TITLE 32: ENERGY CHAPTER II: DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY SUBCHAPTER b: RADIATION PROTECTION PART 350 RADIATION SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHIC OPERATIONS SUBPART A: GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 350.10 Purpose 350.20 Scope 350.30 Definitions SUBPART B: EQUIPMENT CONTROL Section 350.1010 Limits on Levels of Radiation for Radiographic Exposure Devices and Storage Containers 350.1020 Locking of Sources of Radiation 350.1030 Storage Precautions 350.1040 Radiation Survey Instruments 350.1050 Leak Testing, Repair, Tagging, Opening, Modification, and Replacement of Sealed Sources 350.1060 Quarterly Inventory 350.1070 Utilization Logs 350.1080 Inspection and Maintenance 350.1090 Permanent Radiographic Installations SUBPART C: PERSONAL RADIATION SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR RADIOGRAPHERS AND RADIOGRAPHERS' ASSISTANTS Section 350.2010 Training and Testing 350.2020 Operating and Emergency Procedures 350.2030 Personnel Monitoring Control 350.2040 Supervision of Radiographers' Assistants SUBPART D: PRECAUTIONARY PROCEDURES IN RADIOGRAPHIC OPERATIONS Section 350.3010 Security 350.3020 Posting 350.3030 Radiation Surveys and Survey Records 350.3040 Records Required at Temporary Job Sites 350.3050 Special Requirements for Enclosed Radiography Utilizing Radioactive Sources 350.3060 Special Requirements and Exemptions for Enclosed Radiography Systems, other than those Described in Section 350.3050 that are Designed to Allow Admittance of Individuals 350.3070 Special Requirements and Exemptions for Certified and Non- Certified Cabinet X-Ray Systems Designed to Exclude Individuals 350.3080 Special Requirements for Mobile or Portable Radiation Machines APPENDIX A Subjects to be Covered During the Instruction of Radiographers AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by the Radiation Protection Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1987, ch. 111«, pars. 211 et seq.). SOURCE: Filed and effective April 20, 1974, by the Department of Public Health; transferred to the Department of Nuclear Safety by P.A. 81-1516, effective December 3, 1980; codified at 7 Ill. Reg. 14744; recodified at 10 Ill. Reg. 11265; amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986; amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 13592, effective August 11, 1989. SUBPART A: GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 350.10 Purpose The regulations in this Part establish radiation safety requirements for persons using sources of radiation for industrial radiography. The require- ments of this Part are in addition to, and not in substitution for, other applicable requirements of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310, 320, 330, 331, 340, 341, 400 and 601. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.20 Scope The regulations in this Part apply to all licensees or registrants who use sources of radiation for industrial radiography. Except for those regulations of this Part clearly applicable only to sealed radioactive sources, both radiation machines and sealed radioactive sources are covered by this Part. Special requirements for enclosed radiography and mobile portable x-ray systems are outlined in Sections 350.3060, 350.3070, and 350.3080 respec- tively. Nothing in this Part shall apply to the use of sources of radiation in the healing arts. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.30 Definitions As used in this Part, the following definitions apply: "Cabinet radiography" means industrial radiography conducted in an enclosure or cabinet so shielded that radiation levels at every location on the exterior meet the limitations specified in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.1050. "Cabinet x-ray system" means an x-ray system with the x-ray tube installed in an enclosure which, independent of existing architectural structures except the floor on which it may be placed, is intended to contain at least that portion of a material being irradiated, provide radiation attenuation, and exclude personnel from its interior during generation of x radiation. Included are all x-ray systems designed primarily for the inspection of carry-on baggage at airline, railroad, and bus terminals, and in similar facilities. An x-ray tube used within a shielded part of a building, or x-ray equipment which may temporarily or occasionally incorporate portable shielding, is not considered a cabinet x-ray system. "Certified cabinet x-ray system" means an x-ray system which has been certified in accordance with 21 CFR 1010.2 as being manufactured and assembled pursuant to the provisions of 21 CFR 1020.40. "Enclosed radiography" means industrial radiography conducted in an enclosed cabinet or room and includes cabinet radiography and shielded room radiography. "Industrial radiography" means the examination of the macroscopic structure of materials by non-destructive methods using sources of radiation. "Permanent radiographic installation" means an installation or structure designed or intended for radiography and in which radiography is regularly performed. "Personal supervision" means supervision in which the radiographer is physically present at the site where sources of radiation and associated equipment are being used, watching the performance of the radiographer's assistant and in such proximity that immediate assistance can be given if required. "Radiographer" means any individual who performs or personally supervises industrial radiographic operations and who is responsible to the licensee or registrant for assuring compliance with the requirements of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310, 320, 330, 331, 341, 370 and 601 and all license and/or certificate of registration conditions. "Radiographer's assistant" means any individual who, under the personal supervision of a radiographer, uses sources of radiation, related handling tools, or radiation survey instruments in industrial radiography. "Radiographic exposure device" means any instrument containing a sealed source fastened or contained therein, in which the sealed source or shielding thereof may be moved, or otherwise changed, from a shielded to unshielded position for purposes of making a radiographic exposure. "Shielded position" means the location within the radiographic exposure device or storage container which, by manufacturer's design, is the proper location for storage of the sealed source. "Shielded-room radiography" means industrial radiography conducted in a room so shielded that radiation levels at every location on the exterior meet the limitations specified in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.1050. "Source changer" means a device designed and used for replacement of sealed sources in radiographic exposure devices, including those source changers also used for transporting and storage of sealed sources. "Storage container" means a device in which sealed sources are transported or stored. (Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 13592, effective August 11, 1989) SUBPART B: EQUIPMENT CONTROL Section 350.1010 Limits on Levels of Radiation for Radiographic Exposure Devices and Storage Containers Radiographic exposure devices measuring less than 4 inches (10 cm) from the sealed source storage position to any exterior surface of the device shall have no radiation level in excess of 50 milliroentgens (1.20 x 10-5 C/kg) per hour at 6 inches (15 cm) from any exterior surface of the device. Radiogra- phic exposure devices measuring a minimum of 4 inches (10 cm) from the sealed source storage position to any exterior surface of the device, and all storage containers for sealed sources or outer containers for radiographic exposure devices, shall have no radiation level in excess of 200 milliroentgens (5.16 x 10-5 C/kg) per hour at any exterior surface, and 10 milliroentgens (2.58 x 10-6 C/kg) per hour at 39.4 inches (1 m) from any exterior surface. The radiation levels specified are with the sealed source in the shielded position. (Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 13592, effective August 11, 1989) Section 350.1020 Locking of Sources of Radiation a) Each source of radiation shall be provided with a lock or lockable outer container designed to prevent unauthorized or accidental pro- duction of radiation or removal or exposure of a sealed source and shall be kept locked at all times except when under the direct surveillance of a radiographer or radiographer's assistant, or as may be otherwise authorized pursuant to Section 350.3010. Each storage container and source changer likewise shall be provided with a lock and shall be kept locked when containing sealed sources except when the container is under the direct surveillance of a radiographer or radiographer's assistant. b) Radiographic exposure devices, source changers, and storage con- tainers, prior to being moved from one location to another and also prior to being secured at a given location, shall be locked and surveyed to assure that the sealed source is in the shielded position. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.1030 Storage Precautions Locked radiographic exposure devices, source changers, storage containers, and radiation machines shall be physically secured to prevent tampering or removal by unauthorized personnel. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.1040 Radiation Survey Instruments a) The licensee or registrant shall maintain sufficient calibrated and operable radiation survey instruments to make physical radiation surveys as required by this Part and 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.2010. Instrumentation required by this Section shall have a range such that 2 milliroentgens (5.16 x 10-7 C/kg) per hour through 1 roentgen (2.58 x 10-4 C/kg) per hour can be measured. b) Each radiation survey instrument shall be calibrated: 1) at energies appropriate for use and at intervals not to exceed 3 months and after each instrument servicing; 2) such that accuracy within plus or minus 20 percent can be demonstrated; and 3) at two or more widely separated points, other than zero, on each scale, or one point of each scale for digital devices. c) Records of calibrations shall be maintained for 2 years after the calibration date for inspection by the Department of Nuclear Safety (Department). (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.1050 Leak Testing, Repair, Tagging, Opening, Modification, and Replacement of Sealed Sources a) The replacement of any sealed source fastened to or contained in a radiographic exposure device and leak testing, repair, tagging, opening, or any other modification of any sealed source shall be performed only by persons specifically authorized to do so by the Department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agreement State, or any Licensing State. b) Each sealed source shall be tested for leakage at intervals not to exceed 6 months. In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a test has been made within the 6 month period prior to the transfer, the sealed source shall not be put into use until tested. c) The leak test shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcurie (185 Bq) of removable contamination on the sealed source. An acceptable leak test for sealed sources in the possession of a radiography licensee or registrant would be to test at the nearest accessible point to the sealed source storage position, or other appropriate measuring point, by a procedure to be approved pursuant to 32 Ill. Adm. Code 330.260(d)(5). Records of leak test results shall be kept in units of microcuries and maintained for inspection by the Department for 2 years after the next required leak test is performed or until the sealed source is transferred or disposed. d) Any test conducted pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) which reveals the presence of 0.005 microcurie (185 Bq) or more of removable radioactive material shall be considered evidence that the sealed source is leaking. The licensee or registrant shall immediately withdraw the equipment involved from use and shall cause it to be decontaminated and repaired or to be disposed of in accordance with 32 Ill. Adm. Code 330 and 340. Within 5 days after obtaining results of the test, the licensee or registrant shall file a report with the Department describing the equipment involved, the test results, and the corrective action taken. e) A sealed source which is not fastened to or contained in a radio- graphic exposure device shall have permanently attached to it a durable tag at least 1 inch (2.54 cm) square bearing the prescribed radiation caution symbol in conventional colors, magenta or purple on a yellow background, and at least the instructions: DANGER RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL DO NOT HANDLE NOTIFY CIVIL AUTHORITIES IF FOUND (Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 13592, effective August 11, 1989) Section 350.1060 Quarterly Inventory Each licensee or registrant shall conduct a quarterly physical inventory to account for all sealed sources received or possessed by him. The records of the inventories shall be maintained for 2 years from the date of the inventory for inspection by the Department and shall include the quantities and kinds of radioactive material, the location of sealed sources, and the date of the in- ventory. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.1070 Utilization Logs Each licensee or registrant shall maintain current logs, which shall be kept available for inspection by the Department for 2 years from the date of the recorded event, showing for each source of radiation the following information: a) A description (or make and model number) of each source of radiation or storage container in which a sealed source is located; b) The identity of the radiographer to whom assigned; c) Locations where used and dates of use; and d) The voltage, current, and exposure time for each radiographic exposure with a radiation machine. (Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 13592, effective August 11, 1989) Section 350.1080 Inspection and Maintenance a) Each licensee or registrant shall ensure that checks for obvious defects in radiation machines, radiographic exposure devices, storage containers, and source changers are performed prior to each day of use. b) Each licensee or registrant shall conduct a program of at least quarterly inspection and maintenance of radiation machines, radiographic exposure devices, storage containers, and source changers to assure proper functioning of components important to safety. All appropriate parts shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. Records of inspection and maintenance shall be maintained for inspection by the Department until their disposal is authorized by the Department. c) If any inspection conducted pursuant to Section 350.1080(a) or (b) reveals damage to components critical to radiation safety, the device shall be removed from service until repairs have been made. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.1090 Permanent Radiographic Installations Permanent radiographic installations using a radiographic exposure device(s) having high radiation area entrance controls of the type described in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.2030(c)(2)(B) and (C) and 340.2030(c)(4) shall also meet the following requirements: a) Each entrance that is used for personnel access to the high radiation area shall have both visible and audible warning signals to warn of the presence of radiation. The visible signal shall be activated by radiation. The audible signal shall be activated when an attempt is made to enter the installation while the source is exposed. b) The control device or alarm system shall be tested for proper operation at the beginning of each day of use. Records of these tests shall be maintained for inspection by the Department until their disposal is authorized. Disposal of records will be authorized by the Department, in writing, if compliance with this Section has been previously established pursuant to an inspection. (Source: Added at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) SUBPART C: PERSONAL RADIATION SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR RADIOGRAPHERS AND RADIOGRAPHERS' ASSISTANTS Section 350.2010 Training and Testing a) The licensee or registrant shall not permit any individual to act as a radiographer, as defined in this Part, until such individual: 1) has been instructed in the subjects outlined in Appendix A of this Part; 2) has received copies of and instruction in the regulations contained in this Part and in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340 and 400, a copy of the license or certificate of registration issued to the licensee or registrant and the licensee's or registrant's operating and emergency procedures; 3) has been instructed in the use of and has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the licensee or registrant, competence in the use of the licensee's or registrant's sources of radiation, radiographic exposure devices, related handling tools, and radiation survey instruments; and 4) has demonstrated, to the licensee or registrant, an understanding of the instructions in Section 350.2010(a) as evidenced by having successfully completed a written test and a field examination on subjects relevant to the position. b) The licensee or registrant shall not permit any individual to act as a radiographer's assistant, as defined in this Part, until such individual: 1) has received copies of and instruction in the licensee's or registrant's operating and emergency procedures; 2) has been instructed in the use of and has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the licensee or registrant, that when the individual is under the personal supervision of the radiographer, the individual is competent to use the sources of radiation, radiographic exposure devices, related handling tools, and radiation survey instruments which will be used in the position; and 3) has demonstrated, to the licensee or registrant, an understanding of the instructions in Section 350.2010(b) by having successfully completed a written or oral test and a field examination on subjects relevant to the position. c) Records of the above training, including copies of written tests and dates of oral tests and field examinations, shall be maintained for inspection by the Department for 3 years following termination of employment. d) Each licensee or registrant shall conduct an internal audit program to ensure that the Department's radioactive material license conditions and the licensee's or registrant's operating and emergency procedures are followed by each radiographer and radiographer's assistant. These internal audits shall be performed at least quarterly, and each radiographer shall be audited at least annually. Records of internal audits shall be maintained for inspection by the Department for 2 years from the date of the audit. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.2020 Operating and Emergency Procedures The licensee's or registrant's operating and emergency procedures shall include instructions in at least the following: a) handling and use of sources of radiation to be employed such that no individual is likely to be exposed to radiation doses in excess of the limits established in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340; b) methods and occasions for conducting radiation surveys; c) methods for controlling access to radiographic areas; d) methods and occasions for locking and securing sources of radiation; e) personnel monitoring and the use of personnel monitoring equipment, including steps that must be taken immediately by radiography personnel in the event a pocket dosimeter is found to be off-scale; f) transportation to field locations, including packing of sources of radiation in the vehicles, posting of vehicles, and control of sources of radiation during transportation; g) minimizing exposure of individuals in the event of an accident; h) the procedure for notifying proper personnel in the event of an accident; i) maintenance of records; and j) the inspection and maintenance of radiographic exposure devices, source changers, storage containers, and radiation machines. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.2030 Personnel Monitoring Control a) The licensee or registrant shall not permit any individual to act as a radiographer or as a radiographer's assistant unless, at all times during radiographic operations, each such individual wears a direct reading pocket dosimeter and either a film badge or a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD). Pocket dosimeters shall have a range from zero to at least 200 milliroentgens (5.16 x 10-5 C/kg) and shall be recharged daily or at the start of each shift. Each film badge or TLD shall be assigned to and worn by only one individual. b) Pocket dosimeters shall be read and exposures recorded at least once daily. c) Pocket dosimeters shall be checked for correct response to radiation at periods not to exceed 1 year. Acceptable dosimeters shall read within plus or minus 30 percent of the true radiation exposure. d) If an individual's pocket dosimeter is discharged beyond its range, the individual's film badge or TLD shall immediately be sent for processing. e) Reports received from the film badge or TLD processor and records of daily pocket dosimeter readings shall be kept for inspection by the Department until the Department authorizes their disposition. Such disposition will be authorized by the Department, in writing, when the records contain inaccurate personnel monitoring information. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.2040 Supervision of Radiographers' Assistants Whenever a radiographer's assistant uses radiographic exposure devices, sealed sources or related source handling tools, or conducts radiation surveys required by Section 350.3030(b) and (c) to determine that the sealed source has returned to the shielded position after an exposure, the radiographer's assistant shall be under the personal supervision of a radiographer. (Source: Added at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) SUBPART D: PRECAUTIONARY PROCEDURES IN RADIOGRAPHIC OPERATIONS Section 350.3010 Security During each radiographic operation, the radiographer or radiographer's assistant shall maintain a direct surveillance of the operation to protect against unauthorized entry into a high radiation area, as defined in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310, except: a) where the high radiation area is equipped with a control device or alarm system as described in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.2030(c)(2), or b) where the high radiation area is locked to protect against unauthorized or accidental entry. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.3020 Posting Notwithstanding any provisions in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.2040(c), areas in which radiography is being performed, shall be conspicuously posted as required by 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.2030(b) and (c)(1). (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.3030 Radiation Surveys and Survey Records a) No radiographic operation shall be conducted unless calibrated and operable radiation survey instrumentation, as described in Section 350.1040, is available and used at each site where radiographic exposures are made. b) A survey with a radiation survey instrument shall be made after each radiographic exposure to determine that the sealed source has been returned to its shielded position. The entire circumference of the radiographic exposure device shall be surveyed. If the radiographic exposure device has a source guide tube, the survey shall also include the guide tube. c) A physical radiation survey shall be made to determine that each sealed source is in its shielded position prior to securing the radiographic exposure device or storage container, as specified in Section 350.1020. d) A physical radiation survey shall be made after each radiographic exposure using radiation machines to determine that the machine is "off". e) Records shall be kept of the surveys required by Section 350.3030(c). Such records shall be maintained for inspection by the Department for 2 years after completion of the survey. If the survey was used to determine an individual's exposure, however, the records of the survey shall be maintained until the Department authorizes their disposition. Such disposition will be authorized by the Department only if the records contain inaccurate information which could result in an inaccurate determination of an individual's exposure. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.3040 Records Required at Temporary Job Sites If a licensee or registrant temporarily uses a source of radiation at a location other than the location listed in the licensee's or registrant's license or certificate of registration, the licensee or registrant shall maintain the following records at the temporary job site and shall make these records available for inspection by the Department: a) the license, certificate of registration, or equivalent document; b) operating and emergency procedures; c) relevant regulations of the Department and of any other State or Federal entities which license the licensee or registrant; d) survey records required pursuant to Section 350.3030 for the period of operation at the site; e) daily pocket dosimeter records for the period of operation at the site; and f) the latest instrument calibration and sealed source leak test records for specific devices in use at the site. Acceptable records include tags or labels which are affixed to the device or survey meter. (Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 13592, effective August 11, 1989) Section 350.3050 Special Requirements for Enclosed Radiography Utilizing Radioactive Sources a) Enclosed radiography systems which utilize radioactive sources and which are designed to allow admittance of individuals shall be designed and constructed: 1) in such a manner as to comply with all requirements of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.1050 and this Part except Sections 350.3060, 350.3070, and 350.3080; and 2) in such a manner that any door fastening mechanism will allow the door to be opened from the inside at all times. b) Each system for enclosed radiography specified in subsection (a) shall be evaluated by the licensee or registrant at intervals not to exceed one (1) year to assure compliance with the requirements of subsection (a). Records of these evaluations shall be maintained for inspection by the Department for a period of two (2) years after the evaluation. (Source: Added at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.3060 Special Requirements and Exemptions for Enclosed Radiography Systems, other than those Described in Section 350.3050 that are Designed to Allow Admittance of Individuals AGENCY NOTE: The requirements of this Section apply to enclosed radiography systems that do not use radioactive sources. Special requirements for enclosed radiography using radioactive sources are contained in Section 350.3050. a) Enclosed radiography systems, other than those described in Section 350.3050, that are designed to allow admittance of individuals shall be exempt from other requirements of this Part except Sections 350.1040(b) and (c) and 350.2030. However, the registrant shall: 1) submit plans and specifications to the Department for review and approval of any new installations or any modification of existing installations. Such approval shall not be granted unless the plans and specifications satisfy the requirements of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340 and this Part. 2) have a pre-operational survey conducted before any new installation is placed in operation to determine radiation exposures of all persons who may be in close proximity to the enclosure. 3) report to the Department any alteration which increases the radiation output of the equipment or which reduces the effectiveness of protective barriers. 4) comply with all requirements of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340. If such a system is a certified cabinet x-ray system, it shall also comply with the requirements of 21 CFR 1020.40, revised as of April 1, 1988, exclusive of any subsequent amendments or editions. A copy of 21 CFR 1020 is available for public inspection at the Department of Nuclear Safety. 5) prohibit any individual from operating a radiation machine for enclosed room radiography until such individual has received a copy of, instruction in, and has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the registrant, an understanding of operating and emergency procedures for the unit, and has demonstrated competence in its use. Records which demonstrate compliance with this subparagraph shall be maintained for inspection by the Department until their disposition has been authorized by the Department. Such disposition will be authorized if compliance with this subparagraph has been previously established pursuant to an inspection. 6) provide either a film badge or a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) for every individual who operates, who makes "set-ups", or who performs maintenance on a radiation machine for enclosed room radiography. Each film badge or TLD shall be assigned to and worn by only one individual. In addition, if the registrant has a poor compliance history regarding personnel monitoring (such as demonstrated by a violation of this Section, 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.2020, or 400.120), if the registrant's facilities are designed such that an employee could receive in any one calendar quarter an occupational dose in excess of those stated in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.1010, or if the registrant's activities are conducted in such a manner that an employee could receive in any one calendar quarter an occupational dose in excess of the doses stated in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.1010, then the Department will require that individuals wear a direct reading pocket dosimeter. If so required, all regulations pertaining to pocket dosimeters as listed in Section 350.2030 shall apply. 7) conduct radiation surveys to determine that the radiation machine is "off" prior to each entry into the enclosed room if the enclosed radiography system is designed or operated in such a manner that an individual could receive in any one calendar quarter a dose in excess of the doses stated in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.1010. Radiation survey instruments utilized for radiation surveys shall be in conformance with subsections 350.1040(b) and (c). 8) restrict the access of personnel and the public to any and all radiographic areas to prevent exposure of any individual in excess of the limits of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340.Subpart A. 9) assure that the radiography system and all objects exposed thereto are confined within a permanent total enclosure to which no individual shall have access or within which no individual is permitted to remain while the radiation machine within it is in operation, and which affords, under any operating condition, protection from radiation for all individuals outside the enclosure. Such permanent total enclosure shall meet the following requirements: A) Interlocks - a reliable interlock or other mechanism shall be installed at each means of access to the enclosure which will preclude access to an area of radiation hazard either by preventing entry or by automatically reducing the hazard. B) Door-fastening Mechanism - a door-fastening mechanism shall be installed so that the door can be opened from the inside at all times. C) Alarms - except for cabinet x-ray systems, visible and/or audible alarms shall be installed within the protective enclosure and shall be activated for at least twenty (20) seconds immediately prior to the first initiation of x- ray generation. D) For cabinet x-ray systems designed to admit humans, visible and/or audible alarms shall be installed within the protective enclosure. Such alarms shall be activated for at least ten (10) seconds immediately prior to the first initiation of x-ray generation after closing any door designed to admit humans. 10) include in the consideration of access restrictions all radiation machines that produce radiation in the occupied areas. 11) maintain for review by the Department information relative to the operating parameters and workload of each radiography system. 12) assure each radiography system control panel includes a device which will give positive indication of the production of radiation whenever the source of radiation is energized. 13) provide means to assure the radiography system is secured against unauthorized operation when not in use. b) The registrant's operating and emergency procedures shall include instructions in at least the following: 1) Security of the radiography system when not in use. 2) Biological effects of ionizing radiation. 3) Radiation hazards associated with the radiography system. 4) Safety practices. 5) Procedure for notifying proper supervisory personnel in the event of an emergency. 6) Maintenance/repair procedures. 7) Personnel monitoring and the proper use of monitoring devices. (Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 13592, effective August 11, 1989) Section 350.3070 Special Requirements and Exemptions for Certified and Non- Certified Cabinet X-Ray Systems Designed to Exclude Individuals Cabinet x-ray systems designed to exclude individuals are exempt from the requirements of this Part except that: a) the registrant shall comply with the requirements of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340 and Section 350.3060(b) of this Part; b) the registrant shall not permit any individual to operate a cabinet x-ray system until such individual has been instructed in the operating and emergency procedures for the unit and has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the registrant, competence in its use. Records which demonstrate compliance with this subsection shall be maintained for inspection by the Department until disposition is authorized by the Department; c) each cabinet x-ray system shall be in conformance with the regulations in 21 CFR 1020.40, revised as of April 1, 1985, exclusive of subsequent amendments or editions. A copy of 21 CFR 1020 is available for public inspection at the Department; d) the registrant shall maintain for review by the Department information relative to the operating parameters and workload of each cabinet system. (Source: Added at 10 Ill. Reg. 17287, effective September 25, 1986) Section 350.3080 Special Requirements for Mobile or Portable Radiation Machines This Section is applicable to portable or mobile radiation machines used in a manner that provides radiation protection to individuals by controlling the direction of the primary beam and the distance between individuals and the source of radiation. The requirements of this Section apply to portable and mobile radiation machines used either within plants or at temporary job sites. a) The registrant operating this type of equipment shall furnish to the Department for prior approval a detailed description of the dates, locations, normal and maximum operating conditions and workload under which portable or mobile radiation machines are to be utilized. Such approval shall be granted if the information provided indicates that the requirements of this Part and 32 Ill. Adm. Code 340 will be met. b) Radiation survey results and records of boundary locations shall be maintained at each job site location while at that location and kept available for Department inspection. The Department shall conduct an inspection to establish compliance with the requirements of this Section at intervals specified in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 410.60. When the Department has received a complaint or has noted a deficiency during an inspection, the Department will conduct additional investigations and inspections to assure compliance with the provisions of this Section. c) Each radiation machine's control panel shall include a device which will give positive indication of the production of radiation whenever the source of radiation is energized. (Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 13592, effective August 11, 1989) Section 350. APPENDIX A Subjects to be Covered During the Instruction of Radiographers I) Fundamentals of Radiation Safety A) Characteristics of radiation B) Units or radiation dose and quantity of radioactivity C) Significance of radiation dose 1) Radiation protection standards 2) Biological effects of radiation D) Levels of radiation from sources of radiation E) Methods of controlling radiation dose 1) Working time 2) Working distances 3) Shielding II) Radiation Detection Instrumentation to be Used A) Use of radiation survey instruments 1) Operation 2) Calibration 3) Limitations B) Survey techniques C) Use of personnel monitoring equipment 1) Film badges 2) Thermoluminescent dosimeters 3) Pocket dosimeters III) Radiographic Equipment to be Used A) Remote handling equipment B) Radiographic exposure devices and sealed sources C) Storage containers D) Operation and control of x-ray equipment IV) The Requirements of Pertinent Federal and State Regulations V) The Licensee'