% tex2asc-version: 1.0 % % T. Rice Holmes' commentary on Caesar's De Bello Gallico. % Book I. % % Contributor: Konrad Schroder % % Original publication data: % Holmes, T. Rice. _C._Iuli_Caesaris_Commentarii_/_ % _Rerum_in_Gallia_Gestarum_VII_/_A._Hirti_Commentarius_VIII._ % Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1914. % % Version: 0.00 (Alpha), 5 May 93 % % This file is in the Public Domain. % \input ks_macros.tex \greekfollows \centerline{C.~IULI CAESARIS} \centerline{DE BELLO GALLICO} \centerline{COMMENTARIUS PRIMUS} \bigskip % 1, \S 1. {\bf Gallia .~.~. divisa.} Notice the order of the words. They must not be translated by `All Gaul is divided', which is not only hideous, but wrong. The meaning is `Gaul, taken as a whole, is divided'. The plural---{\it Galliae} and {\it Galliarum}---used of the several divisions of Gaul, occurs in Cicero ({\it Fam.,} viii, 5, \S 2; 9, \S 2; \&c.); and Caesar wished to make it clear that he meant the whole of Transalpine Gaul. {\bf Celtae.} This word, in its widest sense, denotes various kindred peoples, who spoke languages from which the modern Celtic dialects are descended; who originally inhabited Central Europe; and who migrated into Gaul, Spain, Britain, Italy, and Asia Minor. The Greek equivalents of {\it Celtae} and {\it Galli} were used indifferently by Polybius. Caesar uses the word {\it Celtae} in a narrow sense; for the Belgae also were a Celtic people. Galli in Celtic meant `warriors' or `brave men'. It must be borne in mind that although all the people who dwelt between the Seine and the Garonne called themselves Celtae there were no Celtae there some centuries before Caesar's time. The Celtae were a mixed population descended partly from pre-Celtic inhabitants, partly from Celtic conquerors. \S 2. {\bf lingua.} See pp. xxiv-xxv, xxviii-xxx, xlvii. Celtic was not generally spoken in Aquitania. The Aquitanians spoke Iberian, that is to say, Spanish dialects, probably including Basque, which is still spoken in the south-western corner of France and the adjacent part of Spain. Most of the Celtae spoke a language called Gaulish or Gallo-Brythonic, which was also that of the Belgae, and was virtually identical with the language of the Brythons, or British Celts, from which Welsh descended. Perhaps, however, in Caesar's time some of the Celtae spoke another Celtic dialect, akin to that which was the ancestor of Gaelic; for at a later period inscriptions were erected in Gaul in a language which was different from Gaulish; and though it may have been a dead language (Latin inscriptions belonging to our own time are to be seen in London), it must have been once spoken in Gaul. {\bf Gallos .~.~. dividit.} These statements were accurate enough for Caesar's purpose; but they are not literally correct. The Bituriges Vivisci, a tribe which he does not mention, belonging to the Celtae, inhabited the country round Bordeaux on both banks of the Garonne, the estuary of which is called the Gironde; and the Veliocasses, a Belgic people (ii, 4, \S 9), had some territory on the left bank of the Seine ({\it C.G.,} p.~344). \S 3. {\bf provinciae.} See p.~xlii. \S 5--7. H. Meusel ({\it J.B.,} 1910, pp.~20--3) and A.~Klotz ({\it C.G.,} pp.~27--30) have independently given reasons for believing that this passage was not written by Caesar. The most noteworthy are that {\it initium capit, ab} (Sequanis), {\it ab} (extremis Galliae finibus) {\it oriuntur,} (spectant) {\it in,} (spectant) {\it inter,} and the singular, {\it septentrionem,} are unclassical or inconsistent with Caesar's style. {\bf Eorum,} the vagueness of which Meusel derides, can only mean {\it Gallorum} in the wider sense---Belgae, Aquitani, and Galli---or it must be regarded as loosely equivalent to {\it terrae quam incolunt Belgae, Aquitani, Galli,} the word {\it partium} being understood. As far as I can see, {\it eorum} and {\it eos} are used just as vaguely in vi,~11, \S 3, 13, \S 4, and vii, 75, \S 4, the genuineness of which is certain. 2, \S 1. {\bf M. Messala .~.~. consulibus,}---that is to say, in 61 {\sc B.C.}\ {\it et P.,} which is inserted in the {\sc MSS.} before {\it M. Pisone,} is certainly an interpolation. As Meusel remarks ({\it J.B.,} 1910, p.~68), no Roman in the time of the republic had two praenomina; and in such phrases Caesar invariably omitted {\it et}. \S 5. {\bf milia passuum.} See p. 403. 3, \S 1. {\bf pertinerent.} The subjunctive is used because Caesar is not giving his own opinion as to what preparations were required, but that of the Helvetii: `to make the necessary preparations' means `to make the preparations which, as they considered, were necessary'. \S 3. Meusel (J.B., 1910, pp. 54-5, 105) deletes {\it ad eas res conficiendas} on the ground that Caesar would uot have repeated so clumsily a phrase which he had used only two lines before. I am not so sure. Certainly he would not have done so if he had revised his work: but he wrote very rapidly (viii, Praef, \S 6); and painstaking writers, in revising their manuscript, have often detected similar clumsy repetitions, which they had made unconsciously. Besides, if {\it ad eas res conficiendas} is espunged, it becomes necessary to insert {\it dux,} as Meusel does, after {\it Orgetorix.} On the other hand, Meusel is perhaps right in deleting {\it sibi} ({\it J.B.,} 1910, pp.~54--5, 72); for it has no point unless Caesar meant to imply that Orgetorix had delegated certain functions to others. Klotz ({\it C.S.,} p.~6, n.~1) adopts the reading of B$^2$,---(Is) {\it ubi;} but {\it in eo itinere} appear to be the opening words of a new sentence. {\bf suscipit} is an emendation, due to Davies and accepted by Meusel. The {\it {\sc MSS.}}~have {\it suscepit;} but Caesar nowhere changes tenses of the indicative within a sentence or a series of connected sentences without an evident reason. I have therefore adopted similar emendations in a few other passages. See {\it J.B.,} 1894 pp.~342--4. \S 4. {\bf amicus} was a title which the Senate bestowed on foreign chieftains whom it wished to conciliate. See p.~xlii. {\bf ut regnum .~.~. habuerit.} Careful readers will have noticed that {\it persuadet} is followed not by {\it occupet,} but by {\it occuparet:} the reason is that {\it persuadet,} like {\it deligitur} (\S 3), is historic present, and is therefore equivalent to {\it persuasit.} Even in English some writers, notably Carlyle, in telling a story, use the present tense instead of the past when they feel that it is more vivid. Still, Caesar almost always uses the present subjunctive after the historic present of verbs of asking and the like,---{\it orare, rogare, imperare} \&c. ({\it J.B.,} 1894, pp.~354--5). After {\it occuparet} one might have expected {\it habuisset,} not {\it habuerit}--- but in relative clauses Caesar often uses the perfect subjunctive even after and before secondary tenses of the same mood. See {\it J.B.,} 1894, pp.~362--4, 381. Evidently Catamantaloedis had either been dethroned or succeeded by an oligarchical government. Such revolutions (see pp.~liv--lvii) were common in Gaul in the century that preceded the arrival of Caesar. \S 5. {\bf Diviciaci.} (See p. lix.) We shall learn more about him in chapters 16, 18--20, 31--2, 41, \&c. {\bf principatum.} It is doubtful whether in this passage {\it principatus} means `the principal [unofficial] power' or `the chief magistracy '. If it means the latter, Dumnorix was at this time (60 {\sc B.C.}) Vergobret of the Aedui (see 16, \S 5). In vi, 8, \S 9 {\it principatus} denotes `the chief magistracy' of the Treveri; but in vii, 39, \S 2, where we learn that between Eporedorix and Viridomarus there was {\it de principatu contentio,} the meaning is simply that they were rivals for power, for the chief magistrate was then Convictolitavis (vii, 33, \S 4). I am inclined to believe, however, that Dumnorix was Vergobret; for if not, we must assume that as he held the {\it principatus,} he was stronger than the Vergobret, and if so, he would probably have made himself king (cf. i, 18, \S\S 3-9, ii, 1, \S 4; and {\it C.G.,} pp.~555--6). \S 7. {\bf totius Galliae} is equivalent to {\it totius Galliae civitatum} (or {\it populorum}). \S 8. {\bf Hac .~.~. sperant.} The meaning is clear, but the expression is loose; for though {\it adducti} refers only to Casticus and Dumnorix, the subject of {\it dant} and of {\it sperant} is really, though not grammatically, Casticus, Dumnorix, and Orgetorix. 4, \S 1. {\bf per indicium,}---of an informer. \S 2 {\bf ad} (hominum) is here equivalent to {\it circiter} or {\it fere.} {\bf clientes} held an honourable position, which resembled that of the armed retainers of mediaeval barons, and a powerful land-owner, who could afford to maintain a large number of them (cf. 18, \S\S 3--6, ii, 1, \S 4), might make himself supreme in his tribe. In vii, 40, \S 7 Caesar remarks that `Gallic custom brands it as shameful for retainers to desert their lords even when all is lost'. He also uses the word {\it clientes} to denote tribes which stood in a dependent relation to some more powerful tribe. Cf. i, 31, \S 6; iv, 6, \S 4; v, 39, \S 3; vii, 75, \S 2. {\bf obaeratos.} This word is illustrated by vi, 13, \S 2, where Caesar, speaking of the lower classes of Gaul, says, `Generally, when crushed by debt or heavy taxation or ill-treated by powerful individuals, they bind themselves to serve men of rank, who exercise over them all the rights that masters have over their slaves.' ({\it plerique cum aut aere alieno aut magnitudine tributorum aut iniuria potentiorum premuntur; sese in servitutem dicant nobilibus; in hos eadem omnia sunt iura quae dominis in servos}). \S 3. {\bf Cum .~.~. conaretur.} As Mr.~W.E.P.~Pantin explains in his lucid chapter on `The Conjunction {\it Cum} ({\it Macmillan's Latin Course: 3d Part,} p. 60), `{\it Cum} with a subjunctive puts before us the circumstances in which the action represented by the principal verb takes place,' whereas {\it cum} with the indicative tells us `only how one action is related to another with regard to the time of its occurrence'. 5, \S 1. {\bf ut .~.~. exeant} explains {\it id quod constituerant.} \S 3. {\bf domum reditionis.} The construction is noticeable; but the noun, {\it reditio,} is formed from a verb of motion, and parallel instances are to be found in Cicero ({\it Brutus,} 16, \S 62, \&c.). {\bf essent.} After the historic present Caesar not infrequently uses an imperfect subjunctive in final clauses which do not depend upon verbs of asking and the like ({\it J.B.,} 1894, pp. 354--5). See the second note on 3, \S 4. {\bf mensum.} C.~Wagener ({\it N. ph. R.,} 1899, pp. 241---6) shows that the form {\it mensium} does not occur in any writer before, contemporary with, or a little later than Caesar. \S 4. The learner has probably noticed that {\it iis} is used instead of {\it se,} and he will find other instances, but to lecture Caesar for inaccuracy, as some editors do, is presumptuous. it would be wiser to observe how he used the language of which he was a master and to modify grammatical rules. Probably he shrank from writing {\it secum} after (oppidis) {\it suis.} {\bf oppugnabant} was proposed by H.~Kraffert instead of the {\sc MS.} reading {\it oppugnarant.} As Meusel remarks ({\it J.B.,} 1894 pp.~236-7), to say that the Boi {\it had} once besieged Noreia would in this context be pointless and irrelevant. 6, \S 1. {\bf Erant omnino .~.~. possent.} There were other passes, north of the Pas de l'\'Ecluse ({\it unum .~.~. Rhodanum}), leading through the Jura; but they were out of the question, either because the Helvetii shrank from encountering Ariovistus (see pp.~lix--lxii) or for some other reason which Caesar ignored ({\it C.G.,} pp. 613--14). The subjunctive---possent---is necessary because {\it quibus} is equivalent to {\it talia ut iis,} and the explanation of {\it ducerentur} is similar. \S 2. {\bf qui nuper pacati erunt.} See p. lx. \S 3. {\bf quod nondum .~.~. viderentur.} The subjunctive is used because the disaffection of the Allobroges is mentioned simply as a ground for the confidence of the Helvetii, not as a fact which Caesar guarantees. \S 4. {\bf qua die.} {\it Dies} in the singular is often feminine when it means a fixed day, and almost always when, as in 7, \S 6, it means a period of time. {\bf a.d. V. Kal.~Apr.} The Roman calendar was at this time in disorder; and the disorder became much worse before 45 {\sc B.C.}, on the first day of which the Julian calendar came into operation. Under the old calendar the year consisted of only 355 days, or, roughly, twelve lunar months, and an additional month, consisting alternately of 22 and 23 days, was intercalated every other year after the 23rd of February. This, however, was an excessive correction, the excess amounting to 4 days in every 4 years; and in 191 {\sc B.C.} the college of pontiffs was authorized to make or to omit intercalations at their discretion. This privilege they often abused, omitting an intercalary month occasionally, in order to please some governor of a province who wished to return as soon as possible to Rome. Between 58 and 45 {\sc B.C.} only two months were intercalated; and the result was that in 46 {\sc B.C.} the calendar was 90 days in advance of the real time. In order to make it right, Caesar, who was then Dictator, enacted that that year should contain 445 days. The date which he gives in this passage---{\it a.d. V. Kal. Apr}---corresponded with March 24 of the Julian calendar and with March 22 of our reformed calendar ({\it A.B.,} pp.~706--26; {\it C.Q.,} 1912, pp.~73--81). 7, \S 1. {\bf eos .~.~. conari} is added to explain {\it id nuntiatum esset.} The English phrase, `{\it It} was announced that,' \&c., is somewhat similar. We should say, `As soon as Caesar was informed that they were attempting to march,' \&c. {\bf Galliam ulteriorem} means Transalpine Gaul, including the Roman Province. {\bf ad Genavam.} Remember that if {\it ad} were omitted, the meaning would be different. \S 2. {\bf legio una.} This was one of the four legions---the 7th, 8th 9th, and 10th (see p. lxiii and 10, \S 3)---which Caesar had under his command when he started for Gaul. In the time of Marius the legion, on a war footing, was supposed to number 6,000 men (Appian, Mithr., 87, 108); and the legions of Sulla (Plutarch, Sulla, 9; Marius, 35) and of Lucullus (Appian, Mithr., 72) were of the same strength. The organization of the army in the time of Caesar remained the same; and we may infer from one of Cicero's letters ({\it Att.,} ix, 6, \S 3) and from Caesar's narrative of the civil war ({\it B.C.,} iii, 4, \S 3) that what we may call the ideal strength of the legion was also unchanged. But it would be a great mistake to suppose that when Caesar had, for example, eight legions under his command, they amounted to 48,000 men; for his losses were of course considerable. He tells us (v, 49, \S 7) that in the fifth year of the Gallic war two legions, including perhaps the 400 cavalry (46, \S 4) that accompanied them, numbered barely 7,000. From time to time, however, his losses were repaired, wholly or in part, by fresh drafts (vii, 7, \S 5; 57, \S 1). See {\it C.G.,} pp.~559--63. \S 3. {\bf diceient.} See the second note on 3, \S 4. In final relative clauses Caesar uses the present subjunctive after an historic present much oftener than the imperfect. Here the imperfect may be due to the influence of {\it obtinebant} ({\it J.B.,} 1894, pp.~356--361). If the reader does not quite understand what I mean, an English example will make it clear. In a book written by a distinguished scholar this sentence occurs: `It would have been easy enough for Virgil to have taken up at once the heroic vein in the man' [Aeneas]. `To have taken up' ought logically to be `to take up'; but the perfect was loosely used under the influence of `it would have been'. \S 4. {\bf L. Cassium.} This officer was defeated in 107 {\sc B.C.} by the Tigurini (see 12, \S\S 4--7), one of the four Helvetian tribes. According to the {\it Epitome} of Livy (ch.~65, with which cf.~Orosius, v, 15, ~\S 23--4), the defeat took place in the country of thc Nitiobroges, which corresponded with the de