Notice: The following material was made available through the courtesy of the author. It may be downloaded and distributed electronically, always provided that such distribution is of the whole rather than parts and that full credit is given to the author. Distribution in physical copies or inclusion in published works should not be undertaken without the express consent of the author. The appearance of this work in electronic form does not impinge upon copyright and does not preclude later publication. ************************************************************ PART TWO OF TWO ************************************************************* 243. [V] RATIONE TEMPORIS UEL ORIGINIS NON EFFICITUR QUIS INCOLA BUGELLENSIS. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod aliqua persona undecumque venerit que nunc habitat uel que de cetero habitauerit in bugella per quantumcumque tempus habitauerit In dicto loco bugelle non habeatur nec teneatur pro habitatore ipse nec eius heredes nisi prius receptus fuerit in habitatorem secundum formam aliorum statutorum. Ratione originis vel nativitatis eciam si stetisset et habitasset in bugella postquam venisset ibi ad habitandum uel eciam postquam ibi natus fuisset per spacium X. annorum. XX. XXX. XL. seu eciam tanto tempore de cuius contrario non existeret memoria. 243. [V] BY REASON OF TIME OR OF ORIGIN, ONE IS NOT MADE AN INHABITANT OF BIELLA. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that any person or his heir, from wherever he might come who is now resident or who may be henceforth resident in Biella for whatever period of time that he may be resident in the aforesaid place of Biella, may be considered or held to be a resident unless he or his heir had been received into residence earlier according to the form of the other statutes by reason of his origin or birth if he should have stayed or resided in Biella before he came there to live [as a resident] or after he had been born there for a period of ten, twenty, thirty, or forty years or also at such time at which memory of him to the contrary does not exist. 245. 268. [VI] STANTES IN BUGELLA PRO FACULTATIBUS DEBENT HONERA SUBSTINERE. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod omnes et singuli homines de bugella et stantes ed habitantes ibidem debeant soluere et substinere cum communi et hominibus bugelle omnia fodra et onera eis et cuilibet ipsorum impossita et que de cetero imponentur per comune et homines bugelle pro terris et possessionibus et bonis quas nunc habent et de cetero habebunt in curte et territorio bugelle et Vernati. 245. 268. [VI] Those who reside in Biella or its facilities should pay for its honors. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that each and every man of Biella, both those who reside there and those who live there, together with the men of Biella as well as the Commune should pay and support all of the fees and honors, which have been imposed on them or which might henceforth be imposed on them by the Commune and men of Biella for the lands, possessions, and goods which they now have or will have in the holdings and territory of Biella and Vernatum. 268. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod quilibet habitator comunis bugelle. qui non stet et habitet in loco bugelle. non possit nec debeat recusare quin soluat honera. et impositiones comunis bugelle. Et si contrafecerit ipso jure amittat habitariam. nec vlterius habeatur pro habitore. et consules teneantur ei denuntiare dictum statutum. 268. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that any inhabitant of the Commune of Biella, who does not stay or remain in the Commune of Biella proper, can not and should not refuse to pay the honors and impositons of the Commune of Biella. And, if he should violate [this bann], he should lose his habitation because of this law and furthermore he should not be considered an inhabitant. And, the consuls are obliged to announce the aforesaid statute to him. 246. [VII] TERRE DE BUGELLA ET VERNATI QUE SUNT HOMINUM DE BUGELLA DEBENT CUM COMUNI BUGELLE HONERA SUBSTINERE. Item statutum est quod omnes terre et possessiones dictorum hominumde bugella quas nunc habent et de cetero habebunt in dictis curijs et territoriis bugelle et uernati. sint ex nunc tacite et expresse obligate comuni et hominibus bugelle pro fodris et oneribus et scuffis et alijs inpossitionibus soluendis et substinendis comuni et hominibus bugelle. 246. [VII] THE TERRITORY OF BIELLA AND VERNATUM AND THOSE WHO ARE SERFS OF BIELLA SHOULD SUSTAIN THE HONORS OF BIELLA TOGETHER WITH THEIR COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that all of the lands and possessions of the aforesaid men of Biella, which they now hold and will henceforth hold in the holdings and territories of Biella and Vernatum, are now tacitly abd expressly obligated to the Commune of Biella for dues, honors, scuffi (military services?), and other impositions which are paid to and support the Commune and men of Biella. 249. [VIII] FATIENTES CONFEDERATIONEM PER CONSULES PUNIANTUR. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona de bugella siue stans habitansibidem cuiuscumque condicionis aut status existat non debeat nec pressumatfacere aliquod sacramentum nec confederacionem cum aliqua persona et personis comuni collegio et uniuerssitate nisi illus sacramentum et confederationem quod et que facient omnes homines bugelle unanimes et concordes et totum comune eiusdem loci integraliter. Et illa persona que contra fecerit extraatur de conscilio de credentia et uicinancia. et si quod dampnum ei fieret non restituatur ei per comune bugelle et sit exclussus ab omni honore et utilitate comunis bugelle. Et ultra hoc soluat pro pena et banno pro qualibet edomada. In qua perseuerauerit In dictis sacramento et confederatione. sol.C. pp. quousque adnegauerit in credencia. bugelle. ad uoluntatem ipsius credencie confederationem et sacramentum factam et factum. Et si qua persona ullam fecisset confederationem uel sacramentum debeat manifestare Infra. XV. dies consulibus comunis bugelle alioquin sub jaceant penis suprascriptis. Et consules teneantur Inquirere contrafacientes siue factum fuerit tempore eorum consulatus uel non et ab eis et a quolibet eorum exigere penas et banna et denunciatores tenere priuatos. Et consules teneantur per eorum sacramentum quod non possint poni nec concionari. In credencia nec in conscilio tempore eorum consulatus quod dictum statutum cassetur nec quod aliquid fiat contra dictum statutum et qui concionauerit contra aliquid soluat bannum pro qualibet uice sol. XX et qui aliquam fecerit responssionem soluat simile bannum et responssio contra hoc facta sit cassa et nullius valoris. 249. [VIII] THOSE WHO SECRETLY ACKNOWLEDGE A CONFEDERATION SHOULD BE PUNISHED BY THE CONSULS. In the same way, it has been decreed that any person of Biella or anyone staying or living there, of whatever condition or status he might be, should notand should not dare to make any sworn oath or agreement with any person or persons, commune, college, or community, unless that sworn oath is in accord with that or those things which all of the men of Biella, unanimously and in agreement, and the entire Commune of that place do in full. And, the person, who violates [this chapter], is removed from the Council of the Credentia and his neighborhood. And, if any loss which has been brought upon him is not reimbursed, he should be excluded by the Commune of Biella from every honor and advantage of the Commune of Biella. And, furthermore, he should pay one hundred solidi pp., both as a penalty and as a fine for each week in which he should persevere in the aforesaid matters by his sworn oath and agreement and he should repudiate in the Credentia at the wish of that Credentia the agreement and the sworn oath which he has made. And, if a person makes any sworn oath or agreement, he should make the consuls of the Commune of Biella aware of it within fifteen days and, if he does not comply, he will fall under the aforementioned penalties. And, the consuls are obliged to investigate those who violate [this chapter] whether or not [the violation] has been done during the time of their consulate or not, the penalties and fines must be exacted by them or by anyone of them, and those who denounce should be kept confidential. And the consuls are obliged on their sworn oath not to make a resolustion or an announce- ment in the Credentia or in the Council during the time of their consulate that the aforesaid statute be quashed or that any action be taken against the aforesaid statute; and, he, who speaks against any of this, should pay a fine of twenty solidi for each offence and he, who makes any response, should pay a similar fine and any response made against this is quashed and of no value. 250. [VIIII] PARATICA ET HOMINES COMUNI BUGELLE UEL CONSULIBUS ADVERSANTIA PUNIANTUR. Item statutum est quod si fuerit aliqua mestralia siue paraticum siue aliqua specialis persona. siue sit de mestralia siue non uel de paratico siue non que fuerint rebelles et inobedientes comuni. consulibus uel credencie bugelle extraatur de conscilio et credencia et uterius non admitatur donec rebelles et inobedientes fuerint et hoc si per XV. dies perseuerauerint inobedientes. Ita tamen quod aliquis de bugella non possit nec debeat aliquid ab ipsis emere uel uendere nec aliquod mercatum facere cum ipsis de hiis que pertineant ad illud officium siue mestraliam de quo uel de qua rebelles fuerint et inobedientes dicto comuni et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. XX. et consules teneantur ex sacramento ponere custodes publicos et privatos et excutere predicta banna. 250. [VIIII] CLIQUES AND MEN HOSTILE TO THE COMMUNE AND CONSULS OF BIELLA SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if any mestralia (minor official?), paraticum (furrier), or any other special person, whether or not he is descended from a mestralia or paraticum, or from those who were rebels or disobedient to the communes, consuls, or the Credentia of Biella, is excluded from the Council and the Credentia, and, moreover, should not be admitted while they are rebellious and disobedient and, if this [condition] persists through fifteen days, they should continue to be considered disobedient. Thus, it is nevertheless understood that no one from Biella can nor should buy or sell anything from them, nor conduct any business with those persons in those areas which pertain to the duty or function in regard to which they have been considered rebellious and disobedient to the aforesaid commune. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay twenty solidi for each and every offence. And, the consuls are obliged on their sworn oath to station public and private guards and to execute the aforesaid banns. 251. [X] DE LANA PROHIBITA SEU COLORE NATURALI MUTATO. PANNUM QUIS FACERE SEU UENDERE NON PRESUMAT. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona de bugella siue stans uel habitens in bugella non ponat nec poni faciat in panno de albaxio pila bouis vace uel capre tinta uel colorata siue non tinta alterius coloris quam sit. uel aliqua alia pila prohibita nec aliquam lanam tinctam tractam de suo colore naturali et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. X. pp. et perdat pannum. et bannum et pannum perueniat in comunis et quod nullus homo debeat dare suam lanam ad batandum alicui persone que non fecerit saluitatem coram consulibus quod non laborabit aliquam ex predictis kanis prohibitis. et qui in aliquo contrafecerit soluat bannum predictum et perueniat in pena dicti statuti. et quod nulla persona. vendat uel uendere faciat. in bugella nec etiam tenere in mercato bugelle pannum. In quo sit aiqua ex predictis. Et qui contra in aliquo fecerit soluat bannum ut supra et perdat pannum et perueniat in comuni et quilibet possit eos accusare et denunciare et capere pannum. dum modo consignet consulibus et habeat suam partem banni et panni. et consules teneantur dictos denunciatores et accussatores tenere priuatos. et contra omnia predicta inquirere. 251. [X] CONCERNING THAT WHICH IS PROHIBIED OR WHICH HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM ITS NATURAL COLOR. A MEASURE OF CLOTH WHICH ONE SHOULD NOT PRESUME TO MAKE OR SELL. In the same way, it has been decreed that any one from Biella, whether staying or living in Biella, may not place nor may cause the hides of bulls, cows, or goats to be placed in a pool (vat) of albaxium (bleach?), whether or not the hides are dyed to another color. [This bann also includes] any other protected hide or any wool dyed or drawn out of its natural color. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay ten solidi pp. and he loses the pool (vat). Both the fine and the vat fall to the commune. And, [it is understood] that no man should give his wool to any person to have it dressed who has not given surety in the presence of the consuls because he will not work on any of the aforesaid protected hides, and he, who violates this statute in any way, should pay the aforesaid fine and [the fine] falls [to the Commune] as a penalty of the aforesaid statute. And, [it is understood] that no person should sell or cause any vat to be sold or kept in Biella or in the market place of Biella. In the case of anyone of these things, he, who violates [this chapter] in any way, should pay the fine as above and he loses the vat and it falls to the commune. And, anyone can denounce and accuse them and keep the vat while he informs the consuls. And, he should have his portion of the fine and the vat and the consuls are obliged to keep the aforesaid denouncers and accusers confidential; they are also obliged to investigate all of the aforesaid matters. 252. [XI] NON SIT CONSUL PARATICI NON EST DE BUGELLA. Item statutum est quod nullum collegium siue paraticum possit leuare aliquem consulem qui not sit de bugella et habitator bugelle. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro qualibet vice et quolibet collegio sol. XX. pp. et predictus consul cassetur. 252. [XI] THERE SHOULD NOT BE A CONSUL OF AN ASSOCIATION WHO IS NOT FROM BIELLA. In the same way, it has been decreed that no college or paraticum (furrier) can elevate a person to the consulate who is not from Biella or an inhabitant of Biella. And, the college or furrier, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. for each offence and college and the aforesaid consul(-elect) is quashed. 253. [XII] QUID IURENT CONSULES PARATICORUM CONSULIBUS DE BUGELLA. ET QUID CONSULES COMUNIS FACERE TENEANTUR. Item statutum est quod consules comunis teneantur omni anno tempore quo recipiunt seguertas facere. Iurare ad sancta dei euangelia omnes consules cuiuslibet collegij siue paratici loci bugelle quod ipsi consules nec aliquis ipsorum de collegio vtentur aliquibus statuti nisi aprobatis per comune bugelle et consules teneantur facere fieri unum librum in quo ponantur omnia statuta paraticorum comprobata. per comune et hoc intelligatur quod non vtentur aliquibus statutis uel ordinamentis qui sint contra honorem et vtilitate, comunis bugelle. 253. [XII] WHAT THE CONSUL OF AN ASSOCIATION SHOULD SWEAR TO THE CONSULS OF BIELLA AND WHAT THE CONSULS OF THE COMMUNE ARE OBLIGED TO DO. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls of the Commune are obliged every year at that time which they receive their sequertae (retinue) should cause all of the consuls of each college or pariticum of the locale of Biella to swear that neither of the consuls nor anyone of their college should use any statutes unless [they have been] approved of by the Commune of Biella; and the consuls are obliged to see to it that all of the statutes of the pariticum approved of by the Commune are in place. And, [it is understood] for this purpose that no statutes which are contrary to the honor or expediency of the Commune of Biella should be employed. 254. [XIII] HABITANTES EXTRA PORTAM QUOD SACRAMENTUM FACERE TENEANTUR. Item statutum est quod omnes habitantes extra portas bugelle. debeant facere saluitatem et Iurare accusare omnes rumpentes et menantes rugiam prope canales per. quatur perticas. et facientes aliquod dampnum alicui uel comuni. et quod non receptabunt nec ement aliquod buschum captum uel portatum per aliquem personam. et si siuerint aliquem portentem uel recipientem uel ementem extra portas bugelle accusabunt consulibus Infra VIII. dies post quam siuerint et consules super hijs teneantur inquirere. 254. [XIII] WHICH SWORN OATH THOSE WHO LIVE OUTSIDE OF THE GATE ARE OBLIGED TO KEEP. In the same way, it has been decreed that all persons who are living outside of the gates should give surety and swear that they will accuse all who damage and occupy the embankment along the canals for a distance of four perticas who cause any loss to the embankment or to the commune. And, [it is understood] that they will not receive nor buy any firewood taken or carried off by any person and, if they have become aware of someone who is carrying off, accepting or selling (firewood) outside of Biella, they will make an accusation to the consuls within eight days after they have been made aware [of the misdeed] and the consuls are required to investigate these matters. 255. [XIIII] AD CREDENTIAM NON DUCATUR QUI NON FUERIT HABITATOR. Item statutum est quod nullus consul alicuius collegij possit ducere aliquem in credenciam qui non sit recpetus in habitatorem bugelle Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol> XX. pp. 255. [XIIII] HE WHO IS NOT AN INHABITANT (OF BIELLA) SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE CREDENTIA. In the same way, it has been decreed that no Consul of any college can bring anyone into the Credentia who has not been accepted as an inhabitant of Biella. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. 256. [XV] QUANDO MASNENGI UT FATIANT SALUITATEM PER DOMINOS SINT CONSULIBUS PRESENTANDI. Item statutum est quod omnes et singuli tenentes uasallos in bugella pressentent ipsos consulibus bugelle, adjurandum saluitatem usque ad natiuitatem domini, et qui eose postea firmauerit. Infra. XV. dies post quam eos firmauerit. et qui contrafecereit soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet pro quolibet mensse sol.V. pp. 256. [XV] WHEN VASSSALS SHOULD BE PRESENTED TO THE CONSULS BY THEIR LORDS TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE PROTECTION (i.e., SWEAR FEALTY). In the same way, it has been decreed that each and every person who maintains vassals in Biella should present them to the Consuls of Biella to take an oath of support (fealty) until the Feast Day of the Nativity of the Lord, and afterwards he should confirm them within fifteen days after the one on which he had first taken them. And, he, who violates [this chapter] should pay a fine of five solidi for each and every offence and five solidi pp. for each month [the violation persists]. 257. [XVI] FORENSIS HABITANS IN BUGELLA COMUNITATIBUS NON UTATUR DONEC SECUNDUM STATUTA PRESTITERIT CAUTIONEM. Item statutum est quod aliqua uel....Vniuerssitas de extra bugellam que nunc state de cetero uenerit habitandum et standum in bugella. siue in eius curte et territorio non possit nec debeat pascare nec boscare In comunibus et buschis et pascuis bugelle nec super eius curte et territorio nisi prius fecerit bonam et ydoneam securitatem de soluendis comuni et hominibus bugelle. fodris sacijs scuffis et alijs impossicionibus, sicut alij homines stantes et habitantes in bugellam et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol.XX.pp. et consules per eorum sacramentum. Incontinenti expellere et expelli facere teneantur pascantes et boscantes et contra predicta facientes. 257. [XVI] A FOREIGNER LIVING IN BIELLA SHOULD NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE (OF THE BENEFITS) OF THE COMMUNITIES UNTIL HE EXHIBTS A BOND ACCORDING TO THE STATUTE. In the same way, it has been decreed that any or [....blank....] community from outside of Biella who now resides in or who will henceforth come to live and reside in Biella or in its holding or territory can not and should not graze or pasture (his animals or flocks) in the communes, thickets, and meadows of Biella nor its holding or territory, unless he has made or will have made good and suitable surety by paying to the Commune and men of Biella dues, payments, scutages and other impositions as do the other men living and residing in Biella; and he, who violates [this bann] should pay twenty solidi pp. for each and every offence. And, the consuls are bound on their oath to expel immediately or to cause persons who are grazing or pasturing [their animals] or acting contrary to the statute to be expelled immediately. 258. [XVII] PENA DOMINORUM ET HABITANTIUM EXTRA PORTAS. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat habitare cum familia sua a canalibus superius et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro qualibet edomada qua ibi steterit postquam ei perceptum fuerit quod non stet sol. XX.pp. Et si quod dampnum ei fieret stando ultra ipsam finiam non emendetur sibi a comuni nec possit stare a parte berloni extra portas placij. et consules teneantur Inquirere et precipere sub dicto banno si eis fuerit denunciatum et quod non possint habere gratiam a credencia uel consulibus nisi fecerit bonam securitatem domini caxinarum quod stantes et habitantes in dictis caxinis non faciant dampna alicui persone et si contrafecerit quod soluant banna duplicata. secundum quod facerent alij homines. et aliter non possint habere licenciam a credencia et restituere dampna duplicata: et quod non possint tenere prochos capras neque agnellos sub banno sol.X.pp. pro qualibet bestia et quilibet possit accussare et teneatur privatus si acussatori placuit. 258. [XVII] THE PENALTY FOR THE LORDS AND INHABITANTS WHO LIVE OUTSIDE OF THE GATES. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should live with his household from about the canals of Garella and he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. for each week that he stays there after he has been given an order not to remain there. And, if he should incur any loss by remaining beyond the limit, he should not be reimbursed by the commune and he can not remain from the quarter of Berlonum to beyond the gates of the public square. And, the consuls are obliged to investigate and look into [matters] under the aforesaid fine if something is reported to them. And, [it is understood] that they can not have a dispensation from the Credentia or the consuls unless he has made good surety to the owner of the houses so that those who are residing and living in the aforesaid houses do not cause a loss to anyone; and, if he violates [this bann], [it is understood] that they should pay double fines according to the standard that other men pay. And, nonetheless, they can not have a dispensation from the Credentia and they can not quash the double penalties; and, [it is understood] that they can not keep pigs, goats, or lambs under a penalty of ten solidi pp. for each animal. And, anyone can accuse and the name of the accuser can be kept confidential if it pleases him. 261. [XVIII] QUI SEQUELAM FACERE TENEANTUR ET PENA NON FATIENTIBUS ORDINATA. Item statutum est quod omnis homo qui habitauerit in bugella uel super eis territorio.a.XV. annis usque ad.LXX. faciat et juret sequelam In manibus consulum comunis et qui eam non fecerit post quam preconizatum fuerit soluat bannum sol. II. pro qualibet edomada qua steterit. et postea eam feaciat et consules teneantur dicta banna excutere infra. XV. dies. et non possint dare licentiam alicui et teneantur de predictis inquirere et debeant Iurare quod non capient nec portabunt de bladis rapis vuis fructibus arborum de feno nec erba de lignis nemoribus rebus comunis bugelle nec alicuius hominis de bugella super curia et districtu begelle. et quod non dabunt conscilium. auxilium. bannitis dicti comunis et si uiderint alios eis dantes ipsos teneantur per eorum sacramentum accussare. 261. [XVIII] THOSE WHO ARE OBLIGED TO MAKE AN ACT OF WILLINGNESS TO FOLLOW AND THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WHICH HAS BEEN ORDAINED. In the same way, it has been decreed that each man who lives in Biella or its territory from the age of fifteen to the age of seventy should make and swear to an "act of service" on the hands of the Consuls of the Commune and he who does not do this as soon as he has been made aware of it should pay a fine of two solidi for each week that they remain (in violation of this statute). And, he should do that [which is required above] and the consuls are obliged to carry out the assigned banns within fifteen days. And, [the consuls] can not give a dispensation to anyone and they are obliged to inquire about the aforesaid things. And, they should swear that they will not take or carry off any reaped grains, grapes, fruits from the trees of the harvest, or foliage from the woods of the forests of Biella, or from any man of Biella from the curia and District of Biella. And, [it is understood] that they will not give aid or counsel to the banned persons of the aforesaid commune and, if they see others giving aid to them, they are obliged to acuse them on their sworn oath. 262, 263. [XIX] NON UTANTUR STATUTA PARATICHA, NISI A COMUNI SPECIALITER APPROBATIS. Item statutum est quod si aliqua persona de bugella cuiuscumque paratici siue collegij. siue mestralie sit. siue de messarijs et bubulcis. siue de notarijs. uel de becarijs uel de mercatoribus uel de calegarijs uel de pellicarijs. aut de testoribus fuerit inhobediens uel rebellis suo paraticho siue collegio et noluerit attendere et obseruare statuta et ordinamenta sui collegij. iusta et racionabiliter facta et per comune aprobata et erit inhobediens preceptis suorum consulum. Iuste eis factis non teneatur nec habeatur pro uicino. sed sit exculssus ab omni comodo et vtilitate comunis nec sit nec esse debeat de conscilio nec de credencia nec debeat habere aliquod officium comunis. Et hoc intelligatur. nisi dicta statuta et ordinamenta essent facta contra honorem et vtilitatem comunis et hominum bugelle. 262, 263. [XIX] THE STATUTE OF ASSOCIATION SHOULD NOT BE USED UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SPECIALLY APPROVED OF BY THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if any person from Biella, of whatever paraticus, college, or mestralia he might be, or whether he is one of the mace- bearers, ox-drivers, notaries, butchers, merchants,monks, peleterers, or weaver has been disobedient or rebellious to his paraticus or college and does not wish to heed or observe the statutes or ordinances of his own college which have been justly and rationally developed and approved of by the commune and he will be disobedient to the precepts of his own consuls which have been justly developed by them, he should not be held to be or considered to be a vicinus (a member of the neighborhood) and by this he should be excluded from every opportunity and advantage of the Commune and he may not be nor should be a member of the Council or the Credentia. And, he should not have any office in the Commune. And, this is to be understood, unless the aforesaid statutes and ordinances have been made against the honor and advantage of the Commune and men of Biella. 263. Item statutum est quod omnia statuta et ordinamenta cuiuslibet paratici siue collegij debeant legi in publica credencia. et tunc ibi aprobantur statuta conueniencia et bona. et contraria cassantur et irritentur Et quod illud paraticum siue collegium quod faceret inter se aliqua pacta siue conuenciones contra ea que preciperentur per consules comunis. soluat bannum. sol. LX.pp. pro qualibet edomada qua perseuerarent et postea sint cassa et irrita. Et consules teneantur facere legi illa statuta infra natiuitatem domini. 263. In the same way, it has been decreed that all of the statutes and ordinances of any paraticum or college should be read publically in the Credentia. And, then the suitable and good statutes are approved there and contrary statutes are quashed and voided. And, [it is understood] that the paraticum or college which enacts on its own any agreements or conventions against those which have been enacted by the consuls of the Commune should pay a fine of sixty solidi pp. for each week that they support [those agreements] and they are afterwards quashed and voided. And, the consuls are obliged to cause those statutes and agreements to be read by the [Feast of the] Nativity of the Lord. 264. [XX] PRETIUM OLEARIJS PRO FATIENDO OLEO COSTITUTUM. Item statutum est quod omnes olearij. qui habitant in bugella teneantur et debeant primo facere oleum hominibus de bugella. quam forenssibus pro denar. VII pilatam. Et teneantur consules facere hoc per eos obseruari et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro qualibet uice. sol. V. et quisque possit accussare et habeat suam partem banni. et qui daret plus soluat bannum sol. II. et consules teneantur inquirere sicut de ludo si eis denunciati uel acusati fuerint. 264. [XX] THE REWARD FOR OIL DEALERS FOR ACKNOWLEDGING THE REGULATION OF OIL. In the same way, it has been decreed that all oil dealers, who live in Biella are obliged to and should make oil available to the men of Biella before foreigners at a rate of seven denarii per pilata. And, the consuls are obliged to see to it that this is observed by them. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi for each offence and anyone may accuse and have a portion of the fine. And he, who gives more, should pay a fine of two solidi and the consuls are obliged to investigate as concerning gambling, if people are accused or denounced to them. 265. [XXI] PRO QUANTO TESTORES PANNUM ET TELAM FACERE TENEANTUR. Item statutum est quod omnes testores habitantes in bugella teneantur et debeant facere telam hominum de bugella antequam forenssium silicet parietem riste subtilis. pro denar. XVI. et riste grosse. pro denar. XIIII.or et stupe. pro. den. XII. et pecagnonorum. pro. denar. X. et non plus. Ed de pariete panni albi habeat. denar. VIIII. et de nigro denar X. Et non plus. et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro qualibet vice. sol. quinque. et qui plus inde dederit soluat simile bannum nec debeat aliquid capere de spolis nec de ordimento. et consules teneantur hoc facere obseruari. et contrafacientes inquirere tamquam de ludo. si eis denunciati uel acusati fuerint. 265. [XXI] FOR HOW MUCH WEAVERS ARE OBLIGED TO MAKE A MEASURE OF CLOTH AND A LOOM. In the same way, it has been decreed that all textile workers who live in Biella should produce cloth for the men of Biella, before they produce it for foreigners; [and, they should charge] sixteen denarii for a measure (paries) that is finely drawn and fourteen denarii for a measure that is coarsely drawn. They may also charge twelve denarii for a stupa and ten denarii for a pecagnori, and no more. But, for a portum of white cloth, they may charge nine denarii and for the same measure of black cloth, they may charge ten denarii. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay five solidi as a fine for each offence and he, who should give more therefrom, should pay a similar fine and he should take nothing of the extorted profit nor of the regular profit. And the consuls are obliged to see to it that this is observed and to investigate violators as if they were gamblers if they are denounced or reported to them. 266. [XXII] ADVOCANTES ET PROCURANTES CONTRA COMUNITATEM. Item statutum est quod aliquis de bugella qui habitet in bugella non debeat nec pressumat esse syndicus procurator nec actor nec advocatus alicuius uel aliquorum contra honorem et bonas consuetudines comunis et hominum bugelle et qui contrafecerit sit penitus exclussus ab omni honore comodo et vtilitate comunis bugelle et non sit de credencia nec de conscilio nec habeat aliquod officium comunis. et si aliquod dampnum ei fieet non emendetur ei nec restituatur per predictum comune. et soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. LX. pp. 266. [XXII] ADVOCATES AND PROCURATORS AGAINST THE COMMUNITY. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone from Biella who lives in Biella should nor be nor should dare to be a syndic, proctor, agent, or an advocate for any one or any persons who are acting contrary to the honor and good customs of the Commune and men of Biella. And he, who violates [this bann], should be forthwith excluded from every honor, profit, and advantage of the Commune of Biella and he can not be a member of the Credentia or the Council and he can not hold any office of the Commune. And, if he should incur any loss, it need not be paid or restored to him by the aforesaid commune, and, he should pay a fine of sixty solidi for each and every offence. 269. [XXIII] EXTRANEUS QUI NON TENUIT TOTA YEME PASCARI COMUNITATIBUS NEQUEAT IN ESTATE. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod non liceat aliqui persone habitanti in bugella. tenere bestias aliquas in pascherijs uel alpibus bugelle nisi dictas bestias tenuisset et custodiuisset in dicto loco bugelle. tota igeme. uel nisi ecciam stet et habitet in loco bugelle. et nisi esset de bugella. uel receptus habitator bugelle. Et qui contrafecerit. soluat pro qualibet ebdomada. sol. XX. pp. Et consules teneantur inquirere quotiens eis fuerit denuntiatum et tenere denunciatores priuatos. 269. [XXIII] A FOREIGNER WHO DOES NOT RETAIN AN ASSOCIATION FOR AN ENTIRE WINTER TO GRAZE MAY BE DENIED IT IN THE SUMMMER. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that no one living in Biella should be permitted to keep any animals in the pastureland or the highland meadows (alpes) of Biella, unless he had kept and guarded the aforesaid animals in the aforesaid locale of Biella during the entire winter or unless he also stays and lives in Biella itself and unless they are from Biella, or he is considered an inhabitant of Biella. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay twenty solidi for each week. And the consuls are obliged to investigate as often as it is reported to them and they are obliged to keep the denouncers confidential. XV. RUBRICA DE VIIS ET ALLIS COMUNITATIBUS XV. THE RUBRIC CONCERNS ROADS AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS 271. [I] TRIVOLA VIARUM CONSULES ACTARI FACERE TENEANTUR. Statutum est quod consules teneantur facere altari et meliorari triuola facta et que decetero fient in viis publicis in territorio bugelle post quam siuerint uel eis fuerit denunciatum. ad laudem. quatuor hominum uel sex. et illa persona que non altauerit dicta tiuola. secundum quod ei preceptum fuerit per consules. soluat bannum. sol. X. pp. pro qualibet edomada. 271. [I] AT TREVOLA, THE CONSULS OF THE ROADS ARE OBLIGED TO SEE TO IT THAT THEY ARE TAKEN CARE OF. It has been decreed that the consuls are obliged to see to it that the crossroads, which have been constructed in the public roads, be leveled and improved in the territory of Biella as soon as they are aware [of the need] or as soon as it has been reported to them upon the advice of four or six men. And the person, who does not level the aforesaid crossroads according to the standard to which they have been ordered by the consuls, should pay a fine of ten solidi for each week [the work is not completed]. 272. [II] NON CAPIANTUR LAPIDES PER QUOS VIE UEL COMUNITAS DAMPNIFICETUR. Item statutum est quod nulla persona debeat aranchare siue capere uel asportare uel predicta fieri facere aliquos. lapides de quibus dampnificentur vie de viis comunibus siue de costis nec in aliquibus alijs partibus vbi sint vie publice placij. uel plani nec aliquibus rialis nec fossatis. que possint damnificari vie. uel possessiones. aliquis. et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice. sol. viginti pp. postea reficiat dampnum et consules teneantur Inquirere. et tenere accussatores et denunciatores priuatos. 272. [II] ROCKS SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AWAY AS A RESULT OF WHICH ROADS OR CORPORATIONS INCUR LOSSES. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should remove, take, carry off the stones or cause anyone to do any of the aforesaid things because of which the roads of the communal road system, or the coast, the public square or the level areas or any other places where the the public roads may be damaged or from any ravines or ditches in which the roads or possessions of any person can be damaged thereby. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay twenty solidi pp. for each and every offence and afterward he should pay for the damage. And, the consuls are obliged to investigate and to keep the [names of the] accusers or denouncers confidential. 273. [III] COMUNITATES PENDINARUM PLATIJ SEMPER IN COMUNI DEBEANT PERMANERE. Item statutum est quod comunia de ualle belloni et de valixella et de pendina placij. Verssus bellonum que fuerunt asignata comunia per comune bugelle debeant stare et permanere aperta omni tempore et ille qui ea clauderet uel claudi faceret soluat bannum. sol. XX. pp. et postea disclaudat id quod ex hijs comunibus clauserit. 273. [III] THE CORPORATIONS OF PENDINA PLACII SHOULD ALWAYS REMAIN IN THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that the Communes of Valle Belloni, Valixella, Pendena Placii, opposite of Bellonum, which were designated communes by the Commune of Biella should stay and remain open at all times and he, who closes them or causes them to be closed should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. and afterwards he should open up that which he had closed in those communes. 274. [IIII] PENA OCCUPANTIUM UIAS PUBLICAS UEL PLATHEAS. Item statutum est quod qui strinxerit uel clauserit aliquam viam uel platheam uel aliquod comune. soluat bannum. sol. XX. pp. et postea eam larget et disclaudat. 274. [IIII] THE PENALTY FOR OCCUPYING THE PUBLIC ROADS AND PUBLIC SQUARES. In the same way, it has been decreed that he who restricts or closes any road, or public square, or commune should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. and afterwards he should enlarge or open them up. 275. [V] PUNIATUR QUI AD ACTAS UIAS PUBLICAS SUFFTIENTUM NUNTIUM NON TRANSMITTIT. Item statutum est quod qui non Iverit uel sufficientem nuncium non misserit ad altendas vias quando precipietur soluat bannum sol. II. pp. 275. [V] HE SHOULD BE PUNISHED WHO DOES NOT SEND A PARTY SUFFICIENT TO REPAIR THE PUBLIC ROADS. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who does not go or send adequate notice for the leveling of the roads when he has been ordered to, should pay a fine of two solidi pp. 276. [VI] QUI UIAS FRANGIT PUBLICE ORDINATAS. Item statutum est quod qui ronperet aliquam uiam propter sulciam uel propter scrineam uel aliqua alia occaxione soluat bannum sol. XX. et reficiat eam. 276. [VI] HE WHO DAMAGES THE ROADS WHICH HAVE BEEN PUBLICLY ESTABLISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that he who damages any road through furrowing, making a culvert, or any other activity, should pay a fine of twenty solidi and repair it. 277. [VII] EXTRA PALENCHATA NON LICEAT SUPER FOSSATIS ARBORES ALLEUARE. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat tenere nec alleuare arbores super fossatum extra palenchatum plani nec aliquod aliud alleuamen nec aliquid ibi vastare nec seminare et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum. sol. XX. et ille que modo ibi sunt incidantur usque pasca. et camparij teneantur omni mensse inquirere omnia fossata. et si quid inuenerit ibi factum contra predicta debeant acussare. 277. [VII] OUTSIDE OF PALENCHATA, IT IS NOT PERMITTED TO GROW TREES ABOVE THE DITCHES. In the same way, it has been decreed that no man should keep or raise trees atop the ditch outside of Palenchatum on the plain, nor any other planting, or anything else to damage or plant [in the ditch]. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay twenty solidi and the plants which are there should be cut down as feed (silage). And, the camparii are obliged to check all of the ditches every month. And, if anything should be discovered that has been done contrary to the aforesaid statutes, they should make accusations. 278. [VIII] IN COMUNI UEL PLATHEIS MOLAS NULLI LICITUM SIT TENERE. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non debeat tenere aliquam molam nec porcilum aliquod in platheis nec in portucubus super comuni bugelle. et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro qualibet vice sol. quinque. si fuerit accussatus et consules teneantur facere auferri predicta infra octo dies post quam eis fuerit denunciatum siue dictum. 278. [VIII] IT IS NOT PERMITTED TO ESTABLISH MILLS IN THE COMMUNE OR PUBLIC SQUARES. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should keep any mule or pig in the public squares or the porticoes of the Commune of Biella. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi. If anyone has been accused, the consuls are obliged to see to it that the aforesaid animals are removed within eight days after [their presence] has been reported or told to them. 279. [VIIII] FATIENTES IN UIJS PER QUI IN ALIQUO LEDATUR COMUNITAS UEL UTILITAS SPECIALIS. Item statutum est quod aliquam persona de bugella non debeat ponere uel cauere. nec fieri facere terram nec lapides in aliquibus pubblicis vijs nec sulcias uel triuolos uel aliquid aliud opus. quod peioret uel dampnificet vias uel que possit dampnificare aliquas possessiones aliquius hominibus de bugella. et qui contrafecerit. soluat bannum sol. XX. pp. nec in aliqua parte super communibus Intra clausuras placij et plani et officiales acussare teneantur. et quod consules non possint dare licenciam. set teneantur inquirere. si fuerit eis denunciatum et tenere denunciatores et accussatores priuatos. 279. [VIIII] ASSOCIATIONS OR SPECIAL ACTIVITIES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY SHOULD NOT POLLUTE THE ROADS IN ANY WAY. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person from Biella should place, dig up, or cause any earth or stones to be dumped onto the public roads, ditches, crossroads, or any other construction that impairs or damages the roads or which can damage any possessions of any man of Biella. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. And, the officials are obliged to make accusations in any part [of Biella] regarding the communes between the enclosures of the public square and the open area. And, the consuls can not grant a dispensation, but rather they are obliged to investigate if someone reports [a violation] to them. The names of accusers and denouncers are reuired to be kept confidential. 280. [X] SCRINEAM QUE IN COMUNI EXEAT NULLI LICITUM SIT TENERE. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat tenere aliquam scrineam que habeat exitum ipsius scrinee super terram comunis. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. XX. pp. postea auferat eam. Et quod nullus debeat tenere scrineam super comune. et quod quilibet possit accusare et denuntiare et tenebitur priuatus. 280. [X] NO ONE IS PERMITTED TO PLACE A STRUCTURE ON ANY ROAD IN THE COMMUNITY WHICH LEADS OUT OF THE AREA. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should keep a culvert whose exit opens onto the land of the Commune. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. and he should remove the culvert afterward. And, [it is understood] that no one should keep a culvert in the commune [that will cause damage]. And, [it is understood] that anyone can accuse and denounce and his name will be held in confidence. 281. [XI] NON PROHITIATUR IN PUBLICO FETOR UEL AQUA A PELLIBUS DETURPATA. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non debeat proicere aquam in qua baniata uel moliata fuerint coria prluta nec acquam calcinarij nec aquam molticij siue molticium uel peziam. neque pelles molliatas siue coria in vijs pubblicis uel platheis seu fiat fetor que uadant in uias pubblicas nec in rugia placij uel plani aliquo modo. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. quinque. pp. et quisque possit accussare et habeat suam partem banni. Et consules non possint dare licenciam et consules teneantur inquirere et tenere accussatores et denunciatores priuatos. 281. [XI] STENCH AND WATER FOULED BY SKINS SHOULD NOT BE THROWN OUT IN A PUBLIC PLACE. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should throw any water onto the public roads or public squares which contains banned or ground materials, intestines, skins, water containing lime, leather wastes, hides, cured skins, pelts, scraped hides, or intestines. No one should cause dung to run onto the public roads or into the ditches of the public square or the open areas [of the city] in any manner. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi for each and every offence and anyone can accuse or have a portion of the fine. And, the consuls can not give a dispensation and the consuls are obliged to investigate and keep [the names of] accusers and denouncers confidential. 282. [XII] NON LICEAT PASCHARI IN LAUAZANO NEC PRO AQUA DUCENDA RUMPERE DICTAM UIAM. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat ire passcatum In via lauazani a lossenta usque ad crucem lauzani. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum. sol. V. et consules non possint dare licenciam. Et illi qui ducunt aquam per dictam viam non debeant trauerssare viam. nisi fecerint bonos pontes. super uiam. et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet vice. sol. XX. pp. ille qui duceret uel haberet in pratis. et super pontibus ducentibus aquam et consules teneantur inquirere si eis fuerit denunciatum. 282. [XII] NO ONE HAS PERMISSION TO GRAZE IN LAUAZANO NOR TO CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE AFORESAID ROAD IN ORDER TO DRAW WATER. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should graze animals on the Via Lauazani from Lossenta all the way to the cross of Lauazani. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi and the consuls can not give a dispensation. And those who draw water alongside the aforesaid road should not cross over that road unless they have built a good bridge over that road. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. for each and every offence. It is the same for he who conducts or keeps water in the meadows and concerning those bridges drawing water. And the consuls are obliged to investigate if anything has been reported to them. 283. [XIII] PROHITIENTES ET INCIDENTES REUNZATURAS IN PUBLICO PUNIANTUR. Item statutum est quod nullus ferrarius ronzet aliquam segeciam in aliqua parte. Ita quod ronzatura possit ire in via publica . nec eas ronzaturas proicere in via. et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet vice. sol. V. pp. et quilibet possit accussare palam et privatim. 283. [XIII] THOSE WHO THROW AWAY OR CUT UP METAL WASTE IN A PUBLIC PLACE SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no farrier (iron smith) should grind any metal waste anywhere so that what will be ground down will go onto the public road and he should not throw that which will be ground down onto a public road. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each and every offence. And, anyone can make accusations publicly or privately. 284. [XIIII] PENA FATIENTIUM IN PRATIS QUE TENENTUR A COMUNI ALIUD NISI PRATUM ET EXCENTIUM ULTRA FINES. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non audeat uel presumat seare nec seari facere prata que tenet a comuni. nisi tantum quantum eis assignatum et determinatum est per comune. uel nuntios dicti comunis. et quicunque seuerit ultra mensuram debitam et seari fecerit. seu seauerit in sorapresijs seu hedificauerit laboravit uel aliter quocunque modo occupauerit terram comunis uel sibi datam per soprapresiam cadat ab omni iure quod habet et habere posset in dictis pratis que tenet a comuni et consules non paciantur poni in credencia quod ei fiat aliqua gratia et gratia seu reformatio facta contra presens statutum nullam omnino habeat firmitatem. et ultra hoc non audeat uel presumat seare prata que tenet a comuni. nisi prius soluerit salarium clauario comunis in pena et banno. sol. V. pp. 284. [XIIII] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO DISPOSE OF [WASTE MATERIALS] IN MEADOWS WHICH ARE HELD BY THE COMMUNE, UNLESS IT IS IN ANOTHER MEADOW [DESIGNATED BY THE COMMUNE] AND THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO GO BEYOND THE LIMITS. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should dare or presume to sow or cause any meadows which are held by the commune to be sown, unless it is only to the extent that it has been directed and determined by the commune or by the nuncios of the aforesaid commune. And, anyone else who sows or causes land to be sown beyond the measure deemed necessary or who sows in fields [designated as] sorapresia or builds on, works, or occupies in anyway whatsoever the land of the commune or [land] given to it by sorapresia should yield by every law which he might have or could have in the aforesaid meadows which are held by the commune. And, the consuls are not permitted to submit to the Credentia [any legislative proposal] that would create any licence, dispensation, or reform against [the intent of] the present statute and [and such legislation] created [against the intent of the statute] should have utterly no validity. And, furthermore, he should not dare nor presume to seed meadowes which are held by the commune unless he has paid a penalty and fine in the amount of five solidi pp. to the treasurer of the Commune. 285. [XV] TENENTES A COMUNI QUANDO FICTA SOLUERE TENEANTUR. Item statutum est quod tenentes prata comunis montium et nemorum comunis bugelle ad fictum. teneantur et debeant soluisse uel satisfecisse fictum clauario comunis. qui pro temporibus fuerit. Infra medium mensis augusti et ficta pratorum insule sarui. Et omnia alia ficta per. VIII. dies ante festum sancti martini. Et qui non soluerit Infra predictos uel satisfecerit teneantur soluere et acordare clauario quartum plus ascenderit dictum fictum. de quo quarto nullam possit habere gratiam. Et quod clauarius de dicto quarto teneatur comuni integram reddere rationem siue exigerit siue non. 285. [XV] WHEN THOSE WHO HOLD [HONORS] FROM THE COMMUNE ARE OBLIGED TO PAY TAXES. In the same way, it has been decreed that those, who hold meadows of the commune of the woods and the mountains of the commune of Biella as a feudal holding (ad fictum), are obliged to and should pay and render satisfaction for the feudal dues to the communal treasurer, who is currently in office by the middle of the month of August. And, the feudal dues of the Island of Sarium and all feudal dues (are to be paid) through the eight days before the Feast of St. Martin. And, he, who does not pay or render satisfaction within the aforesaid times is obliged to pay and render to the treasurer of the commune an additional one fourth of the which the aforesaid feudal dues require. And, [it is understood] that the treasurer is required to render a full accounting concerning the aforesaid quarter [payment] whether or not it was exacted. XVI. RUBRICA DE BESTIJS. XVI. THE RUBRIC CONCERNING ANIMALS. 286. [I] FORENSIS PASCHARI NEQUIT IN TERRITORIO DE BUGELLA. Statutum est quod qui duxerit uel duci fecerit. bestias hominum de extra bugellam ad pascandum in communi. nec in territorio bugelle sine licencia credencia soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. XX. pp. Et consules teneantur per eorum sacramentum inquirere. et post quam sciuerunt incontinenti expellere uel expelli facere bestias omnes desuper dictum territorium et curte comunis bugelle. 286. [I] A FOREIGNER CAN NOT GRAZE [HIS ANIMALS] IN THE TERRITORY OF BIELLA. It has been decreed that anyone, who leads or causes the animals belonging to men from outside of Biella to pasture in the Commune or territory of Biella without the licence from the Credencia, should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. for each and every offence. And the consuls are obliged on their sworn oath to investigate and, as soon as they are aware, to expel immediately or to cause all of the animals to be expelled from the aforesaid territory and holding of the Commune of Biella. 287. [II] DAMPNA PROPRIA POSSIT QUILIBET ACCUSARE. Item statutum est quod quilibet accussare omnes bestias et omnia dampna ei vel eis facta. et soluant bannum sicut statutum est. 287. [II] ANYONE CAN ACCUSE REGARDING LOSSES TO HIS OWN [PROPERTY]. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone can report all of the animals and all of the losses which he or she has incurred, and, they, who have violated [this bann], should pay the fine as it has been decreed. 288. [III] PENA CAPRAS TENENTIBUS ORDINATA. Item statutum est quod nullus teneant capram uel capras in territorio bugelle. nisi a sancta maria superius. et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. quinque. pro qualibet vice quam fuerit accussatus uel requisitus pro qualibet capra. alijs statutis de bestijs pascantibus seu dampnum dantibus in fortilicijs seu circa fortilicias plani et placij. et circa clausuras in suo statu permanentibus. Et consules non possint dare licenciam. nisi essent omnes quatuor simul qui darent licenciam alicui tenendi vnam solam capram propter necessitatem alicuius pueri parui et infirmi in domo sua extra omnia dampna comunis capras ad occidendum statim et quas non possint tenere nec ducere In aliquibus cessis uel claussuris nec in aliquibus partibus cultis hedificatis uel plantatis que possint vastari. Et qui contrafecerit. Soluat bannum sicut alij homines et quod consules non possint dare licentiam nisi volens tenere quod habent vnam de predictis causis. 288. [III] THE PENALTY ORDAINED FOR THOSE WHO KEEP GOATS. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should keep a goat or goats in the territory of Biella unless iut is from above St. Maria and he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi for each and every offence for which he has been accused and summoned and for each goat. The other statutes concerning pasturing animals or causing losses in or about the fortified areas of the open country, the public square, and the enclosed areas remain in effect. And, the consuls can not give permission unless all four at the same time grant permission to someone to keep a single goat because of the need of a small or sick boy in his own home without (causing) any losses for the Commune or men of Biella and unless it might be a butcher who is keeping any goats for immediate slaughter and which they can not keep or lead onto any other properties or enclosures or any other cultivated areas, buildings, sown fields which can be damaged. And, he, who violates [this bann] should pay the fine as other men [do] and [it is understood] that the consuls can not grant permission to anyone unless those wishing to keep goats swear that they will keep only one for the aforesaid reasons. 289. [IIII] PENA PRO BESTIJS IN UIJS CAMPANIE PASCHANTIBUS ORDINATA. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat ducere aliquam bestiam ad pascandum a sancto eussebio. et a volta ripe inferius. et qui contrafecerit soluat. bannum. sol. II. pro qualibet bestia. a Kalendis maij. usque ad sanctum michaellem nisi fuerit bestia que laboret. Et consules non possint dare licenciam. 289. [IIII] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO GRAZE THEIR ANIMALS ON THE ROAD TO THE CAMPANIA. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should lead any animal to pasture from St, Eusebius and from below the right bank of the river. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of two solidi for each animal from the Kalends of May to the Feast of St. Michael, unless they are animals which perform work. And the consuls can not grant a dispensation. 290. [V] DOMINI BESTIARUM IN FOSSATIS PASCHANTIUM PUNIANTUR. Item statutum est quod si aliqua bestia fuerit inventa pascare in fossatis de plano. soluat bannum. sol. II. et consules non possint dare licenciam. 290. [V] THE HERDSMEN OF ANIMALS FEEDING IN THE DITCHES SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if any animal should have been found grazing on the ditches of the plain, [its owner] should pay a fine of two solidi and the consuls can not grant a dispensation. 291. [VI] PASCHANTES DE NOCTE QUID SOLUERE TENEANTUR. Item statutum est quod qui fuerit Inventus extra bugellam de nocte ad pascandum cum aliquibus bestijs uel staret extra post canpanam custodum In pascuis soluat bannum. sol. XX. pro qualibet vice. nisi essent boues Iuntores cum carro. 291. [VI] WHAT THOSE WHO GRAZE THEIR ANIMALS DURING THE NIGHT ARE OBLIGED TO PAY. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who has been found outside of Biella grazing any of his animals or remaining outside [of Biella] in the pastures after the guard bell [has sounded], should pay a fine of twenty solidi for each offence unless they are oxen yoked to a wagon. XVII. RUBRICA DE DAMPNIS ET GUASTIS. XVII. THE RUBRIC CONCERNING LOSSES AND DAMAGES. 292. [I] QUE QUOMODO ET QUANDO PRO DAPNIS ET GUASTIS SIT RESTITUITIO FATIENDA. Statutum est quod si combureretur aliqua domus uel cassina seu tectum uel blava uel fenum uel palea uel si Incideretur aliqua uinea uel Incissa seu ruscata fuerit aliqua arbor uel blaua uel caneua uel si occidetur uel mangagnabitur aliqua bestia uel si deuastabitur vinum. Incaneuatum. uel si factum fuerit aliquod dampnum uel guastum clam uel occulte seu furtiue alicui homini uel mulieri de bugella uel habitanti in bugella soluenti et substinenti fodra et dacia et omnia honera cum comuni et hominibus bugelle. et ipse uel ipsi uel quibus dampnum factum fuerit Iuruerit ad sancta dei euangelia quod nesciuit quis sibi hoc dampnum fecerit. Et si aliquo tempore habuerit aliquam restitucionem de ipso dampno quod eam rendent et restituent comuni bugelle quod ipsum dapnum estimetur per estimatores comunis bugelle. uel alios bonos homines ad hoc deputatos qui sciant illud dampnum. Et restituatur totum illud dampnum illi uel illis cui uel quibus factum fuerit. a comuni bugelle. Infra tempus ipsius consulatus nisi fieret tempore guerre pro rebelles comunis videlicet si nesiretur quis hoc fecisset. et si sciretur qui hoc fecisset debeat restitui per Comune de rebus ipsius qui hoc fecisset si haberet tantum vnde. et si esset de bugella et si ipse non haberet tantum uel si non esset de bugella residuum restituatur eis de communi begelle sicut supra dictum est. Eo saluo quod per hoc statutum non Intelligatur de porcis. nec de furtis. quod debeant emendari de comuni. et consules teneantur capere uel petere racionem illius qui fecisset dampnum. et dare et consignare comuni ed hoc teneantur facere infra tempus eorum consulatus per eorum Iuramentum. 292. [I] BOTH HOW AND WHEN RESTITUTION MUST BE MADE FOR LOSSES AND DAMAGES. It has been decreed that if any home, tenement, building, grain, hay, or straw should be burned, or, if any vineyard should be cut down, or, if any tree, grain, or hemp plants should be cut down or chopped up, or, if any animal should be killed or maimed, or, if any vine which has been tied should be ruined, or, if any damage or loss should be incurred openly, secretively, or furtively by any man or woman or any person living in Biella or anyone who pays, or sustains feudal dues, taxes, and all of the honors associated with the Co