Newsgroups: From: (Peter Yee) Subject: Media Guide 4/93 (Forwarded) Message-ID: <> Organization: NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA Date: Sat, 1 May 1993 17:30:49 GMT Lines: 2986 The following is the ASCII-converted Media Guide. All tabs have been removed and replaced with 5 spaces (with perhaps 6 exceptions where the line length was too long). A global search and replace of "5 spaces" with a "tab" should allow for a reconstruction of the document. All other formatting including boldface, italics, different type sizes and forced pages have been removed. There are no graphics in this version. Full text follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NASA MEDIA GUIDE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS CONTACTS APRIL 1993 FOREWORD To members of the news media: I am pleased to provide you with the 1993 edition of our Media Guide and Public Affairs Contacts. The NASA Public Affairs team listed in this directory is committed to providing you with timely and accurate information about the agency's many programs. I invite you to visit the NASA facilities around the United States. An overview of the various facilities, their major responsibilities and the public affairs contacts are provided in this directory. We look forward to working with you. Geoffrey H. Vincent Acting Associate Administrator for Public Affairs TABLE OF CONTENTS Headquarters (HQ) 1 Ames Research Center (ARC) 12 Hugh L. Dryden Flight Research Facility (DFRF) 15 Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) 18 Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) 22 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) 26 John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) 30 Langley Research Center (LARC) 34 Lewis Research Center (LERC) 38 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) 42 Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) 47 John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC) 48 Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) 50 Public Affairs FAX Phone Listing 52 Information Sources 54 NASA Internal News Publications 56 Alphabetical listing of Public Affairs Contacts 58 NASA HEADQUARTERS 300 E Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20546 Headquarters has more than 2,000 employees and administers the total NASA budget, which for FY 1993 is $14.3 billion. Daniel S. Goldin is the NASA Administrator. NASA Headquarters exercises management over the space flight centers, research centers and other installations that constitute the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Responsibilities of Headquarters cover the determination of programs and projects; establishment of management policies, procedures and performance criteria; evaluation of progress and the review and analysis of all phases of the aerospace program. Planning, direction and management of NASA's research and development programs are the responsibility of program offices which report to and receive overall guidance and direction from an associate administrator. The Office of Aeronautics directs the agency's aeronautics research and development programs, including the High-Speed Research Program which is creating and refining the technology and addressing the environmental challenges supporting the development of a future U.S. high-speed civil transport aircraft. The office also researches advanced technology for subsonic aircraft, manages NASA's weather-related flight safety research, works to improve inspection methods for aging aircraft, propulsion research and development of advanced piloting and air traffic control aids. In addition, it directs numerous flight research programs using high-performance aircraft such as the SR-71, F/A-18 and F-16XL. It also manages fundamental aeronautics research in aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, structural mechanics and human factors issues such as the interaction of pilots with highly-automated cockpits. The aeronautics office also manages NASA's portion of the multi- agency High Performance Computing and Commu-nications program, and NASA's part of the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP) program. NASP is a national endeavor to develop and demonstrate technology for advanced vehicles that would take off horizontally, fly into orbit, then return for a runway landing. The Office of Aeronautics has institutional management responsibility for Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif.; Ames- Dryden Flight Research Facility, Edwards, Calif.; Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va.; and Lewis Research Center, Cleveland. Dr. Wesley L. Harris is Associate Administrator. The Office of Space Science is responsible for the NASA space research and flight programs directed toward scientific investigations of the solar system and astronomical objects using ground-based, airborne and space technologies including sounding rockets and deep space satellites. This office works closely with the scientific community through the Space Studies board of the National Academy of Sciences and other advisory groups. The Office of Space Science has institutional management responsibility for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Dr. Wesley T. Huntress, Jr., is the Associate Administrator. The Office of Mission to Planet Earth is responsible for NASA's Earth science and environmental research. Mission To Planet Earth is a comprehensive, coordinated research program that studies the Earth as a global environmental system. Comprising ground-based, airborne and space-based programs, this office includes participation from other federal agencies as part of the U.S. Global Change Research Program and the international science community. The office has institutional management for the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Dr. Shelby G. Tilford is Acting Associate Administrator. The Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications is responsible for assuring the health and safety of humans in space and to understand the biological effects of space flight on organisms. It also uses the unique attributes of the space environment to conduct research and gain new knowledge in fluid behavior, combustion science, material science and biotechnology. Dr. Harry Holloway is the Associate Administrator. The Office of Space Flight operates the Space Shuttle and develops both manned and unmanned platforms which enable scientific research and advanced technology development. The Space Shuttle is NASA's primary space transportation system and the only space vehicle capable of carrying people and large payloads into Earth orbit and returning them. OSF is responsible for scheduling Space Shuttle flights, developing financial plans and pricing structures and providing services to users. As part of its duties, the Office of Space Flight conducts operations and utilization of Spacelab, a laboratory dedicated to research in space that flies in the Shuttle's cargo bay. The office is working with the Russian Space Agency to plan and execute a series of joint missions that will involve flying a cosmonaut aboard the Shuttle and an astronaut aboard the Mir space station, leading up to a mission with a Shuttle docking to the Russian space station. The office also is conducting early planning activities for the operation of the U.S. space station. The Office of Space Flight also is responsible for institutional management of the Kennedy Space Center, Fla.; Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.; Johnson Space Center, Houston; and the Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Miss. Jeremiah W. Pearson III is Associate Administrator. The Office of Space Systems Development is responsible for defining and developing potential future space systems and capabilities, as well as demonstrating enhancements to improve existing systems capabilities. The office has responsibility for space station development and operations; large propulsion systems development including a new space transportation main engine and the Advanced Solid Rocket Motor and advanced transportation systems program planning. A permanently manned space station is essential for advancing human exploration of space. The space station will be a permanent outpost in space where humans will live and work productively for extended periods of time. It will provide an advanced research laboratory to explore space and employ its resources, and will provide the opportunity to learn to build, operate and maintain systems in space. The station will be launched in segments aboard the Space Shuttle and assembled in orbit, with first flight set for 1996. NASA centers responsible for developing major elements of the space station are the Marshall Space Flight Center, Johnson Space Center and Lewis Research Center. The advanced solid rocket motor is being developed to replace the redesigned solid rocket motor. The ASRM will improve the safety, reliability and the performance of the Space Shuttle system. Arnold D. Aldrich is Associate Administrator. The Office of Advanced Concepts and Technology has a mission to pioneer innovative, customer-focused concepts and technologies, leveraged through industrial, academic and government alliances, to ensure U.S. commercial competitiveness and preeminence in space. The office's four primary functions are to maintain a highly professional systems engineering team capable of detailed feasibility and cost analysis of advanced concepts, to be NASA's front door to businesses which want the agency's help and expertise in developing new ideas and technologies, to be the agency's lead in the transfer of technology into the commercial sector and to further the commercialization of space. The office also manages the agency's Small Business Innovative Research, technology transfer, Defense Conversion Act and other innovative technology development programs including a new experiment in incubating technology start-up companies. Gregory M. Reck is Associate Administrator. The Office of Space Communications is responsible for planning, development and operation of worldwide communications, command, navigation and control, data acquisition, telemetry and data processing essential to the success of NASA programs and activities. Communications systems requirements for Space Shuttle flights; Earth orbital, planetary and interplanetary space probes; expendable launch vehicles; research aircraft; sounding rockets; balloons and administrative support are provided by this office. The office consists of five divisions. Charles T. Force is Associate Administrator. The Office of Safety And Mission Quality plans, develops and evaluates safety, quality and risk management policies and activities in support of NASA programs. Responsibilities include providing leadership in quality management for science and engineering programs and working closely with NASA flight, ground operations and research programs to develop safety, reliability, maintainability and quality assurance policies and requirements. The office consists of seven divisions and three safety panels. Frederick D. Gregory is Associate Administrator. Headquarters Public Affairs Contacts NAME (TELEMAIL ADDRESS) & TITLE OFFICE PHONE HOME PHONE Jeff Vincent (GVINCENT) 202/358-1898 703/836-0015 Acting Associate Administrator Diane Mangel (DMANGEL) 202/358-1898 301/884-5789 Secretary vacant 202/358-1400 Deputy Associate Administrator Linda A. Lynch (LLYNCH) 202/358-1754 301/384-2213 Secretary FAX: 202/358-4345 Internal Communications - P-2 Elizabeth V. Schmid (ESCHMID) 202/358-1760 703/548-8320 Acting Head/Editor, NASA Magazine Sonja Maclin 202/358-1768 FAX: 202/358-4360 Program Management Division - PS Jeff Vincent (GVINCENT) 202/358-1747 703/836-0015 Director Diane M. Cheatham (DCHEATHAM) 202/358-1748 301/599-9340 Administrative Officer Robin Timms (RTIMMS) 202/358-1749 301/884-0666 Budget Analyst Theresa D. Houser (THOUSER) 202/358-1765 301/868-9069 ADP Coordinator Patricia M. Riep (PN) (PRIEP) 202/358-1764 301/262-4260 Freedom of Information Act Officer Jo Ann Schneider 202/358-1764 301/725-0025 FOIA Assistant Thelma Johnson 202/358-1752 Correspondence Processing Analyst Public Affairs Officers Sarah Keegan (SKEEGAN) 202/358-1902 703/237-7513 Public Affairs Officer FAX: 202/358-4336 Office of Aeronautics Drucella Andersen (DAANDERSEN) 202/358-4733 703/893-3844 Public Affairs Officer (R) Barbara Selby (BSELBY) 202/358-1983 301/552-1917 Public Affairs Officer (R) Les Dorr, Jr. (LDORR) 202/488-4615 Writer/Editor FAX: 202/358-4060 Office of Space Communications Office of Safety and Mission Quality Dwayne C. Brown (DBROWN) 202/358-0547 301/459-4822 Public Affairs Officer (O) (Q) FAX: 202/358-2779 Office of Space Flight Office of Space Systems Development Mark Hess (MHESS) 202/358-1776 703/548-2994 Public Affairs Officer (M-9) Jim Cast (JCAST) 202/358-1779 301/248-3734 Public Affairs Officer (M-9) Edward S. Campion (ECAMPION) 202/358-1780 703/998-6342 Public Affairs Officer (M-9) Carolyn W. Townsend 202/358-1781 410/263-8259 Public Affairs Specialist (M-9) FAX: 202/358-2887 Office of Space Science Paula Cleggett-Haleim (PCLEGGETT) 202/358-0883 301/203-9323 Senior Public Affairs Officer (S) Grace Reardon 202/358-1547 Secretary FAX: 202/358-3093 Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications Michael Braukus (MBRAUKUS) 202/358-0872 410/740-7126 Public Affairs Officer (U) FAX: 202/358-3093 Office of Mission to Planet Earth Brian Dunbar (BDUNBAR) 202/358-0873 703/841-9110 Public Information Officer (Y) FAX: 202/358-3093 International Affairs Division Debra Rahn (DRAHN) 202/358-1639 703/273-7053 Public Affairs Officer (IR) Jennifer McCarter 202/358-1639 Public Information Assistant FAX: 202/358-3030 202/358-3031 Office of Advanced Concepts and Technology Charles Redmond (CREDMOND) 202/358-1757 202/363-3184 Public Affairs Officer (C) FAX: 202/358-3084 Office of Human Resources and Education Terri Sindelar (TSINDELAR) 202/358-1977 301/670-9247 Public Affairs Officer (FE) FAX: 202/358-4210 Media Services Division - PM James W. McCulla (JMCCULLA) 202/358-0002 703/821-2236 Director Beverly C. Randolph 202/358-1724 Secretary News and Information Branch - PM (HQNEWSROOM) Newsroom Phone 202/358-1600 David W. Garrett (DGARRETT) 202/358-1725 703/998-6910 Chief Kenneth C. Atchison (KATCHISON) 202/358-1726 301/937-2198 Assistant News Chief Donald L. Savage (DSAVAGE) 202/358-1727 703/644-9749 Public Affairs Officer Budget And Congressional Affairs Dave Steitz (DSTEITZ) 202/358-1730 202/483-6072 Public Affairs Specialist Patrice Williams (PCWILLIAMS) 202/358-1729 Secretary FAX: 202/358-4210 202/358-4335 Broadcast and Imaging Branch - PMD Branch phone 202/358-1900 Joseph Headlee (JHEADLEE) 202/358-1734 703/451-3023 Chief Deanna Corridon 202/358-1733 Secretary H. Thomas Jaqua (HTJAQUA) 202/358-1737 410/586-3254 Photo and Motion Pictures Bill Ingalls 202/358-1742 703/243-9243 Still Photographer Althea Washington 202/358-1738 202/291-3113 Visual Information Specialist Constance Moore 202/358-1740 301/899-3163 Audio Visual Coordinator Tony L. Ellington 202/358-0020 703/670-0487 Audio Visual Production Specialist Deborah Rivera 202/358-1743 703/750-0654 Radio and Television Programs Christopher C. Allingham 202/484-0067 202/396-5069 Television Producer John F. Walsh III (JWALSH) 202/358-0066 703/719-6882 Television Producer FAX: 202/358-4333 Public Services Division - PO James M. Funkhouser (JFUNKHOUSER) 202/358-1750 703