TITLE 32: ENERGY CHAPTER II: DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR SAFETY SUBCHAPTER b: RADIATION PROTECTION PART 340 STANDARDS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST RADIATION SUBPART A: GENERAL Section 340.1000 Purpose and Scope 340.1010 Radiation Dose Standards for Individuals in Restricted Areas 340.1020 Determination of Accumulated Dose 340.1030 Exposure to Concentrations of Radioactive Material in Air in Restricted Areas 340.1040 Exposure of Minors 340.1050 Permissible Levels of Radiation for External Sources in Unrestricted Areas 340.1060 Concentration of Radioactivity in Effluents to Unrestricted Areas 340.1070 Orders Requiring Furnishing of Bioassay Service SUBPART B: PRECAUTIONARY PROCEDURES Section 340.2010 Surveys 340.2020 Personnel Monitoring 340.2030 Caution Signs, Labels, and Signals 340.2040 Exceptions from Posting and Labeling Requirements 340.2050 Instruction of Personnel 340.2060 Storage and Control of Sources of Radiation 340.2070 Procedures for Picking Up, Receiving, and Opening Packages SUBPART C: WASTE DISPOSAL Section 340.3010 General Requirements 340.3020 Method of Obtaining Approval of Proposed Disposal Procedures 340.3030 Disposal by Release Into Sanitary Sewage Systems 340.3040 Land Disposal 340.3050 Disposal by Incineration 340.3060 Disposal of Specific Wastes 340.3070 Classification of Radioactive Waste for Land Disposal 340.3080 Radioactive Waste Characteristics 340.3090 Labeling 340.3110 Transfer for Disposal and Manifests SUBPART D: RECORDS, MONITORING AND DISPOSAL Section 340.4010 Records of Surveys, Radiation Monitoring, and Disposal 340.4020 Reports of Theft or Loss of Sources of Radiation 340.4030 Notification of Incidents Section 340.4040 Reports to Former Employees and Others of Exposure to Radiation (Repealed) 340.4050 Reports of Overexposures and Excessive Levels and Concentrations 340.4060 Notice to Employees and Others of Exposure to Radiation (Repealed) 340.4070 Vacating Premises 340.4080 Notifications and Reports to Individuals 340.4090 Removal of Radioactive Contamination APPENDIX A Concentrations in Air and Water Above Natural Background APPENDIX B Quantities for use with 340.2030 and 340.3030 Material and Microcuries APPENDIX C Decontamination Guides ILLUSTRATION A Radiation Symbol AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by the Radiation Protection Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1985, ch. 111«, pars. 211 et seq.). SOURCE: Filed April 24, 1970 by the Department of Public Health; transferred to the Department of Nuclear Safety by P.A. 81-1516, effective December 3, 1980; amended at 5 Ill. Reg. 9586, effective September 10, 1981; codified at 7 Ill. Reg. 16027; Recodified at 10 Ill. Reg. 11273; amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986. SUBPART A: GENERAL Section 340.1000 Purpose and Scope a) This Part establishes standards for protection against radiation hazards. Except as otherwise specifically provided, this Part applies to all licensees and registrants. It is the purpose of the regulations in this Part to control the possession, use, and transfer of sources of radiation by any licensee or registrant in such a manner that the total dose to an individual does not exceed the standards of radiation protection prescribed in this Part. Nothing in this Part shall be interpreted as limiting the intentional exposure of patients to radiation for the purpose of medical diagnosis or therapy. b) In addition to complying with the requirements set forth in this Part, every reasonable effort should be made to maintain radiation exposures, and releases of radioactive materials in effluents to unrestricted areas, as low as is reasonably achievable. The term "as low as is reasonably achievable" means as low as is reasonably achievable taking into account the state of technology, and the economics of improvements in relation to benefits to the public health and safety, and other societal and socioeconomic consider- ations, and in relation to the utilization of ionizing radiation in the public interest. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.1010 Radiation Dose Standards for Individuals in Restricted Areas* a) In accordance with the provisions of Section 340.1020(a), and except as provided in Section 340.1010(b), no licensee or registrant shall possess, use, receive, or transfer sources of radiation in such a manner as to cause any individual in a restricted area to receive in any period of 1 calendar quarter from all sources of radiation a total occupational dose in excess of the standards specified as follows: Rems (Sv) per Calendar Quarter Whole body; head and trunk; active blood-forming organs; lens of eyes; or gonads ................. 1 1/4 (12.5 mSv) Hands and forearms; feet and ankles ........... 18 3/4 (187.5 mSv) Skin of whole body ........ 7 1/2 (75 mSv) b) A licensee or registrant may permit an individual in a restricted area to receive a total occupational dose to the whole body greater than that permitted under Section 340.1010(a), provided: 1) during any calendar quarter, the total occupational dose to the whole body shall not exceed 3 rems (30 mSv); 2) the dose to the whole body, when added to the accumulated occupational dose to the whole body, shall not exceed 5(N- 18) rems (50(N-18) mSv) where "N" equals the individual's age in years at his last birthday; and 3) the licensee or registrant has determined the individual's accumulated occupational dose to the whole body on Department of Nuclear Safety (Department) Form KLA.002, or on a clear and legible record containing all the information required in that form and has otherwise complied with the requirements of Section 340.1020. As used in Section 340.1010(b), "dose to the whole body" shall be deemed to include any dose to the whole body, gonads, active blood- forming organs, head and trunk, or lens of eye. *AGENCY NOTE: For determining the doses specified in Section 340.1010, a dose from X or gamma rays up to 10 MeV may be assumed to be equivalent to the exposure measured by a properly calibrated appropriate instrument in air at or near the body surface in the region of the highest dose rate. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.1020 Determination of Accumulated Dose a) 1) Each licensee or registrant shall require any individual, prior to first entry of the individual into the licensee's or registrant's restricted area during each employment or work assignment under such circumstances that the individual will receive or is likely to receive in any period of 1 calendar quarter an occupational dose in excess of 25 percent of the applicable standards specified in Sections 340.1010(a) and 340.1040(a), to disclose in a written, signed statement, either: A) that the individual had no prior occupational dose during the current calendar quarter, or B) the nature and amount of any occupational dose which the individual may have received during the specifically identified current calendar quarter, from sources of radiation possessed or controlled by other persons. 2) Each licensee or registrant shall maintain records of such statements until the Department authorizes disposition. Such disposition of records will be authorized by the Department only if the licensee or registrant establishes to the satisfaction of the Department that the records do not contain accurate information concerning occupational dose or the records are no longer required to establish compliance with this section. b) Before permitting, pursuant to Section 340.1010(b), any individual in a restricted area to receive an occupational radiation dose in excess of the standards specified in Section 340.1010(a), each licensee or registrant shall: 1) obtain a certificate on Department Form KLA.002 or on a clear and legible record containing all the information required in that form, signed by the individual, showing each period of time after the individual attained the age of 18 in which the individual received an occupational dose of radiation; and 2) calculate on Department Form KLA.002, in accordance with the instructions appearing therein, or on a clear and legible record containing all the information required in that form, the previously accumulated occupational dose received by the individual and the additional dose allowed for that individual under Section 340.1010(b). c) 1) In the preparation of Department Form KLA.002, or a clear and legible record containing all the information required in that form, the licensee or registrant shall make a reasonable effort to obtain reports of the individual's previously accumulated occupational dose. For each period for which the licensee or registrant obtains such reports, he shall use the dose shown in the report in preparing the form. In any case where a licensee or registrant is unable to obtain reports of the individual's occupational dose for a previous complete calendar quarter, it shall be assumed that the individual has received the occupational dose specified in whichever of the following columns apply: Column 1 Column 2 Assumed Dose in Assumed Dose in Rems (mSv) for Rems (mSv) for Calendar Quarters Calendar Quarters Prior to January Beginning on or 1, 1961. After January 1, 1961. Part of Body Whole body, gonads, active blood-forming organs, head and trunk, lens of eye ............... 3 3/4 (37.5 mSv) 1 1/4 (12.5 mSv) 2) The licensee or registrant shall retain and preserve records used in preparing Department Form KLA.002 until the Department authorizes their disposition. Such disposition of records will be authorized by the Department only when the records are no longer required to establish compliance with this section. If calculation of the individual's accumulated occupational dose for all periods prior to January 1, 1961, yields a result higher than the applicable accumulated dose value for the individual as of that date, as specified in Section 340.1010(b)(2), the excess may be disregarded. d) Vacation - A person shall not be granted time off from work as a substitute for adequate protection against exposure to radiation. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.1030 Exposure to Concentrations of Radioactive Material in Air in Restricted Areas a) 1) No licensee or registrant shall possess, use, or transfer radioactive material in such a manner as to permit any individual in a restricted area to inhale a quantity of radioactive material in any period of 1 calendar quarter greater than the quantity which would result from inhalation for 40 hours per week for 13 weeks at uniform concentrations of radioactive material in air specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 1, of this Part*. If the radioactive material is of such form that intake by absorption through the skin is likely, individual exposures to radioactive material shall be controlled so that the uptake of radioactive material by any organ from either inhalation or absorption or both routes of intake** in any calendar quarter does not exceed that which would result from inhaling such radioactive material for 40 hours per week for 13 weeks at uniform concentrations specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 1, of this Part. *AGENCY NOTE: Since the concentration specified for tritium oxide vapor assumes equal intakes by skin absorption and inhalation, the total intake permitted is twice that which would result from inhalation alone at the concentration specified for H-3(S) in Appendix A, Table I, Column 1, of this Part for 40 hours per week for 13 weeks. For radon-222, the limiting quantity is that inhaled in a period of one calendar year. For radioactive material designated "Sub" in the "Isotope" column of the table, the concentration value specified is based upon exposure to the material as an external radiation source. Individual exposures to these materials may be accounted for as part of the limitation on individual dose in Section 340.1010. These nuclides shall be subject to the precautionary procedures required by Section 340.1030(b)(1). Multiply the concentration values specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 1, of this Part by 6.3 x 108 milliliters to obtain the quarterly quantity limit. Multiply the concentration value specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 1, of this Part by 2.5 x 109 milliliters to obtain the annual quantity limit for Rn-222. **AGENCY NOTE: Significant intake by ingestion or injection is presumed to occur only as a result of circumstances such as accident, inadvertence, poor procedure, or similar special conditions. Such intakes must be evaluated and accounted for by techniques and procedures as may be appropriate to the circum-stances of the occurrence. Exposures so evaluated shall be included in determining whether the limitation on individual exposures in Section 340.1030(a)(1) has been exceeded. Regulatory guidance on assessment of individual intakes of radioactive material is given in U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 8.9, "Acceptable Concepts, Models, Equations and Assumptions for a Bioassay Program." Single copies of Regulatory Guide 8.9 are available from the Office of Standards Development, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, upon written request. 2) No licensee or registrant shall possess, use, or transfer mix- tures of U-234, U-235, and U-238 in soluble form in such a manner as to permit any individual in a restricted area to inhale a quantity of such material in excess of the intake limits specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 1, of this Part. If such soluble uranium is of a form such that absorption through the skin is likely, individual exposures to such material shall be controlled so that the uptake of such material by any organ from either inhalation or absorption or both routes of intake* does not exceed that which would result from inhaling such material at the limits specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 1, of this Part and AGENCY NOTE under Section 340.1030(a) (1). *AGENCY NOTE: Significant intake by ingestion or injection is presumed to occur only as a result of circumstances such as accident, inadvertence, poor procedure, or similar special conditions. Such intakes must be evaluated and accounted for by techniques and procedures as may be appropriate to the circumstances of the occurrence. Exposures so evaluated shall be included in determining whether the limitation on individual exposures in Section 340.1030(a)(1) has been exceeded. 3) For purposes of determining compliance with the requirements of Section 340.1030, the licensee or registrant shall measure concentrations of radioactive material in air for purposes of detecting and evaluating airborne radioactivity in restricted areas, and shall measure radioactivity in the body, radioactivity excreted from the body, or any combination of such measurements as may be necessary for timely detection and assessment of intakes of radioactivity by exposed individuals. For purposes of these assessments, it shall be assumed that an individual inhales radioactive material at the airborne concentration in which he is present unless he uses respiratory protective equipment pursuant to Section 340.1030(c). If an individual intake is less than that which would result from inhalation for 2 hours, in any one day, or for 10 hours in any one week at uniform concentrations specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 1 of this Part, it need not be included in such assessment, provided that for any assessment in excess of these amounts, the entire amount must be included. b) Precautionary Measures: 1) The licensee or registrant shall, as a precautionary procedure, use process or other engineering controls, to the extent practicable, to limit concentrations of radioactive material in air to levels below those which delimit an airborne radioactivity area as defined in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310.20. 2) When it is impracticable to apply process or other engineering controls to limit concentrations of radioactive material in air below those defined in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310.20, other precautionary procedures, such as increased surveillance, limitation of working times, or provision of respiratory protective equipment, shall be used to maintain intake of radioactive material by any individual within any period of seven consecutive days as far below that intake of radioactive material which would result from inhalation of such material for 40 hours at the uniform concentrations specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 1, of this Part as is reasonably achievable. Whenever the intake of radioactive material by any individual exceeds this 40-hour control measure, the licensee or registrant shall make such evaluations and take such actions as are necessary to assure against recurrence. The licensee or registrant shall maintain records of such occurrences, evaluations, and actions taken in a clear and readily identifiable form suitable for summary review and evaluation. c) When respiratory protective equipment is used to limit the inhalation of airborne radioactive material pursuant to Section 340.1030(b)(2), the licensee or registrant may make allowance for such use in estimating exposures of individuals to such material provided that such equipment is used and exposures are evaluated as stipulated in Section 20.103(c) of 10 CFR 20, revised as of January 1, 1985, exclusive of subsequent amendments or editions. A copy of 10 CFR 20 is available for public inspection at the Department of Nuclear Safety. d) Unless otherwise authorized by the Department, the licensee or registrant shall not assign protection factors in excess of those specified in Appendix A of 10 CFR 20 in selecting and using respiratory protective equipment.* The Department may authorize a licensee to use higher protection factors on receipt of an application providing that the applicant: 1) describes the situation for which a need exists for higher protection factors; and 2) demonstrates that the respiratory protective equipment will provide these higher protection factors under the proposed conditions of use. *AGENCY NOTE: The reference to 10 CFR 20 is to the version revised as of January 1, 1985, exclusive of subsequent amendments or editions. A copy of 10 CFR 20 is available for public inspection at the Department of Nuclear Safety. e) Where equipment of a particular type has not been tested and certified, or had certification extended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health/Mine Safety and Health Adminis- tration (NIOSH/MSHA), or where there is no existing schedule for test and certification of certain equipment, the licensee or registrant shall not make allowance for this equipment without specific authorization by the Department. An application for this authorization must include a demonstration by testing, or on the basis of reliable test information, that the material and performance characteristics of the equipment are capable of providing the proposed degree of protection under anticipated conditions of use. f) Only equipment that has been specifically certified or had certifi- cation extended for emergency use by NIOSH/MSHA shall be used as emergency devices. g) The licensee or registrant shall notify, in writing, the Department at least 30 days before the date that respiratory protection equipment is first used under the provisions of Section 340.1030. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.1040 Exposure of Minors* a) No licensee or registrant shall possess, use, or transfer sources of radiation in such a manner as to cause any individual within a restricted area, who is under 18 years of age, to receive in any period of one calendar quarter from all sources of radiation in such licensee's or registrant's possession a dose in excess of 10 percent of the standards specified in Section 340.1010(a). b) No licensee or registrant shall possess, use, or transfer radioactive material in such a manner as to cause any individual within a restricted area, who is under 18 years of age, to be exposed to air-borne radioactive material in an average concentration in excess of the limits specified in Appendix A, Table II, of this Part. For purposes of this paragraph, concentrations may be averaged over periods not greater than a week. c) The provisions of Section 340.1030(b)(2) and 340.1030(c) shall apply to exposures subject to Section 340.1040(b) except that the references in Sections 340.1030(b)(2) and 340.1030(c) to Appendix A, Table I, Column 1 of this Part shall be deemed to be references to Appendix A, Table II, Column 1, of this Part. *AGENCY NOTE: For determining the doses specified in this Section, a dose from x or gamma rays up to 10 Mev may be assumed to be equivalent to the exposure measured by a properly calibrated appropriate instrument in air at or near the body surface in the region of the highest dose rate. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.1050 Permissible Levels of Radiation from External Sources in Unrestricted Areas* a) Except as authorized by the Department pursuant to Section 340.1050(b), no licensee or registrant shall possess, use, or transfer sources of radiation in such a manner as to create in any unrestricted area from such sources of radiation in his possession: 1) radiation levels which, if an individual were continuously present in the area, could result in his receiving a dose in excess of 2 millirems (0.02 mSv) in any one hour; or 2) radiation levels which, if an individual were continuously present in the area, could result in his receiving a dose in excess of 100 millirems (1.0 mSv) in any seven consecutive days. b) Any person may apply to the Department for proposed limits upon levels of radiation in unrestricted areas in excess of those specified in Section 340.1050(a) resulting from the applicant's possession or use of sources of radiation. Such applications should include information as to anticipated average radiation levels and anticipated occupancy times for each unrestricted area involved. The Department will approve the proposed limits if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Department that the proposed limits are not likely to cause any individual to receive a dose to the whole body in any period of one calendar year in excess of 0.5 rem (5.0 mSv). *AGENCY NOTE: It is the intent of Section 340.1050 to limit radiation levels so that it is unlikely that individuals in unrestricted areas would receive a dose to the whole body in excess of 0.5 rem (5.0 mSv) in any one year. If in specific instances, it is determined by the Department that this intent is not met, the Department may, pursuant to 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310.70 impose such additional requirements on the licensee or registrant as may be necessary to meet the intent. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.1060 Concentration of Radioactivity in Effluents to Unrestricted Areas a) A licensee or registrant shall not possess, use, or transfer licensed material so as to release to an unrestricted area radioactive material in concentrations which exceed the limits specified in Appendix A, Table II, of this Part, except as authorized pursuant to Sections 340.3020 or 340.1060(b). For purposes of Section 340.1060, concentrations may be averaged over a period of not greater than 1 year. b) An application for a license or amendment may include proposed limits higher than those specified in Section 340.1060(a). The Department will approve the proposed limits if the applicant demonstrates: 1) that the applicant has made a reasonable effort to minimize the radioactivity contained in effluents to unrestricted areas; and 2) that it is not likely that radioactive material discharged in the effluent would result in the exposure of an individual to concentrations of radioactive material in air or water exceeding the limits specified in Appendix A, Table II, of this Part. c) An application for higher limits pursuant to Section 340.1060(b) shall include information demonstrating that the applicant has made a reasonable effort to minimize the radioactivity discharged in effluents to unrestricted areas, and shall include, as pertinent: 1) information as to flow rates, total volume of effluent, peak concentration of each radionuclide in the effluent, and concentration of each radionuclide in the effluent averaged over a period of 1 year at the point where the effluent leaves a stack, tube, pipe, or similar conduit; 2) a description of the properties of the effluents, including; A) chemical composition, B) physical characteristics, including suspended solids content in liquid effluents, and nature of gas or aerosol for air effluents, C) the hydrogen ion concentrations (pH) of liquid effluents; and, D) the size range of particulates in effluents released into air; 3) a description of the anticipated human occupancy in the unrestricted area where the highest concentration of radioactive material from the effluent is expected, and, in the case of a river or stream, a description of water uses downstream from the point of release of the effluent; 4) information as to the highest concentration of each radionuclide in an unrestricted area, including anticipated concentrations averaged over a period of 1 year: A) in air at any point of human occupancy, or B) in water at points of use downstream from the point of release of the effluent; 5) the background concentration of radionuclides in the receiving river or stream prior to the release of liquid effluent; 6) a description of the environmental monitoring equipment, including sensitivity of the system, and procedures and calcu- lations to determine concentrations of radionuclides in the unrestricted area and possible reconcentrations of radionu- clides; and 7) a description of the waste treatment facilities and procedures used to reduce the concentration of radionuclides in effluents prior to their release. d) For the purposes of Section 340.1060, the concentration limits in Appendix A, Table II, of this Part shall apply at the boundary of the restricted area. The concentration of radioactive material discharged through a stack, pipe, or similar conduit may be determined with respect to the point where the material leaves the conduit. If the conduit discharges within the restricted area, the concentration at the boundary may be determined by applying appropriate factors for dilution, dispersion, or decay between the point of discharge and the boundary. e) In addition to limiting concentrations in effluent streams, the Department may limit quantities of radioactive material released in air or water during a specified period of time if it appears that the daily intake of radioactive material from air, water, or food by a suitable sample of an exposed population group, averaged over a period not exceeding 1 year, would otherwise exceed the daily intake resulting from continuous exposure to air or water containing one-third (1/3) the concentration of radioactive material specified in Appendix A, Table II, of this Part. f) The provisions of Section 340.1060 do not apply to disposal of radioactive material into sanitary sewage systems, which is governed by Section 340.3030. g) In addition to the other requirements of this Part, licensees or registrants engaged in uranium fuel cycle operations shall also comply with the provisions of 40 CFR 190, "Environmental Radiation Protection Standard for Nuclear Power Operations", revised as of July 1, 1984, exclusive of subsequent amendments or editions. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.1070 Orders Requiring Furnishing of Bioassay Services Where necessary or desirable in order to aid in determining the extent of an individual's exposure to concentrations of radioactive material, the Depart- ment may incorporate provisions in the license or issue an order requiring a licensee or registrant to make available to the individual appropriate bio- assay services and to furnish a copy of the reports of such services to the Department. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) SUBPART B: PRECAUTIONARY PROCEDURES Section 340.2010 Surveys a) Each licensee or registrant shall make or cause to be made such surveys as may be necessary for him to establish compliance with this Part. b) In addition, each licensee or registrant shall make or cause to be made such surveys as are reasonable under the circumstances to evaluate the extent of radiation hazards that may be present. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.2020 Personnel Monitoring a) Each licensee or registrant shall supply appropriate personnel monitoring equipment to, and shall require the use of such equipment by: 1) Each individual who enters a restricted area under such circumstances that he receives, or is likely to receive, a dose in any calendar quarter in excess of 25 percent of the applicable value specified in Section 340.1010(a). 2) Each individual under 18 years of age who enters a restricted area under such circumstances that he receives, or is likely to receive, a dose in any calendar quarter in excess of 5 percent of the applicable value specified in Section 340.1010(a). 3) Each individual who enters a high radiation area. b) At the present time, monitoring for compliance with Section 340.2020 shall be by film badge and/or thermoluminescent dosimetry only. However, the Department reserves the right to approve additional monitoring systems.* *AGENCY NOTE: Monitoring devices used to estimate whole body exposure normally should be worn on the chest or abdomen. When a protective apron is worn (e.g. during fluoroscopy), particular care should be taken in choosing the location of the monitoring device and in interpreting its reading. If only a single monitor is worn in conjunction with protective apparel, it should be worn on the front collar outside the protective lead apron since this is the region of the total body which receives the most exposure. c) Dosimetry of the instant reading type may also be required depending upon the likelihood of an immediate hazard to life or health of personnel. d) Blood counts shall not be used as a substitute for physical means of personnel monitoring. e) All personnel dosimeters, except extremity dosimeters and pocket ionization chambers, that require processing to yield a dose equivalent and that are supplied by licensees to comply with paragraph (a) of this section: 1) shall be processed by a processor holding a current personnel dosimetry accreditation certificate from the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program of the National Bureau of Standards in accordance with accreditation criteria established in 15 CFR 7b, revised as of January 1, 1985, in conformity with National Standard for Dosimetry Testing ANSI N13.11-1983, 1983 edition*, and 2) shall be approved in this accreditation process for the type of radiation or radiations from Table 1 of ANSI N13.11-1983, 1983 edition*, that most closely approximate the type of radiation or radiations for which the individual wearing the dosimeter is monitored. *AGENCY NOTE: This Section incorporates the criteria in the January 1, 1985 revision of 15 CFR 7b, and in ANSI N13.11- 1983, 1983 edition, exclusive of subsequent amendments or editions. Copies of both 15 CFR 7b and ANSI N13.11-1983 are available for public inspection at the Department of Nuclear Safety. Copies of ANSI N13.11-1983 can be obtained directly from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.2030 Caution Signs, Labels, and Signals a) General 1) Except as otherwise authorized by the Department, symbols pre- scribed by Section 340.2030 shall use the conventional radiation caution colors (magenta or purple on yellow background). The symbol prescribed by this Section is the conventional three-blade design (as depicted in Illustration A): RADIATION SYMBOL A) Cross-hatch area is to be magenta or purple. B) Background is to be yellow. 2) In addition to the contents of signs and labels prescribed in this Section, a licensee or registrant may provide on or near such signs and labels any additional information which may be appropriate in aiding individuals to minimize exposure to radiation. b) Radiation Areas. Each radiation area shall be conspicuously posted with a sign or signs bearing the radiation caution symbol and the words: CAUTION * RADIATION AREA *AGENCY NOTE: Or "Danger." c) High Radiation Areas. 1) Each high radiation area shall be conspicuously posted with a sign or signs bearing the radiation caution symbol and the words: CAUTION * HIGH RADIATION AREA *AGENCY NOTE: Or "Danger." 2) Each entrance or access point to a high radiation area shall be: A) equipped with a control device which shall cause the level of radiation to be reduced below that at which an individual might receive a dose of 100 millirems (1.0 mSv) in 1 hour upon entry into the area; or B) equipped with a control device which shall energize a conspicuous visible or audible alarm signal in such a manner that the individual entering the high radiation area and the licensee or a supervisor of the activity are made aware of the entry; or C) maintained locked except during periods when access to the area is required, with positive control over each individual entry. 3) The controls required by Section 340.2030(c)(2) shall be established in such a way that no individual will be prevented from leaving a high radiation area. 4) In the case of a high radiation area established for a period of 30 days or less, direct surveillance to prevent unauthorized entry may be substituted for the controls required by Section 340.2030(c)(2). 5) Any licensee or registrant may apply to the Department for approval of methods not included in Section 340.2030(c)(2) and (4) for controlling access to high radiation areas. The Department will approve the proposed alternatives if the licensee or registrant demonstrates that the alternative methods of control will prevent unauthorized entry into a high radiation area, and that the requirement of Section 340.2030(c)(3) is met. 6) Each area in which there may exist radiation levels in excess of 500 rems (5.0 Sv) in 1 hour at 1 meter from a sealed radioactive source that is used to irradiate materials shall have entry control devices and alarms meeting the criteria specified in Section 20.203(c)(6) of 10 CFR 20, revised as of January 1, 1985, exclusive of subsequent amendments or editions. A copy of 10 CFR 20 is available for public inspection at the Department of Nuclear Safety. 7) The requirements of Section 340.2030(c)(6) shall not apply to radioactive sources that are used in teletherapy, industrial radiography, or in completely self-contained irradiators. Licensees with, or applicants for, licenses for radiation sources that are within the purview of Section 340.2030(c)(6), and that must be used in a variety of positions or in peculiar locations, such as open fields or forests, that make it impracticable to comply with certain requirements of Section 340.2030 (c)(6), such as those for the automatic control of radiation levels, may apply to the Director, Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety for approval, prior to use of safety measures that are alternative to those specified in Section 340.2030(c) (6), and that will provide at least an equivalent degree of personnel protection in the use of such sources. At least one of the alternative measures must include an entry-preventing interlock control based on a physical measurement of radiation that assures the absence of high radiation levels before an individual can gain access to an area where such sources are used. d) Airborne Radioactivity Areas. Each airborne radioactivity area shall be conspicuously posted with a sign or signs bearing the radiation caution symbol and the words: CAUTION * AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY AREA *AGENCY NOTE: Or "Danger." e) Additional Requirements. 1) Each area or room in which any radioactive material, other than natural uranium or thorium, is used or stored in an amount exceeding 10 times the quantity of radioactive material specified in Appendix B of this Part shall be conspicuously posted with a sign or signs bearing the radiation caution symbol and the words: CAUTION * RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL *AGENCY NOTE: Or "Danger." 2) Each area or room in which natural uranium or thorium is used or stored in an amount exceeding 100 times the quantity specified in Appendix B of this Part shall be conspicuously posted with a sign or signs bearing the radiation caution symbol and the words: CAUTION * RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL *AGENCY NOTE: Or "Danger." f) Containers. 1) Except as provided in Section 340.2030(f)(3), each container of radioactive material shall bear a durable, clearly visible label identifying the radioactive contents. 2) A) A label required pursuant to Section 340.2030(f)(1) shall bear the radiation caution symbol and the words: CAUTION * RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL *AGENCY NOTE: Or "Danger." B) It shall also provide sufficient information* to permit individuals handling or using the containers, or working in the vicinity thereof, to take precautions to avoid or minimize exposures. *AGENCY NOTE: As appropriate, the information will include radiation levels, kinds of material, estimate of activity, date for which activity is estimated, etc. 3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 340.2030(f)(1), labeling is not required: A) for containers that do not contain radioactive material in quantities greater than the applicable quantities listed in Appendix B of this Part; B) for containers containing only natural uranium or thorium in quantities no greater than 10 times the applicable quantities listed in Appendix B of this Part; C) for containers that do not contain radioactive material in concentrations greater than the applicable concentrations listed in Appendix A, Table I, Column 2 of this Part; D) for containers when they are attended by an individual who takes the precautions necessary to prevent the exposure of any individual to radiation or radioactive material in excess of the limits established by the regulations in this Part; E) for containers when they are in transport and packaged and labeled in accordance with regulations published by the U.S. Department of Transportation; F) for containers which are accessible only to individuals authorized to handle or use them* or to work in the vicinity thereof, provided that the contents are identified to such individuals by a readily available written record; and *AGENCY NOTE: For example, containers in locations such as water-filled canals, storage vaults, or hot cells. G) for manufacturing and process equipment such as piping and tanks. 4) Each licensee or registrant shall, prior to disposal of an empty uncontaminated container to unrestricted areas, remove or deface the radioactive material label or otherwise clearly indicate that the container no longer contains radioactive material. g) All radiation machines shall be labeled in a manner which cautions individuals that radiation is produced when the machine is being operated. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.2040 Exceptions from Posting and Labeling Requirements Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 340.2030: a) A room or area is not required to be posted with a caution sign because of the presence of a sealed source, provided the radiation level 12 inches (30.5 cm) from the surface of the source container or housing does not exceed 5 millirems per hour (0.05 mSv/h). b) Rooms or other areas in hospitals are not required to be posted with caution signs, and control of entrance or access thereto pursuant to Section 340.2030(c) is not required because of the presence of patients containing radioactive material, provided that there are hospital personnel available who are responsible for taking the precautions necessary to prevent the exposure of any individual to radiation or radioactive material in excess of the limits established in the regulations of this Part. c) Caution signs are not required to be posted in areas or rooms con- taining radioactive material for periods of less than 8 hours provided that: 1) the material is constantly attended during such periods by an individual who shall take the precautions necessary to prevent the exposure of any individual to radiation or radioactive material in excess of the limits established in this Part, and 2) such area or room is subject to the licensee's or registrant's control. d) A room or other area is not required to be posted with a caution sign, and control is not required for each entrance or access point to a room or other area which is a high radiation area solely because of the presence of radioactive material prepared for transport and packaged and labeled in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.2050 Instruction of Personnel Instructions required for individuals working in or frequenting any portion of a restricted area are specified in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 400.120. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.2060 Storage and Control of Sources of Radiation a) Sources of radiation shall be secured against unauthorized removal from the place of storage. b) Sources of radiation in an unrestricted area and not in storage shall be tended under the constant surveillance and immediate control of the licensee or registrant. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.2070 Procedures for Picking Up, Receiving, and Opening Packages a) 1) Each licensee or registrant who expects to receive a package containing quantities of radioactive material in excess of the A2 quantities specified in Appendix A of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 341 shall: A) if the package is to be delivered to the licensee's or registrant's facility by the carrier, make arrangements to receive the package when it is offered for delivery by the carrier; or B) if the package is to be picked up by the licensee or registrant at the carrier's terminal, make arrangements to receive notification from the carrier of the arrival of the package, at the time of the arrival. 2) Each licensee or registrant who picks up a package of radio- active material from a carrier's terminal shall pick up the package expeditiously upon receipt of notification from the carrier of its arrival. b) 1) Each licensee or registrant, upon receipt of a package of radioactive material, shall monitor the external surfaces of the package for radioactive contamination caused by leakage of the radioactive contents. The monitoring shall be performed as soon as practicable after receipt, but no later than 3 hours after the package is received at the licensee's facility if received during the licensee's normal working hours or 18 hours if received after normal working hours. Such monitoring need not be performed on: A) packages containing less than 1 millicurie (37 MBq) of beta and/or gamma emitting radioactive material or 10 microcuries (370 KBq) of alpha emitting radioactive material; B) packages containing no more than 10 millicuries (370 MBq) of radioactive material consisting solely of tritium, carbon-14, sulfur-35, or iodine-125; C) packages containing only special form radioactive material or gases; D) packages containing only radioactive material in other than liquid form, including Mo-99/Tc-99m generators, and less than the A2 quantity specified in Appendix A of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 341; and E) packages containing only radionuclides with half-lives of less than 30 days and a total quantity of no more than 100 millicuries (3.7 GBq). 2) If removable radioactive contamination in excess of 0.01 microcurie (370 Bq) per 100 square centimeters of package surface is found on the external surfaces of the package, the licensee or registrant shall immediately notify, by telephone and telegraph, the final delivering carrier and the Department. c) 1) Each licensee or registrant, upon receipt of a package containing quantities of radioactive material in excess of the A2 quantities specified in Appendix A of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 341, other than those transported by exclusive use vehicle, shall monitor the radiation levels external to the package. The package shall be monitored as soon as practicable after receipt, but no later than 3 hours after the package is received at the licensee's facility if received during the licensee's normal working hours, or 18 hours if received after normal working hours. 2) If radiation levels are found on the external surface of the package in excess of 200 millirems per hour (2.0 mSv/h), or in excess of 10 millirems per hour (0.1 mSv/h) at 1 meter from the external surface of the package, the licensee or registrant shall immediately notify, by telephone and telegraph, the final delivering carrier and the Department. d) Each licensee or registrant shall establish and maintain procedures for safely opening packages in which radioactive material is received and shall assure that such procedures are followed and that due consideration is given to special instructions for the type of package being opened. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) SUBPART C: WASTE DISPOSAL Section 340.3010 General Requirement. No licensee shall dispose of any radioactive material except: a) by transfer to an authorized recipient as provided in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 330.400, or b) as authorized pursuant to Sections 340.1060, 340.3020, 340.3030, 340.3040, 340.3050, and 340.3060. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.3020 Method of Obtaining Approval of Proposed Disposal Procedures a) Any person may apply to the Department for approval of proposed procedures to dispose of radioactive material in a manner not other-wise authorized in this Part. Each application shall include a description of the radioactive material, including the quantities and kinds of radioactive material and levels of radioactivity involved, and the proposed manner and conditions of disposal. The application, where appropriate, should also include an analysis and evaluation of pertinent information as to the nature of the environment, including topographical, geological, meteorological, and hydrological characteristics; usage of ground and surface waters in the general area; the nature and location of other potentially affected facilities; and procedures to be observed to minimize the risk of unexpected or hazardous exposures. b) The Department will not approve any application for a license to receive radioactive material from other persons for disposal on land not owned by a State or the Federal Government. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.3030 Disposal by Release Into Sanitary Sewage Systems a) No licensee or registrant shall discharge radioactive material into a sanitary sewage system unless: 1) it is readily soluble or dispersible in water; and 2) the quantity of any radioactive material released into the system by the licensee or registrant in any one day does not exceed the larger of: A) the quantity which, if diluted by the average daily quantity of sewage released into the sewer by the licensee or registrant, will result in an average concentration equal to the limits specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 2, of this Part, or B) 10 times the quantity of such material specified in Appendix B of this Part; and 3) the quantity of any radioactive material released in any one month, if diluted by the average monthly quantity of water released by the licensee or registrant, will not result in an average concentration exceeding the limits specified in Appendix A, Table I, Column 2, of this Part; and 4) the gross quantity of radioactive material, excluding hydrogen-3 and carbon-14, released into the sewage system by the licensee does not exceed 1 curie (37 GBq) per year. The quantities of hydrogen-3 and carbon-14 released into the sanitary sewage system may not exceed 5 curies (185 GBq) per year for hydrogen-3 and 1 curie (37 GBq) per year for carbon- 14. b) No licensee or registrant shall discharge radioactive material into an individual sewage disposal system used for the treatment of waste water serving only a single dwelling, office building, industrial plant, or institution except as specifically approved by the Department pursuant to Sections 340.1060 and 340.3020. c) Excreta from individuals undergoing medical diagnosis or therapy with radioactive material shall be exempt from any limitations contained in Section 340.3030. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.3040 Land Disposal No licensee or registrant shall dispose of radioactive material by land disposal except as specifically approved by the Department pursuant to Section 340.3020. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.3050 Disposal by Incineration No licensee or registrant shall incinerate radioactive material for the purpose of disposal or preparation for disposal except as specifically approved by the Department pursuant to Sections 340.1060 and 340.3020. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.3060 Disposal of Specific Wastes a) Any licensee or registrant may dispose of the following radioactive material without regard to its radioactivity: 1) 0.05 microcurie (1.850 kBq) or less of hydrogen-3 or carbon-14 per gram of medium used for liquid scintillation counting, and 2) 0.05 microcurie (1.850 kBq) or less of hydrogen-3 or carbon-14 per gram of animal tissue averaged over the weight of the entire animal; provided, however, tissue may not be disposed of under this Section in a manner that would permit its use either as food for humans or as animal feed. b) Nothing in Section 340.3060(a), however, relieves the licensee or registrant of maintaining records showing the receipt, transfer and disposal of such radioactive material as specified in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310.40. c) Nothing in Section 340.3060(a) relieves the licensee or registrant from complying with other applicable federal, state, and local regulations governing any other toxic or hazardous property of these materials. (Source: Added at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.3070 Classification of Radioactive Waste for Land Disposal a) Considerations. Determination of the classification of radioactive waste involves two considerations. First, consideration must be given to the concentration of long-lived radionuclides (and their shorter-lived precursors) whose potential hazard will persist long after such precautions as institutional controls, improved waste form, and deeper disposal have ceased to be effective. These precautions delay the time when long-lived radionuclides could cause exposures. In addition, the magnitude of the potential dose is limited by the concentration and availability of the radionuclide at the time of exposure. Second, consideration must be given to the concentration of shorter-lived radionuclides for which requirements on institutional controls, waste form, and disposal methods are effective. b) Classes of waste. 1) Class A waste is waste that is usually segregated from other waste classes at the disposal site. The physical form and characteristics of Class A waste must meet the minimum requirements set forth in Section 340.3080(a). If Class A waste also meets the stability requirements set forth in Section 340.3080 (b), it is not necessary to segregate the waste for disposal. 2) Class B waste is waste that must meet more rigorous requirements on waste form to ensure stability (as defined in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 601.20) after disposal. The physical form and characteristics of Class B waste must meet both the minimum and stability requirements set forth in Section 340.3080. 3) Class C waste is waste that not only must meet more rigorous requirements on waste form to ensure stability but also requires additional measures at the disposal facility to protect against inadvertent intrusion. The physical form and characteristics of Class C waste must meet both the minimum and stability requirements set forth in Section 340.3080. c) Classification determined by long-lived radionuclides. If the radioactive waste contains only radionuclides listed in Table 1, classification shall be determined as follows: 1) If the concentration does not exceed 0.1 times the value in Table 1, the waste is Class A. 2) If the concentration exceeds 0.1 times the value in Table 1, but does not exceed the value in Table 1, the waste is Class C. 3) If the concentration exceeds the value in Table 1, the waste is not generally acceptable for land disposal. 4) For wastes containing mixtures of radionuclides listed in Table 1, the total concentration shall be determined by the sum of fractions rule described in Section 340.3070(g). Table 1 Concentration Radionuclide curies/cubic meter C-14 8 C-14 in activated metal 80 Ni-59 in activated metal 220 Nb-94 in activated metal 0.2 Tc-99 3 Concentration Radionuclide curies/cubic meter I-129 0.08 Alpha emitting transuranic radionuclides with half- life greater than five years 100* Pu-241 3,500* Cm-242 20,000* Ra-226 100* *AGENCY NOTE: Units are nanocuries per gram. d) Classification determined by short-lived radionuclides. If the waste does not contain any of the radionuclides listed in Table 1, classification shall be determined based on the concentrations shown in Table 2. However, as specified in Section 340.3070(f), if radioactive waste does not contain any nuclides listed in either Table 1 or 2, it is Class A. 1) If the concentration does not exceed the value in Column 1, the waste is Class A. 2) If the concentration exceeds the value in Column 1 but does not exceed the value in Column 2, the waste is Class B. 3) If the concentration exceeds the value in Column 2 but does not exceed the value in Column 3, the waste is Class C. 4) If the concentration exceeds the value in Column 3, the waste is not generally acceptable for near-surface disposal. 5) For wastes containing mixtures of the radionuclides listed in Table 2, the total concentration shall be determined by the sum of fractions rule described in Section 340.3070(g). Table 2 Radionuclide Concentration, curies / cubic meter Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Total of all radio- nuclides with less than 5-year half- life 700 * * Radionuclide Concentration, curies / cubic meter Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 H-3 40 * * Co-60 700 * * Ni-63 3.5 70 700 Ni-63 in activated metal 35 700 7000 Sr-90 0.04 150 7000 Cs-137 1 44 4600 *AGENCY NOTE: There are no limits established for these radionuclides in Class B or C wastes. Practical considerations such as the effects of external radiation and internal heat generation on transportation, handling, and disposal will limit the concentrations for these wastes. These wastes shall be Class B unless the concentrations of other radionuclides in Table 2 determine the waste to be Class C independent of these radionuclides. e) Classification determined by both long- and short-lived radio- nuclides. If the radioactive waste contains a mixture of radionu- clides, some of which are listed in Table 1 and some of which are listed in Table 2, classification shall be determined as follows: 1) If the concentration of a radionuclide listed in Table 1 is less than 0.1 times the value listed in Table 1, the class shall be that determined by the concentration of radionuclides listed in Table 2. 2) If the concentration of a radionuclide listed in Table 1 exceeds 0.1 times the value listed in Table 1, but does not exceed the value in Table 1, the waste shall be Class C, provided the concentration of radionuclides listed in Table 2 does not exceed the value shown in Column 3 of Table 2. f) Classification of wastes with radionuclides other than those listed in Tables 1 and 2. If the waste does not contain any radionuclides listed in either Table 1 or 2, it is Class A. g) The sum of the fractions rule for mixtures of radionuclides. For determining classification for waste that contains a mixture of radionuclides, it is necessary to determine the sum of fractions by dividing each radionuclide's concentration by the appropriate limit and adding the resulting values. The appropriate limits must all be taken from the same column of the same table. The sum of the fractions for the column must be less than 1.0 if the waste class is to be determined by that column. Example: A waste contains Sr- 90 in a concentration of 50 Ci/m3 and Cs-137 in a concentration of 22 Ci/m3. Since the concentrations both exceed the values in Column 1, Table 2, they must be compared to Column 2 values. For Sr-90 fraction, 50/150 = 0.33., for Cs-137 fraction, 22/44 = 0.5; the sum of the fractions = 0.83. Since the sum is less than 1.0, the waste is Class B. h) Determination of concentrations in wastes. The concentration of a radionuclide may be determined by indirect methods such as use of scaling factors which relate the inferred concentration of one radionuclide to another that is measured, or radionuclide material accountability, if there is reasonable assurance that the indirect methods can be correlated with actual measurements. The concen- tration of a radionuclide may be averaged over the volume of the waste, or weight of the waste if the units are expressed as nano- curies per gram. (Source: Added at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.3080 Radioactive Waste Characteristics a) The following are minimum requirements for all classes of waste and are intended to facilitate handling and provide protection of health and safety of personnel at the disposal site. 1) Wastes shall be packaged in conformance with the conditions of the license issued to the site operator to which the waste will be shipped. Where the conditions of the site license are more restrictive than the provisions of this Part, the site license conditions shall govern. 2) Wastes shall not be packaged for disposal in cardboard or fiberboard boxes. 3) Liquid waste shall be packaged in sufficient absorbent material to absorb twice the volume of the liquid. 4) Solid waste containing liquid shall contain as little free- standing and non-corrosive liquid as is reasonably achievable, but in no case shall the liquid exceed 1% of the volume. 5) Waste shall not be readily capable of detonation or of explosive decomposition or reaction at normal pressures and temperatures, or of explosive reaction with water. 6) Waste shall not contain, or be capable of generating, quantities of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes harmful to persons transporting, handling, or disposing of the waste. This does not apply to radioactive gaseous waste packaged in accordance with Section 340.3080(a)(8). 7) Waste must not be pyrophoric. Pyrophoric materials contained in wastes shall be treated, prepared, and packaged to be nonflammable. (See 32 Ill. Adm. Code 601 for definition of pyrophoric.) 8) Wastes in a gaseous form shall be packaged at an absolute pressure that does not exceed 1.5 atmospheres at 20øC. Total activity shall not exceed 100 curies per container. 9) Wastes containing hazardous, biological, pathogenic, or infectious material shall be treated to reduce to the maximum extent practicable the potential hazard from the non-radio- logical materials. b) The following requirements are intended to provide stability of the waste. Stability is intended to ensure that the waste does not degrade and affect overall stability of the site through slumping, collapse, or other failure of the disposal unit and thereby lead to water infiltration. Stability is also a factor in limiting exposure to an inadvertent intruder, since it provides a recognizable and nondispersible waste. 1) Waste shall have structural stability. A structurally stable waste form will generally maintain its physical dimensions and its form, under the expected disposal conditions such as weight of overburden and compaction equipment, the presence of moisture, and microbial activity, and internal factors such as radiation effects and chemical changes. Structural stability can be provided by the waste form itself, processing the waste to a stable form, or placing the waste in a disposal container or structure that provides stability after disposal. 2) Notwithstanding the provisions in Section 340.3080(a)(3) and (4), liquid wastes, or wastes containing liquid, shall be converted into a form that contains as little free-standing and non-corrosive liquid as is reasonably achievable, but in no case shall the liquid exceed 1% of the volume of the waste when the waste is in a disposal container designed to ensure stability, or 0.5% of the volume of the waste for waste processed to a stable form. 3) Void spaces within the waste and between the waste and its package shall be reduced to the extent practicable. (Source: Added at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.3090 Labeling Each package of waste shall be clearly labeled to identify whether it is Class A, Class B, or Class C waste, in accordance with Section 340.3070. (Source: Added at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.3110 Transfer for Disposal and Manifests a) Each shipment of radioactive waste to a licensed land disposal facility shall be accompanied by a shipment manifest that contains the name, address, and telephone number of the person generating the waste, as well as the name, address, and telephone number or the name and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hazardous waste identification number of the person transporting the waste. The manifest shall also indicate as completely as practicable: a physical description of the waste; the waste volume; radionuclide identity and quantity; the total radioactivity; and the principal chemical form. The solidification agent shall be specified. Wastes containing more than 0.1% chelating agents by weight shall be identified and the weight percentage of the chelating agent shall be estimated. Wastes classified as Class A, Class B, or Class C in Section 340.3070 shall be clearly identified as such in the manifest. The total quantity of the radionuclides H-3, C-14, Tc-99 and I-129 shall be shown. b) The manifest required by Section 340.3110(a) may be shipping papers used to meet USDOT or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regula- tions (i.e., 40 CFR 262 and 263, revised as of July, 1984, exclusive of subsequent amendments or editions), or requirements of the receiver, provided all the required information is included. c) Each manifest shall include a certification by the waste generator that the materials being transported are properly classified, de- scribed, packaged, marked, and labeled and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the USDOT and the Department. An authorized representative of the waste generator shall sign and date the manifest. d) Any licensee or registrant who transfers waste to a land disposal facility or a licensed waste collector shall comply with the following requirements. Any licensee who transfers waste to a licensed waste processor who treats or repackages waste shall comply with the requirements of Section 340.3110(d)(4) through (8). A licensee shall: 1) Prepare all wastes so that the waste is classified according to Section 340.3070 and meets the waste characteristics requirements in Section 340.3080; 2) Label each package of waste to identify whether it is Class A waste, Class B waste, or Class C waste, in accordance with Section 340.3070; 3) Conduct a quality control program to assure compliance with Sections 340.3070 and 340.3080; the program must include management evaluation of audits; 4) Prepare shipping manifests to meet the requirements of Section 340.3110(a) and (c); 5) Forward a copy of the manifest to the intended recipient at the time of shipment; or, deliver to a collector at the time the waste is collected, obtaining acknowledgement of receipt in the form of a signed copy of the manifest from the collector; 6) Include one copy of the manifest with the shipment; 7) Retain a copy of the manifest with documentation of acknowledgement of receipt as the record of transfer of licensed material as required by this Part; 8) For any shipments or any part of a shipment for which acknow- ledgement of receipt has not been received within the times set forth in Section 340.3110, conduct an investigation in accordance with Section 340.3110(h). e) Any waste collector licensee who handles only prepackaged waste shall: 1) Acknowledge receipt of the waste from the generator within one week of receipt by returning a signed copy of the manifest to the generator; 2) Prepare a new manifest to reflect consolidated shipments; the new manifest shall serve as a listing or index for the detailed generator manifests. Copies of the generator manifests shall be a part of the new manifest. The waste collector may prepare a new manifest without attaching the generator manifests, provided the new manifest contains for each package the information specified in Section 340.3110(a). The collector licensee shall certify that nothing has been done to the waste which would invalidate the generator's certification; 3) Forward a copy of the new manifest to the land disposal facility operator at the time of shipment; 4) Include the new manifest with the shipment to the disposal site; 5) Retain a copy of the manifest with documentation of acknow- ledgement of receipt as the record of transfer of licensed material as required by this Part, and retain information from generator manifests until disposition is authorized by the Department; and 6) For any shipments or any part of a shipment for which acknow- ledgement of receipt is not received within the times set forth in this section, conduct an investigation in accordance with Section 340.3110(h). f) Any licensed waste processor who treats or repackages wastes shall: 1) Acknowledge receipt of the waste from the generator within one week of receipt by returning a signed copy of the manifest to the generator; 2) Prepare a new manifest that meets the requirements of Section 340.3110(a), (b), and (c). Preparation of the new manifest reflects that the processor is responsible for the waste; 3) Prepare all wastes so that the waste is classified according to Section 340.3070 and meets the waste characteristics requirement in Section 340.3080; 4) Label each package of waste to identify whether it is Class A waste, Class B waste, or Class C waste, in accordance with Sections 340.3070 and 340.3090 of this Part; 5) Conduct a quality control program to assure compliance with Sections 340.3070 and 340.3080. This program shall include management evaluation of audits; 6) Forward a copy of the new manifest to the disposal site operator or waste collector at the time of shipment, or deliver to a collector at the time the waste is collected, obtaining acknowledgement of receipt in the form of a signed copy of the manifest by the collector; 7) Include the new manifest with the shipment; 8) Retain copies of original manifests and new manifests with documentation of acknowledgement of receipt as the record of transfer of licensed material as required by this Part; and 9) For any shipment or part of a shipment for which acknowledgement is not received within the times set forth in this section, conduct an investigation in accordance with Section 340.3110(h). g) The land disposal facility operator shall: 1) Acknowledge receipt of the waste within one week of receipt by returning a signed copy of the manifest to the shipper. The shipper to be notified is the licensee who last possessed the waste and transferred the waste to the operator. The returned copy of the manifest shall indicate any discrepancies between materials listed on the manifest and materials received; 2) Retain a copy of the manifest with documentation of acknowledgement of receipt as the record of transfer of licensed material as required by this Part, and retain information from generator manifests until disposition is authorized by the Department; and 3) Notify the shipper (i.e., the generator, the collector, or processor) and the Department when any shipment or part of a shipment has not arrived within 60 days after the advance manifest was received. h) Any shipment or part of a shipment for which acknowledgement is not received within the times set forth in this section must: 1) Be investigated by the shipper if the shipper has not received notification of receipt within 20 days after transfer; and 2) Be traced and reported. The investigation shall include tracing the shipment and filing a report with the Department. Each licensee who conducts a trace investigation shall file a written report with the Department within 2 weeks of completion of the investigation. (Source: Added at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) SUBPART D: RECORDS, MONITORING AND DISPOSAL Section 340.4010 Records of Surveys, Radiation Monitoring, and Disposal a) 1) Each licensee or registrant shall maintain records showing the radiation exposures of all individuals for whom personnel monitoring is required under Section 340.2020 of this Part, and shall report to the Department at intervals prescribed by the Department, each quarterly radiation dose which exceeds 25% of the limits specified in Section 340.1010(a) for each monitored person, except for persons under 18 years of age, in which case all monthly doses shall be reported on a monthly basis. Such records shall be kept on Form RMA-1/RMA-2 in accordance with the instructions contained on the form, or on clear and legible records containing all the information required by Form RMA-1/RMA-2. The doses entered on the form or records shall be for periods of time not exceeding one calendar quarter and one month respectively. Reports submitted to the Department shall be on Form RMA-1/RMA-2 or a facsimile approved by the Department. 2) No licensee or registrant shall subtract radiation exposures from official personnel monitoring records without the prior approval of the Department. b) Each licensee or registrant shall maintain records in the same units used in this Part, showing the results of surveys required by Section 340.2010, monitoring required by Sections 340.2070(b) and (c), and disposals made under Sections 340.3020, 340.3030, 340.3040 and 32 Ill. Adm. Code 601. c) 1) Records of individual exposure to radiation and to radioactive material which must be maintained pursuant to the provisions of Section 340.4010(a) and records of bioassays, including results of whole body counting examinations, made pursuant to Section 340.1070 shall be preserved until the Department authorizes their disposition. 2) Records of the results of surveys and monitoring which must be maintained pursuant to Section 340.4010(b) shall be preserved for 2 years after completion of the survey except that the following records shall be maintained until the Department authorizes their disposition: A) records of the results of surveys to determine compliance with Section 340.1030(a); B) in the absence of personnel monitoring data, records of the results of surveys to determine external radiation dose; and C) records of the results of surveys used to evaluate the release of radioactive effluents to the environment. 3) Records of disposal of licensed material made pursuant to Sec- tions 340.3020, 340.3030, 340.3040, 340.3050, 340.3060 and 32 Ill. Adm. Code 601 are to be maintained until the Department authorizes their disposition. 4) Records which must be maintained pursuant to this Part may be the original or either a high quality copy or microform provided that such reproduced copy or microform is duly authenticated by authorized personnel and the microform is capable of producing a legible copy after storage for the period specified by 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310, 320, 330, 331, 341, 350, 351 and 601. 5) If there is a conflict between the Department's regulations in this Part, license condition, or other written Department approval or authorization pertaining to the retention period for the same type of record, the retention period specified in the regulations in this Part for such records shall apply unless the Department, pursuant to 32 Ill. Adm. Code 310.30 (a), has granted a specific exemption from the record reten- tion requirements specified in the regulations in this Part. d) The discontinuance of, or curtailment of, activities does not relieve the licensee or registrant of responsibility for retaining all records required by Section 340.4010. A licensee or registrant may, however, request the Department to accept such records. The acceptance of the records by the Department relieves the licensee or registrant of subsequent responsibility only in respect to their preservation as required in Section 340.4010. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.4020 Reports of Theft or Loss of Sources of Radiation Each licensee or registrant shall report to the Department by telephone and telegraph the theft or loss of any source of radiation immediately after such occurrence becomes known. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.4030 Notification of Incidents a) Immediate Notification. Each licensee or registrant shall immedi- ately notify the Department by telephone and telegraph of any incident involving any source of radiation possessed by him and which may have caused or threatens to cause: 1) a dose to the whole body of any individual of 25 rems (250 mSv) or more of radiation; a dose to the skin of the whole body of any individual of 150 rems (1.50 Sv) or more of radiation; or a dose to the feet, ankles, hands, or forearms of any individual of 375 rems (3.75 Sv) or more of radiation; or 2) the release of radioactive material in concentrations which, if averaged over a period of 24 hours, would exceed 5,000 times the limits specified for such materials in Appendix A, Table II of this Part; or 3) a loss of 1 working week or more of the operation of any facilities affected; or 4) damage to property in excess of $200,000. b) Twenty-four Hour Notification. Each licensee or registrant shall within 24 hours notify the Department by telephone and telegraph of any incident involving any source of radiation possessed by him and which may have caused or threatens to cause: 1) a dose to the whole body of any individual of 5 rems (50 mSv) or more of radiation; a dose to the skin of the whole body of any individual of 30 rems (300 mSv) or more of radiation; or a dose to the feet, ankles, hands, or forearms of 75 rems (750 mSv) or more of radiation; or 2) the release of radioactive material in concentrations which, if averaged over a period of 24 hours, would exceed 500 times the limits specified for such materials in Appendix A, Table II of this Part; or 3) a loss of 1 day or more of the operation of any facilities affected; or 4) damage to property in excess of $2,000. c) In addition to the Immediate Notification and Twenty-Four Hour Notification required by subsections (a) and (b), each licensee or registrant shall file a written report with the Department in accordance with Section 340.4050. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.4040 Reports to Former Employees and Others of Exposure to Radiation (Repealed) (Source: Repealed at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.4050 Reports of Overexposures and Excessive Levels and Concentrations a) In addition to any notification required by Section 340.4030, each licensee or registrant shall make a report in writing within 30 days to the Department of: 1) each exposure of an individual to radiation in excess of the applicable standards in Sections 340.1010, 340.1040(a), or the license; 2) each exposure of an individual to radioactive material in excess of the applicable limits in Sections 340.1030(a)(1), 340.1030(a) (2), 340.1040(b) or the license; 3) levels of radiation or concentrations of radioactive material in a restricted area in excess of any other applicable limit in the license; 4) any incident for which notification is required by Section 340.4030; and 5) levels of radiation or concentrations of radioactive material, whether or not involving excessive exposure of any individual, in an unrestricted area in excess of 10 times any applicable limit set forth in this Part or in the license. b) Each report required under Section 340.4050(a) shall describe the extent of exposure of individuals to radiation or to radioactive material, including estimates of each individual's exposure as required by Section 340.4050(c); levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive material involved; the cause of the exposure, levels, or concentrations; and corrective steps taken or planned to assure against a recurrence. c) Any report filed with the Department pursuant to Section 340.4050 shall include for each individual exposed the name, social security number, and date of birth, and an estimate of the individual's dose. The report shall be prepared so that this information is stated in a separate part of the report. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.4060 Notice to Employees and Others of Exposure to Radiation (Repealed) (Source: Repealed at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.4070 Vacating Premises Each specific licensee or registrant shall, no less than 30 days before vacating or relinquishing possession or control of premises which may have been contaminated with radioactive material as a result of his activities, notify the Department in writing of intent to vacate. When deemed necessary by the Department, the licensee shall decontaminate the premises in such a manner as the Department may specify. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.4080 Notifications and Reports to Individuals a) Requirements for notification and reports to individuals of exposure to radiation of radioactive material are specified in 32 Ill. Adm. Code 400.130. b) When a licensee or registrant is required pursuant to Section 340.4050 to report to the Department any exposure of an individual to radiation or radioactive material, the licensee or registrant shall also notify the individual. Such notice shall be transmitted at a time not later than the transmittal to the Department, and shall comply with the provisions of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 400.130(a). (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.4090 Removal of Radioactive Contamination a) Notwithstanding any exemptions contained in this Part, any person who uses, possesses, or stores radioactive material in such a manner as to cause uncontrolled contamination of any area shall, upon order of the Department, remove or provide for the removal of such contaminants at his own expense through the use of an authorized transferee and shall decontaminate the installation to the lowest practicable level. The values specified in Appendix C, of this Part, may be used as guidelines for this purpose. These values, however, may be modified at specific installations at the discretion of the Director. b) In the event that a person fails to comply with the provisions of subparagraph (a) of this Section, the Department may seize and remove the radioactive contaminant and, if necessary, decontaminate the installation to the values specified in Appendix C, of this Part, and shall be reimbursed for the expense thereof by the person failing to comply with the provisions of subparagraph (a) of this Section. If such person is a corporation, the officers and agents who knowingly permit the corporation to violate the provisions of subparagraph (a) of this Section shall be responsible for such exposure. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) SECTION 340. APPENDIX A CONCENTRATION IN AIR AND WATER ABOVE Natural BACKGROUND Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Actinium (89) Ac-227 S 2X1O-12 6X10-5 8X1O-14 2X1O-6 I 3X10-11 9X10-3 9X10-13 3X1O-4 Ac-228 S 8X1O-8 3X1O-3 3X1O-9 9X1O-5 I 2X1O-8 3X1O-3 6X1O-10 9X1O-5 Americium (95) Am-241 S 6X1O-12 1X10-4 2X10-13 4X10-6 I 1X1O-10 8X1O-4 4X1O-12 3X10-5 Am-242m S 6X1O-12 1X1O-4 2X1O-13 4X1O-6 I 3X1O-10 3X1O-3 9X1O-12 9X1O-5 Am-242 S 4X1O-8 4X1O-3 1X1O-9 1X1O-4 I 5X1O-8 4X1O-3 2X1O-9 1X1O-4 Am-243 S 6X1O-12 1X1O-4 2X1O-13 4X1O-6 I 1X1O-10 8X1O-4 4X1O-12 3X1O-5 Am-244 S 4X1O-6 1X1O-1 1X1O-7 5X1O-3 I 2X1O-5 1X1O-1 8X1O-7 5X1O-3 Antimony (51) Sb-122 S 2X1O-7 8X10-4 6X1O-9 3X10-5 I 1X1O-7 8X1O-4 5X1O-9 3X1O-5 Sb-124 S 2X1O-7 7X1O-4 5X1O-9 2X1O-5 I 2X1O-8 7X1O-4 7X1O-10 2X1O-5 Sb-125 S 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 3X1O-8 3X1O-3 9X1O-10 1X1O-4 Argon (18) Ar-37 Sub2 6X10-3 ------ 1X10-4 ------ Ar-41 Sub 2X1O-6 ------ 4X1O-8 ------ Arsenic (33) As-73 S 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 7X1O-8 5X1O-4 I 4X1O-7 1X1O-2 1X10-8 5X10-4 As-74 S 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 5X10-5 I 1X1O-7 2X1O-3 4X1O-9 5X1O-5 As-76 S 1X1O-7 6X10-4 4X10-9 2X10-5 I 1X1O-7 6X1O-4 3X1O-9 2X1O-5 As-77 S 5X1O-7 2X1O-3 2X1O-8 8X1O-5 I 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 8X1O-5 Astatine (85) At-211 S 7X1O-9 5X1O-5 2X10-10 2X10-6 I 3X1O-8 2X1O-3 1X1O-9 7X1O-5 Barium (56) Ba-131 S 1X1O-6 5X1O-3 4X1O-8 2X10-4 I 4X1O-7 5X1O-3 1X1O-8 2X1O-4 Ba-140 S 1X1O-7 8X10-4 4X1O-9 3X10-5 I 4X1O-8 7X1O-4 1X1O-9 2X1O-5 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Berkelium (97) Bk-249 S 9X1O-10 2X10-2 3X10-11 6X10-4 I 1X1O-7 2X1O-2 4X10-9 6X1O-4 Bk-250 S 1X1O-7 6X1O-3 5X1O-9 2X1O-4 I 1X1O-6 6X1O-3 4X1O-8 2X1O-4 Beryllium (4) Be-7 S 6X1O-6 5X10-2 2X10-7 2X1O-3 I 1X10-6 5X1O-2 4X1O-8 2X10-3 Bismuth (83) Bi-206 S 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X10-9 4X1O-5 I 1X1O-7 1X1O-3 5X1O-9 4X10-5 Bi-207 S 2X1O-7 2X1O-3 6X1O-9 6X1O-5 I 1X1O-8 2X1O-3 5X1O-10 6X1O-5 Bi-210 S 6X1O-9 1X1O-3 2X1O-10 4X1O-5 I 6X1O-9 1X1O-3 2X1O-10 4X10-5 Bi-212 S 1X1O-7 1X1O-2 3X1O-9 4X1O-4 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-2 7X1O-9 4X1O-4 Bromine (35) Br-82 S 1X1O-6 8X1O-3 4X1O-8 3X1O-4 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X1O-9 4X1O-5 Cadmium (48) Cd-109 S 5X1O-8 5X1O-3 2X10-9 2X1O-4 I 7X1O-8 5X1O-3 3X1O-9 2X10-4 Cd-115m S 4X1O-8 7X1O-4 1X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 4X1O-8 7X1O-4 1X1O-9 3X1O-5 Cd-115 S 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 8X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X1O-9 4X1O-5 Calcium (20) Ca-45 S 3X1O-8 3X1O-4 1X1O-9 9X1O-6 I 1X10-7 5X1O-3 4X1O-9 2X1O-4 Ca-47 S 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X10-9 5X10-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X1O-9 3X1O-5 Californium (98) Cf-249 S 2X1O-12 1X1O-4 5X1O-14 4X1O-6 I 1X1O-10 7X1O-4 3X1O-12 2X1O-5 Cf-250 S 5X1O-12 4X1O-4 2X1O-13 1X1O-5 I 1X1O-10 7X1O-4 3X1O-12 3X1O-5 Cf-251 S 2X1O-12 1X1O-4 6X1O-14 4X1O-6 I 1X1O-10 8X1O-4 3X1O-12 3X1O-5 Cf-252 S 6X1O-12 2X10-4 2X10-13 7X10-6 I 3X1O-11 2X1O-4 1X1O-12 7X1O-6 Cf-253 S 8X1O-10 4X10-3 3X10-11 1X1O-4 I 8X1O-10 4X1O-3 3X1O-11 1X1O-4 Cf-254 S 5X1O-12 4X1O-6 2X1O-13 1X1O-7 I 5X1O-12 4X1O-6 2X1O-13 1X1O-7 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Carbon (6) C-14 S 4X1O-6 2X10-2 1X1O-7 8X10-4 (Co2) Sub2 5X1O-5 ------ 1X1O-6 ------ Cerium (58) Ce-141 S 4X1O-7 3X10-3 2X10-8 9X10-5 I 2X1O-7 3X1O-3 5X1O-9 9X1O-5 Ce-143 S 3X1O-7 1X1O-3 9X1O-9 4X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 7X1O-9 4X1O-5 Ce-144 S 1X1O-8 3X1O-4 3X1O-10 1X1O-5 I 6X1O-9 3X1O-4 2X1O-10 1X1O-5 Cesium (55) Cs-131 S 1X1O-5 7X1O-2 4X10-7 2X10-3 I 3X1O-6 3X1O-2 1X1O-7 9X1O-4 Cs-134m S 4X1O-5 2X10-1 1X10-6 6X1O-3 I 6X1O-6 3X1O-2 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 Cs-134 S 4X1O-8 3X1O-4 1X1O-9 9X1O-6 I 1X1O-8 1X1O-3 4X1O-10 4X1O-5 Cs-135 S 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 9X1O-8 7X1O-3 3X1O-9 2X1O-4 Cs-136 S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 9X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 2X1O-3 6X1O-9 6X1O-5 Cs-137 S 6X1O-8 4X1O-4 2X1O-9 2X1O-5 I 1X1O-8 1X1O-3 5X1O-10 4X1O-5 Chlorine (17) Cl-36 S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 8X1O-5 I 2X1O-8 2X1O-3 8X10-10 6X1O-5 Cl-38 S 3X1O-6 1X1O-2 9X1O-8 4X1O-4 I 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 7X1O-8 4X1O-4 Chromium (24) Cr-51 S 1X1O-5 5X10-2 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 I 2X1O-6 5X1O-2 8X10-8 2X10-3 Cobalt (27) Co-57 S 3X1O-6 2X1O-2 1X1O-7 5X1O-4 I 2X1O-7 1X10-2 6X10-9 4X10-4 Co-58m S 2X1O-5 8X1O-2 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 I 9X1O-6 6X1O-2 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 Co-58 S 8X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 5X1O-8 3X1O-3 2X1O-9 9X1O-5 Co-60 S 3X1O-7 1X1O-3 1X1O-8 5X1O-5 I 9X1O-9 1X1O-3 3X1O-10 3X1O-5 Copper (29) Cu-64 S 2X1O-6 1X10-2 7X10-8 3X1O-4 I 1X1O-6 6X1O-3 4X1O-8 2X1O-4 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Curium (96) Cm-242 S 1X1O-10 7X10-4 4X10-12 2X10-5 I 2X1O-10 7X10-4 6X1O-12 2X1O-5 Cm-243 S 6X1O-12 1X1O-4 2X1O-13 5X1O-6 I 1X1O-10 7X1O-4 3X1O-12 2X10-5 Cm-244 S 9X1O-12 2X1O-4 3X1O-13 7X1O-6 I 1X1O-10 8X1O-4 3X1O-12 3X1O-5 Cm-245 S 5X1O-12 1X1O-4 2X1O-13 4X1O-6 I 1X1O-10 8X1O-4 4X1O-12 3X1O-5 Cm-246 S 5X1O-12 1X1O-4 2X1O-13 4X1O-6 I 1X1O-10 8X1O-4 4X1O-12 3X1O-5 Cm-247 S 5X1O-12 1X1O-4 2X1O-13 4X1O-6 I 1X1O-10 6X1O-4 4X1O-12 2X1O-5 Cm-248 S 6X1O-13 1X1O-5 2X1O-14 4X1O-7 I 1X1O-11 4X1O-5 4X1O-13 1X1O-6 Cm-249 S 1X1O-5 6X1O-2 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 I 1X1O-5 6X1O-2 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 Dysprosium (66) Dy-165 S 3X1O-6 1X1O-2 9X10-8 4X10-4 I 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 7X1O-8 4X1O-4 Dy-166 S 2X1O-7 1X10-3 8X10-9 4X10-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 7X1O-9 4X1O-5 Einsteinium (99) Es-253 S 8X1O-10 7X1O-4 3X1O-11 2X1O-5 I 6X1O-10 7X10-4 2X10-11 2X10-5 Es-254m S 5X1O-9 5X1O-4 2X1O-10 2X1O-5 I 6X1O-9 5X1O-4 2X1O-10 2X1O-5 Es-254 S 2X1O-11 4X1O-4 6X1O-13 1X1O-5 I 1X1O-10 4X1O-4 4X1O-12 1X1O-5 Es-255 S 5X1O-10 8X1O-4 2X1O-11 3X1O-5 I 4X1O-10 8X1O-4 1X1O-11 3X1O-5 Erbium (68) Er-169 S 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 9X1O-5 I 4X1O-7 3X10-3 1X10-8 9X1O-5 Er-171 S 7X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X10-4 I 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Europium (63) Eu-152 S 4X1O-7 2X10-3 1X10-8 6X1O-5 (T r= 9.2 hrs) I 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 Eu-152 S 1X1O-8 2X1O-3 4X1O-10 8X1O-5 (T = 13 yrs) I 2X1O-8 2X1O-3 6X1O-10 8X1O-5 Eu-154 S 4X1O-9 6X1O-4 1X1O-10 2X1O-5 I 7X1O-9 6X1O-4 2X1O-10 2X1O-5 Eu-155 S 9X1O-8 6X1O-3 3X1O-9 2X1O-4 I 7X1O-8 6X1O-3 3X1O-9 2X1O-4 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Fermium (100) Fm-254 S 6X1O-8 4X10-3 2X10-9 1X1O-4 I 7X1O-8 4X1O-3 2X10-9 1X1O-4 Fm-255 S 2X1O-8 1X1O-3 6X1O-10 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-8 1X1O-3 4X1O-10 3X1O-5 Fm-256 S 3X1O-9 3X1O-5 1X1O-10 9X1O-7 I 2X1O-9 3X1O-5 6X1O-11 9X1O-7 Fluorine (9) F-18 S 5X1O-6 2X10-2 2X10-7 8X10-4 I 3X1O-6 1X1O-2 9X1O-8 5X1O-4 Gadolinium (64) Gd-153 S 2X1O-7 6X10-3 8X10-9 2X10-4 I 9X1O-8 6X1O-3 3X1O-9 2X1O-4 Gd-159 S 5X1O-7 2X1O-3 2X1O-8 8X1O-5 I 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 8X1O-5 Gallium (31) Ga-72 S 2X1O-7 1X10-3 8X10-9 4X10-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X1O-9 4X1O-5 Germanium (32) Ge-68 S 4X1O-6 2X10-2 1X10-7 8X10-4 I 1X1O-8 ------ 5X1O-10 ------ Ge-71 S 1X1O-5 5X1O-2 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 I 6X1O-6 5X1O-2 2X1O-7 2X1O-3 Gold (79) Au-195 S 8X1O-6 4X1O-2 3X1O-7 1X10-3 I 6X1O-8 6X1O-3 2X1O-9 2X1O-4 Au-196 S 1X1O-6 5X1O-3 4X1O-8 2X1O-4 I 6X1O-7 4X10-3 2X10-8 1X10-4 Au-198 S 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 5X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 8X1O-9 5X1O-5 Au-199 S 1X1O-6 5X1O-3 4X1O-8 2X1O-4 I 8X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 2X1O-4 Hafnium (72) Hf-181 S 4X1O-8 2X1O-3 1X1O-9 7X1O-5 I 7X1O-8 2X1O-3 3X1O-9 7X1O-5 Holmium (67) Ho-166 S 2X1O-7 9X10-4 7X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 6X1O-9 3X1O-5 Hydrogen (1) H-3 S 5X1O-6 1X1O-1 2X1O-7 3X1O-3 I 5X1O-6 1X10-1 2X10-7 3X10-3 Sub2 2X1O-3 ------ 4X1O-5 ------ Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Indium (49) In-113m S 8X1O-6 4X1O-2 3X1O-7 1X1O-3 I 7X1O-6 4X1O-2 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 In-114m S 1X1O-7 5X10-4 4X10-9 2X10-5 I 2X1O-8 5X1O-4 7X1O-10 2X10-5 In-115m S 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 8X1O-8 4X1O-4 I 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 6X1O-8 4X1O-4 In-115 S 2X1O-7 3X1O-3 9X1O-9 9X1O-5 I 3X1O-8 3X1O-3 1X1O-9 9X1O-5 Iodine (53) I-125 S 5X1O-9 4X1O-5 8X1O-11 2X10-7 I 2X1O-7 6X10-3 6X10-9 2X1O-4 I-126 S 8X1O-9 5X1O-5 9X1O-11 3X1O-7 I 3X1O-7 3X1O-3 1X1O-8 9X1O-5 I-129 S 2X1O-9 1X1O-5 2X1O-11 6X1O-8 I 7X1O-8 6X1O-3 2X1O-9 2X1O-4 I-131 S 9X1O-9 6X1O-5 1X1O-10 3X1O-7 I 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 I-132 S 2X1O-7 2X1O-3 3X1O-9 8X1O-6 I 9X1O-7 5X1O-3 3X1O-8 2X1O-4 I-133 S 3X1O-8 2X1O-4 4X1O-10 1X1O-6 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 7X1O-9 4X1O-5 I-134 S 5X1O-7 4X1O-3 6X1O-9 2X1O-5 I 3X1O-6 2X1O-2 1X1O-7 6X1O-4 I-135 S 1X1O-7 7X1O-4 1X1O-9 4X1O-6 I 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 7X1O-5 Iridium (77) Ir-190 S 1X1O-6 6X10-3 4X10-8 2X10-4 I 4X1O-7 5X1O-3 1X1O-8 2X10-4 Ir-192 S 1X1O-7 1X1O-3 4X10-9 4X10-5 I 3X1O-8 1X1O-3 9X1O-10 4X1O-5 Ir-194 S 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 8X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 5X1O-9 3X1O-5 Iron (26) Fe-55 S 9X1O-7 2X10-2 3X1O-8 8X1O-4 I 1X1O-6 7X10-2 3X10-8 2X10-3 Fe-59 S 1X1O-7 2X1O-3 5X1O-9 6X1O-5 I 5X1O-8 2X1O-3 2X1O-9 5X1O-5 Krypton (36) Kr-85m Sub2 6X1O-6 ------ 1X1O-7 ---- -- Kr-85 Sub 1X1O-5 ------ 3X1O-7 ------ Kr-87 Sub 1X1O-6 ------ 2X1O-8 ------ Kr-88 Sub 1X1O-6 ------ 2X10-8 ------ Lanthanum (57) La-140 S 2X1O-7 7X1O-4 5X10-9 2X10-5 I 1X1O-7 7X1O-4 4X1O-9 2X1O-5 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Lead (82) Pb-203 S 3X1O-6 1X10-2 9X10-8 4X1O-4 I 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 6X10-8 4X1O-4 Pb-210 S 1X1O-10 4X1O-6 4X1O-12 1X1O-7 I 2X1O-10 5X1O-3 8X1O-12 2X1O-4 Pb-212 S 2X1O-8 6X1O-4 6X1O-10 2X1O-5 I 2X1O-8 5X10-4 7X1O-10 2X1O-5 Lutetium (71) Lu-177 S 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Manganese (25) Mu-52 S 2X1O-7 1X10-3 7X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-7 9X10-4 5X1O-9 3X1O-5 Mn-54 S 4X1O-7 4X1O-3 1X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 4X1O-8 3X1O-3 1X1O-9 1X1O-4 Mn-56 S 8X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Mercury (80) Hg-197m S 7X1O-7 6X1O-3 3X10-8 2X1O-4 I 8X1O-7 5X10-3 3X10-8 2X10-4 Hg-197 S 1X1O-6 9X1O-3 4X1O-8 3X1O-4 I 3X1O-6 1X1O-2 9X1O-8 5X1O-4 Hg-203 S 7X1O-8 5X1O-4 2X1O-9 2X1O-5 I 1X1O-7 3X1O-3 4X1O-9 1X1O-4 Molybdenum (42) Mo-99 S 7X1O-7 5X1O-3 3X1O-8 2X1O-4 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 7X1O-9 4X1O-5 Neodymium (60) Nd-144 S 8X1O-11 2X1O-3 3X1O-12 7X1O-5 I 3X1O-10 2X1O-3 1X1O-11 8X1O-5 Nd-147 S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 2X10-3 8X10-9 6X10-5 Nd-149 S 2X1O-6 8X1O-3 6X1O-8 3X1O-4 I 1X1O-6 8X1O-3 5X1O-8 3X1O-4 Neptunium (93) Np-237 S 4X1O-12 9X10-5 1X10-13 3X10-6 I 1X1O-10 9X1O-4 4X1O-12 3X1O-5 Np-239 S 8X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 7X1O-7 4X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Nickel (28) Ni-59 S 5X1O-7 6X10-3 2X10-8 2X1O-4 I 8X1O-7 6X1O-2 3X1O-8 2X1O-3 Ni-63 S 6X1O-8 8X10-4 2X10-9 3X10-5 I 3X1O-7 2X1O-2 1X1O-8 7X1O-4 Ni-65 S 9X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Niobium (41) Nb-93m S 1X1O-7 1X1O-2 4X10-9 4X1O-4 I 2X1O-7 1X10-2 5X10-9 4X10-4 Nb-95 S 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 1X1O-7 3X1O-3 3X1O-9 1X1O-4 Nb-97 S 6X1O-6 3X1O-2 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 I 5X1O-6 3X1O-2 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 Osmium (76) Os-185 S 5X1O-7 2X1O-3 2X1O-8 7X1O-5 I 5X1O-8 2X10-3 2X1O-9 7X1O-5 Os-191m S 2X1O-5 7X1O-2 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 I 9X1O-6 7X10-2 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 Os-191 S 1X1O-6 5X1O-3 4X1O-8 2X1O-4 I 4X1O-7 5X10-3 1X10-8 2X10-4 Os-193 S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 I 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 9X1O-9 5X1O-5 Palladium (46) Pd-103 S 1X1O-6 1X10-2 5X10-8 3X1O-4 I 7X1O-7 8X1O-3 3X10-8 3X1O-4 Pd-109 S 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 9X1O-5 I 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 7X1O-5 Phosphorus (15) P-32 S 7X1O-8 5X10-4 2X1O-9 2X1O-5 I 8X1O-8 7X1O-4 3X10-9 2X10-5 Platinum (78) Pt-191 S 8X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Pt-193m S 7X1O-6 3X10-2 2X10-7 1X10-3 I 5X1O-6 3X1O-2 2X1O-7 1X10-3 Pt-193 S 1X1O-6 3X1O-2 4X1O-8 9X1O-4 I 3X1O-7 5X1O-2 1X1O-8 2X1O-3 Pt-197m S 6X1O-6 3X1O-2 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 I 5X1O-6 3X1O-2 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 Pt-197 S 8X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Plutonium (94) Pu-238 S 2X1O-12 1X1O-4 7X10-14 5X10-6 I 3X1O-11 8X10-4 1X10-12 3X10-5 Pu-239 S 2X1O-12 1X1O-4 6X1O-14 5X1O-6 I 4X1O-11 8X1O-4 1X1O-12 3X1O-5 Pu-240 S 2X1O-12 1X1O-4 6X1O-14 5X1O-6 I 4X1O-11 8X1O-4 1X1O-12 3X1O-5 Pu-241 S 9X1O-11 7X1O-3 3X1O-12 2X1O-4 I 4X1O-8 4X1O-2 1X1O-9 1X1O-3 Pu-242 S 2X1O-12 1X1O-4 6X1O-14 5X1O-6 I 4X1O-11 9X1O-4 1X1O-12 3X1O-5 Pu-243 S 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 6X1O-8 3X1O-4 I 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 8X1O-8 3X1O-4 Pu-244 S 2X1O-12 1X1O-4 6X1O-14 4X10-6 I 3X1O-11 3X1O-4 1X1O-12 1X1O-5 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Polonium (84) Po-210 S 5X1O-10 2X1O-5 2X1O-11 7X1O-7 I 2X1O-10 8X1O-4 7X1O-12 3X1O-5 Potassium (19) K-42 S 2X1O-6 9X10-3 7X1O-8 3X10-4 I 1X1O-7 6X1O-4 4X1O-9 2X1O-5 Praseodymium (59) Pr-142 S 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 7X10-9 3X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 5X1O-9 3X1O-5 Pr-143 S 3X1O-7 1X1O-3 1X1O-8 5X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X1O-9 5X1O-5 Promethium (61) Pm-147 S 6X1O-8 6X10-3 2X10-9 2X1O-4 I 1X1O-7 6X1O-3 3X10-9 2X10-4 Pm-149 S 3X1O-7 1X1O-3 1X1O-8 4X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 8X1O-9 4X1O-5 Protactinium(91) Pa-230 S 2X1O-9 7X1O-3 6X1O-11 2X10-4 I 8X1O-10 7X1O-3 3X1O-11 2X1O-4 Pa-231 S 1X1O-12 3X10-5 4X10-14 9X1O-7 I 1X1O-10 8X1O-4 4X1O-12 2X1O-5 Pa-233 S 6X1O-7 4X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 2X1O-7 3X1O-3 6X1O-9 1X1O-4 Radium (88) Ra-223 S 2X1O-9 2X10-5 6X1O-11 7X10-7 I 2X1O-10 1X1O-4 8X1O-12 4X1O-6 Ra-224 S 5X1O-9 7X1O-5 2X1O-10 2X1O-6 I 7X1O-10 2X1O-4 2X1O-11 5X1O-6 Ra-226 S 3X1O-11 4X1O-7 3X1O-12 3X1O-8 I 5X1O-11 9X1O-4 2X1O-12 3X1O-5 Ra-228 S 7X1O-11 8X1O-7 2X1O-12 3X1O-8 I 4X1O-11 7X1O-4 1X1O-12 3X1O-5 Radon (86) Ru-2203 S 3X1O-7 ------ 1X10-8 ---- -- Rn-222 S 3X1O-8 ------ 3X1O-9 ---- -- Rhenium (75) Re-183 S 3X1O-6 2X10-2 9X10-8 6X10-4 I 2X1O-7 8X1O-3 5X1O-9 3X1O-4 Re-186 S 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 9X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 8X1O-9 5X1O-5 Re-187 S 9X1O-6 7X1O-2 3X1O-7 3X1O-3 I 5X1O-7 4X1O-2 2X1O-8 2X1O-3 Re-188 S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 6X1O-9 3X1O-5 Rhodium (45) Rh-103m S 8X1O-5 4X1O-1 3X1O-6 1X10-2 I 6X1O-5 3X10-1 2X10-6 1X10-2 Rh-105 S 8X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Rubidium (37) Rb-86 S 3X1O-7 2X10-3 1X1O-8 7X10-5 I 7X1O-8 7X1O-4 2X1O-9 2X1O-5 Rb-87 S 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 7X1O-8 5X1O-3 2X1O-9 2X1O-4 Ruthenium (44) Ru-97 S 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 8X10-8 4X1O-4 I 2X1O-6 1X10-2 6X10-8 3X10-4 Ru-103 S 5X1O-7 2X1O-3 2X1O-8 8X1O-5 I 8X1O-8 2X1O-3 3X1O-9 8X1O-5 Ru-105 S 7X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Ru-106 S 8X1O-8 4X10-4 3X10-9 1X10-5 I 6X1O-9 3X1O-4 2X1O-10 1X1O-5 Samarium (62) Sm-147 S 7X1O-11 2X10-3 2X10-12 6X1O-5 I 3X1O-10 2X1O-3 9X1O-12 7X10-5 Sm-151 S 6X1O-8 1X10-2 2X10-9 4X10-4 I 1X1O-7 1X1O-2 5X1O-9 4X1O-4 Sm-153 S 5X1O-7 2X1O-3 2X1O-8 8X1O-5 I 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 8X1O-5 Scandium (21) Sc-46 S 2X1O-7 1X10-3 8X10-9 4X1O-5 I 2X1O-8 1X1O-3 8X1O-10 4X1O-5 Sc-47 S 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 9X1O-5 I 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 9X1O-5 Sc-48 S 2X1O-7 8X1O-4 6X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-7 8X1O-4 5X1O-9 3X1O-5 Selenium (34) Se-75 S 1X1O-6 9X10-3 4X1O-8 3X10-4 I 1X1O-7 8X1O-3 4X1O-9 3X1O-4 Silicon (14) Si-31 S 6X1O-6 3X10-2 2X10-7 9X10-4 I 1X1O-6 6X1O-3 3X1O-8 2X1O-4 Silver (47) Ag-105 S 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X10-8 1X10-4 I 8X1O-8 3X1O-3 3X1O-9 1X10-4 Ag-110m S 2X1O-7 9X10-4 7X10-9 3X10-5 I 1X1O-8 9X1O-4 3X1O-10 3X1O-5 Ag-111 S 3X1O-7 1X1O-3 1X1O-8 4X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 8X1O-9 4X1O-5 Sodium (11) Na-22 S 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X10-9 4X1O-5 I 9X1O-9 9X10-4 3X10-10 3X10-5 Na-24 S 1X1O-6 6X1O-3 4X1O-8 2X1O-4 I 1X1O-7 8X1O-4 5X1O-9 3X1O-5 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Strontium (38) Sr-85m S 4X1O-5 2X1O-1 1X10-6 7X10-3 I 3X1O-5 2X10-1 1X1O-6 7X10-3 Sr-85 S 2X1O-7 3X1O-3 8X1O-9 1X1O-4 I 1X1O-7 5X1O-3 4X1O-9 2X1O-4 Sr-89 S 3X1O-8 3X1O-4 3X1O-10 3X1O-6 I 4X1O-8 8X1O-4 1X1O-9 3X1O-5 Sr-90 S 1X1O-9 1X10-5 3X10-11 3X10-7 I 5X1O-9 1X1O-3 2X1O-10 4X1O-5 Sr-91 S 4X1O-7 2X10-3 2X1O-8 7X1O-5 I 3X1O-7 1X1O-3 9X1O-9 5X1O-5 Sr-92 S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 2X1O-8 7X1O-5 I 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 Sulfur (16) S-35 S 3X1O-7 2X10-3 9X10-9 6X1O-5 I 3X1O-7 8X1O-3 9X1O-9 3X1O-4 Tantalum (73) Ta-182 S 4X1O-8 1X10-3 1X10-9 4X10-5 I 2X1O-8 1X1O-3 7X10-10 4X1O-5 Technetium (43) Tc-96m S 8X1O-5 4X1O-1 3X10-6 1X10-2 I 3X1O-5 3X10-1 1X1O-6 1X1O-2 Tc-96 S 6X1O-7 3X10-3 2X10-8 1X10-4 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 8X1O-9 5X1O-5 Tc-97m S 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 8X1O-8 4X1O-4 I 2X1O-7 5X1O-3 5X1O-9 2X1O-4 Tc-97 S 1X1O-5 5X1O-2 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 I 3X1O-7 2X1O-2 1X1O-8 8X1O-4 Tc-99m S 4X1O-5 2X1O-1 1X1O-6 6X1O-3 I 1X1O-5 8X1O-2 5X1O-7 3X1O-3 Tc-99 S 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 7X1O-8 3X1O-4 I 6X1O-8 5X1O-3 2X1O-9 2X1O-4 Tellurium (52) Te-125m S 4X1O-7 5X1O-3 1X1O-8 2X1O-4 I 1X1O-7 3X10-3 4X1O-9 1X10-4 Te-127m S 1X1O-7 2X1O-3 5X10-9 6X10-5 I 4X1O-8 2X1O-3 1X1O-9 5X1O-5 Te-127 S 2X1O-6 8X1O-3 6X1O-8 3X1O-4 I 9X1O-7 5X1O-3 3X1O-8 2X1O-4 Te-129m S 8X1O-8 1X1O-3 3X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 3X1O-8 6X1O-4 1X1O-9 2X1O-5 Te-129 S 5X1O-6 2X1O-2 2X1O-7 8X1O-4 I 4X1O-6 2X1O-2 1X1O-7 8X1O-4 Te-131m S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X1O-9 4X1O-5 Te-132 S 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 7X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-7 6X1O-4 4X1O-9 2X1O-5 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Terbium (65) Tb-160 S 1X1O-7 1X1O-3 3X1O-9 4X10-5 I 3X1O-8 1X1O-3 1X1O-9 4X1O-5 Thallium (81) Tl-200 S 3X1O-6 1X10-2 9X10-8 4X1O-4 I 1X1O-6 7X1O-3 4X10-8 2X1O-4 Tl-201 S 2X1O-6 9X1O-3 7X1O-8 3X1O-4 I 9X1O-7 5X1O-3 3X1O-8 2X1O-4 Tl-202 S 8X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 2X1O-7 2X1O-3 8X1O-9 7X1O-5 Tl-204 S 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 3X1O-8 2X1O-3 9X1O-10 6X1O-5 Thorium (90) Th-227 S 3X1O-10 5X1O-4 1X10-11 2X10-5 I 2X1O-10 5X1O-4 6X10-12 2X10-5 Th-228 S 9X1O-12 2X1O-4 3X1O-13 7X1O-6 I 6X1O-12 4X1O-4 2X1O-13 1X1O-5 Th-230 S 2X1O-12 5X1O-5 8X1O-14 2X1O-6 I 1X1O-11 9X1O-4 3X1O-13 3X1O-5 Th-231 S 1X1O-6 7X1O-3 5X1O-8 2X1O-4 I 1X1O-6 7X1O-3 4X1O-8 2X1O-4 Th-232 S 3X1O-11 5X1O-5 1X1O-12 2X1O-6 I 3X1O-11 1X1O-3 1X1O-12 4X1O-5 Th-nat- ura1 S 6X1O-11 6X10-5 2X1O-12 2X10-6 I 6X1O-11 6X1O-4 2X1O-12 2X1O-5 Th-234 S 6X1O-8 5X1O-4 2X1O-9 2X1O-5 I 3X1O-8 5X1O-4 1X1O-9 2X1O-5 Thulium (69) Tm-170 S 4X1O-8 1X10-3 1X10-9 5X10-5 I 3X1O-8 1X1O-3 1X1O-9 5X1O-5 Tm-171 S 1X1O-7 1X1O-2 4X1O-9 5X1O-4 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-2 8X1O-9 5X1O-4 Tin (50) Sn-113 S 4X1O-7 2X10-3 1X10-8 9X10-5 I 5X1O-8 2X1O-3 2X1O-9 8X1O-5 Sn-125 S 1X1O-7 5X1O-4 4X1O-9 2X1O-5 I 8X1O-8 5X1O-4 3X1O-9 2X1O-5 Tungsten (74) W-181 S 2X1O-6 1X1O-2 8X1O-8 4X10-4 I 1X1O-7 1X1O-2 4X1O-9 3X1O-4 W-185 S 8X1O-7 4X1O-3 3X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 1X1O-7 3X1O-3 4X10-9 1X10-4 W-187 S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 2X10-8 7X1O-5 I 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Uranium (92) U-230 S 3X1O-10 1X1O-4 1X10-11 5X1O-6 I 1X1O-10 1X10-4 4X1O-12 5X10-6 U-232 S 1X1O-10 8X1O-4 3X1O-12 3X1O-5 I 3X1O-11 8X1O-4 9X1O-13 3X1O-5 U-233 S 5X1O-10 9X1O-4 2X1O-11 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-10 9X1O-4 4X1O-12 3X1O-5 U-234 S4 6X1O-10 9X1O-4 2X1O-11 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-10 9X1O-4 4X1O-12 3X1O-5 U-235 S4 5X1O-10 8X1O-4 2X1O-11 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-10 8X1O-4 4X1O-12 3X1O-5 U-236 S 6X1O-10 1X1O-3 2X1O-11 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-10 1X1O-3 4X1O-12 3X1O-5 U-238 S4 7X1O-11 1X1O-3 3X1O-12 4X1O-5 I 1X1O-10 1X1O-3 5X1O-12 4X1O-5 U-240 S 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 8X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 2X1O-7 1X1O-3 6X1O-9 3X1O-5 U-nat- ura1 S4 1X1O-10 1X10-3 5X1O-12 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-10 1X1O-3 5X10-12 3X1O-5 Vanadium (23) V-48 S 2X1O-7 9X1O-4 6X10-9 3X1O-5 I 6X1O-8 8X1O-4 2X1O-9 3X1O-5 Xenon (54) Xe-131m Sub2 2X1O-5 ------ 4X1O-7 ---- -- Xe-133 Sub 1X1O-5 ------ 3X10-7 ---- -- Xe-133m Sub 1X1O-5 ------ 3X1O-7 ---- -- Xe-135 Sub 4X1O-6 ------ 1X1O-7 ---- -- Ytterbium (70) Yb-175 S 7X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 I 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 2X1O-8 1X1O-4 Yttrium (39) Y-88 S 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 6X1O-9 7X1O-5 I 5X1O-8 3X1O-3 2X10-9 9X1O-5 Y-90 S 1X1O-7 6X10-4 4X10-9 2X10-5 I 1X1O-7 6X1O-4 3X1O-9 2X1O-5 Y-91m S 2X1O-5 1X1O-1 8X1O-7 3X1O-3 I 2X1O-5 1X1O-1 6X1O-7 3X1O-3 Y-91 S 4X1O-8 8X1O-4 1X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 3X1O-8 8X1O-4 1X1O-9 3X1O-5 Y-92 S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 I 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 Y-93 S 2X1O-7 8X1O-4 6X1O-9 3X1O-5 I 1X1O-7 8X1O-4 5X1O-9 3X1O-5 Table I Table II Element Isotope1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 (atomic Air Water Air Water number) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Zinc (30) Zn-65 S 1X1O-7 3X10-3 4X1O-9 1X1O-4 I 6X1O-8 5X10-3 2X1O-9 2X1O-4 Zn-69m S 4X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 7X1O-5 I 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 1X1O-8 6X1O-5 Zn-69 S 7X1O-6 5X10-2 2X10-7 2X10-3 I 9X1O-6 5X1O-2 3X1O-7 2X1O-3 Zirconium (40) Zr-93 S 1X1O-7 2X10-2 4X10-9 8X1O-4 I 3X1O-7 2X1O-2 1X1O-8 8X1O-4 Zr-95 S 1X1O-7 2X1O-3 4X1O-9 6X1O-5 I 3X1O-8 2X1O-3 1X1O-9 6X1O-5 Zr-97 S 1X1O-7 5X1O-4 4X1O-9 2X1O-5 I 9X1O-8 5X1O-4 3X1O-9 2X1O-5 Any sing1e radio- Sub2 1X1O-6 ------ 3X1O-8 ---- -- nuclide not listed above with decay mode other than alpha emission or spontaneous fission and with radioactive half-life less than 2 hours. Any single radio- 3X1O-9 9X1O-5 1X1O-10 3X1O-6 nuclide not listed above with decay mode other than alpha emission or spontaneous fission and with radioactive half-life greater than 2 hours. Any single radio- 6X1O-13 4X1O-7 2X1O-14 3X1O-8 nuclide not listed above, which decays by alpha emission or spontaneous fission. 1 Soluble (S); Insoluble (I). 2 "Sub" means that values given are for submersion in a semi-spherical infinite cloud of airborne material. 3 These radon concentrations are appropriate for protection from radon-222 combined with its short-lived daughters. Alternatively, the value in Table I may be replaced by one-third (1/3) "working level". (A "working level" is defined as any combination of short-lived radon-222 daughters, polonium-218, lead-214, bismuth-214, and polonium-214, in 1 liter of air, without regard to the degree of equilibrium, that will result in the ultimate emission of 1.3 X 105 MeV of alpha particle energy.) The Table II value may be replaced by one thirtieth (1/30) of a "working level". The limit on radon-222 concentrations in restricted areas may be based on an annual average. 4 For soluble mixtures of U-238, U-234 and U-235 in air, chemical toxicity may be the limiting factor. If the percent by weight (enrichment ) of U-235 is less than 5, the concentration value for a 40-hour workweek, Table I, is 0.2 milligrams uranium per cubic meter of air average. For any enrichment, the product of the average concentration and time of exposure during a 40-hour workweek shall not exceed 8 X 10-3 SA uCi-hr/ml, where SA is the specific activity of the uranium inhaled. The concentration value for Table II is 0.007 milligrams uranium per cubic meter of air. The specific activity for natural uranium is 6.77 X 10-7 curies per gram uranium. The specific activity for other mixtures of U-238, U-235 and U-234, if not known, sha11 be: SA = 3.6X1O-7 curies/gram U2 (U-depleted) SA = (0.4 + 0.38E + 0.0034E) X 10-6, E lesser than or equal to 0.72, where E is the percentage by weight of U-235, expressed as percent. NOTE: In any case where there is a mixture in air or water of more than one radionuclide, the limiting values for purposes of this Appendix should be determined as follows: 1) If the identity and concentration of each radionuclide in the mixture are known, the limiting values should be derived as follows: Deter-mine, for each radionuclide in the mixture, the ratio between the quantity present in the mixture and the limit otherwise established in Appendix "A" for the specific radionuclide when not in a mixture. The sum of such ratios for all the radionuclides in the mixture may not exceed "1" (i.e., "unity"). EXAMPLE: If radionuclides (a), (b), and (c) are present in concentrations Ca, Cb, and Cc, and if the applicable maximum permissible concentrations (MPC's) are MPCa, MPCb, and MPCc respectively, then the concentrations shall be limited so that the following relationship exists: Ca Cb Cc lesser than + + or MPCa MPCb MPCc equal to 1 2) If either the identity or the concentration of any radionuclide in the mixture is not known, the limiting values for purposes of Appendix "A" shall be: a) For purposes of Table I, Column 1 . . . . . . 6X1O-13 b) For purposes of Table I, Column 2 . . . . . . 4X1O-7 c) For purposes of Table II, Column 1 . . . . . . 2X1O-14 d) For purposes of Table II, Column 2 . . . . . . 3X1O-8 3) If any of the conditions specified be1ow are met, the corresponding values specified below may be used in lieu of those specified in paragraph 2 above. a) If the identity of each radionuclide in the mixture is known but the concentration of one or more of the radionuclides in the mixture is not known, the concentration limit for the mixture is the limit specified in Appendix "A" for the radionuclide in the mixture having the lowest concentration limit; or b) If the identity of each radionuclide in the mixture is not known, but it is known that certain radionuclides specified in Appendix "A" are not present in the mixture, the concentration limit for the mixture is the lowest concentration limit specified in Appendix "A" for any radionuclide which is not known to be absent from the mixture; or Table I Table II c) Radionuclide Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 Air Water Air Water (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) If it is known that Sr-90, I-125, I-126, I-129, I-131, (I-133 Table II only), Pb-210, Po-210, At-211, Ra-223, Ra-224, Ra-226, Ac-227, Ra-228, Th-230, Pa-231, Th-232, Th-nat, Cm-248, Cf-254, and Fm-256 are not present ------------- ------- 9X1O-5 ------ 3X1O-6 Table I Table II c) Radionuclide Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 Air Water Air Water (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) If it is known that Sr-90, I-125, I-126, I-129, (I-131, I-133, Table II on1y), Pb-210, Po-210, Ra-223, Ra-226, Ra-228, Pa-231, Th-nat, Cm-248, Cf-254, and Fm-256 are not present ------- ------- 6X1O-5 ------ 2x1O-6 If it is known that Sr-90, I-129, (I-125, I-126, I-131, Table II on1y), Pb-210, Ra-226, Ra-228, Cm-248, and Cf-254 are not present ------- ------ 2X1O-5 ------ 6X1O-7 If it is known that (I-129, Table II on1y), Ra-226, and Ra-228 are not present ------- ------ 3X1O-6 ------ 1X1O-7 If it is known that alpha- emitters and Sr-90, I-129, Pb-210, Ac-227, Ra-228, Pa-230, Pu-241, and Bk-249 are not present ------- 3X1O-9 ------ 1X1O-10 ------ If it is known that alpha- emitters and Pb-210, Ac-227, Ra-228, and Pu-241 are not present ------- 3X1O-10 ------ 1X10-11 ------ Table I Table II c) Radionuclide Column 1 Column 2 Column 1 Column 2 Air Water Air Water (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) If it is known that alpha- emitters and Ac-227 are not present ------- 3X1O-11 ------ 1X1O-12 ------ If it is known that Ac-227, Th-230, Pa-231, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-242, Pu-244, Cm-248, Cf-249 and Cf-251 are not present ------ 3X1O-12 ------ 1X1O-13 ------ 4) If a mixture of radionuclides consists of Uranium and its daughters in ore dust prior to chemical separation of the Uranium from the ore, the values specified be1ow may be used for uranium and its daughters through radium-226, instead of those from paragraph 1, 2, or 3 above. a) For purposes of Table I, Column 1, 1X10-10 uCi/ml gross alpha activity; or 5X1O-11 uCi/ml natural Uranium; or 75 micrograms per cubic meter of air natural Uranium. b) For purposes of Table II, Column 1, 3X1O-12 uCi/ml gross alpha activity; 2X10-12 uCi/ml natural Uranium; or 3 micrograms per cubic meter of air natural Uranium. 5) For purposes of this note, a radionuclide may be considered as not present in a mixture if: (a) The ratio of the concentration of that radionuclide in the mixture (Ca) to the concentration limit for that radionuclide specified in Table II of Appendix "A" (MPCa) does not exceed 1/10, (i.e., Ca/MPCa is lesser than or equal to 1/10); and (b) The sum of such ratios for all radionuclides considered as not present in the mixture does not exceed 1/4, (i.e., Ca/MPCa + Cb/MPCb +........is lesser than or equal to 1/4). NOTE: To convert uCi/ml to SI units of megabecquerels per liter multiply the above values by 37. EXAMPLE: Zirconium (40) Zr-97 S (Table I, Column 1-Air) (1X1O-7 uCi/ml multiplied by 37 is equivalent to 37X1O-7 MBq/l.) (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) SECTION 340.APPENDIX B Quantities for use with 340.2030 and 340.3030 Material and Microcuries Material Microcuries Americium-241 0.01 Antimony-122 100 Antimony-124 10 Antimony-125 10 Arsenic-73 100 Arsenic-74 10 Arsenic-76 10 Arsenic-77 100 Barium-131 10 Barium-133 10 Barium-140 10 Bismuth-210 1 Bromine-82 10 Cadmium-109 10 Cadmium-115m 10 Cadmium-115 100 Calcium-45 10 Calcium-47 10 Carbon-14 100 Cerium-141 100 Cerium-143 100 Cerium-144 1 Cesium-131 1,000 Cesium-134m 100 Cesium-134 1 Cesium-135 10 Cesium-136 10 Cesium-137 10 Chlorine-36 10 Chlorine-38 10 Chromium-51 1,000 Cobalt-58m 10 Cobalt-58 10 Cobalt-60 1 Copper-64 100 Dysprosium-165 10 Dysprosium-166 100 Erbium-169 100 Erbium-171 100 Europium-152 (9.2 h) 100 Europium-152 (13 yr) 1 Europium-154 1 Europium-155 10 Florine-18 1,000 Gadolinium-153 10 Material Microcuries Gadolinium-159 100 Gallium-72 10 Germanium-71 100 Gold-198 100 Gold-199 100 Hafnium-181 10 Holmium-166 100 Hydrogen-3 1,000 Indium-113m 100 Indium-114m 10 Indium-115m 100 Indium-115 10 Iodine-125 1 Iodine-126 1 Iodine-129 0.1 Iodine-131 1 Iodine-132 10 Iodine-133 1 Iodine-134 10 Iodine-135 10 Iridium-192 10 Iridium-194 100 Iron-55 100 Iron-59 10 Krypton-85 100 Krypton-87 10 Lanthanum-140 10 Lutetium-177 100 Manganese-52 10 Manganese-54 10 Manganese-56 10 Mercury-197m 100 Mercury-197 100 Mercury-203 10 Molybdenum-99 100 Neodymium-147 100 Neodymium-149 100 Nickel-59 100 Nickel-63 10 Nickel-65 100 Niobium-93m 10 Niobium-95 10 Niobium-97 10 Osmium-185 10 Osmium-191m 100 Osmium-191 100 Osmium-193 100 Palladium-103 100 Material Microcuries Palladium-109 100 Phosphorus-32 10 Platinum-191 100 Platinum-193m 100 Platinum-193 100 Platinum-197m 100 Platinum-197 100 Plutonium-239 0.01 Polonium-210 0.1 Potassium-42 10 Praseodymium-142 100 Praseodymium-143 100 Promethium-147 10 Promethium-149 10 Radium-226 0.01 Rhenium-186 100 Rhenium-188 100 Rhodium-103m 100 Rhodium-105 100 Rubidium-86 10 Rubidium-87 10 Ruthenium-97 100 Ruthenium-103 10 Ruthenium-105 10 Ruthenium-106 1 Samarium-151 10 Samarium-153 100 Scandium-46 10 Scandium-47 100 Scandium-48 10 Selenium-75 10 Silicon-31 100 Silver-105 10 Silver-llOm 1 Silver-111 100 Sodium-22 1 Sodium-24 10 Strontium-85 10 Strontium-89 1 Strontium-90 0.1 Strontium-91 10 Strontium-92 10 Sulfur -35 100 Tantalum-182 10 Technetium-96 10 Technetium-97m 100 Technetium-97 100 Material Microcuries Technetium-99m 100 Technetium-99 10 Tellurium-125m 10 Tellurium-127m 10 Tellurium-127 100 Tellurium-129m 10 Tellurium-129 100 Tellurium-131m 10 Tellurium-132 10 Terbium-160 10 Thallium-200 100 Thallium-201 100 Thallium-202 100 Thallium-204 10 Thorium (natural)* 100 Thulium-170 10 Thulium-171 10 Tin-113 10 Tin-125 10 Tungsten-181 10 Tungsten-185 10 Tungsten-187 100 Uranium (natural)** 100 Uranium-233 0.01 Uranium-234 0.01 Uranium-235 0.01 Vanadium-48 10 Xenon-131m 1,000 Xenon-133 100 Xenon-135 100 Ytterbium-175 100 Yttrium-90 10 Yttrium-91 10 Yttrium-92 100 Yttrium-93 100 Zinc-65 10 Zinc-69m 100 Zinc-69 1,000 Zirconium-93 10 Zirconium-95 10 Zirconium-97 10 *AGENCY NOTE 1: Based on alpha disintegration rate of Th-232, Th-230 and their daughter products. **AGENCY NOTE 2: Based on alpha disintegration rate of U-238, U-234, and U- 235. Material Microcuries Any alpha emitting radionuclide not listed above or mixtures of alpha emitters of unknown composition 0.01 Any radionuclide other than alpha emitting radionuclides, not listed above or mixtures of beta emitters of unknown composition 0.1 NOTE: For purposes of Sections 340.2030 and 340.3030, where there is involved a combination of isotopes in known amounts, the limit for the combination should be derived as follows: Determine, for each isotope in the combination, the ratio between the quantity present in the combination and the limit otherwise established for the specific isotope when not in combination. The sum of such ratios for all the isotopes in the combination may not exceed "1" (i.e., "unity"). NOTE: To convert microcuries (uCi) to SI units of kilobecquerels (KBq), multiply the above values by 37. EXAMPLE: Zirconium-97 (10 uCi) (37) = 370 kBq. (10 uCi multiplied by 37 is equivalent to 370 kBq.) (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. ______, effective _________________________) SECTION 340.APPENDIX C * DECONTAMINATION GUIDES a) Surface Contamination Guide Alpha Emitters Removable 15 pCi per 100 cm2 = average 33 dpm per 100 cm2 over any one surface 45 pCi per 100 cm2 = maximum 100 dpm per 100 cm2 Total 450 pCi per 100 cm2 = average (fixed) 1,000 dpm per 100 cm2 over any one surface 2,250 pCi per 100 cm2 maximum 5,000 dpm per 100 cm2 0.25 mRem per hour at 1 cm Beta-Gamma Emitters Removable 100 pCi per 100 cm2 average (all beta-gamma over any emitters except one surface Hydrogen 3) 500 pCi per 100 cm2 maximum Removable 1,000 pCi per 100 cm2 average (Hydrogen 3) over any one surface 5,000 pCi per 100 cm2 maximum Total 0.25 mRem per hour at 1 cm (fixed) from surface b) Concentration in air and water: Appendix A, Table II of Part 340. c) Concentrations in soil and other materials except water: 1) Radioactive material except source materials: Appendix A, Column II of 32 Ill. Adm. Code 330. 2) Source material: 0.05 percent by weight. *AGENCY NOTE: This Appendix shall be used only as a guide. The Department may require lower values in specific instances, depending upon radionuclides, type of surface, intended present and future use, etc. (Source: Amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 17538, effective September 25, 1986) Section 340.ILLUSTRATION A Radiation Symbol 1. Cross-hatched area is to be magenta or purple. 2 Background is to be yellow.