From: (Carl Jones) Newsgroups: Subject: LAWS OF THE GAME Summary: FIFA Laws of the Game Keywords: FIFA LAW Message-ID: <> Date: 26 Feb 93 20:22:19 GMT Organization: Cross Access Corp., Santa Clara, CA Lines: 1474 My thanks to a number of people who helped. I have received information about how to have this posted "regularly" so that it will always be available, but have not "learned" it yet. I will do so. In the meantime I would appreciate any comments others may have. As soon as the 1993 version is available I will see to updating it. Send any mail with comments or suggestions to: carl jones ============================================================== PLEASE NOTE, WE HAVE PERMISSION FROM FIFA TO HAVE THIS ON LINE PROVIDED IT IS NOT USED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. INDIVIDUALS CAN REFER TO IT ON LINE, OR PRINT A COPY FOR THEIR PRIVATE USE, BUT IN THE SPIRIT IN WHICH IT WAS PROVIDED TO US, DON'T GO OUT AND MASS RE-PRODUCE IT! ============================================================== Abbreviations & other minor changes used in this rendering of the Laws: PK=penalty-kick GK=goal-kick IFK=indirect free-kick DFK=direct free=kick "Law 3" (etc.) instead of "Law III" "" in places instead of retyping the whole litany Americanized spellings (so my spell checker can work) (e.g.: colour, offence, metres) ================================================================= Federation Internationale de Football Association Laws of the Game Universal Guide for Guide for Referees July 1991 (and updated with the 1992 Memorandum) Authorized by the International Football Association Board --- Law 1 : The Field of Play --- (1) Dimensions. The field of play shall be rectangular, its length being not more than 130 yards nor less than 100 yards and its breadth not more than 100 yards nor less than 50 yards. (In international matches the length shall be not more than 120 yards nor less than 110 yards and the breadth not more than 80 yards nor less than 70 yards.) The length shall in all cases exceed the breadth. (2) Marking. The field of play shall be marked with distinctive lines, not more than 5 inches in width (not by a V-shaped rut) in accordance with the plan, the longer boundary lines being called the touch-lines and the shorter the goal-lines. A flag on a post not less than 5 ft. high and having a non-pointed top, shall be placed at each corner; a similar flag-post may be placed opposite the half-way line on each side of the field of play, not less than 1 yard outside the touchline. A halfway-line shall be marked out across the field of play. The center of the field of play shall be indicated by a suitable mark and a circle with a 10 yards radius shall be marked round it. (3) The Goal-Area. At each end of the field of play two lines shall be drawn at right-angles to the goal-line, 6 yards from each goal-post. These shall extend into the field of play for a distance of 6 yards and shall be joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal-line. Each of the spaces enclosed by these lines and the goal-line shall be called a goal-area. (4) The Penalty-Area. At each end of the field of play two lines shall be drawn at right-angles to the goal-line, 18 yards from each goal-post. These shall extend into the field of play for a distance of 18 yards and shall be joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal-line. Each of the spaces enclosed by these lines and the goal-line shall be called a penalty-area. A suitable mark shall be made within each penalty-area, 12 yards from the mid-point of the goal-line, measured along an un-drawn line at right-angles thereto. These shall be the PK marks. From each PK mark an arc of a circle, having a radius of 10 yards, shall be drawn outside the penalty-area. (5) The Corner-Area. From each corner-flag post a quarter circle, having a radius of 1 yard, shall be drawn inside the field of play. (6) The Goals. The goals shall be placed on the center of each goal-line and shall consist of two upright posts, equidistant from the corner-flags and 8 yards apart (inside measurement), joined by a horizontal cross-bar the lower edge of which shall be 8 ft. from the ground. The width and depth of the cross-bars shall not exceed 5 inches (12 cm). The goal-posts and the cross- bars shall have the same width. Nets may be attached to the posts, cross-bars and ground behind the goals. They should be appropriately supported and be so placed as to allow the goalkeeper ample room. (Footnote) Goal nets. The use of nets made of hemp, jute or nylon is permitted. The nylon strings may, however, not be thinner than those made of hemp or jute. (Decisions of the International F.A. Board) (1) In international matches the dimensions of the field of play shall be: maximum 110 x 75 meters; minimum 100 x 64 meters. (2) National Associations must adhere strictly to these dimensions. Each National Association organizing an international match must advise the visiting Association, before the match, of the place and the dimensions of the field of play. (3) The Board has approved this table of measurements for the Laws of the Game: 130 yards 120 Meters 120 yards 110 110 yards 100 100 yards 90 80 yards 75 70 yards 64 50 yards 45 18 yards 16.50 10 yards 11 12 yards 9.15 8 yards 7.32 6 yards 5.50 1 yard 1 8 feet 2.44 5 feet 1.50 28 inches 0.71 27 inches 0.68 9 inches 0.22 5 inches 0.12 3/4 inches 0.019 1/2 inches 0.0127 3/8 inches 0.010 14 ounces 396 grams 16 ounces 453 grams 8.5 lb./ 600 gr/cm**2 15.6 lb./ 1100 gr/cm**2 (4) The goal-line shall be marked the same width as the depth of the goal-posts and the cross-bar, so that the goal-line and goal- posts will conform to the same interior and exterior edges. (5) The 6 yards (for the outline of the goal-area) and the 18 yards (for the outline of the penalty-area) which have to be measured along the goal-line, must start from the inner sides of the goal-posts. (6) The space within the inside areas of the field of play includes the width of the lines marking these areas. (7) All Associations shall provide standard equipment, particularly in international matches, when the Laws of the Game must be complied with in every respect and especially with regard to the size of the ball and other equipment which must conform to the regulations. All cases of failure to provide standard equipment must be reported to FIFA. (8) In a match played under the rules of a competition if the cross-bar becomes displaced or broken, play shall be stopped and the match abandoned unless the cross-bar has been repaired and replaced in position or a new one provided without such being a danger to the players. A rope is not considered to be a satisfactory substitute for a cross-bar. (9) National Associations may specify such maximum and minimum dimensions for the cross-bars and goal-posts, within the limits laid down in Law 1, as they consider appropriate. (10) Goal-posts and cross-bars must be made of wood, metal or other approved material as decided from time to time by the International F.A. Board. They may be square, rectangular, round, half-round or elliptical in shape. (11) 'Curtain-raisers' to international matches should only be played following agreement on the day of the match, and taking into account the condition of the field of play, between representatives of the two Associations and the referee (of the international match). (12) National Associations, particularly in international matches, should - restrict the number of photographers around the field of play. - have a line (photographers' line) marked behind the goal-lines at least two meters from the corner flag going through a point situated at least 3.5 meters behind the intersection of the goal- line with the line marking the goal-area to a point situated at least six meters behind the goal-posts. - prohibit photographers from passing over these lines, - forbid the use of artificial lighting in the form of "flashlights". --- Law 2 : The Ball --- The ball shall be spherical; the outer casing shall be of leather or other approved materials. No material shall be used in its construction which might prove dangerous to the players. The circumference of the ball shall not be more than 28 inches and not less than 27 inches. The weight of the ball at the start of the game shall not be more than 16 ounces nor less than 14 ounces. The pressure shall be equal to 0.6 - 1.1 atmosphere (==600 - 1,100 gr/cm(sq)) at sea level. The ball shall not be changed during the game unless authorized by the referee. (Decisions of the International F.A. Board) (1) The ball used in any match shall be considered the property of the Association or Club on whose ground the match is played, and at the close of play it must be returned to the referee. (2) The International Board, from time to time, shall decide what constitutes approved materials. Any approved material shall be certified as such by the International Board. (3) The Board has approved these equivalents of the weights specified in the Law: 14 to 16 ounces == 396 to 453 grams. (4) If the ball bursts or becomes deflated during the course of a match, the game shall be stopped and restarted by dropping the new ball at the place where the first ball became defective, unless it was within the goal-area at that time, in which case it shall be dropped on that part of the goal-area line which runs parallel to the goal-line, at the point nearest to where the ball was when play was stopped. (5) If this happens during a stoppage of the game (place-kick, goal-kick, corner-kick, free-kick, PK or throw-in), the game shall be restarted accordingly. --- Law 3 : Number of Players --- (1) A match shall be played by two teams, each consisting of not more than eleven players, one of whom shall be the goalkeeper. (2) Substitutes may be used in any match played under the rules of an official competition under the jurisdiction of FIFA, confederations or National Associations, subject to the following conditions: (a) that the authority of the international association(s) or National Association(s) concerned has been obtained. (b) that, subject to the restriction contained in the following paragraph (c), the rules of a competition shall state how many, if any, substitutes may be nominated and how many of those nominated may be used (c) that a team shall not be permitted to use more than two substitutes in any match who must be chosen from not more than five players whose names may (subject to the rules of the competition) be required to be given to the referee prior to the commencement of the match. (3) Substitutes may be used in any other match, provided that the two teams concerned reach agreement on a maximum number, not exceeding five, and that the terms of such agreement are intimated to the referee, before the match. If the referee is not informed, or if the teams fail to reach agreement, no more than two substitutes shall be permitted. In all cases the substitutes must be chosen from not more than five players whose names may be required to be given to the referee prior to the commencement of the match. (4) Any of the other players may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that thee referee is informed before the change is made, and provided also that the change is made during a stoppage of the game. (5) When a goalkeeper or any other player is to be replaced by a substitute, the following conditions shall be observed: (a) The referee shall be informed of the proposed substitution, before it is made. (b) The substitute shall not enter the field of play until the player he is replacing has left, and then only after having received a signal from the referee. (c) He shall enter the field during a stoppage in the game, and at the half-way line. (d) A player who has been replaced shall not take any further part in the game. (e) A substitute shall be subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the referee whether called upon to play or not. (f) The substitution is completed when the substitute enters the field of play, from which moment he becomes a player and the player whom he is replacing ceases to be a player. Punishment: (a) Play shall not be stopped for an infringement of paragraph 4. The players concerned shall be cautioned immediately the ball goes out of play. (b) If a substitute enters the field of play without the authority of the referee, play shall be stopped. The substitute shall be cautioned and removed from the field or sent off according to the circumstances. The game shall be restarted by . (c) For any other infringement of this Law, the player concerned shall be cautioned, and if the game is stopped by the referee to administer the caution, it shall be restarted by an IFK, to be taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the ball was when play was stopped, subject to the overriding conditions imposed in Law 13. (d) If a competition's rules require the names of substitutes to be given to the referee prior to the commencement of the match, then failure to do so will mean that no substitutes can be permitted. (Decisions of the International F.A. Board) (1) The minimum number of players in a team is left to the discretion of the National Associations. (2) The Board is of the opinion that a match should not be considered valid if there are fewer than seven players in either of the teams. (3) A player who has been ordered off before play begins may only be replaced by one of the named substitutes. The kick-off must not be delayed to allow the substitute to join the team. A player who has been ordered off after play has started may not be replaced. A named substitute who has been ordered off, either before or after play has started, may not be replaced. (This decision only relates to the players who are ordered off under Law 12. It does not apply to players who have infringed Law 4.) --- Law 4 : Players' Equipment --- (1) (a) The basic compulsory equipment of a player shall consist of a jersey or shirt, shorts, stockings, shinguards and footwear. (b) A player shall not wear anything which is dangerous to another player. (2) Shinguards, which must be covered entirely by the stockings, shall be made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic, polyurethane or similar subst