Newsgroups: sci.crypt From: (Terry Frank Ritter) Subject: The Design of Penknife Date: 6 Mar 1994 01:06:11 -0600 Organization: Illuminati Online Message-ID: <2lbvd3$> Lines: 578 The Penknife Cipher Design -- An Error-Resilient Stream Cipher Terry Ritter Penknife started life with twin goals: first, to provide real email privacy, and second, to serve as an example of error-resilient stream cipher technology. Error-resilience is produced by ciphering parts of a message independently. Thus, an error in one part will affect only that part, and not the entire message. STREAM CIPHER AND RE-ORIGINATION The Penknife design is based on stream cipher technology, which seems less controversial than that for block ciphers. This also allows Penknife to avoid the problems involved when variable-length data are collected in fixed-length blocks. When units of data are ciphered independently, a stream cipher must be initialized in the same original state or "re-originate" for every ciphertext line (or other unit). Re-origination allows a cipher to re-synchronize after transmission error and recover the undamaged parts of a message. This is especially necessary when ciphering low-level Internet Protocol (IP) frames (or other network frames), which often arrive out of sequence. This same technology is used by Penknife to minimize the consequences of transmission or storage error. Practical re-origination requires the ability to provide serious security despite repeated re-initialization. Because a re-originating stream cipher starts out in the same initial state for every ciphertext line, it normally meets The Opponent's desire for a multitude of messages enciphered under one key. Many cryptography texts contain severe cautions about the potential weaknesses of re-originating stream ciphers. The Penknife design places a separate line key on each ciphertext line and also uses other new technology to help avoid these weaknesses. EMAIL ORIENTATION The Penknife design is an email-oriented cipher, in the sense that any plaintext file is always translated into network-transportable text "lines": there is no binary ciphertext mode. The Penknife re-origination unit is the ciphertext line, which consists of 76 text characters plus two end-of-line characters. Each line carries a 32-bit key; if a line key is recovered in error, the associated line will be "garbled," but other lines will be unaffected. Each Penknife ciphertext character is one of 64 character-symbols (plus the two EOL symbols). Because the 256-element character-space is not fully used, plaintext expands when converted into ciphertext (as it must in any cipher which is used for email). The resulting ciphertext can be compressed by about 25 percent, for exactly the same reason. (Of course, the compressed ciphertext would not be error-resilient unless the data compression also treated lines independently, which is unlikely). THE DESIGN Like most stream ciphers, Penknife consists of a random number generator (RNG) subsystem, and a reversible data-plus-confusion combining subsystem. One intent of the design was to minimize the RNG state to minimize re-origination overhead. But a conflicting need for strength during re-origination implied more state in the combining subsystem. THE MAIN RNG The Penknife RNG subsystem produces 16-bit values from a 63-bit state. The RNG uses both a standard 32-bit Linear Multiplicative Generator (LMG), and a degree-31 Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR). (The deg-31 primitive is a 17-nomial for better randomization effects.) The two RNG elements step separately, with their most-significant 16-bits combined by exclusive-OR for output. This output then goes into a standard Jitterizer [3:111] which deletes about 10% of the sequence, and provides a changing exclusive-OR offset value for each "take-group" in the sequence. The Jitterizer is basically a simple mechanism which is intended to delete values from a linear sequence, and to confuse the values which are accepted. First, an RNG value is collected, in which two bits represent the number of RNG values to "skip" (1..4), and six bits represent the number of RNG values to "take" in the next take group (1..64). Then the indicated number of RNG values are skipped, with the last value retained as an "offset," to be exclusive-ORed with all members of the upcoming take group. Then another RNG value is produced, exclusive-ORed with the offset, and returned. Subsequent Jitterizer calls collect and offset each RNG value until the number of take counts expire and it is time to skip more RNG values and produce a new offset. DATA-PLUS-CONFUSION COMBINING The Penknife combiner subsystem takes a single-byte plaintext input, plus two RNG confusion bytes, and produces a one-byte ciphertext result. This occurs in two sequential combinings: The first combiner is a nonlinear byte-wide Dynamic Substitution combiner [1,2], which adaptively randomizes the input codes. This means that repeated uses of the same character are generally assigned different codes. The output of the Dynamic Substitution combiner is then fed into a linear exclusive-OR combiner, which produces the ciphertext output. (Note that a two-level combiner only makes cryptographic sense when at least one of the combining levels is nonlinear.) Dynamic Substitution is a reversible nonlinear data combiner based on a substitution table (or polyalphabetic tables). In Dynamic Substitution, the arrangement in the table changes, potentially after every substitution operation. One way to do this is to notice that each substitution operation "selects" one of the elements in the table. If we now use a confusion sequence to also select an element, and then exchange the selected elements, we get a combiner. In the table, each substitution element changes "at random" whenever it is used, and the more often it is used, the more often it changes. The effect of this is to adaptively randomize input symbol-frequency statistics. Also, the elements are changed "behind the scenes" (the exchange is not visible until future data selects one of the exchanged elements), and this tends to hide the confusion sequence. Dynamic Substitution is deciphered by maintaining an inverse table, and by updating the inverse table dynamically whenever elements in the forward table are exchanged. Dynamic Substitution is indisputably stronger than the exclusive-OR combiner which is used in most stream ciphers: If the combiner is exclusive-OR, each byte of known-plaintext and associated ciphertext will reveal a byte of confusion sequence. In a similar situation, Dynamic Substitution does not expose confusion sequence bytes. However, Dynamic Substitution is a tool, not a panacea. Confusion values can be deduced by fully exploring the table before and after any particular substitution, knowing that any difference is entirely due to element selection by data and confusion. (Note that two full table explorations are required before a single confusion byte is exposed by Dynamic Substitution, as compared to the single known- plaintext pair needed under exclusive-OR.) To the extent that the cryptographer allows such exploration, the confusion sequence can be revealed and the confusion generator attacked. In the Penknife design, the second combiner and line keys make table exploration difficult and expensive. CIPHERTEXT FEEDBACK In addition to the two combinings, the byte data value between the two combiners is fed back into the RNG subsystem by addition mod 2^16 with the least-significant word of the LMG. This means that any character differences between lines will produce different RNG sequences for the rest of each line. This helps make it difficult to explore the Dynamic Substitution tables. It also means that a single ciphertext error is likely to garble the rest of that ciphertext line. INITIALIZATION FROM USER KEY A User Key phrase of arbitrary length and content is converted into RNG state using Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) operations. CRC-32 is used to build the state for the LMG, while a degree-31 primitive builds the state for the LFSR. This base RNG state is placed in the line-key RNG, where it is first used to set up various substitution tables. The tables are each initialized with entries in counting sequence, and then shuffled under control of the Jitterized RNG output, to produce particular arbitrary permutations for a given User Key. The network-ASCII table is also permuted under the control of the base-state sequence, thus producing a character mapping unique to each User Key. This is an additional layer of protection which is essentially free, since the mapping is required in any case. The separate line-key RNG is randomized with the current date and time (and--in the PC environment--samples from the high-speed timer) before being used to produce line-key values. Each line key is created from two line-key RNG operations, and is enciphered by byte-wide Simple Substitution. Note that this substitution occurs on highly-randomized values; the character-frequency statistics which normally make substitution weak do not exist at this point. A 32-bit line key is associated with each ciphertext line, so there are more than 4 billion possible line key values. The 32-bit line key values are treated as extensions to the User Key, being combined into the base RNG state with CRC-32 and a deg-31 CRC. This produces the initial RNG state for the confusion sequence or "running key" for each line. While 32-bits is a searchable quantity, searching these does not seem very useful, because the resulting RNG state is isolated and hidden. To detect "success," any such search is going to depend upon cracking the combining system, and if that can be done, there seems little point in conducting the search. There are 16 Dynamic Substitution combiners, each a random permutation. Depending on the initial RNG state for each line (after the line-key is applied), one of 16 combiner base-states is selected and used on the data for that line. The Dynamic Substitution state and RNG state then progress--change--through the end of that ciphertext line. There is an overall CRC-32 of the plaintext data; the CRC result is enciphered and sent along with the ciphertext. When the file is deciphered, overall deciphering correctness is indicated to the user. The resulting file length is correct to the byte. COMMENTS A random overall message key is sorely missed. However, such an entity would mean that a transmission error in the message key would destroy the entire message, contradicting the design goal of error-resilience. It is interesting to consider the cryptographic use of the much- maligned CRC function. Penknife uses CRC to produce a cryptographic transform from an initial RNG state to some arbitrary RNG state depending on the User Key phrase. (We could consider the result to be an arbitrary binary vector which is then combined by exclusive-OR with the initial state.) In its favor, CRC is very fast and has a strong mathematical basis for producing a random- like result from ordinary text. The fact that CRC is linear is irrelevant in this situation: Certainly the transform could be reversed if we knew the key, but if we knew the key we would not have to attack the cipher. In practice, the 32-bit line keys mean that, for a given User Key, there are 2^32 (4 * 10^9 or 4E9) different initial line states. The Birthday Paradox tells us that we can expect (probability 0.5) two identical line keys (thus initial line states) after only 1.18 * 2^16 or 77E3 lines. (With 53 data bytes per line, 77E3 lines would imply 4 MB of data.) However, at this level we still have (prob. 0.5) only two lines with the same initial RNG state, and those states remain similar only until the first character difference between the two lines has been encountered. As more lines become are available, we may find other sets of lines in which two lines have same line key, but it will (probably) take MANY more lines before we can expect to find even three lines enciphered under one key. Clearly, collecting lines enciphered under one User Key and one line key is going to be very expensive. (Obviously, given enough ciphertext, it will eventually be possible to find many lines with the same line key. This would allow an Opponent to start the sort of technical attack which is discussed later. This is only one of several reasons to change User Keys periodically; another is the possibility that someone has stolen the key without leaving any signs or other indication.) Even though the RNG has 4E9 different initial line states, there are still only 16 Dynamic Substitution tables. It is not clear how one would go about exposing this limited amount of state. The ASCII-only output is extremely flexible. Because the jumbled ciphertext lines really are text lines, they can be included in text documents as a way to transport or save binary files. Once Penknife is in place, it can be used to decipher its own upgrades sent by email. The 64-symbol ciphertext means that for every three 8-bit data bytes we get four 6-bit ciphertext bytes; for every 53 data bytes we have 4 line key bytes; and every ciphertext line must have CRLF. Ultimately, 53 data bytes produce 78 ciphertext characters, a data expansion of 47 percent. This is a little more expansion than in other email ciphers (which may not be error-resilient) due to the use of line keys in the Penknife design. But any email-oriented cipher will expand data when they are enciphered, and so will be somewhat inefficient for extensive local file ciphering. On the other hand, the lack of a binary output mode means that the enciphering operator does not need to select "binary" versus "text" output, and the deciphering operator need not be confused by the possibility of two incompatible modes. Penknife assumes that the plaintext is binary data, which is then enciphered with an overall CRC. The mapping to 64-symbol network- ASCII is random, under a particular User Key. The ciphertext contains no control fields: There is no cipher identification, nor indication of ciphering mode. The only Penknife data structure is the ciphertext line, which should be virtually indistinguishable from any other random 76-character line. Deciphering recovers the original data, strips off the CRC, and announces the CRC result. STRENGTH ARGUMENTS Brute Force on the RNG: Try each possible RNG state until the cipher is broken. There are 63 bits of RNG state: Clearly, it is "only" necessary to step through all possible states, setting up all the dynamic tables each time, to "break" the cipher. This is the design strength of the cipher. Brute Force on the User Key: Try each possible User Key until the cipher is broken. Try most-likely keys first. No cipher can do very much about this if a user really wants to use a weak key. The advanced Penknife program supports the automatic generation of random keys into an alias file, where they can be selected and used with a non-secret alias tag. This does not completely solve the problem, however, because the alias file itself requires a User Key. Penknife supports User Keys of virtually arbitrary length, but these must be selected to be unique and unsearchable, and they must not be stored as plaintext in other files. Since the alias file User Key must be entered, it can be stolen, and so should be changed periodically. In most cases, it is not the cipher design but instead the alias-file key which is the weakest part of the system. Chosen Key: Try various keys, adaptively, and compare the resulting ciphertext to the real ciphertext, to try and gain insight into the correct key value. Given that CRC is used to generate the internal RNG base state, it is hard to see how any particular bit arrangement could possibly be preferred, or occur unusually often. This is a main reason for using CRC as opposed to, for example, a "cryptographic" hash with no strong mathematical basis. Differential Cryptanalysis: Exploit known properties of particular substitution tables to produce probable bit changes after one or more levels of substitution (this can effectively reduce the number of "levels" in an iterated cipher). Differential Cryptanalysis does not appear to apply to this cipher, as all Penknife tables are dynamic, in the sense of being created as arbitrary permutations under a particular User Key. Since every table permutation is equally probable, and the table arrangements unknown to The Opponent, the advantage of a particular arrangement seems lost. Ciphertext Only: Accumulate a mass of ciphertext material and try to find relationships within the data which expose successive levels of the mechanism, until the cipher is broken. The data flowing through the Penknife cipher are extensively randomized, first by adaptive Dynamic Substitution, and then by exclusive-OR with a pseudo-random sequence; the data then pass through 3-to-4 byte conversion and the network-ASCII mapping table (which is also a function of the User Key). By itself Dynamic Substitution removes the usual symbol-frequency statistics to produce a random-like result, and the exclusive- OR also produces a random-like sequence. Consequently, it is hard to see how one could get a statistical hook into even the network-ASCII table, let alone the rest of the cipher. Known Plaintext: "Obtain" some amount of plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext. Use this material to develop the original cipher state, thus supporting the deciphering of material which has not been obtained. Penknife has a two-level combiner which combines a single byte of data with two bytes of confusion to produce a single byte of ciphertext. Accordingly, a single known-plaintext byte cannot, by itself, describe the two bytes of confusion which produce the ciphertext. Nor do single bytes reveal the Dynamic Substitution table state, because the selected table element changes at random after use. In contrast to other stream- cipher designs, known-plaintext will not immediately resolve the confusion value so that the RNG can be attacked. On the other hand, if we could find enough lines which have the same line key (under one User Key), but different initial character values, we could try to describe the initial state of the selected Dynamic Substitution table. Then, given lines with the same initial byte, but every possible second byte, we could try to describe the complete state of the Dynamic Substitution table after a single character. This would allow us to identify which elements of the table have changed, and thus, implicitly identify the hidden first RNG value, on the way to attacking the Jitterizer (and RNG). Of course, such an attack seems to require that every possible plaintext byte occur both as the first and the second (and then the nth) element, all in the same line key. Because line keys are random-like, this would imply a huge amount of known-plaintext. Also note that trying every byte, then every combination of two bytes (then, presumably, N), can slip into a full exploration of the cipher transform. Any stream cipher must be susceptible to such an approach, which, fortunately, is impractical beyond a few characters. And all this assumes that some method has been found to surmount the network-ASCII table, or to postpone this mapping for resolution in later analysis. It is not clear how one could do this. Chosen Plaintext: Somehow arrange to use the cipher to encipher potentially huge amounts of data specifically chosen to reveal the cipher. (It is not clear that this would be a realistic attack in the context of normal secret-key end-user-cipher operation.) Certainly this can be no harder than the same attack under known-plaintext; the question is whether it would be any easier. Since the line-key values are not under the control of the user, even controlled ciphering is going to require a huge amount of ciphering simply to explore the first and second table states. If the table states can be exposed, we could acquire the 16-bit result from the Jitterizer. But the RNG contains 63 bits of state, so there are about 2^47 ways in which the RNG could have produced that value. This is searchable to the extent that the 63-bit RNG is searchable. But when we include the effect of the 32-bit state inside the Jitterizer, clearly, any RNG output value can produce any Jitterizer result, depending on the internal Jitterizer offset set earlier in the sequence. So the RNG may be attackable, but seems quite unlikely to be broken with a single Jitterizer value, and collecting Jitterizer values indirectly by exploring table state is very, very expensive. Exploring table state involves the coincidental appearance of every possible character in the last position of an expanding sequence. Consequently, this approach would seem to be exponentially difficult, and to require exponentially more ciphertext for however many elements are required to break through the Jitterizer into the RNG's themselves. Worse, the RNG sequences on two lines with the same line key differ after the first different data byte, and the value which makes this difference is hidden between the combiners. Thus, we seem to need the Jitterizer value to expose the hidden value to be able to expose the next Jitterizer value. The Opponent would no doubt like to be able to simply encipher every possible one-character message under a given key. But, again, the line keys are not under user control, and they are 32 bits wide. Still, if there were a complete single-character enciphering under one line-key (and, thus, selecting a particular initial Dynamic Substitution table), it should be possible to completely explore the table (with some constant offset from the exclusive-OR combiner). Then, given any single initial character, if all possible two-character messages could be obtained (under a single line key!), then the second table state could be explored, and the hidden Dynamic Substitution confusion value identified (and this would be absolute, not relative to the exclusive-OR). But all this depends on getting a complete set of ciphertext values under a single line key, and it is not clear how one can do that other than chance. Again, this would be very, very expensive. And, once again, all this assumes that some method has been found to surmount the network-ASCII table, or to postpone this mapping for resolution in later analysis. Line-Key Security: Clearly, the line keys provide significant protection, so it is interesting to speculate about the need for line-key randomness or ciphering. Without line keys, the cipher is immediately subject to (a still expensive) chosen-plaintext attack. This may or may not be a big deal in an end-user cipher, assuming that only the key-holders encipher data. Without line keys, acquiring known-plaintext with "every" first byte code could explore the Dynamic Substitution table. Acquiring known-plaintext with "every" second byte code (for some particular first byte code) could explore the Dynamic Substitution table again, identifying differences, and indicating the hidden Dynamic Substitution confusion value, leading to the start of an attack on the Jitterizer/RNG. If "every" second byte code is not available after one particular first byte code, the various Dynamic Substitution tables could be explored, but after the first character, the internal RNG sequences begin to diverge anyway, so to some extent each must be explored separately until the RNG can be cracked, and it is not clear what it would take to do that. Still, this attack would be much easier without line keys. If the line keys were not enciphered, their effect on the RNG state would be easily computable. Although the original RNG state would not be known, the line-key effect on that state would be known. This would mean that the ultimate change in the first RNG value would also be known. However, the first RNG value on each line is not available for analysis, since it is used by the Jitterizer for "skip" and "take" values. The first RNG value which is produced from the Jitterizer occurs later, and is confused by Jitterizer offset, so the relationship to the line-key is not direct or immediate. And The Opponent would still have the problem of exploring the Dynamic Substitution tables (as well as the Network ASCII table). If line key values were produced, say, by a counter, they would be difficult to protect by fast, simple cipher. (By itself, a single arbitrary value is easy to protect. However, a sequence of values, produced in a known way, is harder to hide.) Line key values could be produced by some sort of really- random system. But if really-random stuff is necessary, the design is not likely to be very portable. Consequently, line keys are now produced by second Jitterized RNG. One does have to wonder whether some characteristic of the RNG could survive both the Jitterizer and Simple Substitution to help The Opponent resolve the line-key RNG state. Resolving that RNG could give insight into line-key effects on the ciphering RNG, and so help crack the overall system. But the use of an RNG which is a combination of two well-known types of basic RNG mechanism, and the nonlinear action of the Jitterizer, make it difficult to imagine how any single RNG characteristic could survive unscathed. Note that any enhancement to produce line-key values in some stronger random way would be completely compatible with the existing design. The Extent of a Break: Absent an overall Message Key, and with small (32-bit) line keys, breaking Penknife probably means resolving the initial RNG state, which is the arbitrary value set by the User Key. The cipher thus remains broken until the next key change (which obviously must not be done under the "cover" of the broken cipher). The original, hand-exchanged keys be used simply to transfer random keys (which are easy to use in enciphered alias files). In this case, the usual periodic key change--which is necessary anyway, since a key may have been exposed without our knowledge--should reset security to original levels. In the advanced implementation, actual transmission keys can be changed periodically, through the prior establishment of dated aliases for future keys. The alias file User Key should be changed periodically as well. CURRENT IMPLEMENTATION The current Penknife implementation is a relatively small (45K), relatively fast (20 KBytes/sec on a 386/25), command-line program for DOS on IBM PC-type machines. Inner ciphering loops are written in hand-optimized assembly-language for best speed. The overall cipher design includes extensive key-management features to help create, transport, and use large random keys. Dated aliases support automatic painless key-update and access to archived messages enciphered under old keys. Other features include the ability to handle messages containing both plaintext and ciphertext, to automatically find and decipher the ciphertext, and optionally pass the plaintext through to the output file. Normally, email files do not have to be cleaned up for deciphering, and headers and signatures can be kept with the deciphered text. All of this is done WITHOUT announcing that the text is ciphered, or the name of the cipher, or using "--BEGIN CIPHERTEXT--" and "--END CIPHERTEXT--" bracketing. The Penknife cipher is a serious commercial design, and is part of a growing family of serious cipher engines intended for use by software developers. These designs use a wide range of technology to achieve a wide range of speed versus performance tradeoffs in software implementation. References [1] Ritter, T. 1990. Substitution Cipher with Pseudo-Random Shuffling: The Dynamic Substitution Combiner. Cryptologia. 14(4): 289-303. [2] Ritter, T. 1990. Dynamic Substitution Combiner and Extractor. U.S. Patent 4,979,832. [3] Ritter, T. 1991. The Efficient Generation of Cryptographic Confusion Sequences. Cryptologia. 15(2): 81-139. --- Terry Ritter (until mid-March) (perhaps temporarily)