From: (Vadakpat Tirumalai) Newsgroups: Subject: the small sized Urdu dictionary (:-)) Message-ID: <> Date: 20 Nov 92 18:43:26 CST Organization: U of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering Lines: 1973 From Fri May 22 15:47:41 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################ Alphabet -------- Vowel Pronunciation Key ----------------------- a : "u" in "but" aa : "a" in "far" e : "e" in "bed" i : "i" in "fit" ee : "ee" in "feet" o : "o" in "code" u : "u" in "put" oo : "oo" in "booed" au : "ow" in "how" ai : "ei" in "neighbor" Notes: 1. ' indicates a glottal stop (pronounced like "uh") in very careful ----- speech. Normally, however, it is not pronounced at the beginning of a word and in other positions it represents 'aa'. 2. The combination 'ah' at the end of a word is pronounced like 'aa' or 'e'. For example: 'jagah' could be 'jagaa' or 'jage', i.e., the h is silent. 3. The combination 'ah' or 'aH' in the middle of a word is pronounced like 'e'. 4. n. (n period) indicates nasalization. 5. a - is used to distinguish between sh and s+h, kh and k+h, etc. Letter Transcription Remarks ------ ------------- ------- 'alif : a Could also stand for an unspecified initial vowel be : b pe : p Does not occur in Arabic te : t Used in native words Te : T Does not occur in Arabic and Persian se : s Used in loan words jeem : j che : ch Does not occur in Arabic baRi he : H Used in loan words khe : kh daal : d Daal : D Does not occur in Arabic and Persian zaal : z Used in loan words re : r Re : R Does not occur in Arabic and Persian ze : z Used in native words zhe : zh Does not occur in Arabic seen : s sheen : sh saad : s Used in loan words zaad : z Used in loan words to-e : t Used in loan words zo-e : z Used in loan words ain : ' Could also stand for an unspecified initial vowel ghain : gh fe : f qaaf : q kaaf : k gaaf : g Does not occur in Arabic laam : l meem : m noon : n vaa-o : w Stands for oo/o/au at the end of a word. In the middle it could stand for w/oo/o/au chhoTi he: h Used in native words chhoTi ye: y Stand for ee/e/ai at the end of a word. In the middle it could stand for y/ee/e/ai baRi ye : y Occurs only at the end of a word and stands for e or ai ################################################################################ Abbreviations ------------- Grammatical Word Origin ----------- ----------- n.f. : noun feminine P : Persian n.m. : noun masculine A : Arabic pron. : pronoun T : Turkish adj. : adjective H : Hindi v. : verb S : Sanskrit adv. : adverb G : Greek conj. : conjunction intj. : interjection prep. : preposition suff. : suffix pref. : prefix fig. : figurative plu. : plural lit. : literal poet. : poetic ################################################################################ Vocabulary ---------- 'alif (long) ------------ aab: P n.m. water aab: P n.f. splendor/elegance/polish/brightness/ temper(steel)/lustre(gems)/sharpness(sword) aab-e-aa'inah: n.f. polish of a mirror aab-e-talkh: n.m. bitter water/tears/wine aab-e-chashm: n.m. tears aabaad: P adj. populated/inhabited/peopled/prosperous/happy aabru: P n.f. honor/fame/good name/dignity aap: H pron. self/selves/respectful term of address aatish: P n.f. fire aatmaa: S n.f. soul/spirit/mind aasim: A n.m. sinner/culprit aakhir: A adj. last/final aadaab: A n.m. manners (plu. of adab) aadmi: P n.m. man (lit. offspring of Adam) aadmiyyat: A n.f. humanity/human nature/civility aaraa: P adj. embellishing/adorning aaraam: P n.m. rest/repose/respite/relief/ease/comfort aara'ish P n.f. decoration/adornment/beauty aarzoo: P n.f. yearning/desire/wish/longing aaz: P n.f. ardent desire/lust/covetousness aazaad: P n.f. free/unrestrained aazardah: P adj. annoyed/dejected/uneasy/gloomy/sad aazmaa'ish: P n.f. trial/experiment/testing/proving aas: H n.f. longing/desire/hope/faith/shelter/refuge aasaan: P adj. light/facile/easy aasraa: H n.m. means of subsistence/protection/shelter aasmaan: P n.m. heaven/sky aasmaani: P adj. heavenly/celestial/azure aasoodah: P adj. opulent/rich/satisfied aashaa: S n.f. desire/hope/longing aashuftah: P adj. perplexed/careworn/distracted/confused aashnaa: P n.m. aquaintance/friend/lover aashiyaan.: P n.m. nest/house aakhaaz: P n.m. commencement/outset/beginning aaghosh: P n.f/m. embrace/lap/bosom aafaat: A n.f. evils/disasters/misfortunes (plu. of aafat) aaftaab: P n.m. sun aag: H n.f. flame/fire (fig. anger/passion/love/lust) aalaap: H n.f. conversation/preparatory tuning H n.f. flame/warmth/fervor/loss/grief aan.chal: H n.m. corner of the 'dopaTTa' worn by women aan.dhee: H n.f. dust-storm/hurricane aan.soo: H n.m. tears aawaarah: P adj. without home aawaarah: P n.m. wanderer/vagrant/destitute aawaaz: P n.f. noise/sound/cry/shout aawaazah: P n.m. rumor/fame/report/reputation aah: P n.f. sigh aahistah: P adv. softly/leisurely/slowly aa'inah: P n.m. mirror aayandah: P adj. hereafter/in the future ################################################################################ 'alif (short) ------------- ab: H adv. now/presently ubaal: H n.m. boiling/rage/anger ibtidaa': A n.f. commencement/beginning abtar: P adj. ruined/scattered/worthless ibtisaam: A n.m. smile/cheerfulness ibtilaa: A n.m. trial/misfortune/suffering abad: A n.f. eternity abr: P n.m. cloud abroo: P n.m. eyebrow absaar: A n.m. eyes (plu. of basr) ibn: A n.m. son abnaa': A n.m. sons (plu. of ibn) ittiHaad: A n.m. union/alliance ittifaaq: A n.m. agreement/concord/chance/event/opportunity ittifaaqaan: A adv. accidentally ittikaa': A n.m. dependence/reliance itlaaf: A n.m. loss/ruin/decay itmaam: A n.m. completion/perfection ittihaam: A n.m. charge/imputation/blame aTak: H n.f. obstacle/obstruction isbaat: A n.m. proof asar: A n.m. mark/sign/trace/effect ujaaR: H adj. ruined/waste/abandoned ijaazat: A n.f. permission/leave/sanction ajnabee: A n.m. stranger/foreigner/alien iHtiyaaj: A n.f. need iHtiyaat: A n.f. caution/heed aHzaan: A n.m. sorrows (plu. of huzn) iHsaas: A n.m. feeling/emotion iHsaan: A n.m. beneficence/favor/good deed akhbaar: A n.m. news/newspaper ikhtiyaar: A n.m. choice/option/power/influence/control/authority akhz: A n.m. grasping/seizing/taking ikhlaas: A n.m. sincerity/purity/love/selfless worship adaa: A n.f. payment of debt/settlement adaa: P n.f. charm/grace/beauty idraak: A n.m. perception/comprehension adib: A n.m. learned, man of letters (plu. udabaa') iraadah: A n.m. aim/object/will/desire arjmand: P adj. exalted urdoo: T n.f. army/camp irshaad: A n.m. instruction/order/command/guidance arz: A n.f. land/region/earth armaan: P n.m. desire/yearning/wish azal: A n.f. eternity/without beginning asaas: A n.f. foundation asbaab: A n.m. causes/motives/means ustaad: P n.m. master/professor isti'faa: A n.m. resignation isti'maal: A n.m. application/usage/use asad: A n.m. lion asraar: A n.m. secrets (plu. of sirr) israaf: A n.m. waste/extravagance asfaar: A n.m. voyages/travels (plu. of safar) asqaam: A n.m. evils/weaknesses/defects (plu. of suqm) asir: A n.m. prisoner/captive ishaarah: P n.m. gesture/symbol/wink/sign ishtihaar: A n.m. notification/poster/reputation/renown ishtiyaaq: A n.m. longing/craving/desire ishraaq: A n.m. dawn/day break/lustre ashfaaq: A n.m. favors (plu. of shafaq) ishfaaq: A n.m. compassion/kindness ashqiyaa': A n.m. cruel/heartless (plu. of shaqi) ashk: P n.m. tearS as-haab: A n.m. lords/masters (plu. of saahib) israar: A n.m. obduracy/persistence/obstinacy asl: A n.m. root/foundation/essence (plu. usool) asli: A adj. original/genuine/real/true iztiraab: A n.m. restlessness/perturbation/anxiety iztiraar: A n.m. helplessness/agitation/constraint atfaal: A n.m. children/offspring (plu. of tifl) iz-haar: A n.m. disclosure/proclamation/statement/testimony i'tibaar: A n.m. trust/confidence/faith/reliance i'tiraaz: A n.m. objection/criticism/protest i'jaaz: A n.m. miracle/marvel/wonder i'laam: A n.m announcing/notifying aghlaat: A n.f. mistakes (plu. of ghalat) aghyaar: A n.m. strangers/rivals (plu. of ghair) uftaad: P n.f. misery/distress/mishap/foundation iftikhaar: A n.m. honor/glory/repute/distinction ifraat: A n.f. excess/exuberance/plenty afsaanah: P n.m. tale/legend/fiction afsurdah: P adj. melancholy/depressed afsos: P n.m. regret/remorse/dejection ufaq: A n.m. horizon iqbaal: A n.m. prosperity/good fortune/success/confession iqraar: A n.m. promise/pledge/confession/declaration/covenant iqtizaa': A n.m. requirement/need/demand akbar: A adj. greatest (sup. of kabir) aksar: A adj. most/much/many/frequent aksar: A adv. frequently/usually/generally/often agar: P conj. if/in case al: A art. the iltifaat: A n.m. regard/kindness/favor/friendship alfaaz: A n.m. words (plu. of lafz) amaanat: A n.f. something given in trust/deposit/security imtiHaan: A n.m. examination/test/trial/proof/experiment imtiyaaz: A n.m. discrimination/discernment/distinction ummid: P n.f. hope/expectation/trust intikhaab: A n.m. selection/choice/election intizaar: A n.m. waiting (anxiously)/expectation intizaam: A n.m. management/order/method/arrangement intiqaam: A n.m. revenge/reprisal anjaam: A n.m. end/conclusion/result/issue anjuman: P n.f. assembly/meeting/society/council andaazah: P n.m. measurement/guess/rough estimate an.dar: P prep. within/inside/inward insaan: A n.m. man/human being/mankind insaaniyyat: A n.m. humanity/civility in'aam: A n.m. gift/reward/largesse inqilaab: A n.m. revolution inkaar: A n.m. denial/contradiction auqaat: A n.m. times (plu. of waqt) auqaat: A n.f. status/position awwaal: A adj. first/excellent/best aulaad: A n.f. children (plu. of walad) imaan: A n.m. belief/faith/creed/conscience ################################################################################ be -- bi: A prep. by/with/from/in/into/near/on/for/towards (Always prefixed to another word) ba: P prep. by/with/from/in/into/to/on/upon/for/upto (Always prefixed to another word) baa: P prep. with/by/possessed of baab: A n.m. door/gate/chapter/topic/subject baabul: H n.m. father baat: H n.f. word/saying/speech/tale/news/question/business proposal/point/gossip/substance baad: P n.f. wind/air/breeze baadshaah: P n.m. emperor/king baadal: H n.m. cloud(s) baadah: P n.m. wine/spirits baadiyah: A n.m. wilderness/desert baadiyah: P n.m. goblet/cup baar: H n.m. time/turn/chance/opportunity/delay/obstacle baar: P n.m. burden/load/permission/grief/court baarish: P n.m. rain baarah: P n.m. time/turn/about/in regard of baareek: P adj. fine/slender/delicate/difficult/subtle baaz: P suff. denotes doer/agent baaz: P n.m. falcon baaz: P adv. again/back/refusing baazaar: P n.m. market baazaaree: P adj. common/low/vulgar/relating to the market baazoo: P n.m. arm/fold of a door/flank of an army baazi: P n.f. sport/game/wager baazichah: P n.m. toy/fun/sport baagh: P n.m. garden/orchard/grove baaqee: A adj. remaining/lasting baaqee: A n.f. residue/remainder/arrears baalam: S n.m. a lover/sweet-heart/husband baam: P n.m. upper storey/terrace/balcony baan: P suff. signifying keeper or guardian baan.kaa: H adj. curved/crooked/sly/cunning baano: P n.f. lady/gentlewoman bachchah: P n.m. child baHaal: A adj. status quo/refreshed/happy baHs: A n.f. dispute/argument/debate/controversy bukhaar: A n.m. steam/temperature/fever/rage bakht: P n.m. good fortune/luck/prosperity bakhshish: P n.f. gift/donation/reward/alms/tip bad: P adj. bad/wicked/evil bad akhtar: adj. unfortunate bad anjaam: adj. having a bad end bad tar: adj. worse/inferior bad chalan: adj. of bad conduct/ill-mannered/immoral bad khwaab: n.m./f. nightmare bad du'aa: n.f. curse/malediction bad sirat: adj. ill-tempered bad soorat: adj. ugly bad m'aash: adj. roguish bad naam: adj. disreputable/notorious/ignominous bad naseeb: adj. unfortunate/unlucky badr: A n.m. full moon badal: A n.m. exchange/change/substitution badlaa: n.m. exchange/retaliation/revenge badan: A n.m. body baraabar: P adj. equal/even/level/alike/opposite/accurate bardaasht: P n.f. endurance/tolerance/patience barsaat: H n.f. rain/rainy season barkat: A n.f. abundance/prosperity/blessing/auspiciousness baRhiyaa: H adj. superior/of good quality/expensive buzurg: P adj. great/venerable/aged/noble bazm: P n.f. assembly/company (at a feast or entertainment) bas: P adj. sufficient/enough/plenty bisaat: A n.f. bedding/carpet/chess board/extent/capacity bast: P n.m. obstacle/knot/asylum/sanctuary bistar: P n.m. bed bismil: P n.m. sacrificial animal/a lover baseraa: H n.m. roosting/a night's lodging/shelter bashar: A n.m. man/mortal basheer: A adj. a messenger of good news basar: A n.f. sight/vision/the eye baghaawat: A n.f. revolt/rebellion/disloyalty baghal: P n.f. armpit/side balaa: A n.m. calamity/distress/trial/misfortune buland: P adj. high/lofty/sublime/exalted/tall/loud billaur: P n.m. crystal/crystal glass/transparent P adj. composition/elegance of style/plan/obstruction ban.dagi: P n.f. devotion/worship/service bandah: P n.m. slave/servant/individual/man bunyaad: A n.f. foundation bood: P n.f. being/existence bahaadur: P adj. brave/valiant/high-spirited bahaar: P n.f. spring/prime/bloom/beauty/glory/delight bahaanah: P n.m. excuse/pretext/evasion/reason bhool: H n.f. forgetfulness/omission/mistake/lapse/fault bhool bhulayyaan.: a maze/labyrinth be: P pref. without/void of be aabroo: adj. dishonorable be ittifaaqi: n.f. discord/disunity be iHtiyaati: n.f. incautiousness be ikhtiyaari: n.f. helplessness/without choice be adab: adj. rude/unmannerly be i'tibaar: adj. untrustworthy/discredit be imtiyaaz: adj. indiscriminating be an.daazah: adj. unlimited/endless be insaaf: adj. unfair/unjust be imaan: adj. faithless/liar/cheat be bas: adj. helpless/weak be pardah: adj. unveiled/immodest/exposed be parwaa: adj. heedless/indifferent/above want be taab: adj. restless/powerless/impatient be taasir: adj. ineffectual/useless be tameez: adj. indiscreet/rude/uncultured be jaan: adj. lifeless be jurm: adj. faultless be chain: adj. restless/uneasy be Hadd: adj. endless/boundless be Hayaa: adj. shameless/impudent/bare-faced be khabar: adj. uninformed/ignorant/stupid be khataa: adj. faultless/innocent be khud: adj. enraptured/in ecstasy/delirious/senseless be daad: n.f. iniquity/injustice/oppression be daagh: adj. spotless/without blemish/innocent be dard: adj. without feeling/pitiless/merciless be rahm: adj. merciless/cruel be riyaa: adj. without guile/candid/sincere be zaar: adj. disgusted/displeased be zabaan: adj. dumb/speechless/modest be zar: adj. destitute/poor be sakhtah: adj. artless/unaffected/natural/plain be saaz: adj. without tools or apparatus be sabab: adj. without cause or reason be sharm: adj. shameless/immodest be sabr: adj. impatient be taaqat: adj. powerless be 'izzat: adj. without honor or respect be gham: adj. happy/without sorrow be fikr: adj. free from care or worry be qadr: adj. worthless be qaraar: adj. uneasy/restless/unsettled be qusoor: adj. innocent/not guilty be kaar: adj. idle/unemployed/useless be kas: adj. friendless/lonely be gunaah: adj. innocent/guiltless be ma'ni: adj. meaningless/absurd be naam: adj. without name, character or reputation be naseeb: adj. unfortunate be nazir: adj. unequalled/matchless/unique be wajh: adj. without cause be wafaa: adj. faithless/ungrateful/treacherous be waqoof: adj. foolish/stupid/dolt be hunar: adj. unskilled be hosh: adj. unconscious bayaabaan: P n.m. desert/wilderness bayaan: A n.m. description/statement/account bait: A n.m. house/abode bait: A n.f. couple/verse bedaar: P adj. awake/alert/vigilant bezaar: P adj. displeased/angry/out of humor begaanah: P adj. strange/alien/foreign bimaar: P adj. si