Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion From: Subject: Ultra Cavitation Message-ID: <> Organization: (Speaking only for myself) Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1993 04:34:11 GMT --------- Copyrighted document begins with (and includes) this line ---------- ULTRA CAVITATION -- An Outline of Theoretical and Experimental Issues -- December 31, 1992 Version 1.0 Terry B. Bollinger 2416 Branch Oaks Lane Flower Mound, Texas 75028 Copyright 1993 by Terry B. Bollinger. Unlimited rights to duplicate in any form, provided only that the document and its copyright notice are copied in their entirety. Properly attributed short quotes are also fine. -- DOCUMENT UPDATE HISTORY -- AUTHOR DATE ACTION ---------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------- Terry B. Bollinger 1992-12-20 Initial outline completed Terry B. Bollinger 1993-01-02 Version 1.0 completed and released 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to further explore a number of issues related to how cavitation in a fluid may be capable of generating extraordinarily high pressures and temperatures that are well beyond the range normally assumed possible with cavitation. I refer to this idea of an extended range of cavitation phenomena as "ultra cavitation." Ultra cavitation is proposed to be quantitatively different from ordinary cavitation through its use of a "wedge-out" mechanism to accelerate a fraction of the imploding molecules to much higher velocities that are possible in ordinary cavitation. For this acceleration effect to apply, the interior of the ultra cavitation void must contain an extremely hard vacuum, and the surface of the void must maintain a very high degree of spherical symmetry throughout the collapse process. This exploration is an extension of the ideas the author first proposed in Network references [1] and [2]. The issue of cavitation and whether or not it could induce exceptionally energetic events was first brought to my attention by Cameron Randale Bass (crb7q@kelvin.seas.Virginia.EDU) in a private email, and my interest was further increased by some intriguing recent data on cavitation results that were provided by Steven E. Jones in Network references [3] and [4] The style of this document is to provide a broad framework and exploration of theoretical and experimental issues, rather than a rigorous mathematical analysis of the relative importance of many of the effects described. The style of exploration is perhaps more characteristic more of computer science than physics, since it emphasizes identification of key abstractions ("what really makes cavitation work?") followed by exploration of a broad range of potential theoretical and experimental "free parameters." The next step is "implementation," or expansion of the concepts and relationships described here into specific mathematical formula and numerical analysis methods. It is my hope that by publishing the outline as quickly as possible, others on the Net will be able to contribute to directly to the quantification of the framework I am proposing below. Also, I think it would be worth looking at the possibility of synthesizing contributions into a multi-author paper for submission to a conventional physics journal, so that slow-mail readers will have easier access to such Network results. My overall conclusion is that cavitation is an extraordinarily complex and rich phenomenon. Based on early reports of cavitation energies corresponding to 100,000 degrees with comparatively simple setups [3], I would judge it to be highly probably that significant, detectable increases in the rates of T-T and possibly D-T reactions should be possible using advanced cavitation methods. Details of such reactions will require further experimental and (especially) numeric simulation work to be validated and studied in detail. 2. FUNDAMENTALS OF VOID FORMATION Cavitation consists of two major steps: void formation, and void collapse or implosion. This section looks at void formation. 2.1 VOIDS IN GASES AND LIQUIDS The initial step in cavitation is the formation of a vacuum bubble (void) within a gas or liquid. Both gas and liquid voids are inherently unstable. Gas voids will quickly be filled through simple diffusion, while liquid voids will close because of surface tension in the void surface and (if present) internal fluid pressure. Of the two types, liquid voids are significantly more interesting due to the special properties of well-defined void surfaces. Sharply delineated void surfaces that exhibit surface tension drastically alter the dynamics of void collapse, generally by making them far more intense than gas void closures. Apart from this key difference, the dynamics of gas voids should be largely a subset of the dynamics liquid voids. Thus in this paper gas voids will be discussed only as they relate to the behavior of liquid voids. 2.2 INTRA-LIQUID BONDS All liquids possess cohesive intra-liquid forces that hold the fluid together even in the presence of a vacuum. At the molecular level these cohesive forces translate into inter-molecular and inter-atomic bonds that range over many orders of magnitude in strength, from the exceedingly weak Van der Waals forces that provide liquid helium with cohesion to the very strong ionic, metallic, and covalent bonds that are characteristic of most high-temperature fluids. Hydrogen bonding, which allows the very light constituents of water to exist in liquid form at room temperature, is an example of a intra-fluid bonding mechanism of intermediate strength. Intra-liquid bonds also vary greatly in relative mobility, or the ease with which molecules or atoms can "slip around" each other to form new bonds. Van der Waals bonds and hydrogen bonds in water are examples of highly mobile intra-fluid bonds, while the largely covalent bonds of high-temperature liquids such as molten silica are both highly directional and difficult to rearrange rapidly. 2.3 EXPLOSIVE VOID FORMATION To form a void in liquid, it will be necessary to both to break and to rapidly rearrange intra-fluid bonds to form a nanovoid, and to then expand the nanovoid by rapidly accelerating its walls outward from the point of origin. There are two primary mechanisms for driving this outward expansion: explosive void formation, and decompressive void formation. (A third possibility of very rapid removal of an object from a fluid is similar enough to decompressive void formation that it will not be treated separately here.) In explosive void formation, a void is created in a liquid (or gas) by a tiny but intense explosion within the liquid. Such an explosion drives away the liquid with very high momentum gases (possibly the vaporized liquid itself), thus leaving a region of relative vacuum. Explosive void formation is limited in several ways. Firstly, the energy needed to enlarge the void increases rapidly with increasing void size, since the explosion must "push" increasingly large volumes of fluid outward as the radius of the void expands. Secondly, the vacuum formed my such a explosive methods will necessarily be imperfect for two reasons: the early stages of the micro-explosion are likely to vaporize much of the fluid around it, and most micro-explosive mechanisms are likely to leave behind a residue of gases or other products. Ironically, the most practical approach to creating the necessary minuscule explosions for explosive void formation is through implosion of decompression voids. That is, the rebound effect of void collapse can be energetic enough and sufficiently point-like to lead to secondary (explosive) void formation. Such secondary voids will in general be smaller than the voids that produced them, but if the original implosion is exothermic (e.g., if it resulted in the recombination of dissolved hydrogen and oxygen in the fluid), secondary voids could in some cases be as large as or larger than the original voids. This paper will in general assume that voids are created via decompression, not explosion. Explosive void formation will be discussed only as it is relevant to the aftermath of decompressive void implosions. 2.4 DECOMPRESSIVE VOID FORMATION In decompressive void formation, a void is formed literally by "stretching" the liquid (that is, forcing it to increase in total volume) until nanovoids present in the fluid undergo exponential expansion and become macroscopic. In contrast to explosive void formation, decompressive void formation tends to produce clean voids that can be expanded to arbitrarily large size, without requiring the addition of large quantities of a foreign explosive materials into the void region. Also, since the events surrounding the rupture and subsequent rearrangement of intra-fluid bonds are relatively low energy at the rupture point, less of the fluid is likely to be vaporized during the early stages of void formation. In fact, if the fluid possesses sufficiently strong intra-fluid bonding, it should be possible to arrange decompressive void formation so that extremely few (possibly zero) molecules of liquid will enter into the void. Voids of quite large size can be formed by decompression, since a sufficiently rapid and symmetrical decompression cycle will allow them to grow in size until the surrounding fluid either breaks up or physically can no longer contain them. However, once the dynamic forces of decompression are removed, the resulting voids will necessarily become unstable due the effects of surface tension at the void surface, even in the absence of internal fluid pressure. (The effects of surface tension are discussed further in the Section 3.XX discussion of symmetry enhancement, and in the Section 3.XX discussion of the early stages of void implosion.) 2.4.1 Impulse Decompression (and Void Formation in Nature) Mechanically, decompressive voids can be created by something as simple as an abrupt pull on a piston in a cylinder that contains a low-gas liquid. Note that the liquid must "wet" or bond tightly to the piston and cylinder surface if the void is to form in the interior of the fluid; weak bonding to the surrounding surfaces will simply result in voiding formation at the junction between the cylinder/piston and the fluid. This concept of impulse decompression is sufficiently simple that it is quite likely to occur naturally. For example, one possible scenario for natural formation of impulse decompression voids would be the sudden "snapping" of a fluid-filled crack in a rock. Because a sufficiently sudden break in the rock would not allow enough time for fluid to fill the crack, void formation would be a likely consequence. 2.4.2 "Flow Shadow" Decompression Another mechanism that can be used to generate decompressive voids is the very rapid flow of a fluid around a "shadow object." If the flow is rapid enough, and the if the trailing side of the object cuts off abruptly enough to make laminar or even ordinary turbulent flow impossible, the result will be the formation of a large "void shadow" that continually breaks up and enters into the fluid flow voids of various sizes. Using very-high-velocity water, this technique has been studied as a method for drilling into solid rock using the impact of the imploding voids [5]. Flow shadowing could perhaps exist in nature, but is less likely due the need for very high fluid velocities in an environment free of gases. Nonetheless, the existence of high-velocity "black smoker" vents at some mid oceanic ridges provides a simple example of how surprisingly rapid velocities can develop within natural fluids. (To be of interest from a cavitation perspective, such rapid flows would of course also need to meet the additional requirement of having low dissolved contents, which is in general not the case for such "black smokers" with their high hydrogen sulphide content.) 2.4.3 Sonic Decompression For general applications, the most common decompression void formation technique is to use intense sound waves, generally (but not necessarily) in the ultrasonic range. Since sound waves are composed of traveling regions of high and low pressure, sufficiently powerful sound waves provide a good technique for rapidly and cyclically producing regions of sufficiently high stress to cause fluid rupture around a transient defect or a point defect. Sound has the additional advantage of providing compression cycles shortly after the formation of a void. Transient sonic cavitation in nature is clearly possible in any circumstances where sharp, intense sounds are generated in fluids by natural phenomena. Two major types of sonic decompression should be distinguished: 1) Traveling-wave decompression, and 2) Standing-wave decompression Traveling waves are conventional sound waves in which the decompression region moves at the speed of sound. Although the can cause cavitation, they are of secondary interest here because voids formed by this method will tend to be "pulled along" by the traveling wave. This "pulling" effect will tend both to distort the shape of the void axially and cause the void to collapse over an extended period of time, rather than as a single brief collapse event. Standing wave decompression, which is usually achieve by reflecting the initial traveling wave back on itself, is far more interesting from the perspective of creating high-quality, high-symmetry voids. In standing-wave decompression the regions of decompression stay "in place", and furthermore can be shaped to relatively high levels of symmetry by the use of complex combinations of reflection and wave interference. Finally, standing-wave decompression permits the formation of "lattices" of similar decompression regions that can be used to create large numbers of highly similar voids. 3. THE CAVITATION PROCESS In this section the cavitation process is analyzed with the objective of identifying parameters that are likely to influence peak implosion pressures and temperatures. Cavitation is described in terms of the following phases: 1) Void Initiation (Section 3.1) 2) Accelerated Expansion (Section 3.2) 3) Inertial Overshoot (Section 3.3) 4) Restructuring of Void Surface (Section 3.4) 5) Implosion Initiation (Section 3.5) 6) Early Implosion (Section 3.6) 7) Mid Implosion (Section 3.7) 8) Late Implosion (Section 3.8) 9) Implosion Termination (Section 3.9) 10) Region of Maximum Energy (Section 3.10) 11) Post-Implosion Rebound (Section 3.11) 3.1 VOID INITIATION The earliest identifiable stage in void formation is to create a macroscopic region in a liquid for which the average intra-liquid bond length is somewhat larger than normal. This elastic stretching of molecule-to-molecule bonds in the region then provides the necessary potential energy for the formation of a void. If the stretched bonds of the liquid region are viewed as an elastic "fabric", then void formation is simply the release of their potential energy through the rapid growth of a "hole" somewhere in the fabric. Just as pricking a balloon with a pin results in a (catastrophically) rapid expansion of the hole to release energy in the stretched fabric of the balloon, a "pin prick" in a (considerably less) stretched liquid will result in the rapid formation of a void that permits intra-liquid bonding lengths to return to normal. (It should be noted that in the case of an extremely pure liquid, it may be possible for such a stretched state to remain stable for long lengths of time. This "superstretched" liquid state would be a close analog of a liquid superheated and supercooled states. I do not know if this concept has ever been explored experimentally.) Borrowing the analogy of the balloon, what exactly would be the nature of the "pin prick" (nanovoid) that would lead to rapid release of the potential energy of intra-liquid bond stretching? There are two possible answers: 1) Statistical Nanovoids. Fluctuations at the molecular level should be capable of forming "nanovoids," or extremely tiny (Angstrom range), very short lived voids. If the stress on the fabric of the liquid is very severe, amplification of these statistical nanovoids may be possible. 2) Void Seeds. As implied by the name, void seeds are small to extremely small imperfections in the "fabric" of the stretched liquid. They could be foreign bodies ranging in size from dust particles to single molecules, or the could be energy events such the passage of ionizing radiation. A void seed forms a nanovoid when bonding of the fluid to the void seed fails and a vacuum region forms around the seed. Except for extremely pure liquids preserved under careful conditions, the most likely source of nanovoids will be void seeds, since the initial energy required to expand around a statistical nanovoid will be so high that it will tend to be self-equalizing -- that is, the pull of adjacent fluid molecules on the surface of a statistical nanovoid will be near the limit of what the fluid can handle, so that rather than expanding the nanovoid might simply shift to or be recreated in a new position. This means that the level of strain on the intra-fluid bonds will be so high that amplification of a statistical nanovoid will be more likely to cause a general explosion of the liquid than it is to cause void formation. Void seeding, however inadvertent, therefore will be assumed to be the normal mechanism by which decompressive void formation is initiated. 3.2 ACCELERATED EXPANSION 3.2.1 Conversion of Bond Potential Energy into Void Potential Energy The next phase of void formation is expansion, in which the potential energy of the stretched intra-liquid bonds is rapidly converted into a general acceleration away from the initial nanovoid. This acceleration will be the most rapid at the surface of he nanovoid, and will fall off linearly away from the surface until at some point it reaches zero. The closed surface defined by all of these zero acceleration points will be called the Zero Acceleration Surface (ZAS), and the volume of liquid enclosed by it will be referred to as the ZAS cell for the void. The ZAS cell contains the total volume of liquid that will contribute its potential (tension) bond energy to the formation of the void. Thus if the size of the ZAS cell and the potential energy profile of the liquid within it are both known, this information can be used to calculate the maximum total energy available for forming the void. There will be some loss of the bond potential energy due to heating, but in general a high percentage of the total bond energy in the ZAS cell should be converted into a new form of void potential energy that will be released when the void collapses. In a generally decompressed fluid in which multiple voids are formed at the same time, a ZAS "cell structure" of zero acceleration surfaces will be formed in the fluid, with a void at the center of each ZAS cell. In the case of sonic decompression the region that contributes to a single void will be defined by the form of decompression regions of the standing waves, with ZAS cells separated by distinct regions of sonic compression. Although in this paper the ZAS cell will generally be discussed as if it were a stable, unchanging volume in the fluid, a more realistic model must take into account the fact that the ZAS cell may shrink or expand if the ambient pressure changes during void expansion or collapse. 3.2.2 Release of Dissolved Gases Into Decompressive Voids An important side effect of void expansion is the release of dissolved gases into the growing void. This is in part due simply to the natural tendency of a liquid to de-gas into any hard vacuum with which it comes into contact, but it is also due to the dynamic, non-equilibrium nature of the void surface during expansion. Because the void surface is rapidly "stretched" as it expands, normal lateral surface bonding at the surface of the liquid will be severely stressed. This in turn means that the normally higher density of the fluid surface may be largely or entirely lost, especially during the early stages of decompression, and that this resulting "porous" surface will not be able to inhibit the passage of dissolved gases as efficiently as a normal fluid surface. (This argument does not apply to explosively formed voids, since during expansion their void surfaces will be compressed rather than expanded.) Also, the rapid expansion of the void during decompression will in effect "sweep" a large volume of liquid into close proximity with the void surface. This again will encourage release of dissolved gases into the void, especially in combination with the increased porosity of the surface during expansion. The idea that decompression voids should act as effective gas "sweepers" is demonstrated by the use of ultrasonic cavitation to degas liquids [6]. As will be discussed later, the tendency for voids to sweep up dissolved gases during expansion has considerable significance for the mid and late phases of void implosion. For a reasonably symmetrical void, the accelerated expansion phase of void formation ends when average bond lengths in within the zero-acceleration surface have returned to normal (non-stressed) lengths. However, because the particles near the void surface have appreciable mass, the void will continue to grow for a short period after the zero-acceleration point. This overshoot effect is described in the next section. 3.3 INERTIAL OVERSHOOT When the average bond length within the ZAS cell has reached normal values, ZAS cell bond potential energy will have been converted primarily into three new forms: 1) Kinetic energy (outward motion of liquid) 2) Tension in void surface 3) Dissipative heat Dissipative heat during expansion should be relatively minor if the void is highly symmetrical, and should impact void collapse only through the indirect effect of possibly producing some heating of the liquid around the void. The role of tension in the void surface can be best understood by realizing that during the very early expansion of the nanovoid the dominant force that must be overcome is not the inertia of the liquid, but the highly resistive effects of surface tension in very small voids. Just as blowing up a very small balloon requires far more force than adding the same volume of air to a balloon that has already been expanded to a large size, the energetic role of this "stretching" of the nanovoid surface will be dominant while the void is sufficiently small in size. For a very large void the dominant force resisting further expansion will become the inertial of the liquid, rather than the surface tension of the void. An accurate mathematical model of the conversion of ZAS cell bond potential energy into void energy thus must take the forces of surface tension carefully into account, especially for models of the earliest stages of void expansion. Kinetic energy will consist of an (ideally) linear outward-bound velocity profile that has its highest value at the void surface, and reaches zero at the ZAS. It is the kinetic energy component of the newly formed void that will lead to overshoot and further enlargement of the void. This kinetic energy will be converted rapidly into compression of (momentarily) normal-average-length intra-fluid bonds within the ZAS cell. For the ideally linear acceleration profile of a line drawn from the void surface to the ZAS, this new compressive potential energy should be stored uniformly throughout the fluid of the ZAS cell. The overshoot phase will end when all of the kinetic energy of the ZAS cell has been converted over to compressive bond energy. Since this is the point at which all of the outward bound kinetic energy has been exhausted, it will also be the same point at which the void encloses its maximum volume. Another effect over overshoot compression is "closure" of void surface, which was more porous than normal during the rapid expansion phase. By the time the void has reached its maximum volume, the void should have a fairly normal (or actually compressed) liquid surface that exhibits higher density and greater cohesiveness than the volume fluid. 3.4 RESTRUCTURING OF VOID SURFACE 3.4.1 Surface Tension Surface tension now begins to play a significant role in the maximum-volume void. Surface tension may be roughly understood as a lateral and downward (into the fluid) "re-alignment" of intra-fluid bonds that otherwise would have gone to bonding with the "missing" fluid. A molecule at the surface of a liquid thus will bond more tightly (and physically more closely) with the fluid molecules around and below it, giving the net effect of an elastic membrane that tends both to compress the underlying fluid and to resist stretching. This elastic-membrane analogy helps provide a general idea of how such surfaces will behave. It should be noted that if surface tension is a consequence of "re-alignment" of intra-fluid bonds, the fluids that will tend to have the strongest surface tensions will be those that have intra-fluid bonds that are both very strong and easily re-aligned. Many liquid metals provides examples of such strong surface tension, since metallic bonding is both strong and generally easy to re-align. Hydrogen bonding also meets these criterion well, at least in the case of water. In general, the smaller the radius of a displacement of a liquid surface is, the stronger the accelerating "displacement removal" force per molecule will be. A single molecule displaced slightly above the surface will be subject to a very strong accelerating force consisting of its own bonding forces trying to return it to body of the fluid, while for larger and larger displacements of fluid this accelerating force will be distributed out over increasingly large numbers of molecules. Very large displacements thus will be subject only to modest accelerations, and may be overcome by other forces that could (for example) tend to break up the surface structure into droplets or bubbles. In general, these accelerating effects of surface tension thus will tend to simplify the equations that describe the curvature of the liquid surface, with very small radii of displacement being subject to very high, short- duration accelerating forces, and large radii displacements being subject to much lower accelerations over more extended periods of time. This range of accelerations over a wide scale of sizes helps produce the common liquid effects of both bubble and droplet formation, and the tendency of a fluid in a gravitational field to form a large-scale flat surface. 3.4.2 Surface Tension at Maximum Void Displacement Once the kinetic energy of void overshoot has been expended, surface tension will take over as the dominant force in the surface of voids in most fluids. As described above, its major effect will be to rapidly "smooth out" the surface of a the void and create a highly symmetrical spherical surface. Very large voids may be subject to fragmentation, but relatively small ones are far more likely to be "sphericized" than they are to fragment. The most likely remnants of asymmetry from the expansion phase will be comparatively large-scale ones, such as the void being an ovoid instead of a sphere. 3.4.3 Void Formation and Entropy The process of void formation is highly entropic in the sense that it cannot be reversed in time. Both the expansion phase and the restructuring of the void surface by surface tension "lose" information needed to make the inverse process of void collapse time-reversible. This entropic process can be understood by imagining an orderly arrangement of marbles at the bottom of a shallowly depressed, flexible sheet. If this sheet is very gently pushed upwards, the marbles will slowly begin to roll outward along paths determined primarily by their initial positions on the sheet. This kind of outward expansion is non-entropic and time reversible in the following sense: If the sheet is again allowed to relax back to its original shallowly depressed position, the marbles can in principle retrace their paths and literally reassemble themselves back into the same positions from which they originated. The reversal process (collapse) is in this case smooth and low in energy. Each marble is enclosed by other marbles of similar speed and direction, so that from the perspective of any individual marble the surrounding environment is very "cool" (low in energy differences). In contrast, if the marbles are allowed to expand over a sheet that is rough and allowed to come to rest on a circular rim around the sheet, all of the early time-reversible trajectory information that permitted each marble to "remember" its original location relative to its neighbors will be lost. Instead, when the sheet is flexed back down the marbles will all take on trajectories that try to take them to the same location in space at the same instant in time. Time reversibility thus has been lost, and the gentle return of the marbles to complementary positions has been replace with a "race" that ensures that there will be relatively violent collisions between the marbles as they attempt to occupy the same location in space and time. In the case of voids, this same kind of entropic "forgetting" of original positions occurs both as a result of rapid randomization of the trajectories of individual molecules during the expansion phase, and as a result of the strong coercing effect of surface tension, which tends to erase large-scale differences in where the molecules would have been "targeted" to return. All of this is relevant to the final intensity of void implosion in that a void which is characterized by nearly total "forgetting" of the original locations of all of the molecules on and near the void surface will result in a far more intense collapse than one in which significant remnants of that information can still be found in the detailed structure of the void. In an ideal "total position erasure" void, all of these molecules should be "aimed" at a single very tiny target area at the center of the void, and all of them should begin their inward trajectory at the same instant in time. The result is a highly time-asymmetric collapse profile in which "competition" for the interior target position of the void ensures much higher temperatures and pressures than ever existed during the original formation of the void. In contrast, a void in which there are severe long-range distortions of the void surface, such as a long stretching along one axis (a thin tube) or two axis (a thin sheet) will be far less severe (and far more time-symmetric) in their collapse. In summary, the degree of positional "forgetting" that is made possible both by the void expansion process and surface tension at maximum void displacement is a key initial condition for obtaining high intensity void implosions. The final intensity of that implosion process will of course be determined by many other factors, also, but without this initial condition of a past-erasing, highly spherical void form, very high final intensities are unlikely. 3.5 IMPLOSION INITIATION Another way of understanding the importance of spherical symmetry development (or "sphering" as it will be referred to below) is to recognize that when it is combined with a rapid, powerful inwardly directed acceleration of the void surface it becomes the microscopic equivalent of a spherical explosive of much higher quality and symmetry than can be obtained by large-scale processing of explosive charges. This micro-implosion analogy is useful in understanding the subsequent evolution of the void as it collapses, because it turns out that there are several forces which provide a substantial initial impulse for the collapse of such spherical voids. The three main forces working towards inward collapse of the void surface are: 1) Release of ZAS cell "overshoot" compressive potential energy 2) Ambient fluid pressure 3) Surface tension effects Collectively, these three effects provide a sufficiently strong and rapid inward acceleration of the void surface that the term "implosion" is used instead of "collapse." The use of the former term serves as a reminder that the process of void closure is both forceful and highly energetic at the physical scales involved. 3.5.1 Release of ZAS Cell Compressive Energy As described earlier, the initial expansion of the void in a decompressed fluid will normally lead to the conversion of the kinetic energy of void formation into compressive potential energy that is stored evenly throughout the ZAS cell. At maximum void displacement this stored energy will lead to a rapid rebound effect that begins accelerating the void cell surface inward. The magnitude of this effect will depend on many factors such as the detailed characteristics and compressibility of the fluid, but in general it should lead to a rapid and strong initial inward acceleration of the void surface as the compressive ZAS cell energy is converted back to kinetic motion. As with the initial outward expansion, the ZAS cell should develop an overall velocity profile in which the void surface is moving inward the fastest, with the velocity (and acceleration) falling off in an ideally linear profile until both reach zero at the ZAS boundary. This gradual profile is important not only because of the rapid and smooth acceleration of the void surface it provides, but because the inertial of the fluid around the void will help provide better containment (resistance to early rebound) as the process of void implosion intensifies. The release of compressive energy should nominally fall gradually to zero as the void approaches the point of zero average intra-fluid bond distortion, which (unless the pressure of the fluid is changing dynamically) will be well before the collapse process is completed. After that point the fluid will again be under tension and should act as a drag against further implosion. However, this profile can be modified by the use of dynamic pressure changes in the fluid, such as can be provided by appropriately designed standing sonic waves. By causing the ambient pressure of the ZAS cell to increase at or before the point where the void reaches its zero-ZAS-bond-distortion size, it should be possible to effectively nullify or even reverse the slowing effects of intra-fluid bond stretching. Even in the presence of a rapidly increasing ambient fluid pressure profile, however, the contribution of compression to the void collapse will eventually fade due to entropic effects. The fluid around the void cannot be compressed in an exact time reversal of the way in which it was expanded, so that adding high levels of external pressure will result more in heating of the fluid around the collapsing void than it will contribute directly to the collapse of the void. An important difference between early implosion in an explosively formed void and a decompression void is that the fluid immediately behind the surface of an explosive void will tend to "rebound" due to compression of that fluid during the initial explosion. This rebound effect will contribute to the speed of the void collapse by reducing the "drag effect" that would normally slow inward acceleration of the void surface. 3.5.2 Ambient Fluid Pressure While high ambient fluid pressures will of course help close a void and add to the initial implosion impulse, it must be recalled that for decompressive voids the ambient pressure in the ZAS cell must initially be negative, or else the void will never form in the first place. Thus a high ambient pressure amounts to the same case as using a rapidly increasing pressure profile during the collapse of the void, as described above for extending the useful length of ZAS cell compressive rebound. A high ambient pressure will be useful only if a decompression method that is sufficiently intense to overcome the ambient pressure can be used. On the positive side, the use of high ambient pressure provides a fairly simple way to construct a rapidly increasing pressure profile during the early stages of void collapse. In the case of standing sonic waves, it may be possible to further use the standing waves to shape the details of the increasing pressure profile. 3.5.3 Surface Tension Effects The effects of surface tension in driving the void collapse are especially interesting. Unlike compression of the liquid, surface tension will tend to inwardly accelerate the surface of the void more rapidly as the void size shrinks. This is a consequence of the general principle described earlier that surface tension tends to accelerate the molecules in small deformities more quickly than it does the molecules of large deformities, primarily due to surface forces being distributed over a smaller total numbers of molecules. Thus while surface tension may or may not be a dominant force (compared to compressive release) during the early stages of void collapse, it is likely to play a highly significant role later in the collapse. The constantly increasing inward force of surface tension on the void surface will continue until vaporization of the surface occurs and surface tension is thus lost. The importance of surface tension acceleration and loss of surface tension due to void surface vaporization will be discussed in more detail below, since it is particularly relevant to trying to determine the total energy that will be imparted during void implosion. (These same surface tension effects are also important for self-focusing.) 3.6 EARLY IMPLOSION Early implosion is the period between maximum void displacement and the vaporization (if any) of the void surface. Early implosion is the energy contribution phase, in which the void collapse process receives the majority of the total energy that will be available to it during the final stages of collapse. As described above in Section 3.5, the drivers of early implosion are rebound of the ZAS cell, ambient pressure, and surface tension. While for very large voids the ambient pressure would be the dominant effect, for small voids the other two effects of rebound and surface tension will become increasingly significant or dominant to the final energy contribution profile. However, for intense void implosions in ordinary fluids the early implosion phase must invariably end as a result of void surface heating. This surface heating is a direct consequence of the "competition" for the same location in space and time that the molecules in the void surface must undergo in a spherical collapse. As the total void surface area decreases, molecules must be "forced out" of the surface and outward into the surrounding fluid, an effect which jostles the molecules and results in rapidly a rapidly increasing temperature at the void surface. Along with this heating effect there will also be an increase in void surface pressure as too many molecules compete for the same space. This increase in pressure will in general reach a maximum very slightly outward from the void surface, but for a very rapid implosion it may be present essentially at the void surface due to inertial (acceleration) confinement of surface molecules. The combination of void surface heating and void surface pressure increases will complicate the behavior of the void collapse and make it dependent on the particular properties of the fluid, but for ordinary fluids the effects of heating will eventually win out and cause loss of surface tension (that is, vaporization) at the implosion surface. Despite this vaporization event, the surface may remain rather sharply defined if collapse rate is very high. But the loss of surface tension has other important effects, such as loss of the accelerating effects of surface tension, even if the surface itself remains sharply defined. The vaporization of the void surface will be referred to below as the Vaporization Event, or VE. 3.6.1 Factors Affecting Early Implosion Energy Contribution The main factors that affect the overall energy contribution during the early implosion phase include: 1) Size of the void (the larger the better) 2) Available ZAS cell compression energy (the higher the better) 3) Increasing ambient pressure (best if "tuned" to collapse process) 4) High surface tension (the higher the better) 5) Delay of the vaporization event Larger voids increase the total energy contribution simply by extending the length of the acceleration phase. However, larger void sizes involve factors that tend to work against the benefits of a longer acceleration period. These include increased venting of gases into the void, increased turbulence, and failure to make good use of surface tension acceleration prior to vaporization of the void surface. Thus the use of larger voids can be more complex than it might at first appear. The ZAS compression energy is most effective if the fluid is both elastic under compression and capable of significant energy storage when under decompressive tension. Rapid increases in ambient pressure should be oriented towards adding energy early in the collapse and preventing "drag" on surface tension acceleration during later phases. Additionally, it should help provide overall pressure confinement during the final stages of collapse by preventing premature rebound of the outer fluid layers around collapsing void. Resonances and standing wave methods provide the most direct approach to implementing such detailed pressure increase profiles. High surface tension comes into play not only as an accelerating force, but also as a self-focusing mechanism (see below). Delaying the vaporization event is particularly important if the void size becomes small enough for surface tension acceleration to become significant. The simplest approach is to pick a fluid with a high boiling point and to set the ambient temperature of the fluid to be as low as possible. Mixtures of fluids often demonstrate higher boiling points than pure liquids, so this point also argues for the use of such "antifreeze" style fluid mixtures. 3.6.2 Self-Focusing Effects Until this point surface tension has been discussed primarily in the contexts of initial shaping of the maximum displacement void surface, and acceleration of the void surface during early implosion. However, another important effect of surface tension is that it provides "self-alignment" or focusing of the collapse process itself. The significance of this is that self-focusing effects can significantly delay the onset of turbulence and thus increase the intensity of the final stages of the collapse. Radial Self-Focusing Radial self-focusing refers to the tendency of surface tension to produce a surface in which any line normal to the surface points to the exact center of the void. Because of the tendency of a liquid surface to suppress small deviation more with greater force, this tendency may actually be grow stronger as the void shrinks in size. When combined with implosion, radial self-focusing due to surface tension has the effect of "guiding" or correcting the trajectory of inward-bound molecules so that they remain targeted towards the center of the void. Temporal Self-Focusing Temporal self-focusing refers to the tendency for surface tension to keep the entire void surface collapsing at very nearly the same rate. As with radial self-focusing, this effect should increase in strength as the void collapses. Temporal self-focusing has the net effect of keeping the molecules of the void surface targeted to arrive at the center of the void at the same instant. 3.7 MID IMPLOSION Although the vaporization event corresponds roughly to the end of external energy contribution into the void collapse, it does not necessarily represent the end of energy intensification. In the next (mid implosion) phase the emphasis shifts from mechanisms that contribute to the total energy of the void collapse to a new set of mechanisms that serve to focus or collect the energy of many inwardly moving molecules and transfer it to a smaller number of correspondingly more energetic molecules. It is this process, rather than the initial implosion drivers, that is the most likely to make extremely high densities and temperatures possible during a void collapse. 3.7.1 Wedge-Out Effect The tendency for the void surface to increase in both pressure and temperature as it implodes has already been mentioned, but these effects need to be looked at in more detail to understand the details of the later stages of implosion. In particular, the high spherical symmetry of an intense collapse should lead to a tendency for these temperature and pressure effects to be both selective and directional in nature. In particular, faster or more mobile molecules or ions should tend to be selectively given still higher velocities that will be oriented primarily towards the center of the void. This _wedge-out effect_ is particularly important for estimating the final energy intensity of the void collapse, since it presents a mechanism by which the final stages of void collapse might reach almost arbitrarily high densities and temperatures. The term "wedge-out" intentionally has a mechanical connotation of forcing or "popping out" an object under extreme mechanical pressure. Figure 1 shows an idealized wedge-out scenario. Pressure | | | | v v v v --> ()()()| --> ()()()| () Slightly slower molecules Pressure --> ()() <>| <> Slightly faster molecule --> ()()()| | Void surface (gaseous) --> ()()()| ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | Pressure ----------> Overall Direction of Acceleration (All Molecules) Figure 1 -- The Wedge-Out Effect For elastic objects such as atoms, the scenario described in Figure 1 is capable of transferring the kinetic energy of a number of (slower) molecules into a lesser number of faster molecules that can then "escape" into the interior of the void while carrying off most of the kinetic energy of that originally belonged to the slower molecules. The effect can be described formally in terms of conversion of energy using two low-friction wedges to rapidly accelerate an object between the wedges, but can perhaps be more easily understood by the informal analogy of launching a slippery seed at high speed by squeezing it tightly between two fingers. Even though the fingers never move at a high speed, they are capable of producing a rapid, intensive acceleration of the seed and a commensurately large increase its final momentum and energy. Wedge-out is relevant in void collapse only because the extreme inward compression of the void surface and lateral compression due to shrinking void surface area create a very difficult "competition" among void surface molecules. Essentially all "escape routes" except inward ones are blocked for nearly all of the surface molecules, and even those paths are severely limited by rapid shrinking of the void surface. By "wedging out" any molecule that has moved slightly farther into the interior due either to chance or a higher average velocity, the slower molecules are able to expend some of their in