was unvieled to the press and flown in public on several occassions. The purpose was to explain accidental sightings or disclosures of REDLIGHT as having been the SNOWBIRD craft. This was a very successful disinformation operation. This Project is only activated when needed. It has not been used for many years. This project is currently in mothballs until needed again. (This is another reason that Moore's information is fraudulent.) LUNA-----------CODE NAME FOR THE ALIEN UNDERGROUND BASE. THE BASE IS ALIEN CONTROLLED AND DELTA/ALIEN PROTECTED. LUNA IS ONGOING IN NEW MEXICO. ALIEN DETACHMENTS EXIST AT DREAMLAND AND AT AREA 51. FAR SIDE OF THE MOON ---- An alien base on the dark side of the moon where large machines were sighted by the Apollo Astronauts. It is believed to be a mining operation. NRO------------NATIONAL RECON ORGANIZATION. BASED AT FORT CARSON, COLORADO. RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURITY FOR ALL ALIEN OR ALIEN CRAFT CONNECTED PROJECTS. USE UNMARKED BLACK HELICOPTORS. FOR ALL ALIEN OR ALIEN CRAFT CONNECTED ONGOING. DELTA----------SECURITY TEAMS FROM NRO ESPECIALLY TRAINED TO PROVIDE ALIEN TASKED PROJECTS/LUNA SECURITY. (MEN IN BLACK) THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING. GABRIEL--------THIS PROJECT WAS TASKED WITH DEVELOPING A LOW FREQUENCY PULSED SOUND GENERATOR. IT WAS DETERMINED THAT THE ALIEN WEAPONS AND CRAFT WOULD BE VULNERABLE TO THIS WEAPON. IT IS QUESTIONABLE WHETHER THIS PROJECT EXISTS TODAY. IT WAS DERIVED FROM TECHNOLOGY CAPTURED FROM GERMANY DURING AND AFTER WWII. My contacts have verified its previous existance but cannot verify whether it is ongoing or has been terminated. EXCALIBUR------ESTABLISHED TO DEVELOP A WEAPON WHICH WOULD DESTROY THE ALIEN UNDERGROUND BASE AND ANY FUTURE UNDERGROUND BASES